Alien Motherships and Time

Is that what your Delores said? She is a New Ager. She has been duped and she was instrumental in misleading other people.
Is that what your Delores said? She is a New Ager. She has been duped and she was instrumental in misleading other people.
i disagree. Dolores did not mislead people. And she was not duped.

Conspiracy Theorists, like myself, believe the United States got new technology from the flying saucer that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico on Independence Day of 1947. That technology included: the internet, computer chips, lasers, stealth technology, night vision technology, kevlar, and velcro.
I believe velcro came from the craft from Roswell in 1947. That man is taking credit for something that appeared eight years before his claim to the invention of velcro.
I remember reading in Dolores Cannon's books that one day on an Alien Spaceship or Alien Mothership equals one year on Earth. So the 40 days in the Bible that Jonah spent in a whale, which was actually an Alien Mothership, was actually 40 years. The Bible said Moses spent 40 days in the desert, but I believe he was actually on an Alien Mothership for 40 years.

1 day on Mothership = 1 year on Earth
Jesus christ help these poor bastards before they disappear up their arses.

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