All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

The Max Rayne Hand in Hand Jerusalem School was one of five schools around the globe that triumphed at the World’s Best School prizes on Saturday for feats including fostering unity, helping the local community and supporting mental health.

The winners, also in Brazil, Colombia, India and South Africa, shared a $250,000 prize at the awards, launched last year by T4 Education, a global network for educators.

The Max Rayne Hand in Hand Jerusalem School, which is bilingual, won the Overcoming Adversity prize for its integration of Jewish and Arab students.

Is there a way to eradictae antisemitism from the Arab world?

As Operation Iron Swords intensifies, a surge in antisemitism has become alarmingly apparent, primarily emanating from the Arab world.

Notably, the UAE, an Abraham Accords signatory, stood out as the sole Arab nation to denounce the tragic events of October 7 and demand the swift release of the hostages.

In light of these developments, the question arises: can the prospects for Jewish-Arab reconciliation and peace be rekindled in the face of such blatant antisemitism?

Loay Alshareef, a dedicated Muslim peace activist, engages in discussions about Israel within the broader context of Arab nations and the Middle East.

  • Palestinian terrorist killed after stabbing and seriously wounded a border policewoman this morning
  • PA headline about the stabbing: “A child was shot by the occupation and died as a Martyr in Jerusalem”

While the scale of Hamas' murderous atrocities is far greater than those committed by Palestinians under the direction of the Palestinian Authority/Fatah, the fundamental Palestinian policy of supporting and justifying the murder of all Israelis was established by the PA years ago and continues to be the foundation of PA terror support.

Today we witnessed another example when a 16-year-old Palestinian terrorist from east Jerusalem stabbed and seriously wounded a border policewoman and moderately wounded another, near Jerusalem’s old city. The terrorist was shot and killed immediately after his attack.

WAFA the official PA news agency, headlined the story: “A child was shot by the occupation and died as a Martyr in Jerusalem.” The article also writes that the “Martyr” will “ascend to heaven” - stressing that his action of stabbing and attempting to murder an Israeli is what Allah desires of Palestinians, and therefore the 16-year-old terrorist will be granted the glorious afterlife reserved for “Martyrs.”

While the WAFA story mentions Israel’s “claim” that he attempted to stab, the story continues to present has as the heroic victim and Islamic Martyr:

“A child was shot by the Israeli occupation forces and died this morning, Monday in occupied Jerusalem. Eyewitnesses reported to [the official PA news agency] WAFA that the occupation forces fired a volley of bullets at child Muhammad Omar Al-Faroukh, 16, from the village (Jerusalem neighborhood) of Issawiya, on Saladin Street in central Jerusalem, on the claim that he attempted to carry out a stabbing operation, which caused his death as a Martyr.
The occupation police claimed that two female soldiers (sic., a border policewoman and a border policeman) were wounded, one of them critically…
With the ascent to Heaven of child Al-Faroukh in Jerusalem, the number of Martyrs in the West Bank since Oct. 7, [2023] rises to 144.”
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Nov. 6, 2023]

[ When is Tamimi going to try to kill an Israeli? Or inciting is all she needs, all she can do? Oh, yes, she is probably NOT allowed in Israel after what she did before. So, others - especially the children of Allah, must pay with their lives to kill Jews. Endless child abuse, as she was abused, by Allah and the superior religion which does not allow indigenous people to reclaim their homelands ]

  • 22-year-old Ahed Tamimi: “We will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a picnic. We will drink your blood and eat your skulls. Go on, we’re waiting for you”
With almost 100,000 followers, the Instagram profile of Palestinian released prisoner Ahed Tamimi was a model platform to spread hate, call for terror, and incite to murder Jews.

Who knows if 16-year-old Muhammad Omar Al-Faroukh who yesterday murdered 20-year-old Sgt. Elisheva Rose Ida Lubin by stabbing her to death in East Jerusalem was one of Tamimi’s inspired followers?

Last week, 22-year-old Tamimi - who has served time in Israel for assault, incitement to terror, stabbings, and suicide bombings – wrote to Israelis/Jews in Hebrew and Arabic on her Instagram story, pledging to “slaughter you” in a way that would make “what Hitler did to you” seem like “a picnic”:

Tamimi’s post included Arabic text (above left) and a translation into Hebrew with mistakes; the following is PMW’s translation of the Arabic text. On the right is a picture of her arrest. [N12 (Israel), Nov. 6, 2023]

Posted text: “Our message to the settler herds: We are waiting for you in every West Bank city, from Hebron to Jenin. We will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a picnic. We will drink your blood and eat your skulls. Go on, we’re waiting for you.”
[Ahed Tamimi, Instagram, Oct. 29, 2023]​
Whether terrorist murderer Al-Faroukh saw Tamimi’s story or not is immaterial, because he would not have needed her incitement for inspiration. Even before the current war between Hamas in Gaza and Israel, the PA and Fatah as policy has encouraged terror against Israel, glorified terrorists, and incited to murder Jews/Israelis.

Now during the month-long war, the PA and Fatah’s direct calls for murder of Jews/Israelis have been more explicit and more frequent. Al-Faroukh could have been inspired in school where he might have been taught to yell “blow up the Zionist’s head.” He could have read Fatah’s demand to “all those who have a weapon” to mobilize. Al-Faroukh may have seen Fatah’s Student Movement’s announcement, calling on Allah to “count them [Jews] and kill them one by one.” Or he could have been to a mosque where the preacher followed the PA’s instructions and preached that the extermination of Jews is an Islamic imperative.

Palestinian Media Watch has exposed that other teens have acted on the PA’s brainwashing and sought “Martyrdom-death” by attacking and attempting to kill Israelis.

Tamimi called for slaughter of Jews 3 weeks into Hamas’ terror war on Israel:

Hamas war on Israel October 2023 - At least 1,400 Israelis, including over 1,000 civilians, were murdered and over 4,800 wounded, in addition to at least 245 Israelis (including 5 later released or liberated) who were abducted into the Gaza Strip, in a Hamas terror war that began when approximately 3,000 Hamas terrorists broke through Israel's security fence at the Gaza Strip border and launched a surprise attack, taking control of several Israeli towns and attacking a music festival on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, which fell on the Sabbath, Oct. 7, 2023. During the massacre the terrorists tortured, raped, shot, beheaded, and burned their victims alive, murdering entire families and leaving at least 21 children without parents. Hamas terrorists also fired at least 5,000 rockets at Israeli population centers. In response, Israel launched Operation Iron Swords to counter the Hamas terror threat. Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon joined Hamas' terror war starting from the following day, attacking Israel from the north. Occasional rocket launches and shootings continued from Lebanon throughout the war.

Ahed Tamimi – Female Palestinian teenager who assaulted Israeli soldiers on Dec. 15, 2017, and promoted suicide bombings in a filmed message immediately afterwards. After serving 8 months in prison, she met with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on July 29, 2018, who called her "a role model for the Palestinian struggle." Tamimi was arrested again on Nov. 6, 2023, after writing the following incitement on her Instagram Story on Oct. 29, 2023, during Hamas' terror war on Israel: "Our message to the settler herds... We will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a picnic. We will drink your blood and eat your skulls. Go on, we’re waiting for you."

Muhammad Omar Al-Faroukh – 16-year-old Palestinian terrorist from Jerusalem who stabbed and murdered Israeli border policewoman Elisheva Rose Ida Lubin, 20, and wounded another border policeman at a police station near Herod’s Gate of Jerusalem’s Old City on Nov. 6, 2023. Israeli forces shot and killed Al-Faroukh, thereby ending his attack.

Arab and Muslim antisemitism have been around for a while. For example, James Augustus St. John in "From Egypt and Mohammed Ali Or Travels in the Valley of the Nile"(1834) he explains that the term "Yahoodi" (Jew) was the worst insult a Muslim could muster when attacking an opponent.

And Jews from Morocco to Persia suffered discrimination and daily abuse throughout the Muslim world.

This, of course, included Palestine, as seen in this 1869 travelogue:

Antisemitism by Arabs in Palestine pre-dated "occupation" and the "nakba" and Zionism itself.

If you look at Hamas' own reasons for starting the current war, in Arabic they have been quite clear: besides wanting to take hostages for a trade to release their prisoners, they say that the war is to stop the "Judaization of Jerusalem. "

The kidnappings were tied to a hostage swap. But the massacre were entirely because of Jews living and praying in Jerusalem without fear. Hamas wants the Jews to be fearful in Israel, in the hope that they will run away. (There are lots of articles in Arabic media claiming that there is a huge exodus of Jews from Israel.)

Hamas didn't say that this war was a reaction to the "siege." It was not for Palestinians killed in clashes in the West Bank. No, their main justification for murdering 1400 people was Jews visiting the holiest Jewish security. Their very name for the massacre and war is "Al Aqsa Flood."

They are telling you it is about Jews as explicitly as they can.

Even so, people like Barack Obama pretend this is about "occupation" or "justice" or whatever. They are just projecting their own hate of Israel on Hamas.

If there was no "occupation," Hamas would have attacked anyway.

Because Hamas hates Jews living in their historic homeland.

This is not exactly a secret. Read Hamas' genocidal charter! (And no, it was never changed.)

Or look at this scene from a 2014 Hamas rally, where they burned a stereotypical religious Jew in effigy.

(full article online)


WARNING: Palestinian Authority Says Muslims Will EXTERMINATE JEWS
[ Surada just posted this article on "Israel's war with Hamas" thread. Being the wrong thread for it, I am discussing it here ]

1)Norwegian anti Jews lie as they breathe.

2) Those residents TOOK OVER homes of Jews after all Jews were expelled from those homes by the Jordanian forces in 1948. East Jerusalem = The Jewish Quarter = The Jews have the right to their homes, not those who took over after the expulsion.

3) "East" Jerusalem is NOT occupied, and those Arabs are NOT refugees.

4) As they are NOT occupied civilians, but people who took over Jewish homes and refuse to pay the titled owners their due rent.

5) When any people, anywhere in the world, refuse to pay rent to the rightful owners, they are evicted.

The Gay Palestinian Men Living In Israel | Invisible Men (LGBT+ Documentary) | Real Pride​


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