All My Babies' Mamas Reveals Liberals' Opinion of Blacks


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
All My Babies' Mamas Reveals Liberals' Opinion of Blacks

By Lloyd Marcus


Today, in 2013, the liberal Oxygen channel had planned to celebrate dishonorable behavior as representative of the "hip" modern black experience with a new reality show titled All My Babies' Mamas. Canceled due to public outcry, the star of the show was a rapper whose serial sperm-donating produced eleven babies by ten women.


All My Babies' Mamas is characteristic of liberals' typical bigotry of lowered expectations regarding minorities. Liberals accuse black conservatives who reject liberal racist stereotypes of being traitors to their race, trying to be white, and "selling out."

Long-suffering courageous black conservatives offer blacks real empowerment: liberation from crippling victimhood and entitlement mindsets. Due to liberals' resentment/hatred for America and traditional values, they are repulsed when black conservatives encourage blacks to get an education, work hard, revive traditional black community morality, and go for their dreams.


Read more: Articles: All My Babies' Mamas Reveals Liberals' Opinion of Blacks
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This is just another dumb thread, trying to show how all blacks that are not conservative, or at least identify themselves strongly of that fact(most of them), are x, y and z.

This one in particular is saying that non-conservative blacks don't care about education, don't work hard, don't have community morality and don't try to achieve dreams.

All of this... because of a fucking reality TV show about a rapper. Stay classy.
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This is just another dumb thread, trying to show how all blacks that are not conservative, or at least identify themselves strongly of that fact(most of them), are x, y and z.

This one in particular is saying that non-conservative blacks don't care about education, don't work hard, don't have community morality and don't try to achieve dreams.

All of this... because of a fucking reality TV show about a rapper. Stay classy.

news flash:

Oprah produced the show, she is BLACK and a die hard Obama supporter
This is just another dumb thread, trying to show how all blacks that are not conservative, or at least identify themselves strongly of that fact(most of them), are x, y and z.

This one in particular is saying that non-conservative blacks don't care about education, don't work hard, don't have community morality and don't try to achieve dreams.

All of this... because of a fucking reality TV show about a rapper. Stay classy.

news flash:

Oprah produced the show, she is BLACK and a die hard Obama supporter

Oprah is no longer a die hard Obama fan.
This is just another dumb thread, trying to show how all blacks that are not conservative, or at least identify themselves strongly of that fact(most of them), are x, y and z.

This one in particular is saying that non-conservative blacks don't care about education, don't work hard, don't have community morality and don't try to achieve dreams.

All of this... because of a fucking reality TV show about a rapper. Stay classy.

news flash:

Oprah produced the show, she is BLACK and a die hard Obama supporter

Oprah is no longer a die hard Obama fan.



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