All That Work and Texas State Senator Wendy Davis Still Wins.

So they'd better get out their wallets if the ruling doesn't stick. Lots and lots of illegitimate children will be born and they will need care for at least 18 years.

in case you didn't know....Texas has jobs....the parents can work...

Yeah, TX has jobs...meanwhile, TX is also one of the biggest takers of federal money, they have a high percentage of poor people, people on welfare, teen pregnancies etc etc.

And anyway, what does being employed have to do with a personal choice? Yes, a woman can work and still have a child; but, if the woman chooses not to have that child that is entirely HER choice.

why shouldn't Texas accept federal money.....the feds aren't doing their job and preventing the illegals from entering the country...

what does being employed have to do with killing a baby.....? stop calling it a "personal choice" as if you are choosing to wear red instead of green...

being employed just means that the parents can support the child....not the state....
Federal judge declares some Texas abortion restrictions unconstitutional, blocks enforcement - The Washington Post.

U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel has ruled the new Texas Abortion Law Unconstitutional on the grounds that the law creates an undo obstacle to women in Texas seeking Abortion.

Democratic State Senator and candidate for Governor of Texas Wendy Davis filibustered the original law.

While Texas Governor and failed Presidential wanna Rick Perry did call a second special session of the Texas Senate to pass the law, the law has since been challenged and now has been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!

A leftist judge legislating from the bench???

Ummm, noooooooo, I'm not talking about you shooting off in another guys mouth, I'm talking about abortion.


Quit fantasizing . I will never come in your mouth.

Sperms and fetuses are live cells not "babies".


Again, I'm not talking about the sperm you're pumping into your boyfriends orifices, I'm talking about babies that are living growing humans.

I understand that your BFF's spermatozoa do not live or grow in in your body.

But my sperm and women's ovum and fetuses are live cells which live and grow in our respective bodies.

Wait until you take Biology in the 6th grade.

We know the LW wants to give women the power to kill their own babies.


So every time I get a blow job I am killing .........babies?!?!?!?!?


Every sperm is sacred.


Davis wins with the blood of the innocent on her.

To the left, this is a win.

We know the RW doesn't want to give women the power to control their own bodies.

What other womanly acts of depravity can we excuse?

Matricide begins and concludes when, exactly?

Why not extend the deadline :)eek:) a few months to let these women control their own bodies? Maybe a year or so. "Test Drive" the motherhood decision."

We'd give Mothers the power to control their own bodies' "product" up until the time when she can really know if she wants to abort that "pregnancy" or not.

Sounds intriguing, doesn't it, you sickies!

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So every time I get a blow job I am killing .........babies?!?!?!?!?


Every sperm is sacred.




Base Commander Jack D. Ripper

I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began?...1946. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice.

That's the way your hard-core Commie works. I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love... Yes, a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I — I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women, er, women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake...but I do deny them my essence.

Dr. Strangelove - Wikiquote
All That Work and Texas State Senator Wendy Davis Still Wins.

In fact, all the residents of Texas win, as this is a victory for individual liberty and advocates of limited government – things conservatives no longer believe in.
The Republicans and Abortion....this is the ultimate in their own lying hypocracy.

All we ever hear out of them is, "We do not want the Government to decide Health Care".

All we ever hear out of them is, "We do not want the Government in the Doctor's Office".

All we ever hear out of them is, "We do not want the Government in the Operating Room".

All we ever hear out of them is, "We do not want the Government to Regulate Health Care".

Yet, when comes to Abortion, a medical procedure, all the above statements become Hypocritical Lies.

They do want the Government to Decide Health Care.
(The same Government they do not want to Decide Health Care.)

They do want the Government in the Doctor's Office.
(The same Government they not in the Doctor's Office.)

They do want the Government in the Operating Room.
(The same Government they do not in the Operating Room).

They do want the Government to Regulate Health Care.
(The same Government they do not want Regulate Health Care).

Abortion, is by definition a Medical Procedure performed by trained Medical Personnel.

Abortion, is by definition a Medical Procedure that after consultation between a Patient and her Doctor in the Doctor's Office where the Republicans DO NOT WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO BE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Abortion, is by definition a Medical Procedure performed in an Operating Room. Where Republicans DO WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO BE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Abortion, is by definition a Medical Procedure requires the consent of the Patient. The Republicans want to the right the Patient to decide for herself what is in her own best interest. THE REPUBLICANS WANT TO TAKE THAT RIGHT AWAY.

Yet, Republicans want the Government to Regulate if not out ban abortion.

The Republicans, the same Republicans to do not trust the Government to Regulate Medical Care, the same Republicans who do not want the Government in the Doctors Office, the same Republicans who do not the Government in the Operating Room, the same Republicans who do not want the Government to decided Health Care...these same Republicans become lying hypocritical bastards when it comes to Abortion.

The plain, simple and honest truth of the matter is this.

RePugs do not want Abortion banned, denied or overturned.

They use Abortion to raise Billions of Dollars in Campaign Donations, while knowing they will never do a damn thing about it.
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