All Is Well In Iraq

I don’t know how one could be against W’s war, but for Trump’s. One would have be a contortionist...or maybe just a dumb ass.
It's just an example of what blind commitment to an ideology can do to people.
Agreed. Years from now when it is clear even to dummies, that a Trump is a warmongering asshole, they will dump him just as they have W. Just goes to show they are easily duped.
I don’t know how one could be against W’s war, but for Trump’s. One would have be a contortionist...or maybe just a dumb ass.
It's just an example of what blind commitment to an ideology can do to people.
Agreed. Years from now when it is clear even to dummies, that a Trump is a warmongering asshole, they will dump him just as they have W. Just goes to show they are easily duped.
Sounds like you were a saddam hussein fan. Tell me about that jimmy carter policy and let me know if that has led to the quagmire we are in today.

Cannot tell if you were on the side of clinton when he signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds after a 5 day bombing campaign.

Were you? Were you on the side of clinton when he did that? I was.

Also, do you have top secret access to intelligence that we are not aware of?

Let us know how the world is better off with saddam and his sons in charge.
That would be a shame. But it's not our fight.

We STILL haven't learned that. After wasting trillions of dollars and thousands of lives, limbs and minds.

Ultimately the fight against Islam is our fight. Islamists would destroy us if they had the chance, along with everyone else in the world. But I say let the Shiites and Sunnis battle it out and kill each other off as much as possible. Then we’ll deal with the winner.
Sounds like we're going back to the Bush years. That didn't work out well.
Yes. Wasn’t it Donnie who during the campaign vigorously opposed W’s dumb illegal murderous war? I guess he was lying then too.
I've been amazed that the people who backed Bush are the same people who back Trump, acting like Bush was the bad guy.

Now many of them are back to justifying war. One can sustain a whiplash if one is not careful.
It's odd this time because at least during the run up to the Iraq War -- this forum wasn't around -- so its easy for these Trumpers to pretend they were against Bush and the Iraq war the whole time....

Now we have receipts...and these people are clearly showing you that they were sycophants for Bush like they are sycophants for Trump..

View attachment 299068

Literally the first time I started seeing this thing called "memes" -- it was during the Iraq war...and they were memes of Bush -- being called a tough guy, a protector -- basically the same shit I see trumpers saying right now about Trump...this is why memory is kryptonite to a Trumper...

I didn’t have an issue with going to war with Iraq, we needed Saddam the madman gone. He violated the no-fly zone and ordered the assassination attempt on Bush Sr.
However I did not agree with W’s plan to bring “democracy” to those barbarians. We should had split Iraq up into three regions, Sunni, Kurdish, and Shiite. Instead Iraq limped forward with the stupid notion that “multiculturalism” works, and that these three sects could coexist thanks to democracy. What a joke.

Now Iran has the Iraqi parliament bought and paid for, the Sunnis and Kurds won’t even participate in the government anymore. If we pull out Iran will run the whole country, and quickly wipe out the Sunnis and Kurds.

I wonder if Dems will want to stay and protect the Kurds, as they were just whining last month about President Trump “abandoning” them the Turks.
Ultimately the fight against Islam is our fight. Islamists would destroy us if they had the chance, along with everyone else in the world. But I say let the Shiites and Sunnis battle it out and kill each other off as much as possible. Then we’ll deal with the winner.
Sounds like we're going back to the Bush years. That didn't work out well.
Yes. Wasn’t it Donnie who during the campaign vigorously opposed W’s dumb illegal murderous war? I guess he was lying then too.
I've been amazed that the people who backed Bush are the same people who back Trump, acting like Bush was the bad guy.

Now many of them are back to justifying war. One can sustain a whiplash if one is not careful.
It's odd this time because at least during the run up to the Iraq War -- this forum wasn't around -- so its easy for these Trumpers to pretend they were against Bush and the Iraq war the whole time....

Now we have receipts...and these people are clearly showing you that they were sycophants for Bush like they are sycophants for Trump..

View attachment 299068

Literally the first time I started seeing this thing called "memes" -- it was during the Iraq war...and they were memes of Bush -- being called a tough guy, a protector -- basically the same shit I see trumpers saying right now about Trump...this is why memory is kryptonite to a Trumper...

I didn’t have an issue with going to war with Iraq, we needed Saddam the madman gone. He violated the no-fly zone and ordered the assassination attempt on Bush Sr.
However I did not agree with W’s plan to bring “democracy” to those barbarians. We should had split Iraq up into three regions, Sunni, Kurdish, and Shiite. Instead Iraq limped forward with the stupid notion that “multiculturalism” works, and that these three sects could coexist thanks to democracy. What a joke.

Now Iran has the Iraqi parliament bought and paid for, the Sunnis and Kurds won’t even participate in the government anymore. If we pull out Iran will run the whole country, and quickly wipe out the Sunnis and Kurds.

I wonder if Dems will want to stay and protect the Kurds, as they were just whining last month about President Trump “abandoning” them the Turks.
They both have access to top secret intelligence that we pissants don't have. Saddam was actually a good guy and that Iranian general was really a good guy. Trump did it for fun.

That is what they are saying and since they have access to top secret intelligence, we truly are pissants.

Seem to remember the whole world agreeing saddam having wmds and having violating at least 17 resolutions.

We should have just appeased him and allowed him. Like how the League of Nations appeased hitler after he was clearly violating the Treaty of Versailles that caused the the League of Nations to dissolve.

Again, we are pissants and clearly these two have top clearance and access to intelligence and lucky for us they are posting on here and keeping us pissants informed.
Ultimately the fight against Islam is our fight. Islamists would destroy us if they had the chance, along with everyone else in the world. But I say let the Shiites and Sunnis battle it out and kill each other off as much as possible. Then we’ll deal with the winner.
Sounds like we're going back to the Bush years. That didn't work out well.
Yes. Wasn’t it Donnie who during the campaign vigorously opposed W’s dumb illegal murderous war? I guess he was lying then too.
I've been amazed that the people who backed Bush are the same people who back Trump, acting like Bush was the bad guy.

Now many of them are back to justifying war. One can sustain a whiplash if one is not careful.
It's odd this time because at least during the run up to the Iraq War -- this forum wasn't around -- so its easy for these Trumpers to pretend they were against Bush and the Iraq war the whole time....

Now we have receipts...and these people are clearly showing you that they were sycophants for Bush like they are sycophants for Trump..

View attachment 299068

Literally the first time I started seeing this thing called "memes" -- it was during the Iraq war...and they were memes of Bush -- being called a tough guy, a protector -- basically the same shit I see trumpers saying right now about Trump...this is why memory is kryptonite to a Trumper...
I joined USMB several years back, and the best excuse they gave me for Bush's wars was that Congress approved them. They completely ignored the fact he was CIC and that it was his final decision, as was the scale and scope.

That weak of an argument tells you they're flailing. I hope this doesn't happen again.
Seems to me that you are Monday Morning Quarterbacking now Mac. Isn't that inherently a pretty fucking weak argument?

OK, let's play your alternate history game and say that Saddam Hussein went unhindered and got his nuclear armed Baathist Islamic Caliphate that he sought.

An Arab National Socialist Islamic Caliphate from the Zagros mountains to the whole of the Levant, and growing exponentially. One diabolical racist socialist dictator who is also the supreme religious Muslim leader because he is a direct descendant of both Muhammad and Ali, and the reincarnation Nebuchadnezzar II, the ancient king of Babylon. And put that megalomaniac in control of world oil prices because he controls OPEC. Make Saddam Hussein in charge of several major maritime chokepoints on the globe including the Suez canal, the Bosphorus strait and the Homuz strait.

How do you suppose that scenario would have worked out?
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Sounds like we're going back to the Bush years. That didn't work out well.
Yes. Wasn’t it Donnie who during the campaign vigorously opposed W’s dumb illegal murderous war? I guess he was lying then too.
I've been amazed that the people who backed Bush are the same people who back Trump, acting like Bush was the bad guy.

Now many of them are back to justifying war. One can sustain a whiplash if one is not careful.
It's odd this time because at least during the run up to the Iraq War -- this forum wasn't around -- so its easy for these Trumpers to pretend they were against Bush and the Iraq war the whole time....

Now we have receipts...and these people are clearly showing you that they were sycophants for Bush like they are sycophants for Trump..

View attachment 299068

Literally the first time I started seeing this thing called "memes" -- it was during the Iraq war...and they were memes of Bush -- being called a tough guy, a protector -- basically the same shit I see trumpers saying right now about Trump...this is why memory is kryptonite to a Trumper...
I joined USMB several years back, and the best excuse they gave me for Bush's wars was that Congress approved them. They completely ignored the fact he was CIC and that it was his final decision, as was the scale and scope.

That weak of an argument tells you they're flailing. I hope this doesn't happen again.
Seems to me that you are Monday Morning Quarterbacking now Mac. Isn't that inherently a pretty fucking weak argument?

OK, let's play your alternate history game and say that Saddam Hussein went unhindered and got his nuclear armed Baathist regime that he sought? An Arab National Socialist Islamic Caliphate from the Zagros mountains to the whole of the Levant, and growing exponentially. One diabolical socialist dictator who is also the supreme religious leader because he is a direct descendant of both Muhammad and Ali, and reincarnation Nebuchadnezzar II, the ancient king of Babylon. And in control of world oil prices because he controls OPEC.

How do you suppose that would have worked out?
That would have been bad.

But all you can do is assume and extrapolate 100% in your favor. I can look at facts that support what I was saying from the beginning: That it wouldn't be worth it.

$4 trillion plus spent, thousands of young Americans lives lost, many more thousands of young Americans bodies and minds damaged, and the Middle East remains a power keg.

Nope, not close to worth it. Just as we warned. At this cost, saying "I told you so" doesn't satisfy.
Donald J Trump has single handily dismantled with the aide of the GOP Senate and his supporters, the Majority Dem. Congress and all of America should be disgusted and alarmed by this. The three equal branches of gov. exist no more!!
Yes. Wasn’t it Donnie who during the campaign vigorously opposed W’s dumb illegal murderous war? I guess he was lying then too.
I've been amazed that the people who backed Bush are the same people who back Trump, acting like Bush was the bad guy.

Now many of them are back to justifying war. One can sustain a whiplash if one is not careful.
It's odd this time because at least during the run up to the Iraq War -- this forum wasn't around -- so its easy for these Trumpers to pretend they were against Bush and the Iraq war the whole time....

Now we have receipts...and these people are clearly showing you that they were sycophants for Bush like they are sycophants for Trump..

View attachment 299068

Literally the first time I started seeing this thing called "memes" -- it was during the Iraq war...and they were memes of Bush -- being called a tough guy, a protector -- basically the same shit I see trumpers saying right now about Trump...this is why memory is kryptonite to a Trumper...
I joined USMB several years back, and the best excuse they gave me for Bush's wars was that Congress approved them. They completely ignored the fact he was CIC and that it was his final decision, as was the scale and scope.

That weak of an argument tells you they're flailing. I hope this doesn't happen again.
Seems to me that you are Monday Morning Quarterbacking now Mac. Isn't that inherently a pretty fucking weak argument?

OK, let's play your alternate history game and say that Saddam Hussein went unhindered and got his nuclear armed Baathist regime that he sought? An Arab National Socialist Islamic Caliphate from the Zagros mountains to the whole of the Levant, and growing exponentially. One diabolical socialist dictator who is also the supreme religious leader because he is a direct descendant of both Muhammad and Ali, and reincarnation Nebuchadnezzar II, the ancient king of Babylon. And in control of world oil prices because he controls OPEC.

How do you suppose that would have worked out?
That would have been bad.

But all you can do is assume and extrapolate 100% in your favor. I can look at facts that support what I was saying from the beginning: That it wouldn't be worth it.

$4 trillion plus spent, thousands of young Americans lives lost, many more thousands of young Americans bodies and minds damaged, and the Middle East remains a power keg.

Nope, not close to worth it. Just as we warned. At this cost, saying "I told you so" doesn't satisfy.
Do you have any proof whatsoever that the entire world would not have been destroyed in a nuclear holocaust by now if the US did not invade Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein, Mr. MMQ?

Of course you don't. That is why your pathetic argument is so fucking weak.
Yes. Wasn’t it Donnie who during the campaign vigorously opposed W’s dumb illegal murderous war? I guess he was lying then too.
I've been amazed that the people who backed Bush are the same people who back Trump, acting like Bush was the bad guy.

Now many of them are back to justifying war. One can sustain a whiplash if one is not careful.
It's odd this time because at least during the run up to the Iraq War -- this forum wasn't around -- so its easy for these Trumpers to pretend they were against Bush and the Iraq war the whole time....

Now we have receipts...and these people are clearly showing you that they were sycophants for Bush like they are sycophants for Trump..

View attachment 299068

Literally the first time I started seeing this thing called "memes" -- it was during the Iraq war...and they were memes of Bush -- being called a tough guy, a protector -- basically the same shit I see trumpers saying right now about Trump...this is why memory is kryptonite to a Trumper...
I joined USMB several years back, and the best excuse they gave me for Bush's wars was that Congress approved them. They completely ignored the fact he was CIC and that it was his final decision, as was the scale and scope.

That weak of an argument tells you they're flailing. I hope this doesn't happen again.
Seems to me that you are Monday Morning Quarterbacking now Mac. Isn't that inherently a pretty fucking weak argument?

OK, let's play your alternate history game and say that Saddam Hussein went unhindered and got his nuclear armed Baathist regime that he sought? An Arab National Socialist Islamic Caliphate from the Zagros mountains to the whole of the Levant, and growing exponentially. One diabolical socialist dictator who is also the supreme religious leader because he is a direct descendant of both Muhammad and Ali, and reincarnation Nebuchadnezzar II, the ancient king of Babylon. And in control of world oil prices because he controls OPEC.

How do you suppose that would have worked out?
That would have been bad.

But all you can do is assume and extrapolate 100% in your favor. I can look at facts that support what I was saying from the beginning: That it wouldn't be worth it.

$4 trillion plus spent, thousands of young Americans lives lost, many more thousands of young Americans bodies and minds damaged, and the Middle East remains a power keg.

Nope, not close to worth it. Just as we warned. At this cost, saying "I told you so" doesn't satisfy.

The Middle East will always be a “powder keg”, that’s not a standard to measure success or failure in the ME. We will always be at war, one way or another, with Islamic regimes.
The best we can do is isolate them (ban Muslims from coming into civilized countries) and let them kill each other. We can always bomb them to keep them in check when it comes to ballistic missiles, nukes, and we can also take out their navy.
I've been amazed that the people who backed Bush are the same people who back Trump, acting like Bush was the bad guy.

Now many of them are back to justifying war. One can sustain a whiplash if one is not careful.
It's odd this time because at least during the run up to the Iraq War -- this forum wasn't around -- so its easy for these Trumpers to pretend they were against Bush and the Iraq war the whole time....

Now we have receipts...and these people are clearly showing you that they were sycophants for Bush like they are sycophants for Trump..

View attachment 299068

Literally the first time I started seeing this thing called "memes" -- it was during the Iraq war...and they were memes of Bush -- being called a tough guy, a protector -- basically the same shit I see trumpers saying right now about Trump...this is why memory is kryptonite to a Trumper...
I joined USMB several years back, and the best excuse they gave me for Bush's wars was that Congress approved them. They completely ignored the fact he was CIC and that it was his final decision, as was the scale and scope.

That weak of an argument tells you they're flailing. I hope this doesn't happen again.
Seems to me that you are Monday Morning Quarterbacking now Mac. Isn't that inherently a pretty fucking weak argument?

OK, let's play your alternate history game and say that Saddam Hussein went unhindered and got his nuclear armed Baathist regime that he sought? An Arab National Socialist Islamic Caliphate from the Zagros mountains to the whole of the Levant, and growing exponentially. One diabolical socialist dictator who is also the supreme religious leader because he is a direct descendant of both Muhammad and Ali, and reincarnation Nebuchadnezzar II, the ancient king of Babylon. And in control of world oil prices because he controls OPEC.

How do you suppose that would have worked out?
That would have been bad.

But all you can do is assume and extrapolate 100% in your favor. I can look at facts that support what I was saying from the beginning: That it wouldn't be worth it.

$4 trillion plus spent, thousands of young Americans lives lost, many more thousands of young Americans bodies and minds damaged, and the Middle East remains a power keg.

Nope, not close to worth it. Just as we warned. At this cost, saying "I told you so" doesn't satisfy.
Do you have any proof whatsoever that the entire world would not have been destroyed in a nuclear holocaust by now if the US did not invade Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein, Mr. MMQ?

Of course you don't. That is why your pathetic argument is so fucking weak.
I have no more proof than you do. So right back atcha.

I'm sure glad I'm not like you.
So again I will keep asking....Why are we still in Iraq??
for the same reason we went in the 1st place.....~S~
To enforce the clinton policy of liberating Iraq for wmds?
Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors checked 700 sites in Iraq and found no WMDs but Gomer and Cheney invaded anyway.
Give up the silly Clinton remarks. He did not invade Iraq. It was Gomer who murdered our troops.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Wikipedia
It's odd this time because at least during the run up to the Iraq War -- this forum wasn't around -- so its easy for these Trumpers to pretend they were against Bush and the Iraq war the whole time....

Now we have receipts...and these people are clearly showing you that they were sycophants for Bush like they are sycophants for Trump..

View attachment 299068

Literally the first time I started seeing this thing called "memes" -- it was during the Iraq war...and they were memes of Bush -- being called a tough guy, a protector -- basically the same shit I see trumpers saying right now about Trump...this is why memory is kryptonite to a Trumper...
I joined USMB several years back, and the best excuse they gave me for Bush's wars was that Congress approved them. They completely ignored the fact he was CIC and that it was his final decision, as was the scale and scope.

That weak of an argument tells you they're flailing. I hope this doesn't happen again.
Seems to me that you are Monday Morning Quarterbacking now Mac. Isn't that inherently a pretty fucking weak argument?

OK, let's play your alternate history game and say that Saddam Hussein went unhindered and got his nuclear armed Baathist regime that he sought? An Arab National Socialist Islamic Caliphate from the Zagros mountains to the whole of the Levant, and growing exponentially. One diabolical socialist dictator who is also the supreme religious leader because he is a direct descendant of both Muhammad and Ali, and reincarnation Nebuchadnezzar II, the ancient king of Babylon. And in control of world oil prices because he controls OPEC.

How do you suppose that would have worked out?
That would have been bad.

But all you can do is assume and extrapolate 100% in your favor. I can look at facts that support what I was saying from the beginning: That it wouldn't be worth it.

$4 trillion plus spent, thousands of young Americans lives lost, many more thousands of young Americans bodies and minds damaged, and the Middle East remains a power keg.

Nope, not close to worth it. Just as we warned. At this cost, saying "I told you so" doesn't satisfy.
Do you have any proof whatsoever that the entire world would not have been destroyed in a nuclear holocaust by now if the US did not invade Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein, Mr. MMQ?

Of course you don't. That is why your pathetic argument is so fucking weak.
I have no more proof than you do. So right back atcha.

I'm sure glad I'm not like you.
Mac, the only thing we have is what we have learned from history about appeasing tyrants.

Hate to bring it up again, cause this is the job of the left, but the fact is this world appeased hitler when he clearly violated the resolutions of the Treaty of Versailles. Churchill shouted from the rooftops about it and Chamberlain along with Joe Kennedy (ambassador to England appointed by FDR) appeased the tyrant. As a result the League of Nations credibility was utterly destroyed and it was dissolved.

Saddam Hussein violated at least 17 resolutions. That is a fact. The UN and the world clearly acknowledged saddam had and was actively trying to get his wmd programs going. Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds as a result.

Our policy had clearly shifted to a proactive approach in dealing with threats after 911 and it was clear saddam was deliberately sending messages that he had every intention to keep his programs going since much of his infrastructure was in tact.

You have the luxury of claiming saddam would not have done anything since he is not around to prove you wrong. You have that luxury of spewing stuff out since you really don't have access to top secret information.

It's repeating again and the peaceniks get to be the big admirable people. Singing peace songs and holding hands across America and around the world. Meanwhile what we do know is the persons you are crying about are tyrants and are proven murderers.

Pretty ignorant on your part.
Donald J Trump has single handily dismantled with the aide of the GOP Senate and his supporters, the Majority Dem. Congress and all of America should be disgusted and alarmed by this. The three equal branches of gov. exist no more!!

Hitting the Night Train a tad early today, hun?
I joined USMB several years back, and the best excuse they gave me for Bush's wars was that Congress approved them. They completely ignored the fact he was CIC and that it was his final decision, as was the scale and scope.

That weak of an argument tells you they're flailing. I hope this doesn't happen again.
Seems to me that you are Monday Morning Quarterbacking now Mac. Isn't that inherently a pretty fucking weak argument?

OK, let's play your alternate history game and say that Saddam Hussein went unhindered and got his nuclear armed Baathist regime that he sought? An Arab National Socialist Islamic Caliphate from the Zagros mountains to the whole of the Levant, and growing exponentially. One diabolical socialist dictator who is also the supreme religious leader because he is a direct descendant of both Muhammad and Ali, and reincarnation Nebuchadnezzar II, the ancient king of Babylon. And in control of world oil prices because he controls OPEC.

How do you suppose that would have worked out?
That would have been bad.

But all you can do is assume and extrapolate 100% in your favor. I can look at facts that support what I was saying from the beginning: That it wouldn't be worth it.

$4 trillion plus spent, thousands of young Americans lives lost, many more thousands of young Americans bodies and minds damaged, and the Middle East remains a power keg.

Nope, not close to worth it. Just as we warned. At this cost, saying "I told you so" doesn't satisfy.
Do you have any proof whatsoever that the entire world would not have been destroyed in a nuclear holocaust by now if the US did not invade Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein, Mr. MMQ?

Of course you don't. That is why your pathetic argument is so fucking weak.
I have no more proof than you do. So right back atcha.

I'm sure glad I'm not like you.
Mac, the only thing we have is what we have learned from history about appeasing tyrants.

Hate to bring it up again, cause this is the job of the left, but the fact is this world appeased hitler when he clearly violated the resolutions of the Treaty of Versailles. Churchill shouted from the rooftops about it and Chamberlain along with Joe Kennedy (ambassador to England appointed by FDR) appeased the tyrant. As a result the League of Nations credibility was utterly destroyed and it was dissolved.

Saddam Hussein violated at least 17 resolutions. That is a fact. The UN and the world clearly acknowledged saddam had and was actively trying to get his wmd programs going. Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds as a result.

Our policy had clearly shifted to a proactive approach in dealing with threats after 911 and it was clear saddam was deliberately sending messages that he had every intention to keep his programs going since much of his infrastructure was in tact.

You have the luxury of claiming saddam would not have done anything since he is not around to prove you wrong. You have that luxury of spewing stuff out since you really don't have access to top secret information.

It's repeating again and the peaceniks get to be the big admirable people. Singing peace songs and holding hands across America and around the world. Meanwhile what we do know is the persons you are crying about are tyrants and are proven murderers.

Pretty ignorant on your part.
We can squabble about our wars in the ME all we want. I didn't think it would be worth it, and after $4 trillion and all the American lives and limbs and minds lost, I know I was right.

But as I've said, the interesting part to me is that the very same Trumpsters who were so anti-war JUST LAST WEEK, so angry at the neocons, are now back to pushing and giving excuses for war.

That's my point, and it's hard to miss.

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