All rattlesnakes are poisonous

The CBO's Budget and Economic Outlook published this month puts the cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom at $709 billion for military and related activities, including training of Iraqi forces and diplomatic operations.

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WhO in the heck is your source for figures? It obviously is some site trying to pull the wool over your eyes, as that isn't a figure from the CBO- the ones that figure the total costs. Here is their figures at the end of the pull out up above. Less than the stimulus did.

So looks like Bush really fucked up, doesn't it? Ever since he flapped his gums and set Colin Powell up to lie to the U.N. Security Council, invaded Iraq and wasted $4,000,000,000,000 doing it. And it's still a problem.

One big fuck up because the terrorists are still under our beds and in our closets after his 10-year war.

He just dug us into a hole for 8 years. Hope you're voting Republican on Tuesday.

Thanks, Bush.
If we had to fight WWii today, with our pathetic traitorous press, no way do we win it.

Maybe against the Germans but no way against Japan. Hell liberals today only bring up how mean we were to them.

Yes it is about color of skin.
Intelligent people know there is a big difference between fighting a war against a country and it's military troops...and fighting a war against terrorists with no country allegiance.
If we had to fight WWii today, with our pathetic traitorous press, no way do we win it.

Maybe against the Germans but no way against Japan. Hell liberals today only bring up how mean we were to them.

Yes it is about color of skin.

Funny things, so called liberal media and traitorous press being that most media and presses are owned by conservatives.
If we had to fight WWii today, with our pathetic traitorous press, no way do we win it.

Maybe against the Germans but no way against Japan. Hell liberals today only bring up how mean we were to them.

Yes it is about color of skin.

Funny things, so called liberal media and traitorous press being that most media and presses are owned by conservatives.

liberals don't need proof. Their entire philosophy is based on lies.
We are the good guys and they are the bad guys. We kill them because they kill innocents and supposedly lack the humanity to feel bad about that, what are we if we kill innocents without remorse and engage in wholesale slaughter? That's right. Then we too would be terrorist scum.

In a war innocents sometimes die. The USA does not target innocents. Radical islamists do target innocents.
not what I said at all. Did you read the OP?

I once asked you what percent of the Muslims in the world had committed an act of terror.

You said 15%. 15% of 2 billion is 300 million.

please show me where I said that. I may have said that 15% of muslims are radical, but not all radicals or radical supporters commit terrorist acts.

The OP is about eliminating radical terrorists and not worrying about why they are radical or why they want to kill us. Like rattlesnakes, thats just who they are. When we ignore that reality, but put ourselves in more danger.

And I told you Bush tried and failed. So you want to find another $4,000,000,000,000 and try this again? With your kid getting blown up by an IED this time?

of course not, who the fuck ever said anything like that? BTW, how much is obozo wasting in his inept "war" with ISIS?

He has not declared war on ISIS. Answer the question: Are you ready to send another 100,000 troops over there and have another 200,000 civilians killed and displaced? Because your O/P clearly infers that we need to go to war against the
not what I said at all. Did you read the OP?

I once asked you what percent of the Muslims in the world had committed an act of terror.

You said 15%. 15% of 2 billion is 300 million.

please show me where I said that. I may have said that 15% of muslims are radical, but not all radicals or radical supporters commit terrorist acts.

The OP is about eliminating radical terrorists and not worrying about why they are radical or why they want to kill us. Like rattlesnakes, thats just who they are. When we ignore that reality, but put ourselves in more danger.
they're just running you in circles playing word games. Don't go for it.
You made your points. Let them chase their tails.

Agree, but it is fun to watch them grasp for whatever convoluted "logic" they can dream up. The more they post the more idiotic they become.

And rattlesnake analogies are.....?

Emotional rants like your O/P.

Sorry if the rattlesnake analogy was over your head. The OP is about dealing with radical muslims who want to kill us. It is not about Bush or any politician. Your partisan stupidity tells us what you are.
We are the good guys and they are the bad guys. We kill them because they kill innocents and supposedly lack the humanity to feel bad about that, what are we if we kill innocents without remorse and engage in wholesale slaughter? That's right. Then we too would be terrorist scum.

In a war innocents sometimes die. The USA does not target innocents. Radical islamists do target innocents.
If the end result is dead non-combatant casualties what does intent have to do with it? It is the nature of asymmetrical warfare that the bad guys use the population as their only cover, they know we are not going to purposely drop bombs on schools, hospitals and other densely populated areas, yet it seems many want to do it anyway and not even care that we would become what we say we are fighting. If the price of decisively defeating ISIS is our humanity then the price is too high.
We are the good guys and they are the bad guys. We kill them because they kill innocents and supposedly lack the humanity to feel bad about that, what are we if we kill innocents without remorse and engage in wholesale slaughter? That's right. Then we too would be terrorist scum.

In a war innocents sometimes die. The USA does not target innocents. Radical islamists do target innocents.
If the end result is dead non-combatant casualties what does intent have to do with it? It is the nature of asymmetrical warfare that the bad guys use the population as their only cover, they know we are not going to purposely drop bombs on schools, hospitals and other densely populated areas, yet it seems many want to do it anyway and not even care that we would become what we say we are fighting. If the price of decisively defeating ISIS is our humanity then the price is too high.

so we should let them defeat us?????????
We are the good guys and they are the bad guys. We kill them because they kill innocents and supposedly lack the humanity to feel bad about that, what are we if we kill innocents without remorse and engage in wholesale slaughter? That's right. Then we too would be terrorist scum.

In a war innocents sometimes die. The USA does not target innocents. Radical islamists do target innocents.
If the end result is dead non-combatant casualties what does intent have to do with it? It is the nature of asymmetrical warfare that the bad guys use the population as their only cover, they know we are not going to purposely drop bombs on schools, hospitals and other densely populated areas, yet it seems many want to do it anyway and not even care that we would become what we say we are fighting. If the price of decisively defeating ISIS is our humanity then the price is too high.

so we should let them defeat us?????????
No, we should be patient and prepare for a long battle where we win on our terms, not by being monstrous. You want a quick decisive military victory and it is just not possible. We have been fighting this "war on terror" for a long time, you should know by now how it works. When we act like callous invaders indiscriminately dealing death we just make more terrorists and make the war last another generation.
Oh....we should be patient. That ought to defeat these fanatics.

So looks like Bush really fucked up, doesn't it? Ever since he flapped his gums and set Colin Powell up to lie to the U.N. Security Council, invaded Iraq and wasted $4,000,000,000,000 doing it. And it's still a problem.

One big fuck up because the terrorists are still under our beds and in our closets after his 10-year war.

He just dug us into a hole for 8 years. Hope you're voting Republican on Tuesday.

Thanks, Bush.

How stupid can you be? Are you claiming that Bush created radical islam that has been around for thousands of years? Are you claiming that Bush wrote the Koran that calls muslims to kill all non-believers? Are you claiming that Bush taught the 9/11 bombers how to fly planes into buildings?

You partisan asshole liberals are nothing but pathetic liars.

What? I stated some facts: Bush went to war against the terrorists in 2003 and in 6 years he fucked up, signed the SOFA treaty to withdraw from Iraq and lost his war.

Sorry you can't own it, reality bites, doesn't it?

FDR won WW2 on two fronts in four years, so do you see a problem yet? Or do you just have a problem with simple math?
Wow, revisionist much?
Bush won the IRaq War. Obama lost the peace. Bush waged war on al Qaeda and largely destroyed them. Obama coddled them and produced ISIS. Bush had international credibility. Foreign officials openly make fun of Obama.
Sucks to be you.

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