All immigration must stop now!

38. Faisal Shahzad (Times Square bomber) —May 2010

Excuse me while I giggle at your hysterical list of wanna-be bad asses.
NO, we will NOT excuse you. Instead, we will LOL at you stepping in it big time right here. In another forum, another clueless liberal just like you also said the same thing about Kevin James. She also mentioned the TV show "King of Queens". And as a result, the whole forum laughed at her for the whole rest of the year. The Kevin James listed in the list of terrorist attacks isn't the funny guy in the TV show. He is the leader & founder of Jamiyyat Ul-Islam, a jihadist group started within the Folsom State Prison in Sacramento, California.

Kevin James (the terrorist) was convicted of "conspiracy to levy war against the United States through terrorism", in 2007, and is serving a 16 year prison sentence.

This is a perfect example of the cluelessness of liberals when it comes to national security. Because their media organs consistently shield them from information about jihad, terrorism, Islamization, and anything bad happening pertaining to Muslims, liberals walk around oblivious to what's going on in the most important subject in America. Also they are constantly propagandized that conservative media (ex. Fox News) where they could get real jihad news and information, is supposedly false and should be ignored.

Faisal Shahzad (Times Square bomber) - "wanna be bad ass" ? Not hardly. Not "wanna be". He is one. If he hadn't been noticed by an alert bystander. he would have killed dozens, if not hundreds of people.

Result ? IDIOT posts like we're seeing right here from Candy Corn. Thanks, CC. I couldn't have exposed it better. No need to even bother to reply to the rest of her liberal media induced blindness.
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The King of Queens was in a plot? Excuse me while I giggle at your hysterical list of wanna-be bad asses.

Excuse you ? NO, instead I will EXPOSE you. Right now. You just stepped in it big time. You just made the same mistake that another liberal like you made, in another forum, when she alluded to the name "Kevin James" in connection with the TV show "King of Queens". She got laughed at for that for a year, which is what should be happening to you now. The Kevin James on the list is the founder of the jihadist terrorist group Jamiyyat Ul-Islam, and was convicted of "conspiracy to levy war against the United States through terrorism" for charges related to the 2005 Los Angeles bomb plot, a conspiracy to attack synagouges and military facilities in the Los Angeles area, and of attempting to fund their campaign by robbing gas stations in Southern California.


And Khalid Sheik Mohammed. A "wanna-be bad ass" ? Excuse me while I try to regain my composure from that assininity. All KSM did was mastermind 9-11, killing 3,000 people. Are you felling OK ? Seriously. Yeah, he was captured in 2003. So ? And he STRANGELY is still alive, when he should have been executed years ago.


And Major Nidal Hasan a "wanna-be bad ass" ? All he did was shoot 13 US soldiers to death in Fort Hood, TX, and wounded 35 more.


This is a perfect example of why liberals cannot be entrusted with handling NATIONAL SECURITY, and are oblivious to it, as their liberal media consistently and deliberately deprive them of information.
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Why stop there while you're making shit up? I'm sure they have VX Nerve gas too, right?

Basically a list of anyone who had bad intentions (most of whom never got close to harming anyone).
Excuse me while I giggle at your hysterical list of wanna-be bad asses.

What this basically is a list of, is actual terrorist attacks on American soil, some of which succeeded and killed large numbers of people, and others which were stopped only because of difficult action taken to avert them (which you do not seem to be in favor of)

As for Nerve gas, are you assuming ISIS does NOT have it ? I just heard on the news they were looking to acquire it, and with their enormous wealth, they of course, stand a good chance of getting it, if thy don''t have it already. And they stand a good chance of getting nuclear bombs, and blowing them up in the US too, Those nukes could be here already (easily smuggled in through our lightly inspected ports), just waiting for ISIS fighters to come here and assemble and detonate them.

I would love to see Candy Corn (who might be a jihadist her/himself) tell the families of Americans killed by these terrorists, say what he/she says here. Tell it to them, Candy Corn. face to face. Then come back here and tell us what they said (if you're still alive). And that reminds me, I asked you a question in a previous post. You haven't answered it. Are you OK with allowing 1000 French ISIS goons to come here to the US, by the visa-waiver program ? What's the matter ? Cat got your tongue ?

Wanna go talk to the families of THESE PEOPLE ? >>>


And then tell them it was OK for America to let THESE GUYS in here ? >>>

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I was afraid of this looks like you will need a barium silicon carbon bismuth technetium hydrogen enema in order to get clear of your fears afraid be very afraid...
Take your own advice, Mohammed> Be afraid, very afraid. All this jihad that you endorsing,may kill you as well, and you'll really hate the aftermath. (hint: it won't be your 72 virgins)

26. Christopher Paul—June 2008

Now a guard for the Clippers is involved.

Excuse me while I giggle at your hysterical list of wanna-be bad asses.

Another example of liberal cluelessness

OR >>> another example of a cyber-jihadist pretending to be a liberal airhead.

  1. Christopher Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Christopher Paul is an American convert to Islam and member of al Qaeda, who has pled guilty to acts of terrorism. He is currently serving a 15-year prison term ...
  2. Chris Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaChristopher Emmanuel Paul (born May 6, 1985) is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for the Los Angeles Clippers of the National Basketball ...
I don't see any reason we couldn't end all immigration. Our roads are congested, our cities congested and our oxygen producing/carbon dioxide absorbing forests continue to dwindle in favor of shopping malls, parking lots, condominiums, tract housing and office buildings. There are more than enough people already in this country to keep spitting out kids left and right; we no longer need them pouring in from other nations.
As for the influx of Muslim so-called refugees: Islam is "not" a religion of peace. It's very name means "submit." It has never in its entire history been a religion of peace. The pedophilic Arab warlord (Muhammad) created the moronic religion and constantly fought to force non-Muslim nations to submit to his ideology and so it has gone on since its creation. It is not just religious; it is also political. The higher the Muslim population in a nation, the more changes in laws are made to conform to their religious and political ideology. Over time, the non-Muslim population becomes more and more marginalized, eventually becoming second-class citizens under continual threat.
While there are some Muslims who are moderate in their actions and beliefs, the religion and political aspects itself is neither compromising and moderate, nor non-violent in its teachings and script.
The current Evangelical and other religious Christians have this naïve belief that if Islamists are allowed into the country in large numbers as refugees, they will assimilate into the American society, become good westerners and not try to eventually change this nation to an Islamic one. Those people are deluded and have blinders on to the reality of what Islam is all about.
Spoken as someone who has zero historical perspective.
That statement has zero foundation. I have a lot of historical perspective. Like World War II for instance, having a threat (non-NUCLEAR) not as dangerous as what ISIS poses now.
30,000 soldiers tops. Most untrained or lightly trained in extremely basic skillsets. Very little to worry about as an organized unit.

Also, the Japs and Nazis didn't get inside the US, did they ? If they did, it was a few tiny attacks. But ISIS and the whole international jihad is ALREADY here, and has already attacked and killed Americans, dozens of times.
We had ISIS attacks here? Dozens of times? List them, please.

Has your liberal omission media been omitting that from you ? Keeping you ignorant ? And now you want to allow more of them to come in ? Pheeeeew!
They are not coming here; we have Syrian refugees.

No. I think they shouldn't come here but not because it's bad for us but it is better for the Syrians refugees to stay in areas where climate is similar.

1000 Frenchmen have gone to Syria to fight with ISIS. when they return to France, they can board a plane and fly right here to the US, without a visa. You're cool with THAT ?
If so, you're either incredibly stupid, nuts, or a member of ISIS yourself.

Total rubbish.
Looks like you're 0 for 4 on this one.

1. I talked about ISIS detonating NUCLEAR blasts in sid ethe US, and ou respond with # of ISIS soldiers in Syria. Looks like a deflection.

2. I said ISIS and the whole international jihad, and you respond with just ISIS. Another deflection. That's OK, As for the list, so you ever got the information. Typical lack of knowledge of liberals whose liberal media doesn't report stuff, while keeping you away from Fox News, because hey know you could get the information there. Here's your list. >>

Internal US terrorist plots since 9/11 (this is an incomplete list > It omits the July 2002 LAX shooting attack, and the 2002 Beltway Sniper shooting which killed 19 people + it isn't up to date. Leaves out the past 2.5 years)

1. Richard Reid (the Shoe Bomber)—December 2001

2. Jose Padilla—May 2002

3. LackawannaSix—September 2002

4. Uzair and Saifullah Paracha—March 2003

5. Iyman Faris—May 2003

6. Ahmed Omar Abu Ali—June 2003

7. Virginia Jihad Network—June 2003

8. Nuradin M. Abdi—November 2003

9. Dhiren Barot—August 2004

10. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj—August 2004

11. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain—August 2004

12. Hamid Hayat—June 2005

13. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James—August 2005

14. Michael C. Reynolds—December 2005

15. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum—February 2006

16. Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar—March 2006

17. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee—April 2006

18. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine—June 2006

19. Assem Hammoud—July 2006

20. Liquid Explosives Plot—August 2006

21. Derrick Shareef—December 2006

22. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—March 2007

23. Fort DixPlot—May 2007

24. JFK AirportPlot—June 2007

25. Hassan Abujihaad—March 2008

26. Christopher Paul—June 2008

27. Bryant Neal Vinas—November 2008

28. Synagogue Terror Plot—May 2009

29. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad
June 2009

30. Raleigh Jihad Group—July 2009

31. Najibullah Zazi—September 2009

32. Maher Husein Smadi—September 2009

33. Michael Finton—September 2009

34. Tarek Mehanna and Ahmad Abousamra—October 2009

35. Major Nidal Malik Hasan—November 2009

36. The Christmas Day (Underwear) Bomber—December 2009

37. Raja Lahrasib Khan—March 2010

38. Faisal Shahzad (Times Square bomber) —May 2010

39. Paul G. Rockwood Jr. and Nadia Piroska Maria Rockwood—July 2010

40. Farooque Ahmed—October 2010

41. Air Cargo Bomb Plot—October 2010

42. Mohamed Osman Mohamud—November 2010

43. Antonio Martinez—December 2010

44. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari—February 2011

45. Ahmed Ferhani and Mohamed Mamdouh—May 2011

46. Yonathan Melaku—June 2011

47. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh—June 2011

48. Ulugbek Kodirov—July 2011

49. Emerson Winfield Begolly—August 2011

50. Rezwan Ferdaus—September 2011

51. Iranian Terror Plot
October 2011

52. Jose Pimentel
November 2011

53. Sami Osmakac—January 2012

54. Amine El Khalifi—February 2012

55. AQAP Plane Bomb Plot—May 2012

56. Adel Daoud—September 2012

57. Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis—October 2012.

58. Qazi Brothers’ Plot—November 2012

59. Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev—April 2013

60. Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser—April 2013

Here's a few of the more recent ones >>

Apr 15, 2013:Three people killed, hundreds injured in Boston Marathon bombing

In addition, a University police officer was shot and killed while sitting in his car by the same Muslim jihad dirtbags who set off the bomb at the marathon.

Boston Marathon bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In Ashtabula, OH, A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah (3/24/2013)


TORONTO – A slickly produced video released on Sunday Dec. 6, 2014, urged Muslims to launch indiscriminate attacks against Canadians, similar to those carried out in October in Ottawa and Montreal.


FBI says plot to attack U.S. Capitol was ready to go

Authorities say Cornell, who ostensibly tweeted under the name Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah, hatched a simple scheme. It was similar to the Paris attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, but at a key location -- the U.S. Capitol, said a criminal complaint filed by an FBI agent.

The plan: Set off pipe bombs to put lawmakers and employees in panicked flight and then gun them down with an assault rifle as they ran across his path and that of an accomplice, Special Agent T.A. Staderman wrote.
Cornell was ready to go, the agent said.


Christopher Lee Cornell's mugshot from the Butler County Jail in Ohio.

He had made preparations with a partner. He had researched bomb-making instructions and by Wednesday, Cornell had bought two M-15 rifles with 600 rounds of ammunition.

FBI tracked plot to attack U.S. Capitol for months -

This Summer's Jihad Attacks in New Jersey and Seattle Revealed in Court

Ali Muhammad Brown kills 3 in Seattle, WA, and one more in New Jersey.


Victims' families: Brendan Tevlin's murder like going through 9/11 all over again (VIDEO)



Port Bolivar, TX Muslim Commits Koran Murder

A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death (3/6/2014), and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.

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plus los more to worry aboit in this book

Hatchet-wielding Muslim radical who attacked rookie New York cops, 'spent months visiting jihadist websites, and stalked officers for hours.
Plus all THIS >>> plus los more to worry aboit in this book
Come on Tyrone and Candy Corn. Or Mohammed or Abdul, or whatever your real names are. It's quite apparent that you are nothing but part of the uncivilized, barbaric, savages (AKA Muslim jihadists), and are just using this forum to try to sway American public opinion to allow your filthy ISIS bacteria into the country, to engage in more killing.
And you're just too much of gutless cowards to stand up and reveal your jihadist identities.
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Protectionist, the Jihadists are not "gutless cowards." Any man or woman who straps a bomb onto their chest and blows themselves up, is neither gutless, nor a coward. The are however, evil and maniacal in their beliefs. They have this warped idea that if they kill themselves while killing non-believers for their religion, that they will get some great reward in an afterlife. It's indoctrination/brain-washing since childhood as well as some seeking unity in something.
Personally, I don't believe in any deities and I can't see why Muslims think their religion is the truth. A deity/god is supposed to be unbeatable. It absolutely cannot lose. Yet......Muslims are taught to "lie" to protect their religion. Interesting. A deity that cannot lose would not need you to lie to protect its religion. After all, it cannot lose, so you don't need to lie to protect it. Now Satan perhaps. If such a creature existed, he/she/it would need you to lie to protect it, since it can indeed lose.
I don't see any reason we couldn't end all immigration. Our roads are congested, our cities congested and our oxygen producing/carbon dioxide absorbing forests continue to dwindle in favor of shopping malls, parking lots, condominiums, tract housing and office buildings. There are more than enough people already in this country to keep spitting out kids left and right; we no longer need them pouring in from other nations.
As for the influx of Muslim so-called refugees: Islam is "not" a religion of peace. It's very name means "submit." It has never in its entire history been a religion of peace. The pedophilic Arab warlord (Muhammad) created the moronic religion and constantly fought to force non-Muslim nations to submit to his ideology and so it has gone on since its creation. It is not just religious; it is also political. The higher the Muslim population in a nation, the more changes in laws are made to conform to their religious and political ideology. Over time, the non-Muslim population becomes more and more marginalized, eventually becoming second-class citizens under continual threat.
While there are some Muslims who are moderate in their actions and beliefs, the religion and political aspects itself is neither compromising and moderate, nor non-violent in its teachings and script.
The current Evangelical and other religious Christians have this naïve belief that if Islamists are allowed into the country in large numbers as refugees, they will assimilate into the American society, become good westerners and not try to eventually change this nation to an Islamic one. Those people are deluded and have blinders on to the reality of what Islam is all about.
Crystal clear analysis.:iagree: Spot on. Keep posting, MDiver. :thup:
Protectionist, the Jihadists are not "gutless cowards." Any man or woman who straps a bomb onto their chest and blows themselves up, is neither gutless, nor a coward. The are however, evil and maniacal in their beliefs. They have this warped idea that if they kill themselves while killing non-believers for their religion, that they will get some great reward in an afterlife. It's indoctrination/brain-washing since childhood as well as some seeking unity in something.
Personally, I don't believe in any deities and I can't see why Muslims think their religion is the truth. A deity/god is supposed to be unbeatable. It absolutely cannot lose. Yet......Muslims are taught to "lie" to protect their religion. Interesting. A deity that cannot lose would not need you to lie to protect its religion. After all, it cannot lose, so you don't need to lie to protect it. Now Satan perhaps. If such a creature existed, he/she/it would need you to lie to protect it, since it can indeed lose.
I was referring to the ones IN THIS THREAD, who don't blow themselves up. They just come in here and lie (taqiyya), and pretend to be American non-Muslims.
What dipshit is doing is amplifying the fact that we've always had anarchists and introducing a xenophobic strain. Nothing more. Adam Lanza was more dangerous than most everyone on the list. Gee, wonder why he wasn't included.
And what track is that?
I guess he/she means the track of PROTECTING America from harmful jihadists, by going after them, and killing them or jailing them. Got a plane ticket ?

Don't need one, I'm not going. How about we try something different in this war. ...let those who think we should be at war in Syria go and fight over there. Since you're the biggest proponent of it...can we count on you, your wife, your daughters or sons/grand daughters or grandsons to be on the front lines? Oh wait, let me guess, you:

A. have something better to do
B. don't think you should have to serve
C. was talking about someone else's kids paying the price
D. are too much of a pussy to back up your rhetoric

I'm going with all of the above.

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