All of Christ's worst modern enemies are on the left end of the political spectrum

again, I'd be more impressed with "Christians" if they were more about helping the sick and poor and less bout hating gays and Mexicans... but that's just me.

I don’t know a single Christian who is about hating Mexicans or gays. Although I’ve seen many leftists falsely make that claim.

Course I’d be more impressed if those making the complaints if they didn’t ignore what Christians do to help the sick and poor while they do nothing
I don’t know a single Christian who is about hating Mexicans or gays. Although I’ve seen many leftists falsely make that claim.

Really? The government has been shut down for four weeks now because your side hates Mexico so much they want to build a wall to keep any more from coming here.

That's when you aren't insisting on your right to discriminate against gay folks.

Hating gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did!

Course I’d be more impressed if those making the complaints if they didn’t ignore what Christians do to help the sick and poor while they do nothing

Sorry, man, I work 80 hours a week...

I'm not impressed with Christian Charity... we shouldn't need it. We should be fixing the problem, not treating the symptoms.

Do you lack intellectual honesty or just genuinely don’t understand that republicans don’t have an issue helping people as Christ taught? We do it all the time. As individuals. What we have a problem with is giving government authority it doesn’t have to do things we should do in a way that makes problems work.
Do you lack intellectual honesty or just genuinely don’t understand that republicans don’t have an issue helping people as Christ taught? We do it all the time. As individuals. What we have a problem with is giving government authority it doesn’t have to do things we should do in a way that makes problems work.

Yeah, here's the problem. We tried it that way for hundreds of years and still had grinding poverty in much of the country. then we finally decided that less superstition, more action was needed.

The thing is, the Churches don't fight poverty, they are a friend to poverty. Poverty gives the churches power. It's why Mother Theresa let people die in her filthy hospital while she flew off to the Mayo Clinic.
The government has been shut down for four weeks now because your side hates
This is shallow thinking, on par with claiming those who are asking for donations of wheel chairs and to help with research on artificial limbs are actually people who hate cancer patients. After all, if they did not hate cancer patients they would be donating money to cancer rather than to those who lost limbs or the use of limbs.

What would you say if people who wanted more for cancer research broke in and stole from resources collected for artificial limbs and wheelchairs? Would you insist that these people hated cancer patients, and to prove they did not they must open all their coffers and resources to cancer patients and research?

No one hates Mexico or Mexicans. What we have, just like the medical field, is limited resources for American citizens and migrants and refugees who come in through open doors and proper channels. Caring more for one thing does not indicate hate for what is lower down the list.
...and yet these same people like to lecture conservatives that they are bad Christians.

Christ's message is to love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Christ's message to those who had wealth and income was to reach into your own pocket and help the needy.

This is very different from the leftist message of seizing property and income by force of arms from people who work and redistributing it to people who refuse to work.

The distinction is big, between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and involuntary redistribution of wealth.

One is done out of love, while the other is done with violence.

Why do you think that you are entitled to speak for Jesus, God, or any other diety? You are nothing. Bogus.
...and yet these same people like to lecture conservatives that they are bad Christians.

Christ's message is to love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Christ's message to those who had wealth and income was to reach into your own pocket and help the needy.

This is very different from the leftist message of seizing property and income by force of arms from people who work and redistributing it to people who refuse to work.

The distinction is big, between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and involuntary redistribution of wealth.

One is done out of love, while the other is done with violence.

Why do you think that you are entitled to speak for Jesus, God, or any other diety? You are nothing. Bogus.

He's not "speaking for God". He's telling you what God told all of us, but you're too much of an arrogant dumbass to read for yourself. Your post is equivalent to someone quoting "Lord of the Rings", and you demanding who the hell they are to speak for JRR Tolkien. It's right there in the book.
where did Jesus advocate for tax cuts for rich people? I missed that part in the bible.

It’s in the Ten Commandments:

Thou shall not steal
Thou shall not covet thy neighbors property

Quite a interpretation

As a citizen you voluntarily pay your taxes in exchange for government doing what government does

Which allows you to pick your political persuasion

Still you seem to miss one

Thou shalt not bear false witness

when it come to demos you seem to have a lot of negative beliefs
and unrealistic assumptions and accusations

They must be eating you alive since you are so devout

Is the duality of love and hate problematic for you or do you not realize that you have both

You may find it hard to believe that demo's go to church and have faith

Its not a political thing

read the bible don't interpret it
You get that that oft-misused quote doesn't say that everything Caesar wants is automatically Caesar's, right?
Yet that which is legally Caesar's is Caesar's. Caesar wanted tribute and taxes from Palestine. It was automatically his.
...and yet these same people like to lecture conservatives that they are bad Christians.

Christ's message is to love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Christ's message to those who had wealth and income was to reach into your own pocket and help the needy.

This is very different from the leftist message of seizing property and income by force of arms from people who work and redistributing it to people who refuse to work.

The distinction is big, between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and involuntary redistribution of wealth.

One is done out of love, while the other is done with violence.
Who is having their income taken by force?
...and yet these same people like to lecture conservatives that they are bad Christians.

Christ's message is to love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Christ's message to those who had wealth and income was to reach into your own pocket and help the needy.

This is very different from the leftist message of seizing property and income by force of arms from people who work and redistributing it to people who refuse to work.

The distinction is big, between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and involuntary redistribution of wealth.

One is done out of love, while the other is done with violence.

Why do you think that you are entitled to speak for Jesus, God, or any other diety? You are nothing. Bogus.

He's not "speaking for God". He's telling you what God told all of us, but you're too much of an arrogant dumbass to read for yourself. Your post is equivalent to someone quoting "Lord of the Rings", and you demanding who the hell they are to speak for JRR Tolkien. It's right there in the book.
Only if you are a fool who believes that a Supreme Being wrote the bible or the scripture of any other of the world's religions. You foolish people.

Do you lack intellectual honesty or just genuinely don’t understand that republicans don’t have an issue helping people as Christ taught? We do it all the time. As individuals. What we have a problem with is giving government authority it doesn’t have to do things we should do in a way that makes problems work.

uh-huh. tell me how that trillion dollar tax cut was the answer to medicare & medicaid & SNAP, & did anything constructive other than to take from the poor to give themselves some more play money? & too many 'christians' don't mind giving government the authority over females' uterus'.....

so save the pointing of fingers to who has or has not any 'intellectual honesty'.
...and yet these same people like to lecture conservatives that they are bad Christians.

Christ's message is to love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Christ's message to those who had wealth and income was to reach into your own pocket and help the needy.

This is very different from the leftist message of seizing property and income by force of arms from people who work and redistributing it to people who refuse to work.

The distinction is big, between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and involuntary redistribution of wealth.

One is done out of love, while the other is done with violence.

You are a terrible person.

if you are a good christian then good christians are terrible people.
...and yet these same people like to lecture conservatives that they are bad Christians.

Christ's message is to love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Christ's message to those who had wealth and income was to reach into your own pocket and help the needy.

This is very different from the leftist message of seizing property and income by force of arms from people who work and redistributing it to people who refuse to work.

The distinction is big, between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and involuntary redistribution of wealth.

One is done out of love, while the other is done with violence.
Who is having their income taken by force?
All of us? :dunno:
...and yet these same people like to lecture conservatives that they are bad Christians.

Christ's message is to love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Christ's message to those who had wealth and income was to reach into your own pocket and help the needy.

This is very different from the leftist message of seizing property and income by force of arms from people who work and redistributing it to people who refuse to work.

The distinction is big, between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and involuntary redistribution of wealth.

One is done out of love, while the other is done with violence.
Who is having their income taken by force?
All of us? :dunno:
For some reason the Constitution allows taxation by the feds...Hmmm and the feds have been taxing since day one of the government's existence.
...and yet these same people like to lecture conservatives that they are bad Christians.

Christ's message is to love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Christ's message to those who had wealth and income was to reach into your own pocket and help the needy.

This is very different from the leftist message of seizing property and income by force of arms from people who work and redistributing it to people who refuse to work.

The distinction is big, between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and involuntary redistribution of wealth.

One is done out of love, while the other is done with violence.
Who is having their income taken by force?
All of us? :dunno:
For some reason the Constitution allows taxation by the feds...Hmmm and the feds have been taxing since day one of the government's existence.
It's still being taken by force.

State and federal inheritance taxes began after 1900, while the states (but not the federal government) began collecting sales taxes in the 1930s. The United States imposed income taxes briefly during the Civil War and the 1890s. In 1913, the 16th Amendment was ratified, permanently legalizing an income tax.
...and yet these same people like to lecture conservatives that they are bad Christians.

Christ's message is to love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Christ's message to those who had wealth and income was to reach into your own pocket and help the needy.

This is very different from the leftist message of seizing property and income by force of arms from people who work and redistributing it to people who refuse to work.

The distinction is big, between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and involuntary redistribution of wealth.

One is done out of love, while the other is done with violence.
What about Muslims? Very conservative people. Very religious.
...and yet these same people like to lecture conservatives that they are bad Christians.

Christ's message is to love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul, and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Christ's message to those who had wealth and income was to reach into your own pocket and help the needy.

This is very different from the leftist message of seizing property and income by force of arms from people who work and redistributing it to people who refuse to work.

The distinction is big, between voluntary redistribution of wealth, and involuntary redistribution of wealth.

One is done out of love, while the other is done with violence.
Who is having their income taken by force?
All of us? :dunno:
For some reason the Constitution allows taxation by the feds...Hmmm and the feds have been taxing since day one of the government's existence.
It's still being taken by force.
There are no countries in existence that do not tax to exist.

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