All biden has going for him

Well, that was off the top of my head, simply because she is smart, would make a good supporting VP, knows how government works (as an independent, I'm real fkn tired of armature hour), first woman VP would attract female crossover, and as an independent, myself I would have no problem what so ever supporting that ticket. Are you an independent? What's your idea?

I'm an Independent.
I will vote for Trump again.
My idea remains private unless the Biden campaign wants to give me some real 'quid' for it.
More power to ya. They are probably not interested in your advice, but you can write them a letter if you like. :)

I don't beg.
Nobody begging you. But, don't tell me your an independent. I doubt they will seek you out. tumpy. You can go back to sleep now, Kid.

Nope. Nevada registered Independent before the 2016 election.
Oh, well that makes it official in your state. Rave on Kid.
"All Biden has going for him" at this time of super Tuesday night is being well ahead in the delegate count.
It's the damnedest thing, Joe Biden is mopping the floor with the Commie in states that he never visited, where he opened zero field offices, and where he spent next to nothing on TV.
For all the tar and feathers of the crazy right, and lawless presidential shenanigans that got him impeached, Joe appears to be getting it done.
The DNC rigged it for Biden, shafting Bernie, again!
Not saying you are wrong, but I approve if they have in fact "fixed it" for Biden. Most older voters, and all centrist probably approve and the party knows it. This is not the year to placate the radical left. Young people only turned out around 13% yesterday in the states Bernie lost to Biden. Who would rather please, the young radical, but vocal farther almost radically left that may or may not show up in numbers? Or the people in the stable 55 and up crowd that wants stable, sensible more centrist government, that both sides might give support to and being asked for specifically by people in an age group that Always votes?
If I had to pick between Bernie and Biden, I'd take Biden, though I wouldn't hire either of them to scrap dog crap off my driveway.

It's our great good fortune to already have a very talented individual as POTUS, so we're good through 2024.
Oh yeah, he's doing great. He just called his sister his wife and have been describing today as Super Thursday, but he's the man!

All that's happening is that the DNC is giving the Bernie Bros the old heave ho. Then they will throw poor Biden into Trump's jaws and look forward to a more opportune time in 2024. What the current Dem leadership can't have, is Bernie, win, then purge them, and then Bernie's folks pick the 2024 nominee. It's pretty common for the US to switch parties after two terms, so the DNC establishment is pretty committed to making sure Bernie gets the Shaft.

"My reach does exceed our grasp, because there's no doubt in my mind we can grasp whatever we reach for." - Biden
Joe is definitely gaff prone. Hope you are correct about the heave ho. It would hurt my sole to have vote for Bernie in November.
Yeah, I think your "sole" is safe from that. Dems are never going to let Bernie win. The fix is in.

All four of the big candidates crossed the 15% threshold in Colorado, which is going to eat into Sanders' delegate haul like a teenager sneaking pop-tarts.
I'm not good at predictions. What happens when warren drops?
She may not, or at least not until she can trade her endorsement for a VP slot.
Not sure I would be comfortable with her as a vice president either unless I just had to smile and go along with it, to get rid of Dumb Lying Donald.
Well, he's smart enough to whip your asses!
Joe is definitely gaff prone. Hope you are correct about the heave ho. It would hurt my sole to have vote for Bernie in November.
Yeah, I think your "sole" is safe from that. Dems are never going to let Bernie win. The fix is in.

All four of the big candidates crossed the 15% threshold in Colorado, which is going to eat into Sanders' delegate haul like a teenager sneaking pop-tarts.
I'm not good at predictions. What happens when warren drops?
She may not, or at least not until she can trade her endorsement for a VP slot.
Not sure I would be comfortable with her as a vice president either unless I just had to smile and go along with it, to get rid of Dumb Lying Donald.
Well, he's smart enough to whip your asses!
Well, we're working on it. If you guys had not been so gullible he would not be a problem. I don't care much about party politics. It's a benefit of being independent all these year. I just recognize bad character and bad leadership when I see it. That is why the Hill didn't get my vote last time either. I'm just voting to kick the dog out of the house, anyway this country can get it out the door. If you guys had disciplined your mutt, he would not have shit all over our home, just to be entertaining.
Yeah, I think your "sole" is safe from that. Dems are never going to let Bernie win. The fix is in.

All four of the big candidates crossed the 15% threshold in Colorado, which is going to eat into Sanders' delegate haul like a teenager sneaking pop-tarts.
I'm not good at predictions. What happens when warren drops?
She may not, or at least not until she can trade her endorsement for a VP slot.
Not sure I would be comfortable with her as a vice president either unless I just had to smile and go along with it, to get rid of Dumb Lying Donald.
Well, he's smart enough to whip your asses!
Well, we're working on it. If you guys had not been so gullible he would not be a problem...
He's doing a great job, so our "gullibility" was beneficial.
I'm not good at predictions. What happens when warren drops?
She may not, or at least not until she can trade her endorsement for a VP slot.
Not sure I would be comfortable with her as a vice president either unless I just had to smile and go along with it, to get rid of Dumb Lying Donald.
Well, he's smart enough to whip your asses!
Well, we're working on it. If you guys had not been so gullible he would not be a problem...
He's doing a great job, so our "gullibility" was beneficial.
More power to ya Zorro, vote whatever floats your boat. It's the American way.

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