All about the Benjamins: Andrew "Angel of Death" Cuomo let old people die for $$$

Well, Kim and Cuomo had a phone call last week, and it went as poorly as you could imagine, as Kim has just revealed to the New York Times.

“He goes off about how I hadn’t seen his wrath and anger, that he would destroy me and he would go out tomorrow and start telling how bad of a person I am and I would be finished and how he had bit his tongue about me for months,” Kim said of Gov. Cuomo. “This was all yelling. It wasn’t a pleasant tone.”
That dirty rat bastard did worse than letting them die.

His policies and actions killed them.

His own fellow Dems are coming after him now. Cuomo killed 15,000 old people while he and his shitstain brother laughed about it on TV.

That's a level of sociopathy I can't really comprehend.
Don't forget his poster he sold for profit..........or the book he wrote to profit off the dead.

He is a disgusting POS.
According to his fellow Democrat in New York:

Mic drop.

Cuomo and DeBlasio lied to the citizens of the City and State from the beginning. Cuomo cried about the lack equiopment for hospitals after he cut funding for Emergency Disaster Medical needs. He cried about a lack of respirators while hoarding 4,000 in a warehouse in N.J. Then he wailed about the false need of beds while Trump sent respirators and ordered the corps of Engineerings to build a 1,000 bed hospital in the Jacob Javits Center while ordering the hospital ship USS Comfort to New York for further assistance.
Meanwhile Cuomo threw edicts out from the Governor's mansion that caused the death of thousands of the elderly in Nursing Homes and that is just on the surface.
Coumo did these things purposely to harm Trump while attempting to make himself look good.
The truth is out there now. Too late to help the presidential election of 2020, but not late enough to nail Andrew to the barn wall and dress him out.

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