All immigration must stop now!


We are worried about terror...?

dude we lived through the most horrific terror act conceivable...a terrorist walked into an elementary school Connecticut and wasted 20 near toddler kids with machine gun fire .........and what did we do about it ....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...a BIG FAT NOTHING and now we are going to go after REFUGEES...Fucking REFUGEES ...have we lost our very minds.............
We are worried about terror...?

dude we lived through the most horrific terror act conceivable...a terrorist walked into an elementary school Connecticut and wasted 20 near toddler kids with machine gun fire .........and what did we do about it ....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...a BIG FAT NOTHING and now we are going to go after REFUGEES...Fucking REFUGEES ...have we lost our very minds.............
Sounds like you haven't got yours, YET. Just sayin.

Yeah. Sandy Hook was awful, but it wasn't WMDs in 50 states.
We are worried about terror...?

dude we lived through the most horrific terror act conceivable...a terrorist walked into an elementary school Connecticut and wasted 20 near toddler kids with machine gun fire .........and what did we do about it ....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...a BIG FAT NOTHING and now we are going to go after REFUGEES...Fucking REFUGEES ...have we lost our very minds.............
Dude used handguns, btw

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He wants to open up the ISIS Pipeline !!!! IMPEACH HIM.

And does he want to bring them in ? He's one of them.


If your a civilian still in Syria right now, you are either a supporter of ISIS or you're dead.
And we don't kill civilians, we just give them really late term abortions. You're cool with that, right?

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Spoken as someone who has zero historical perspective.
That statement has zero foundation. I have a lot of historical perspective. Like World War II for instance, having a threat (non-NUCLEAR) not as dangerous as what ISIS poses now.
30,000 soldiers tops. Most untrained or lightly trained in extremely basic skillsets. Very little to worry about as an organized unit.

Also, the Japs and Nazis didn't get inside the US, did they ? If they did, it was a few tiny attacks. But ISIS and the whole international jihad is ALREADY here, and has already attacked and killed Americans, dozens of times.
We had ISIS attacks here? Dozens of times? List them, please.

Has your liberal omission media been omitting that from you ? Keeping you ignorant ? And now you want to allow more of them to come in ? Pheeeeew!
They are not coming here; we have Syrian refugees.

No. I think they shouldn't come here but not because it's bad for us but it is better for the Syrians refugees to stay in areas where climate is similar.

1000 Frenchmen have gone to Syria to fight with ISIS. when they return to France, they can board a plane and fly right here to the US, without a visa. You're cool with THAT ?
If so, you're either incredibly stupid, nuts, or a member of ISIS yourself.

Total rubbish.
Looks like you're 0 for 4 on this one.
Feel free to visit reality again, any old time.

1. I talked about ISIS detonating NUCLEAR blasts in sid ethe US, and ou respond with # of ISIS soldiers in Syria. Looks like a deflection.
Why stop there while you're making shit up? I'm sure they have VX Nerve gas too, right?

2. I said ISIS and the whole international jihad, and you respond with just ISIS. Another deflection. That's OK, As for the list, so you ever got the information. Typical lack of knowledge of liberals whose liberal media doesn't report stuff, while keeping you away from Fox News, because hey know you could get the information there. Here's your list. >>
Basically a list of anyone who had bad intentions (most of whom never got close to harming anyone).

Internal US terrorist plots since 9/11 (this is an incomplete list > It omits the July 2002 LAX shooting attack, and the 2002 Beltway Sniper shooting which killed 19 people + it isn't up to date. Leaves out the past 2.5 years)

1. Richard Reid (the Shoe Bomber)—December 2001

2. Jose Padilla—May 2002

3. LackawannaSix—September 2002

4. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha—March 2003

5. Iyman Faris—May 2003

6. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali—June 2003

7. Virginia Jihad Network—June 2003

8. Nuradin M. Abdi—November 2003

9. Dhiren Barot—August 2004

10. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj—August 2004

11. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain—August 2004

12. Hamid Hayat—June 2005

13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James—August 2005

The King of Queens was in a plot?

14. Michael C. Reynolds—December 2005

15. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum—February 2006

16. Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar—March 2006

17. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee—April 2006

18. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine—June 2006

19. Assem Hammoud—July 2006

20. Liquid Explosives Plot—August 2006

21. Derrick Shareef—December 2006

22. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—March 2007

KSM was captured in 2003. Nice try. Also never visited America from the best I can tell.

23. Fort DixPlot—May 2007

24. JFK AirportPlot—June 2007

25. Hassan Abujihaad—March 2008

26. Christopher Paul—June 2008

Now a guard for the Clippers is involved.

27. Bryant Neal Vinas—November 2008

28. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 2009

29. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad
June 2009

30. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009

31. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009

32. Maher Husein Smadi—September 2009

33. Michael Finton—September 2009

34. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009

35. Major Nidal Malik Hasan—November 2009

36. The Christmas Day (Underwear) Bomber—December 2009

37. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010

38. Faisal Shahzad (Times Square bomber) —May 2010

39. Paul G. Rockwood Jr. and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010

40. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010

41. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010

42. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010

43. Antonio Martinez—December 2010

44. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011

45. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011

46. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011

47. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011

48. Ulugbek Kodirov—July 2011

49. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011

Emerson Winfield insignificant there isn't even a Wikipedia page about him. This loser is 21 y/o and was arrested for inciting violence on a message board. Basically the same crap you see from many right wingers here daily.

Excuse me while I giggle at your hysterical list of wanna-be bad asses.

Really? You're the one advocating no immigration or refugees. I'm not. Why are you doing so? Because you are scared there might be the odd idiot amongst them. So you are painting a brush with all these people because you are scared. You might try and paint it as a different picture, but when it comes down to the bare bones - you're scared. That's OK. You're allowed to be. What you are not allowed to do is paint a certain type of race or people with one brush and expect normal-thinking folk to let you get away with it.
But by saying ALL entry into the US should be stopped (as long as ISIS is still in existence), is not "paint a certain type of race or people with one brush"

I called for stopping entry into the US of ALL people from all over the world, not "a certain type of race or people"

Unless you're a Native American, let's think about this for a sec. What if somebody had said that about your ancestors before they arrived in the New World?
I don't think Daesh is capable of matching or sustaining our own civilian kill count.
The point of which is what ? (if it were true) ANYONE, ANYWHERE who is mass murdering must be stopped, QUICKLY/FORCEFULLY. The problem is American liberals, utterly clueless when it comes to NATIONAL SECURITY, argue against cops, and against the use of the military, and hte govt to stop these nutjobs, whereecver and however they are killing people.
And please use the word that most common in use >> ISIS (so everyone knows who you're talking about)
I was afraid of this looks like you will need a barium silicon carbon bismuth technetium hydrogen enema in order to get clear of your fears afraid be very afraid...

"I guess I forgive you I am glad you stood in my way"
Unless you're a Native American, let's think about this for a sec. What if somebody had said that about your ancestors before they arrived in the New World?
Deflection. This thread is about people coming to the US (ISIS) now, whose purpose it is to kill Americans. Centuries ago, Europeans didn't come to America for the purpose of killing Indians, as ISIS is doing to France, and the US, if we don't stop them.
Muslims have got me so frightened that i have to take a Valium every time I see a persian rug....
Display of detachment or dishonest, political irresponsibility, and liberal programming, endangering America. Please get head out of ass. Thank you.

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