All 19 women failed Army Ranger School in first phase

The physical difference between men and women is about 20%. Usually, it doesn't amount to much as most tasks or professions don't involve pushing yourself to the limits of physical endurance. Or there are machines that anyone can use that make the task much easier for both genders. Most lumberjacks for example use chainsaws. Not axes.

Your gender equality argument is a little out of date. How many female lumberjacks do you know? Do you ever notice who holds the stop signs on road crews? Even female police officers are less likely to be sent out on solo patrols. This is why your argument has been replaced with "equal pay for equal work" canard. Sitting at a cozy desk is not the same as working a North Sea oil platform.

I saw an episode of Cops....two female officers trying to handcuff a guy who just wouldn't cooperate....the bouncers at the bar had to help them cuff the guy......
Taser. And most policing doesn't require handcuffs, and never should.
There are a couple of lesbians who post here that may have a shot at passing :)

The physical difference between men and women is about 20%. Usually, it doesn't amount to much as most tasks or professions don't involve pushing yourself to the limits of physical endurance. Or there are machines that anyone can use that make the task much easier for both genders. Most lumberjacks for example use chainsaws. Not axes.

Special forces training would be one of those exceptions. Its so brutal that almost no men can pass. I think its highly unlikely a woman could. There are realms where pure physicality matters. This appears to be one of them.

You are almost certainly right. It would take a truly unique woman and that is simply physical reality. The standards should never be lowered to accommodate them, but if they want to take a shot at it they should get their shot.
The eight women who remained in the first gender-integrated class of Army Ranger training will not move onto the next round of training, Fort Benning announced on Friday.

That means all 19 women who began the training in April have washed out in the first phase.

The eight women, together with 101 men who washed out of the Darby phase, will retry the first part of the Army’s most elite training course beginning May 14, the release said.

“I had the opportunity to visit the Ranger students yesterday and was impressed that whether going forward to the mountains or recycling the Darby phase they were motivated to continue training and focused on successfully completing the Ranger Course,” said Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, commanding general of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. “They’re a strong group of soldiers, who are working their way through the U.S. Army’s most physically and mentally demanding course.”

Thirty-five male soldiers failed to meet the standards of Ranger school and will not attempt the course again, the release said.

Read more: Women wash out of Army Ranger School - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Get ready for someone to cry anti-woman for the level of physical tests being "unfair."

You can just hear the left, can't you.....



Hilarious. Demi Moore.....portrayed as a woman every bit as tough as NAVY SEALS.

Fucking liberals folks. Fucking liberals.
You know that was a movie, right? Of do we have to explain what fiction means to you?

Err, that was obviously his point.

LIb fantasy/fiction running right into reality and being destroyed in the process.

It was a fantasy that women could be army rangers. Based on the lib fiction that men and women are the same.

So why should they be banned from even TRYING OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE?

In no "liberal propaganda" did anyone state they have to lower the standards. They have:

1. Give them an opportunity to apply and complete the test.

2. The test has to bear some reasonable relationship to what they do on a daily basis.

If they fail, they fail. But at least they were given the opportunity to try. That's the whole point. Opportunity.
The eight women who remained in the first gender-integrated class of Army Ranger training will not move onto the next round of training, Fort Benning announced on Friday.

That means all 19 women who began the training in April have washed out in the first phase.

The eight women, together with 101 men who washed out of the Darby phase, will retry the first part of the Army’s most elite training course beginning May 14, the release said.

“I had the opportunity to visit the Ranger students yesterday and was impressed that whether going forward to the mountains or recycling the Darby phase they were motivated to continue training and focused on successfully completing the Ranger Course,” said Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, commanding general of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. “They’re a strong group of soldiers, who are working their way through the U.S. Army’s most physically and mentally demanding course.”

Thirty-five male soldiers failed to meet the standards of Ranger school and will not attempt the course again, the release said.

Read more: Women wash out of Army Ranger School - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Get ready for someone to cry anti-woman for the level of physical tests being "unfair."

You can just hear the left, can't you.....



Hilarious. Demi Moore.....portrayed as a woman every bit as tough as NAVY SEALS.

Fucking liberals folks. Fucking liberals.

Hope this doesn't cause the standards to be lowered.
There might be a woman or two somewhere who are that tough (every day of the month) and they would deserve to stay.
But as for me, I believe that women and men are equal but different. A woman doesn't need to be a Navy SEAL and a man doesn't need to give birth to a baby to be equal. Celebrate the difference.
The eight women who remained in the first gender-integrated class of Army Ranger training will not move onto the next round of training, Fort Benning announced on Friday.

That means all 19 women who began the training in April have washed out in the first phase.

The eight women, together with 101 men who washed out of the Darby phase, will retry the first part of the Army’s most elite training course beginning May 14, the release said.

“I had the opportunity to visit the Ranger students yesterday and was impressed that whether going forward to the mountains or recycling the Darby phase they were motivated to continue training and focused on successfully completing the Ranger Course,” said Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, commanding general of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. “They’re a strong group of soldiers, who are working their way through the U.S. Army’s most physically and mentally demanding course.”

Thirty-five male soldiers failed to meet the standards of Ranger school and will not attempt the course again, the release said.

Read more: Women wash out of Army Ranger School - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Get ready for someone to cry anti-woman for the level of physical tests being "unfair."

You can just hear the left, can't you.....



Hilarious. Demi Moore.....portrayed as a woman every bit as tough as NAVY SEALS.

Fucking liberals folks. Fucking liberals.
You know that was a movie, right? Of do we have to explain what fiction means to you?

Err, that was obviously his point.

LIb fantasy/fiction running right into reality and being destroyed in the process.

It was a fantasy that women could be army rangers. Based on the lib fiction that men and women are the same.
But it's good to let them try. If they don't cut it, they don't make it.........just like in this cas. anyone now arguing that from now on they don't even get the chance to make it? Is that the complaint?

Hmmmm....and I also enjoy the way they let women try out for the NFL, the NBA, and the MLB..........right? And that doesn't even have a life or death component to it.....get back to me when the women are playing on any of those professional teams.........
The eight women who remained in the first gender-integrated class of Army Ranger training will not move onto the next round of training, Fort Benning announced on Friday.

That means all 19 women who began the training in April have washed out in the first phase.

The eight women, together with 101 men who washed out of the Darby phase, will retry the first part of the Army’s most elite training course beginning May 14, the release said.

“I had the opportunity to visit the Ranger students yesterday and was impressed that whether going forward to the mountains or recycling the Darby phase they were motivated to continue training and focused on successfully completing the Ranger Course,” said Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, commanding general of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. “They’re a strong group of soldiers, who are working their way through the U.S. Army’s most physically and mentally demanding course.”

Thirty-five male soldiers failed to meet the standards of Ranger school and will not attempt the course again, the release said.

Read more: Women wash out of Army Ranger School - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Get ready for someone to cry anti-woman for the level of physical tests being "unfair."

You can just hear the left, can't you.....



Hilarious. Demi Moore.....portrayed as a woman every bit as tough as NAVY SEALS.

Fucking liberals folks. Fucking liberals.
Tests designed by men, for men, which many men can't pass, are difficult for women to pass? Shocking. And at 11, dog bites man, we know, impossible to believe...
Tests that are designed to determine if one can complete a mission, designed by people that have completed said missions.

Difficult to grasp, I know but
The physical difference between men and women is about 20%. Usually, it doesn't amount to much as most tasks or professions don't involve pushing yourself to the limits of physical endurance. Or there are machines that anyone can use that make the task much easier for both genders. Most lumberjacks for example use chainsaws. Not axes.

Special forces training would be one of those exceptions. Its so brutal that almost no men can pass. I think its highly unlikely a woman could. There are realms where pure physicality matters. This appears to be one of them.
Just check the average woman in a uniform, in a parade. Stark reality.

In most instances, its irrelevant. A bullet fired from a rifle doesn't give a shit about the chromosomes of the person who pulled the trigger. Same with a tank shell, drone missile, destroyer gun, or fighter's bomb.

Yeah but special forces is a whole new ball game. When they go on ops they NEED to be able to depend on each team member

I agree completely. Special Forces aren't 'most instances'. I think there are plenty of combat roles women would excel in. Most in fact. Special Forces isn't one of them.
The SF hero bullshit is just that, bullshit.

Says someone with no fucking clue....
The eight women who remained in the first gender-integrated class of Army Ranger training will not move onto the next round of training, Fort Benning announced on Friday.

That means all 19 women who began the training in April have washed out in the first phase.

The eight women, together with 101 men who washed out of the Darby phase, will retry the first part of the Army’s most elite training course beginning May 14, the release said.

“I had the opportunity to visit the Ranger students yesterday and was impressed that whether going forward to the mountains or recycling the Darby phase they were motivated to continue training and focused on successfully completing the Ranger Course,” said Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, commanding general of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. “They’re a strong group of soldiers, who are working their way through the U.S. Army’s most physically and mentally demanding course.”

Thirty-five male soldiers failed to meet the standards of Ranger school and will not attempt the course again, the release said.

Read more: Women wash out of Army Ranger School - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Get ready for someone to cry anti-woman for the level of physical tests being "unfair."

You can just hear the left, can't you.....



Hilarious. Demi Moore.....portrayed as a woman every bit as tough as NAVY SEALS.

Fucking liberals folks. Fucking liberals.
Tests designed by men, for men, which many men can't pass, are difficult for women to pass? Shocking. And at 11, dog bites man, we know, impossible to believe...
Tests that are designed to determine if one can complete a mission, designed by people that have completed said missions.

Difficult to grasp, I know but

You are talking to a leftwing nutter.............
And just this week a woman became a New York Firefighter....lives will depend on her ability to do the same job as a man....and she failed the physical standard...and was passed anyway....because the liberal in charge lowered the standard....

That is the danger....this first class of women Ranger candidates, and Marine infantry school...and all the other combat schools............this is step one.....the next step....reevaluating the standard to look for sexism......and then when the libs/left/democrats have the power....they will...I repeat...they will change that standard......
Can you imagine women climbing makeshift rope ladders up the Pointe Du Hoc cliffs during D-Day carrying all that weight?
This "equality" bullshit isn't new in the army. When I was deployed to OIF in 05 we had a transport company attached too us in the later half of our tour. They had a platoon that did convoy escorts and in one of the gun trucks there was a female gunner that wasn't simply unqualified on the M2 BMG, but she didn't have the arm strength to charge the weapon. She was 100 lbs soaked and made more money fucking joes than she made as an E4.

When I had a chance to talk to their PLT SGT about what would happen if they got hit and she couldn't help drag the crew out of harms way let alone reload her own weapon all he could do was shrug his shoulders and tell me his "progressive" female CO made this happen.

At that point I knew our nation had been defeated by Kruschev.

Hey, at least they tried and made it a lot further than many men who also tried and didn't even meet the physical and mental standards to even attempt try to pass the school.
That said, I don't think that any of the standards should change to "accommodate" the female soldiers who try to pass the course. If they want to be a Ranger, then they have to meet those physical and mental standards.
Those are some bad assed women who would probably smoke most of the men on this forum in a PT test.
Hey, at least they tried and made it a lot further than many men who also tried and didn't even meet the physical and mental standards to even attempt try to pass the school.
That said, I don't think that any of the standards should change to "accommodate" the female soldiers who try to pass the course. If they want to be a Ranger, then they have to meet those physical and mental standards.
Those are some bad assed women who would probably smoke most of the men on this forum in a PT test.

Undoubtedly. But that bar isn't set terribly high in my opinion.

And that was my thoughts on these ladies. Like Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

"At least I tried"

Which is a hell of a lot more than most of us can ever say about Ranger training.
Hey, at least they tried and made it a lot further than many men who also tried and didn't even meet the physical and mental standards to even attempt try to pass the school.
That said, I don't think that any of the standards should change to "accommodate" the female soldiers who try to pass the course. If they want to be a Ranger, then they have to meet those physical and mental standards.
Those are some bad assed women who would probably smoke most of the men on this forum in a PT test.
As well as other soldiering skills.................
Kudos to these women for trying and getting as far as they did I respect the effort. I hope they don't lower the standards though out of some misplaced sense of political correctness there are somethings where everyone must be held to the same standard and this is one of them.
Here is the problem: Do you really want to go through the exercise of opening up these jobs to women because one of them might pass the test? What are you going to do then? Set up a special latrine and privacy tent for her? What about menstrual cycles? Does she get excused from duty? Is she put at the same risk of capture by the enemy/ Do you want the men to ignore their mission in order to save her? Are sexual relations with other team members OK? What does that do for unit morale when you are asking people to risk their lives? Time to leave Fantasyland and join the real world.
Here is the problem: Do you really want to go through the exercise of opening up these jobs to women because one of them might pass the test? What are you going to do then? Set up a special latrine and privacy tent for her? What about menstrual cycles? Does she get excused from duty? Is she put at the same risk of capture by the enemy/ Do you want the men to ignore their mission in order to save her? Are sexual relations with other team members OK? What does that do for unit morale when you are asking people to risk their lives? Time to leave Fantasyland and join the real world.

Because they deserve equal opportunity for advancement in the workplace and not be denied opportunities for advancement because they have a vagina.

And since when can't women do a job when they are on their period? Have you ever been with a woman? That's the most Misgynostic thing I have ever heard. Stop being a sexist pig and treat women equally you douche
The eight women who remained in the first gender-integrated class of Army Ranger training will not move onto the next round of training, Fort Benning announced on Friday.

That means all 19 women who began the training in April have washed out in the first phase.

The eight women, together with 101 men who washed out of the Darby phase, will retry the first part of the Army’s most elite training course beginning May 14, the release said.

“I had the opportunity to visit the Ranger students yesterday and was impressed that whether going forward to the mountains or recycling the Darby phase they were motivated to continue training and focused on successfully completing the Ranger Course,” said Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, commanding general of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. “They’re a strong group of soldiers, who are working their way through the U.S. Army’s most physically and mentally demanding course.”

Thirty-five male soldiers failed to meet the standards of Ranger school and will not attempt the course again, the release said.

Read more: Women wash out of Army Ranger School - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Get ready for someone to cry anti-woman for the level of physical tests being "unfair."

You can just hear the left, can't you.....



Hilarious. Demi Moore.....portrayed as a woman every bit as tough as NAVY SEALS.

Fucking liberals folks. Fucking liberals.

Of course they failed. No way can a woman do what a man does when it comes to strength.

I have no doubt a woman can pull a trigger and hit what she aims at, I know I can, but could I do what Rangers, SEALS, Force Recon Marines and other Spec Ops guys do?? I doubt it.

I'm sure they could handle the technical things, coms, computers, GPS and things like that but woman lack the physical strength men have.

Are there exceptions? You bet. For the most part though woman just can't compete with men in the strength department. Physically anyway. Mentally? Some of the toughest people I know are woman, not men.

AS I said. Not surprsed at all but I'm glad they gave these woman a shot at it.
This whole issue isn't about "equality", so lets just drop the entire bullshit pretense.



Quite frankly I'm boggled by the idea that we are equal. We're not supposed to be, and only according to the weakest and most vapid are we. All this equality bullshit was inspired by loudmouth douchebags who are inferior to everyone else and so self conscious about it that instead of finding inspiration to excel at something and be the best at it, they've decided to tear down those at the top.

Some women do make great shooters, leaders and tacticians. So very few can achieve the sort of physical strength of a man because of NATURE, the goddess of liberal religious psychobabble. I've never met a male combat medic that had the ability to relax a casualty like a female. Regardless of the casualties' gender, a female can take control, tend to the wounds and calm not just the casualties but the soldiers involved so that they can get back into the fight.

When men can stand the pain of, and actually give birth, then come and talk to me about "equality". When women can drag a 220lbs soldier with 60 lbs of body armor, ammo and gear out through the turret of a burning LMTV while under fire, then come and talk to me about "equality".

When men are writing blogs and bullshit stories in Rolling Stoned Magazine about how women forced them into sex or drugged them, then come and talk to me about "equality".

Otherwise shut the fuck up, because it's BULLSHIT.

The eight women who remained in the first gender-integrated class of Army Ranger training will not move onto the next round of training, Fort Benning announced on Friday.

That means all 19 women who began the training in April have washed out in the first phase.

The eight women, together with 101 men who washed out of the Darby phase, will retry the first part of the Army’s most elite training course beginning May 14, the release said.

“I had the opportunity to visit the Ranger students yesterday and was impressed that whether going forward to the mountains or recycling the Darby phase they were motivated to continue training and focused on successfully completing the Ranger Course,” said Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, commanding general of the Maneuver Center of Excellence. “They’re a strong group of soldiers, who are working their way through the U.S. Army’s most physically and mentally demanding course.”

Thirty-five male soldiers failed to meet the standards of Ranger school and will not attempt the course again, the release said.

Read more: Women wash out of Army Ranger School - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Get ready for someone to cry anti-woman for the level of physical tests being "unfair."

You can just hear the left, can't you.....



Hilarious. Demi Moore.....portrayed as a woman every bit as tough as NAVY SEALS.

Fucking liberals folks. Fucking liberals.
Tests designed by men, for men, which many men can't pass, are difficult for women to pass? Shocking. And at 11, dog bites man, we know, impossible to believe...
Tests that are designed to determine if one can complete a mission, designed by people that have completed said missions.

Difficult to grasp, I know but
Cannon fodder doesn't need be superman, or woman. Just robots with guns boys...

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