All hell is breaking loose: will we survive the Soros led American spring?

oh, and please keep on thinking all of these protests are Soros lead and funded protests....


They are, as you well know.

Soros is this century's Hitler, and you leftists are marching in lockstep behind him.
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oh, and please keep on thinking all of these protests are Soros lead and funded protests....


They are, as you well know.

Soros is this centuries Hitler, and you leftists are marching in lockstep behind him.
no one on the left even knows who soros is, let alone walk lock step with him....shoot, Dems can't even walk lock step with themselves! :lol:
what are you talking about???
Busting people for treason is simply enforcing the law.

What did you think I was talking about?
stop trying to dance Jimmy.... you are tripping over your toes!

what treason, be specific please!
Soros has been hiring people to commit felonies, assaults and destroying public property while disrupting public elections, rallies and meetings.

He should rot in jail if we cant put him up against a wall and decorate it with his brains.

It's scary to know Soros has kids to pass on his Elite herding of more idiots to join his well funded cults too.
I think his son is like a loose canon. I can't be sure of the son I may be mixing him up with another globalist prick.
it could be his son....i believe I might have read that on one of your beloved right wing propaganda sites! :)

You guys kill me with that right wing bs. Glad i'm neither a republican nor a Democrat lol
oh, and please keep on thinking all of these protests are Soros lead and funded protests....


They are, as you well know.

Soros is this centuries Hitler, and you leftists are marching in lockstep behind him.
no one on the left even knows who soros is, let alone walk lock step with him....shoot, Dems can't even walk lock step with themselves! :lol:


Yeah, no one has ever heard of MoveOn, DailyKOS, ThinkProgress, or Alternet on the left...

Give it up, Soros is the Fuhrer of the left.
Is it being portrayed as racist for pointing out Trump is Orange?

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Poor Mika.

She talked about Fight Club.
I was called a racist saying 90% of trumpettes are white and high school educated. Boy the truth hurts
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All Hell Is Breaking Loose: Will We Survive the Soros Led American Spring?
As the old saying goes, when one thing happens, it is a coincidence. When something happens twice, it is a trend. When the event/action gets repeated for a third time, it is a pattern. And a pattern is what Trevor Louden, Doug Hagmann and myself has uncovered. What are we talking about?

In history, the pattern is always the same:


Step One
Perpetrate an economic collapse that will put millions of desperate people on the street. It is better if this can happen in the midst of some other social chaos to take fully advantage of the magnification effect.

The plan calls for the complete disintegration of law order. Soros has his excuse, the election of Donald Trump . Soros has properly engineered group think in which some groups, collectively, have manufactured enough fear based upon lies, that people are striking out. We are seeing this with riots in our major cities. Soros is perpetrating a race war and when it spreads to other segments of our population, not only will safety be imperiled but so will the distribution of goods and services.

Step Two
Combine the economic collapse with the creation of a false flag series of events which necessitates the need for martial law and extreme measures of subjugation.

We will know the facts of truth when it all comes down be it next week, next month, a year from now. The only ones who won't ever know the truth will be those who are too busy blaming Trump for incidents that have been occuring since George Bush SR. took office if not before that.

So weird isn't it. 90 % of our counties are red and it's the Dems fault? Are they so clever or are the red states so dumb? Don't people see what a dumb argument Dems fault is?

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