All in the name of political correctness...

This is what upsets conservatives. Not the death of 50 Americans , but bleeped out shit on phone calls.

Nope, what upsets THIS conservative, is you pussy assed liberals who would throw away the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to take away law-abiding citizens rights to be armed, while you cheer a "Woman's right" to murder her baby - to the tune of 50 million. 50 million babies that never had a chance.

Fuck you.
This is what upsets conservatives. Not the death of 50 Americans , but bleeped out shit on phone calls.

Nope, what upsets THIS conservative, is you pussy assed liberals who would throw away the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to take away law-abiding citizens rights to be armed, while you cheer a "Woman's right" to murder her baby - to the tune of 50 million. 50 million babies that never had a chance.

Fuck you.

The sad thing is that responsible law-abiding citizens who carry would have helped in Orlando. They cry "it'll be like the wild west then!"...with ~50 people dead I say it was already the wild west.

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