All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

Every time a war breaks out in Gaza, the media gets it wrong. Spectacularly wrong.

I described many of them in 2022; here is an updated version of that post.

A large percentage of Gaza rockets fall in Gaza, and many Gazans are killed because of them. I've documented this for years. I've shown how Hamas' own videos show rockets falling short. And there is evidence that sometimes Hamas fires weapons deliberately towards its own people!

This year, even with a dearth of coverage inside Gaza, I identified one likely victim of a jihadist rocket: Yusra Husni Salha, a 67-year old women from Gaza, who was almost certainly killed by a terror rocket that fell short in the yard of the Indonesian Hospital on Saturday, October 7.

And yes, Hamas often keeps weapons in mosques. And schools. And reporters have known for years that Hamas maintains a headquarters in the basement of Shifa Hospital, which happens to be at the hub of major Hamas underground tunnels.

When a family is killed in Gaza, it is very rare that it is an IDF mistake. Most of the time it is because a terrorist operative is in the house - either because he is a member of the family, sometimes it seems because he is using them as human shields. Other times it is because of Hamas rockets falling short. Sometimes it is because the IDF targeted a legitimate target that had a larger cache of explosives than was thought and it caused far more collateral damage than expected.

In the beginning of every war, this one included, Hamas and Islamic Jihad hides the names of most of those killed. They do this to make it look like a larger percentage of the dead are civilians. NGOs like PCHR follow Hamas' instructions and do not list the names of terrorists killed until they are told they may. (No one seems to worry that an NGO that hides the truth might not be exactly reliable.)

Speaking of, the Gaza Health Ministry and the "human rights" NGOs in Gaza (PCHR and Al Mezan) downplay any mention of terrorist casualties and often call terrorists "civilians" when they report the circumstances of those who have died. (Amnesty's obscenely dishonest "Gaza Platform" with statistics from the 2014 war relied on PCHR's initial reports, and as a result it lists more "civilians" than even the UN does. They know they are lying, I've let them know enough times, and they refuse to correct it.)

The media still has no idea what "proportionality" means in the context of international law. They make scorecards of how many have been killed on both sides as if the results are supposed to be "fair," implying that if only more Jews would be killed, then they can all be happy. They haven't done it yet because more Jews have been killed so far, but as soon as things turn around, the game will begin.

The media has never reported that Hamas' interior ministry instructs Gazans to lie to the media, giving detailed instructions.

The media (and human rights groups) also don't understand the principle of distinction, pretending that it means that Israel cannot bomb a high value target if there are civilians around. It can, under proper circumstances.

Then again, the media is also part of the problem. Hamas has almost complete control over the media in Gaza. Citizens who speak freely to media know that they will be punished. Everyone sticks to the Hamas-approved script. International reporters know that they will be kicked out if they say anything not to Hamas' liking. Yet the media hardly ever mentions this, giving a false impression that their reporting is objective.

The media will also ignore most of Hamas' war crimes. Outside the massacre that sparked this war, the media ignores Hamas using ambulances or "press" credentials to transport weapons, using Gazans as human shields, using mosques as weapons depots, shooting from schools- - I once counted 19 different war crimes that Hamas has donein the Gaza wars, but "human rights groups" somehow only notice and denounce one.

Here are some other must-read background info that will make you more knowledgeable than the most prestigious journalists from the New York Times, the BBC and CNN:

* Israel's success in keeping civilian casualties to a minimum in an urban war zone where the military targets are purposefully placed among civilians is unparalleled.

* The decisions as to what Israel targets in Gaza is detailed, lengthy and adheres to international law. The media and Israel haters portray Israel as a spoiled baby who lashes out at anything that moves and I've never seen a serious mainstream media article that describes anything close to the reality that military experts understand.

If the media would miss one or two of these topics, there wouldn't be a problem. They are in the job of simplifying things for readers. But they consistently get basic things wrong, and always in the direction of making Israel look bad.

It is no accident.


Daily Quote​

Fortunate are the righteous, and fortunate are their neighbors; woe to the wicked, and woe to their neighbors
Talmud, Sukkah 56b
[ End the Oslo Accords, send the PA, Fatah, PLO leaders into exile, do what Dayan should have done. Those who wish to live in peace with Israel, so be it. All others, who are known to attack Jews and not want peace, leave ]

In a statement proclaiming the Palestinian Authority’s support and solidarity with Gaza, PA Chairman Abbas promised that the PA will “stand by our people, the Gaza Strip will not be alone.” With these words he pledged PA support to the citizens of Gaza, which will also benefit Hamas’ terror war on Israel.

Completely ignoring the barbaric atrocities committed against Israelis by Hamas terrorists – murder, rape, kidnapping, and mutilation of bodies of dead Israelis - Abbas only condemned Israel's counter attack on the terrorists, calling Israel’s retaliation “a comprehensive act of aggression,” which caused “suffering” to Gazans:

“Our people in the Gaza Strip are being subjected to a comprehensive act of aggression, attacks, and killing by the Israeli occupation forces. This obligates us to give everything that could ease their suffering.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 9, 2023]
A similar focus was displayed by the PA in its official daily where a headline screamed:

Hundreds of [Palestinian] Martyrs and thousands of wounded in the occupation’s massacres in various places in the Gaza Strip.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 9, 2023]​
The same article in the official PA daily referred to the slaughtered Israeli civilians in the south of Israel as “settlers,” a term used by the PA to imply illegitimacy for all Israeli citizens and therefore worthy of retribution:

“The occupation announces the deaths of 700 settlers (sic.), the wounding of 2,200, and the capture of more than 100” (Sadly, the Israeli casualties have since gone up, see below -Ed.)
On the same note, the official PA news agency WAFA referred to Israeli towns near Gaza as “colonies”:

“From the early morning hours [Oct. 8, 2023], the Israeli occupation army began to evacuate the residents of the coloniesalong the border with the Gaza Strip.”
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Oct. 8, 2023]​
Abbas’ sympathy for the Palestinian civilian victims of the current (and past) Gaza wars overlooks the fundamental truth: Hamas started the war by barbarously attacking Israeli civilians in a murder spree. As of the time of writing, Israel counts over 1,200 murdered, over 2,900 wounded and possibly 150 hostages whose condition is unknown.

But in the view of the PA, as Palestinian Media Watch has exposed, even Hamas’ massacre was misrepresented as “self-defense.” This too was stressed by Abbas:

“[Abbas] again emphasized our people’s right to defend itself and its members from the occupation’s aggression.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 9, 2023]​
Instead of condemning the slaughter committed by Hamas, Abbas has yet again shown his true face by supporting Hamas.

As reported by PMW, officials and members of Abbas’ Fatah party also follow this policy, mocking Israel’s supposedly “undefeatable army,” describing it as “weaker than cobwebs”:

(full article online)

The El Al desk at JFK Airport’s Terminal 4 was brimming with quiet anxiety on Monday as dozens of travelers waited to be checked in holding two documents: their passport, and their emergency summons from the Israel Defense Forces.

The military reservists were preparing to board at least two specially chartered flights to Israel, where they would join a burgeoning war effort. Since Saturday’s devastating invasion of southern Israel by Hamas, which killed at least 1,000 Israelis, the country has called up an unprecedented 300,000-plus reservists for what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called a “massive attack” on the terror group.

That call-up brought Israelis from New York City and beyond to the JFK terminal, where the check-in operation of Israel’s national carrier felt less chaotic than usual: Airline attendants were helping the men move through the process quickly, while hordes of volunteers had appeared to drop off food and equipment as well as make sure everyone knew where they needed to go.

(full article online)

Using civilians as human shields, Hamas has called on Gazans not to leave their homes when Israel warns about bombings.

While the Israeli army has been notifying Gazan civilians to leave their homes and seek safety elsewhere before Israel attacks terrorists or terror infrastructure in their apartment buildings, Hamas’ Interior Ministry is calling on Palestinians to remain in their homes to serve as human shields:

Headline: "The Interior Ministry calls on citizens not to cooperate with the recorded messages the occupation (i.e., Israel) is sending at random”
“Important notice:
We again call on [Gazan] citizens not to cooperate with the recorded phone messages that the occupation (i.e., Israel) is sending at random, asking people to leave their homes. Their goal is to arouse panic and fear as part of the psychological warfare accompanying the occupation's aggression against our people.
Media Office, Ministry of Interior and National Security
Tuesday, October 10, 2023”
[Website of Hamas' Ministry of Interior and National Security,
Oct. 10,2023]​
It has always been Hamas' policy to use the civilian population in Gaza as human shields. Palestinian Media Watch documented that in the 2014 Gaza war, Hamas also demanded that Palestinians “return to their homes”.

Even Fatah has mocked Hamas for its use of civilians as human shields and criticized them for storing explosives among the civilian population.


[Website of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Aug. 29, 2021


Hamas describes its main achievement: Being on the front page again

Here is an amazing interview at Sky News on Monday between reporter Mark Austin and Basem Naim, director of Hamas’s international relations.

At the beginning of the segment, Naim denied that Hamas killed any civilians, and that it was all Israeli propaganda, as Austin incredulously asked him how he could lie so brazenly.

But one part of the interview revealed a truth that is not often reported.

When Naim was asked what Hamas' main achievement from the Saturday massacre was, his very first answer was, "We have been neglected because of the conflict between America and China, between Ukraine and Russia and our suffering for 75 years is coming out for discussion."

As I have noted for years, Palestinians fear irrelevance more than anything else. Palestinians as a group act like three year olds who cannot stand not being the center of attention. They hijack every cause they can. Whatever is in the headlines, they try to make it about them. And then they claim that the world ignores them when they receive far more attention, and more international aid, than any other nation on Earth per capita.

The Palestinians considered the Abraham Accords to be catastrophic - because it punctured their narrative that they are the most important issue in the Middle East, and it ended their control over the Arab League with veto power over any agreement between Israel and Arab states.

The Arabs don't care about them anymore. The West has started pushing back against the UN obsession with Israel. Even their terror wave of the past two years has not generated much international attention.

But slaughtering a thousand Jews - that is guaranteed to be covered by the media that they consider controlled by the Jews.

The Hamas leader is speaking for all Palestinians when he says that he is very happy that the world is now focused on Palestinians again, even if it is to report that they are monsters or support monsters. As any parent knows, negative attention is still a reward for toddlers. And Palestinians, after decades of being told that the world revolves around them, that they alone among all peoples deserve unlimited aid, free medical services, free schooling and free residences forever, have had no incentive to grow the hell up.

Beheading children and raping girls is a sure way to get airtime - airtime that will be itself hijacked (as Naim himself tries to do) to redirect world anger against Israel.

Giving a gun to a child is not a good idea. And neither is giving billions of dollars to emotionally retarded people whose top priority is spending it on weapons, whether the cash is coming from the US, the EU or Iran. Palestinians have never been held responsible for their actions by the world, as NGOs coddle them and the EU remains committed to financially supporting them. That is why they have stayed in their mental state of the world owing them everything. When they are no longer the center of attention, they consider that a violation of their rights.

Saeb Erekat said in 2016:

Our struggle is not religious but political, and therefore we say to the world, if you really wanted to fight terrorism and defeat Daash [ISIS], be aware that it will not be in isolation from draining the swamp of the Israeli occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state on the '67 borders and Jerusalem as its capital.

If you want to stop Islamists from beheading people, give Palestinians a state, Jerusalem, release murderers from prison and all their other demands including destroying Israel via "return." . That was the message in 2016 from the "moderate" Palestinian spokesman, and it is the same message from Hamas today. It is a threat that as long as they don't get their demands met they will continue to terrorize the world, directly or indirectly.

Terror is the only thing that makes them relevant.

Give credit where credit is due: This afternoon, Joe Biden gave what might be the most powerful statement in support of Israel ever delivered by any president. There were no qualifications. There was no evocation of root causes. No effort was made to hold out an olive branch or to suggest to Hamas, or to its fellow Iranian vassal Hezbollah, or their paymaster in Tehran that their future cooperation might lead to better days. The president said Hamas exists to destroy Israel and to kill Jews, and pledged this country’s full support in Israel’s effort against its enemy. He did not shy away from mentioning the atrocities that have made all people whose moral sense has not withered into a bilious pool (i.e., Rep. Rashida Tlaib, hanging a Hamas flag in your office in tribute to monsters who beheaded babies, may history spit your name from its lips as a curse) rear in horror and revulsion. He did not even begin with the customary “good afternoon.” He simply said, “There are moments in this life when pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed on the world. The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend.” And the words that followed never wavered.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Four young Palestinian girls, approximately 4 to 6 years old, carry a younger girl around in an infant seat.

It could be a normal children’s game. Only the infant seat represents a stretcher and the baby is the “dead Martyr.”

The children are playing “the Martyr game.”

During the game, the girls giggle and praise the “Martyr” child because: "The Martyr is the beloved of Allah."

This game, and the girls’ joy is the terrifying result of decades of PA education of Palestinian children to see death for Allah and “Palestine” as an ideal and a goal. Palestinian Media Watch has documented hundreds of statements elevating death as a Martyr to a supreme and praiseworthy goal, even for children.

In Fatah’s Waed magazine for 6-15-year-olds Palestinian children are taught:

In 2002, at the height of the PA’s 5-year terror war against Israel (the second Intifada), PMW likewise exposed a video of young Palestinian boys playing “the Martyr game.” For over two decades nothing has changed:



Text on screen: "The children of Gaza explain the Martyr game."
Girls (giggling): "The Martyr is the beloved of Allah."
Man: "What are you playing?"
Girl 1: "We're playing Martyr."
Girl 2 (giggling): "We're playing. This is my sister, she has to be the child [Martyr]. We carry her and play."
Man: "What do you tell her?"
Girls: "The Martyr is the beloved of Allah."
Man: "Okay, go on and put her back in place, quickly."
[Al-Jazeera TV, Twitter account, Oct. 22, 2023]
PMW archive:

Palestinian children play “the Martyr game” during the PA’s terror campaign (2000-2005, the second Intifada)

Palestinian children: " With spirit and blood we will redeem you, oh Martyr! Allahu Akbar!" …
PA TV narrator: "That's the Martyr’s game."
[Official PA TV, July 1, 2002]​



Rabbi Ari Berman, President of Yeshiva University, is pleased to announce that over 100 college and university presidents across the United States have joined him in a statement of support of Israel and the Palestinians who suffer under Hamas’ cruel rule in Gaza.

Text from an article on Cision PR Newswire regarding the initiative appears below.


Encourage Others to Join Growing Coalition Against Terrorism

NEW YORK, Oct. 26, 2023/PRNewswire/ — A broad coalition of more than 100 institutions of higher education, including public and private, faith-based, and historically Black colleges and universities today issued a statement standing with Israel, the Palestinians who suffer under Hamas’ cruel rule in Gaza and all people of moral conscience.

Rabbi Ari Berman, President of Yeshiva University and convener of the coalition, said, “The massacre in Israel put a spotlight on campuses and the role university presidents have in articulating the values that higher education represents. There is unparalleled strength in presidents joining together to lay the moral groundwork on which all civil dialogue is naturally based. I am honored to stand with the signatories of this statement who are committed to bringing clarity and truth to these tumultuous times, and protecting our campus communities from violence and hate.”

The members of the coalition urge presidents and chancellors of all U.S. and global colleges and universities to join the effort – by sending an e-mail directly to [email protected].

We Stand Together with Israel Against Hamas

We are horrified and sickened by the brutality and inhumanity of Hamas. Murdering innocent civilians including babies and children, raping women and taking the elderly as hostages are not the actions of political disagreement but the actions of hate and terrorism. The basis of all universities is a pursuit of truth, and it is times like these that require moral clarity. Like the fight against ISIS, the fight against Hamas is a fight against evil. We, the presidents and chancellors of universities, colleges and higher education associations across the United States of America and the world, stand with Israel, with the Palestinians who suffer under Hamas’ cruel rule in Gaza and with all people of moral conscience.


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