All 19 women failed Army Ranger School in first phase

The eight women who remained in the first gender-integrated class of Army Ranger training will not move onto the next round of training, Fort Benning announced on Friday.

That means all 19 women who began the training in April have washed out in the first phase.

The eight women, together with 101 men who washed out of the Darby phase, will retry the first part of the Army’s most elite training course beginning May 14, the release said.

“I had the opportunity to visit the Ranger students yesterday and was impressed that whether going forward to the mountains or recycling the Darby phase they were motivated to continue training and focused on successfully completing the Ranger Course,” said Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, commanding general of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. “They’re a strong group of soldiers, who are working their way through the U.S. Army’s most physically and mentally demanding course.”

Thirty-five male soldiers failed to meet the standards of Ranger school and will not attempt the course again, the release said.

Read more: Women wash out of Army Ranger School - Washington Times
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Get ready for someone to cry anti-woman for the level of physical tests being "unfair."

You can just hear the left, can't you.....



Hilarious. Demi Moore.....portrayed as a woman every bit as tough as NAVY SEALS.

Fucking liberals folks. Fucking liberals.
Tests designed by men, for men, which many men can't pass, are difficult for women to pass? Shocking. And at 11, dog bites man, we know, impossible to believe...
Tests that are designed to determine if one can complete a mission, designed by people that have completed said missions.

Difficult to grasp, I know but
Cannon fodder doesn't need be superman, or woman. Just robots with guns boys...

Rangers aren't cannon fodder....they kill cannon some reading.....
This whole issue isn't about "equality", so lets just drop the entire bullshit pretense.



Quite frankly I'm boggled by the idea that we are equal. We're not supposed to be, and only according to the weakest and most vapid are we. All this equality bullshit was inspired by loudmouth douchebags who are inferior to everyone else and so self conscious about it that instead of finding inspiration to excel at something and be the best at it, they've decided to tear down those at the top.

Some women do make great shooters, leaders and tacticians. So very few can achieve the sort of physical strength of a man because of NATURE, the goddess of liberal religious psychobabble. I've never met a male combat medic that had the ability to relax a casualty like a female. Regardless of the casualties' gender, a female can take control, tend to the wounds and calm not just the casualties but the soldiers involved so that they can get back into the fight.

When men can stand the pain of, and actually give birth, then come and talk to me about "equality". When women can drag a 220lbs soldier with 60 lbs of body armor, ammo and gear out through the turret of a burning LMTV while under fire, then come and talk to me about "equality".

When men are writing blogs and bullshit stories in Rolling Stoned Magazine about how women forced them into sex or drugged them, then come and talk to me about "equality".

Otherwise shut the fuck up, because it's BULLSHIT.

The right tool for the right job. When killing enemies is necessary GI Joe is not required, never has been. A hammer isn't equal to a screwdriver at screws, a screwdriver not so good with nails, but in combat every tool in the box can fight, all tools are valid so test them accordingly.
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The eight women who remained in the first gender-integrated class of Army Ranger training will not move onto the next round of training, Fort Benning announced on Friday.

That means all 19 women who began the training in April have washed out in the first phase.

The eight women, together with 101 men who washed out of the Darby phase, will retry the first part of the Army’s most elite training course beginning May 14, the release said.

“I had the opportunity to visit the Ranger students yesterday and was impressed that whether going forward to the mountains or recycling the Darby phase they were motivated to continue training and focused on successfully completing the Ranger Course,” said Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, commanding general of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. “They’re a strong group of soldiers, who are working their way through the U.S. Army’s most physically and mentally demanding course.”

Thirty-five male soldiers failed to meet the standards of Ranger school and will not attempt the course again, the release said.

Read more: Women wash out of Army Ranger School - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Get ready for someone to cry anti-woman for the level of physical tests being "unfair."

You can just hear the left, can't you.....



Hilarious. Demi Moore.....portrayed as a woman every bit as tough as NAVY SEALS.

Fucking liberals folks. Fucking liberals.
Tests designed by men, for men, which many men can't pass, are difficult for women to pass? Shocking. And at 11, dog bites man, we know, impossible to believe...
Tests that are designed to determine if one can complete a mission, designed by people that have completed said missions.

Difficult to grasp, I know but
Cannon fodder doesn't need be superman, or woman. Just robots with guns boys...

Rangers aren't cannon fodder....they kill cannon some reading.....
Just robots that eat and shit, paid for on my dime. Hired guns, on their good days that is.

And I love my little cannon fodder, as long as they do their job or die trying, and come home in one piece or one box. That's what I pay them for.
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