Alien Motherships and Time

The biggest problem with your belief system is that it detracts from the efforts of good people to make the present life better and the earth a better place.

And as well, it poisons the minds of children into being indoctrinated into believing in nonsense, instead of science and all we now know.
let's agree to disagree.
So is this the "Mothership" that came from Rigel?
Or Sirius?
Or the Pleiades?
Or the Orion constellation?
Or Geminga?*
Or .... ???

The Geminga Scenario
i was just talking about any Alien mothership from anywhere.
I mean, there are just so many of them. Hard for find a parking place around Uranus.
There are two types of Aliens:
1) ExtraTerrestrial - from another planet
2) InterDimensional - from another dimension

It is the interdimensional aliens that created our physical bodies.
I remember reading in Dolores Cannon's books that one day on an Alien Spaceship or Alien Mothership equals one year on Earth. So the 40 days in the Bible that Jonah spent in a whale, which was actually an Alien Mothership, was actually 40 years. The Bible said Moses spent 40 days in the desert, but I believe he was actually on an Alien Mothership for 40 years.

1 day on Mothership = 1 year on Earth
How exactly did she come up with that calculation? What speed was the mothership moving at?

I notice her books on Amazon got high reviews. What book contained that info about 1 yr on a mothership = 40 yrs on earth?
There are two types of Aliens:
1) ExtraTerrestrial - from another planet
2) InterDimensional - from another dimension

It is the interdimensional aliens that created our physical bodies.

There are only one type, "delusional."

Reality exists. Sometimes real life is hard and it sucks. Retreating into fantasy provides comfort from harsh reality. Some people get lost in fantasy.

There is no magic to make it all alright, there are no angels or demons, no fairies, no pixies, no aliens or motherships. THIS is what we are and what we have. We have to deal with what is.
How exactly did she come up with that calculation? What speed was the mothership moving at?

I notice her books on Amazon got high reviews. What book contained that info about 1 yr on a mothership = 40 yrs on earth?

Delores Cannon is one of the frauds who ruined so many lives with the "Satanic Cult" shit of Janet Reno and the McMartin case. Her fake "regression therapy" planted false memories in suggestable small children and sent dozens of innocent people to prison while bankrupting thousands more.

A pox on her.
Delores Cannon is one of the frauds who ruined so many lives with the "Satanic Cult" shit of Janet Reno and the McMartin case. Her fake "regression therapy" planted false memories in suggestable small children and sent dozens of innocent people to prison while bankrupting thousands more.

A pox on her.
Thanks for the info. I had never heard of her.

40 - Gale Sayers

Team: Chicago Bears

Career accolades: Pro Football Hall of Famer, five-time all-pro

Also considered: Pat Tillman, Elroy "Crazylegs" Hirsch

Sayers has one of the best sizzle reels of any running back in NFL history.
How exactly did she come up with that calculation? What speed was the mothership moving at?

I notice her books on Amazon got high reviews. What book contained that info about 1 yr on a mothership = 40 yrs on earth?
the Alien Council told her that. We do not have that info on the speed of the mothership. Actually, the mothership may have been standing still near Earth, while they watched what was going on on Earth. From what I remember reading. I'm doing this by memory, but I believe it was one of the Convoluted Universe books that has that information.
Do you believe aliens altered our DNA?
Yes. Humans have 2 strands of DNA but Humans are actually supposed to have 24 strands of DNA. That info is in one of the Convoluted Universe books by Dolores Cannon.
Delores Cannon is one of the frauds who ruined so many lives with the "Satanic Cult" shit of Janet Reno and the McMartin case. Her fake "regression therapy" planted false memories in suggestable small children and sent dozens of innocent people to prison while bankrupting thousands more.

A pox on her.
That accusation is completely false. Dolores Cannon was never involved in any of that.
Yes. Humans have 2 strands of DNA but Humans are actually supposed to have 24 strands of DNA. That info is in one of the Convoluted Universe books by Dolores Cannon.

And she knows this by "regressing" children to remember satanic rituals by the McMartins?
That accusation is completely false. Dolores Cannon was never involved in any of that.

All of it was based on her scam.

There was an epidemic of people relating bizarre stories about satanic abuse. Her research found that they had commonly been having psychotherapy involving dream interpretation, imagination exercises and sometimes hypnosis. She and other researchers decided to find out how easily false memories could be implanted. They found that they could implant childhood memories of being abandoned in a shopping mall, being attacked by a vicious animal or even being rescued by a lifeguard. Her publication of these findings caused her to suffer much angry criticism from repressed memory psychotherapists and their patients, and she had to spend five years fighting a lawsuit.

Dr Kimberley Wade followed with a fascinating description of her work on implanting false memories using fake photographs. She had shown her subjects photos of their own childhood, and one was a fake picture, showing them in a hot air balloon. They were asked to imagine the events in the photos for a week and then questioned about their memories. Surprisingly 50% of the subjects had formed rich memories of the hot air balloon ride, which of course had never happened. They were convinced that it had really happened, and they would describe details such as the appearance and smell of the burning gas, the people in the balloon etc. They ‘remembered’ far more than the information shown in the faked photo.

More worryingly her experiments showed that it was possible to make someone remember that they had committed a crime when in fact they hadn’t. They were given a task to perform which at times involved the transfer of money using a computer. The team showed people fake videos of them keeping some of the money for themselves, and many came to believe that they had actually done so. This opens the possibility that some interrogation techniques, such as pretending to have incriminating evidence that doesn’t really exist, could induce false confessions. Unfortunately, there wasn’t time to hear more about risky interrogation techniques, we were told it would have been a subject for a whole lecture in itself.}

All of it was based on her scam.

There was an epidemic of people relating bizarre stories about satanic abuse. Her research found that they had commonly been having psychotherapy involving dream interpretation, imagination exercises and sometimes hypnosis. She and other researchers decided to find out how easily false memories could be implanted. They found that they could implant childhood memories of being abandoned in a shopping mall, being attacked by a vicious animal or even being rescued by a lifeguard. Her publication of these findings caused her to suffer much angry criticism from repressed memory psychotherapists and their patients, and she had to spend five years fighting a lawsuit.

Dr Kimberley Wade followed with a fascinating description of her work on implanting false memories using fake photographs. She had shown her subjects photos of their own childhood, and one was a fake picture, showing them in a hot air balloon. They were asked to imagine the events in the photos for a week and then questioned about their memories. Surprisingly 50% of the subjects had formed rich memories of the hot air balloon ride, which of course had never happened. They were convinced that it had really happened, and they would describe details such as the appearance and smell of the burning gas, the people in the balloon etc. They ‘remembered’ far more than the information shown in the faked photo.

More worryingly her experiments showed that it was possible to make someone remember that they had committed a crime when in fact they hadn’t. They were given a task to perform which at times involved the transfer of money using a computer. The team showed people fake videos of them keeping some of the money for themselves, and many came to believe that they had actually done so. This opens the possibility that some interrogation techniques, such as pretending to have incriminating evidence that doesn’t really exist, could induce false confessions. Unfortunately, there wasn’t time to hear more about risky interrogation techniques, we were told it would have been a subject for a whole lecture in itself.}

Dolores' hypnosis sessions were not a scam. She never implanted false memories in her hypnosis clients.
How does one come up with the belief that God made the soul, aliens made the body? Where would one find the proof or evidence of that.

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