All rattlesnakes are poisonous


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
I don't know who wrote this so I can't provide the source. But it makes a lot of sense.

As long as we insist on maintaining the "moral high ground" we will NEVER win the war on terrorism! We're in a conflict in which we absolutely INSIST in playing by the rules against a maniacal group who has NO rules!
Rattlesnake Logic...
After the Boston bombing the news media spent days and weeks trying to determine why these men did what they did. They want to know what America did (!) to make these brothers so angry with us. They want to know why these men were not arrested before they did something so terrible. The media is in a tizzy about this new era of homegrown radicals and about why and how they can live among us and still hate us.
A friend of mine from Texas explained it all to me: "Here in west Texas, I have rattlesnakes on my place, living among us. I have killed a rattlesnake on the front porch. I have killed a rattlesnake on the back porch. I have killed rattlesnakes in the barn, in the shop and on the driveway. In fact, I kill every rattlesnake I encounter.
I kill rattlesnakes because I know a rattlesnake will bite me and inject me with poison. I don't stop to wonder WHY a rattlesnake will bite me; I know it WILL bite me because it's a rattlesnake and that's what rattlesnakes do. I don't try to reason with a rattlesnake or have a "meaningful dialogue" with it…I just kill it. I don't try to get to know the rattlesnake better so I can find a way to live with the rattlesnakes and convince them not to bite me. I just kill them. I don't quiz a rattlesnake to see if I can find out where the other snakes are, because (a) it won't tell me and (b) I already know they live on my place. So, I just kill the rattlesnake and move on to the next one.
I don't look for ways I might be able to change the rattlesnake to a non-poisonous rat snake...I just kill it. Oh, and on occasion, I accidentally kill a rat snake because I thought it was a rattlesnake at the time. Also, I know for every rattlesnake I kill, two more are lurking out there in the brush. In my lifetime I will never be able to rid my place of rattlesnakes.
Do I fear them? Not really. Do I respect what they can do to me and my family? Yes!! And because of that respect, I give them the fair justice they deserve...I kill them. As a country, we should start giving more thought to the fact that these jihadists' are telling the world their goal is to kill Americans and destroy our way of life. They have just posted two graphic videos on the internet showing them beheading Americans. They are serious. They are exactly like rattlesnakes. It is high time for us to start acting accordingly!"
I love this country. It's the damn government I'm afraid of!
Look who's new in the White House!
Arif Alikhan, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Mohammed Elibiary, Homeland Security Adviser
Rashad Hussein, Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
Salam al-Marayati, Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and is its current executive director
Imam Mohamed Magid, Obama's Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America
Eboo Patel, Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships
This is flat-out scary!
The foxes are now officially living in the hen house...
Now ask me why I am very concerned!
Do you feel OK with this?
How can this happen, and when will we wake up? We are quiet while our Country is being drastically changed to its detriment!
If we had to fight WWii today, with our pathetic traitorous press, no way do we win it.

Maybe against the Germans but no way against Japan. Hell liberals today only bring up how mean we were to them.

Yes it is about color of skin.
So looks like Bush really fucked up, doesn't it? Ever since he flapped his gums and set Colin Powell up to lie to the U.N. Security Council, invaded Iraq and wasted $4,000,000,000,000 doing it. And it's still a problem.

One big fuck up because the terrorists are still under our beds and in our closets after his 10-year war.

He just dug us into a hole for 8 years. Hope you're voting Republican on Tuesday.

Thanks, Bush.
So looks like Bush really fucked up, doesn't it? Ever since he flapped his gums and set Colin Powell up to lie to the U.N. Security Council, invaded Iraq and wasted $4,000,000,000,000 doing it. And it's still a problem.

One big fuck up because the terrorists are still under our beds and in our closets after his 10-year war.

He just dug us into a hole for 8 years. Hope you're voting Republican on Tuesday.

Thanks, Bush.

How stupid can you be? Are you claiming that Bush created radical islam that has been around for thousands of years? Are you claiming that Bush wrote the Koran that calls muslims to kill all non-believers? Are you claiming that Bush taught the 9/11 bombers how to fly planes into buildings?

You partisan asshole liberals are nothing but pathetic liars.
If we had to fight WWii today, with our pathetic traitorous press, no way do we win it.

Maybe against the Germans but no way against Japan. Hell liberals today only bring up how mean we were to them.

Yes it is about color of skin.

Well at least you're not embarrassed to be openly ignorant and biased.
So looks like Bush really fucked up, doesn't it? Ever since he flapped his gums and set Colin Powell up to lie to the U.N. Security Council, invaded Iraq and wasted $4,000,000,000,000 doing it. And it's still a problem.

One big fuck up because the terrorists are still under our beds and in our closets after his 10-year war.

He just dug us into a hole for 8 years. Hope you're voting Republican on Tuesday.

Thanks, Bush.

How stupid can you be? Are you claiming that Bush created radical islam that has been around for thousands of years? Are you claiming that Bush wrote the Koran that calls muslims to kill all non-believers? Are you claiming that Bush taught the 9/11 bombers how to fly planes into buildings?

You partisan asshole liberals are nothing but pathetic liars.

What? I stated some facts: Bush went to war against the terrorists in 2003 and in 6 years he fucked up, signed the SOFA treaty to withdraw from Iraq and lost his war.

Sorry you can't own it, reality bites, doesn't it?

FDR won WW2 on two fronts in four years, so do you see a problem yet? Or do you just have a problem with simple math?
So looks like Bush really fucked up, doesn't it? Ever since he flapped his gums and set Colin Powell up to lie to the U.N. Security Council, invaded Iraq and wasted $4,000,000,000,000 doing it. And it's still a problem.

One big fuck up because the terrorists are still under our beds and in our closets after his 10-year war.

He just dug us into a hole for 8 years. Hope you're voting Republican on Tuesday.

Thanks, Bush.

How stupid can you be? Are you claiming that Bush created radical islam that has been around for thousands of years? Are you claiming that Bush wrote the Koran that calls muslims to kill all non-believers? Are you claiming that Bush taught the 9/11 bombers how to fly planes into buildings?

You partisan asshole liberals are nothing but pathetic liars.

What? I stated some facts: Bush went to war against the terrorists in 2003 and in 6 years he fucked up, signed the SOFA treaty to withdraw from Iraq and lost his war.

Sorry you can't own it, reality bites, doesn't it?

your version of history is interesting, but totally fucked up. I am not saying we should have gone into Iraq, but that action did not create radical islam. Radical islam has been around for thousands of years. Just like rattlesnakes.

sorry, you missed the point of the OP and chose to post partisan bullshit instead.
Put a nail in this thread and close the lid. You just fucked yourself by exposing the weaknesses of Bush and Cheney. Good job, BLOWfish.
Yes it is about color of skin.

Nothing else really needs to be said, does it?

As long as you hate people on the basis of their skin colour, they're probably going to hate you right back. Can you blame them?
Put a nail in this thread and close the lid. You just fucked yourself by exposing the weaknesses of Bush and Cheney. Good job, BLOWfish.

Hmmmm, so now radical islam was created by Bush and Cheney?

with each new post, you show more stupidity. but you are a liberal, so thats to be expected.
So looks like Bush really fucked up, doesn't it? Ever since he flapped his gums and set Colin Powell up to lie to the U.N. Security Council, invaded Iraq and wasted $4,000,000,000,000 doing it. And it's still a problem.

One big fuck up because the terrorists are still under our beds and in our closets after his 10-year war.

He just dug us into a hole for 8 years. Hope you're voting Republican on Tuesday.

Thanks, Bush.

How stupid can you be? Are you claiming that Bush created radical islam that has been around for thousands of years? Are you claiming that Bush wrote the Koran that calls muslims to kill all non-believers? Are you claiming that Bush taught the 9/11 bombers how to fly planes into buildings?

You partisan asshole liberals are nothing but pathetic liars.

What? I stated some facts: Bush went to war against the terrorists in 2003 and in 6 years he fucked up, signed the SOFA treaty to withdraw from Iraq and lost his war.

Sorry you can't own it, reality bites, doesn't it?

your version of history is interesting, but totally fucked up. I am not saying we should have gone into Iraq, but that action did not create radical islam. Radical islam has been around for thousands of years. Just like rattlesnakes.

sorry, you missed the point of the OP and chose to post partisan bullshit instead.

From the horse ass's mouth. Now as Christie would say, "Sit down and shut up".

"Against such an enemy there is only one effective response: We will never back down, never give in and never accept anything less than complete victory."""

"""BUSH: Some call this evil Islamic radicalism. Others militant jihadism. Still, others Islamo-fascism.

Whatever it's called, this ideology is very different from the religion of Islam. This form of radicalism exploits Islam to serve a violent political vision: the establishment, by terrorism and subversion and insurgency, of a totalitarian empire that denies all political and religious freedom.

These extremists distort the idea of jihad into a call for terrorist murder against Christians and Jews and Hindus and also against Muslims from other traditions that they regard as heretics.

BUSH: Many militants are part of global borderless terrorist organizations like Al Qaida, which spreads propaganda and provides financing and technical assistance to local extremists and conducts dramatic and brutal operations like September 11th.

Other militants are found in regional groups often associated with Al Qaida; paramilitary insurgencies and separatist movements in places like Somalia and the Philippines and Pakistan and Chechnya and Kashmir and Algeria.

Still others spring up in local cells inspired by Islamic radicalism but not centrally directed.

BUSH: Islamic radicalism is more like a loose network with many branches than an army under a single command. Yet these operatives fighting on scattered battlefields share a similar ideology and vision for our world.

We know the vision of the radicals because they've openly stated it in videos and audiotapes and letters and declarations and Web sites.

First, these extremists want to end American and Western influence in the broader Middle East, because we stand for democracy and peace and stand in the way of their ambitions.

Al Qaida's leader, Osama bin Laden, has called on Muslims to dedicate, quote, "their resources sons and money to driving infidels out of their lands."

BUSH: Their tactic to meet this goal has been consistent for a quarter century: They hit us and expect us to run.

They want us to repeat the sad history of Beirut in 1983 and Mogadishu in 1993, only this time on a larger scale with greater consequences.

Second, the militant network wants to use the vacuum created by an American retreat to gain control of a country, a base from which to launch attacks and conduct their war against non-radical Muslim governments.

BUSH: Over the past few decades, radicals have specifically targeted Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and Jordan for potential takeover.

They achieved their goal for a time in Afghanistan. Now they've set their sights on Iraq.

Bin Laden has stated the whole world is watching this war and the two adversaries: It's either victory and glory or misery and humiliation.

The terrorists regard Iraq as the central front in their war against humanity, and we must recognize Iraq as the central front in our war on terror.

Third, the militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region and establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia.

BUSH: With greater economic and military and political power, the terrorists would be able to advance their stated agenda: to develop weapons of mass destruction, to destroy Israel, to intimidate Europe, to assault the American people and to blackmail our government into isolation.

Some might be tempted to dismiss these goals as fanatical or extreme. Well, they are fanatical and extreme and they should not be dismissed.

BUSH: Our enemy is utterly committed. As Zarqawi has vowed, "We will either we achieve victory over the human race or we will pass to the eternal life."

And the civilized world knows very well that other fanatics in history, from Hitler to Stalin to Pol Pot, consumed whole nations in war and genocide before leaving the stage of history.

Evil men obsessed with ambition and unburdened by conscience must be taken very seriously, and we must stop them before their crimes can multiply.

Defeating a militant network is difficult because it thrives like a parasite on the suffering and frustration of others.

The radicals exploit local conflicts to build a culture of victimization in which someone else is always to blame and violence is always the solution.

They exploit resentful and disillusioned young men and women, recruiting them through radical mosques as the pawns of terror.

And they exploit modern technology to multiply their destructive power. Instead of attending faraway training camps, recruits can now access online training libraries to learn how to build a roadside bomb or fire a rocket-propelled grenade.

BUSH: And this further spreads the threat of violence, even within peaceful democratic societies.

The influence of Islamic radicalism is also magnified by helpers and enablers. They have been sheltered by authoritarian regimes: allies of convenience like Syria and Iran that share the goal of hurting America and moderate Muslim governments and use terrorist propaganda to blame their own failures on the West and America and on the Jews.

The radicals depend on front operations such as corrupted charities which direct money to terrorist activity. They are strengthened by those who aggressively fund the spread of radical, intolerant versions of Islam in unstable parts of the world.

The militants are aided as well by elements of the Arab news media that incite hatred and anti-Semitism, that feed conspiracy theories and speak of so-called "American war on Islam" with seldom a word about American actions to protect Muslims in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Somalia, Kosovo, Kuwait and Iraq.

BUSH: Some have also argued that extremism has been strengthened by the actions of our coalition in Iraq, claiming that our presence in that country has somehow caused or triggered the rage of radicals.

I would remind them that we were not in Iraq on September the 11th, 2001, and Al Qaida attacked us anyway.

The hatred of the radicals existed before Iraq was an issue and it will exist after Iraq is no longer an excuse.

The government of Russia did not support Operation Iraqi Freedom, and yet militants killed more than 180 Russian school children in Beslan.

BUSH: Over the years, these extremists have used a litany of excuses for violence: Israeli presence on the West Bank or the U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia or the defeat of the Taliban or the crusades of a thousand years ago.

In fact, we're not facing a set of grievances that can be soothed and addressed. We're facing a radical ideology with unalterable objectives: to enslave whole nations and intimidate the world.

BUSH: No act of ours invited the rage of the killers, and no concession, bribe or act of appeasement would change or limit their plans for murder.

On the contrary, they target nations whose behavior they believe they can change through violence.

Against such an enemy there is only one effective response: We will never back down, .."

Transcript: Bush Discusses War on Terrorism
FDCH E-Media

Thursday, Oct. 6, 2005

Yes it is about color of skin.

Nothing else really needs to be said, does it?

As long as you hate people on the basis of their skin colour, they're probably going to hate you right back. Can you blame them?

when did radical islam become a skin color? He was making the point that we locked up japanese americans in WW2 but not german americans. sorry if so much of this is over your head
So looks like Bush really fucked up, doesn't it? Ever since he flapped his gums and set Colin Powell up to lie to the U.N. Security Council, invaded Iraq and wasted $4,000,000,000,000 doing it. And it's still a problem.

One big fuck up because the terrorists are still under our beds and in our closets after his 10-year war.

He just dug us into a hole for 8 years. Hope you're voting Republican on Tuesday.

Thanks, Bush.

How stupid can you be? Are you claiming that Bush created radical islam that has been around for thousands of years? Are you claiming that Bush wrote the Koran that calls muslims to kill all non-believers? Are you claiming that Bush taught the 9/11 bombers how to fly planes into buildings?

You partisan asshole liberals are nothing but pathetic liars.

What? I stated some facts: Bush went to war against the terrorists in 2003 and in 6 years he fucked up, signed the SOFA treaty to withdraw from Iraq and lost his war.

Sorry you can't own it, reality bites, doesn't it?

your version of history is interesting, but totally fucked up. I am not saying we should have gone into Iraq, but that action did not create radical islam. Radical islam has been around for thousands of years. Just like rattlesnakes.

sorry, you missed the point of the OP and chose to post partisan bullshit instead.

From the horse ass's mouth. Now as Christie would say, "Sit down and shut up".

"Against such an enemy there is only one effective response: We will never back down, never give in and never accept anything less than complete victory."""

"""BUSH: Some call this evil Islamic radicalism. Others militant jihadism. Still, others Islamo-fascism.

Whatever it's called, this ideology is very different from the religion of Islam. This form of radicalism exploits Islam to serve a violent political vision: the establishment, by terrorism and subversion and insurgency, of a totalitarian empire that denies all political and religious freedom.

These extremists distort the idea of jihad into a call for terrorist murder against Christians and Jews and Hindus and also against Muslims from other traditions that they regard as heretics.

BUSH: Many militants are part of global borderless terrorist organizations like Al Qaida, which spreads propaganda and provides financing and technical assistance to local extremists and conducts dramatic and brutal operations like September 11th.

Other militants are found in regional groups often associated with Al Qaida; paramilitary insurgencies and separatist movements in places like Somalia and the Philippines and Pakistan and Chechnya and Kashmir and Algeria.

Still others spring up in local cells inspired by Islamic radicalism but not centrally directed.

BUSH: Islamic radicalism is more like a loose network with many branches than an army under a single command. Yet these operatives fighting on scattered battlefields share a similar ideology and vision for our world.

We know the vision of the radicals because they've openly stated it in videos and audiotapes and letters and declarations and Web sites.

First, these extremists want to end American and Western influence in the broader Middle East, because we stand for democracy and peace and stand in the way of their ambitions.

Al Qaida's leader, Osama bin Laden, has called on Muslims to dedicate, quote, "their resources sons and money to driving infidels out of their lands."

BUSH: Their tactic to meet this goal has been consistent for a quarter century: They hit us and expect us to run.

They want us to repeat the sad history of Beirut in 1983 and Mogadishu in 1993, only this time on a larger scale with greater consequences.

Second, the militant network wants to use the vacuum created by an American retreat to gain control of a country, a base from which to launch attacks and conduct their war against non-radical Muslim governments.

BUSH: Over the past few decades, radicals have specifically targeted Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and Jordan for potential takeover.

They achieved their goal for a time in Afghanistan. Now they've set their sights on Iraq.

Bin Laden has stated the whole world is watching this war and the two adversaries: It's either victory and glory or misery and humiliation.

The terrorists regard Iraq as the central front in their war against humanity, and we must recognize Iraq as the central front in our war on terror.

Third, the militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region and establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia.

BUSH: With greater economic and military and political power, the terrorists would be able to advance their stated agenda: to develop weapons of mass destruction, to destroy Israel, to intimidate Europe, to assault the American people and to blackmail our government into isolation.

Some might be tempted to dismiss these goals as fanatical or extreme. Well, they are fanatical and extreme and they should not be dismissed.

BUSH: Our enemy is utterly committed. As Zarqawi has vowed, "We will either we achieve victory over the human race or we will pass to the eternal life."

And the civilized world knows very well that other fanatics in history, from Hitler to Stalin to Pol Pot, consumed whole nations in war and genocide before leaving the stage of history.

Evil men obsessed with ambition and unburdened by conscience must be taken very seriously, and we must stop them before their crimes can multiply.

Defeating a militant network is difficult because it thrives like a parasite on the suffering and frustration of others.

The radicals exploit local conflicts to build a culture of victimization in which someone else is always to blame and violence is always the solution.

They exploit resentful and disillusioned young men and women, recruiting them through radical mosques as the pawns of terror.

And they exploit modern technology to multiply their destructive power. Instead of attending faraway training camps, recruits can now access online training libraries to learn how to build a roadside bomb or fire a rocket-propelled grenade.

BUSH: And this further spreads the threat of violence, even within peaceful democratic societies.

The influence of Islamic radicalism is also magnified by helpers and enablers. They have been sheltered by authoritarian regimes: allies of convenience like Syria and Iran that share the goal of hurting America and moderate Muslim governments and use terrorist propaganda to blame their own failures on the West and America and on the Jews.

The radicals depend on front operations such as corrupted charities which direct money to terrorist activity. They are strengthened by those who aggressively fund the spread of radical, intolerant versions of Islam in unstable parts of the world.

The militants are aided as well by elements of the Arab news media that incite hatred and anti-Semitism, that feed conspiracy theories and speak of so-called "American war on Islam" with seldom a word about American actions to protect Muslims in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Somalia, Kosovo, Kuwait and Iraq.

BUSH: Some have also argued that extremism has been strengthened by the actions of our coalition in Iraq, claiming that our presence in that country has somehow caused or triggered the rage of radicals.

I would remind them that we were not in Iraq on September the 11th, 2001, and Al Qaida attacked us anyway.

The hatred of the radicals existed before Iraq was an issue and it will exist after Iraq is no longer an excuse.

The government of Russia did not support Operation Iraqi Freedom, and yet militants killed more than 180 Russian school children in Beslan.

BUSH: Over the years, these extremists have used a litany of excuses for violence: Israeli presence on the West Bank or the U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia or the defeat of the Taliban or the crusades of a thousand years ago.

In fact, we're not facing a set of grievances that can be soothed and addressed. We're facing a radical ideology with unalterable objectives: to enslave whole nations and intimidate the world.

BUSH: No act of ours invited the rage of the killers, and no concession, bribe or act of appeasement would change or limit their plans for murder.

On the contrary, they target nations whose behavior they believe they can change through violence.

Against such an enemy there is only one effective response: We will never back down, .."

Transcript: Bush Discusses War on Terrorism
FDCH E-Media

Thursday, Oct. 6, 2005

Yes, Bush did not destroy radical islam. He didn't create it either. our stupid invasion of iraq did not create it either.

But I get it, you job here is to demonize all republicans regardless of the topic or the facts. We know what you are.
Redfish is the guy who told me that 300 million Muslims had committed acts of terror, so a grain of salt sprinkled on his reasoning might be helpful.

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