All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[Imitating the "Protocols" ? Where did they get the idea? Or is it an annexation to the Quran ? ]

Hamrin News, a Saudi news outlet, describes a favorite topic: Jews. Here are some excerpts.

The Jew is not permitted to be polite with the non-Jew , or to claim his love, unless he is afraid of harm.

It is not permissible to offer charity to non-Jews.

On the Day of Atonement all of the sins committed by Jews during the year are wiped out.

If the Gentiles steal something - even if its value is very trivial - they deserve to die; because they have violated the commandments that the Lord commanded them

If a foreigner and a Jew come before you in a lawsuit, and you can make the Jew a winner, then say to the foreigner: This is what our law requires...

The religious leaders must curse the heads of the religions (Muhammad, Christ, peace be upon them and the scholars of the unholy) three times every day,

Anyone who sees the tombs of the Goyim should curse them and curse them with specific words found in the Talmud.

All the goods of the land belong to the children of Israel, the land and all that is in it, and it all belongs only to the Jews, and they have full disposition in them; Jehovah gave the Jews control over the money of the rest of the nations and their blood.

The use of foreigners as practical animals has produced a profession in Palestine called "Shabbos Goy", which is mostly Arabs, and their function is to do what is forbidden to the religious Jew to do on Saturday.

(full article online)

Some more explicit Arab media antisemitism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Amnesty International releases an “urgent action” call to its supporters urging them to pressure Hamas leaders to return two Israeli civilians being held by the terror group in Gaza.

“Avera Mangistu and Hisham al-Sayed have been missing respectively since 7 September 2014 and 20 April 2015 in the Gaza Strip,” the Amnesty statement reads. “The two Israeli civilians suffer from serious mental health conditions. Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip have refused to disclose any information about them. Their fate and whereabouts remain unknown.”

Amnesty spoke with their families, the statement explains.

“Avera Mangistu’s family told Amnesty International that he has been suffering from a serious mental health condition since his brother’s death on 11 November 2012. Amnesty International reviewed hospital documents issued by the Israeli Ministry of Health’s mental health services stating that Avera Mangistu was admitted to psychiatric hospitals on two separate occasions in January 2013. According to Hisham al-Sayed’s medical records, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and personality disorder, was hospitalized for these, and needs regular medication.”

According to the call to action, “Amnesty International fears that the two men are being held as hostages by Hamas’ military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, for a potential prisoner exchange.”

It urges Amnesty’s supporters to “write immediately in Arabic, English or your own language urging Hamas authorities to: Ascertain and disclose the fate and whereabouts of Avera Mangistu and Hisham al Sayed immediately; Secure their safe release without delay; Ensure their humane treatment and access to adequate medical care pending their release.”

And it offers fax numbers for the offices of Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Mahmoud a-Zahar.

Amnesty International issues call to action over Israelis held by Hamas
What did they say about the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli prisons?

Rewarding terrorists & their families financially for killing Israeli's while their masses remain ignorant & living in poverty. I think the Palestinians need to get their priorities better for their own good.
Amnesty International releases an “urgent action” call to its supporters urging them to pressure Hamas leaders to return two Israeli civilians being held by the terror group in Gaza.

“Avera Mangistu and Hisham al-Sayed have been missing respectively since 7 September 2014 and 20 April 2015 in the Gaza Strip,” the Amnesty statement reads. “The two Israeli civilians suffer from serious mental health conditions. Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip have refused to disclose any information about them. Their fate and whereabouts remain unknown.”

Amnesty spoke with their families, the statement explains.

“Avera Mangistu’s family told Amnesty International that he has been suffering from a serious mental health condition since his brother’s death on 11 November 2012. Amnesty International reviewed hospital documents issued by the Israeli Ministry of Health’s mental health services stating that Avera Mangistu was admitted to psychiatric hospitals on two separate occasions in January 2013. According to Hisham al-Sayed’s medical records, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and personality disorder, was hospitalized for these, and needs regular medication.”

According to the call to action, “Amnesty International fears that the two men are being held as hostages by Hamas’ military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, for a potential prisoner exchange.”

It urges Amnesty’s supporters to “write immediately in Arabic, English or your own language urging Hamas authorities to: Ascertain and disclose the fate and whereabouts of Avera Mangistu and Hisham al Sayed immediately; Secure their safe release without delay; Ensure their humane treatment and access to adequate medical care pending their release.”

And it offers fax numbers for the offices of Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Mahmoud a-Zahar.

Amnesty International issues call to action over Israelis held by Hamas
What did they say about the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli prisons?

Rewarding terrorists & their families financially for killing Israeli's while their masses remain ignorant & living in poverty. I think the Palestinians need to get their priorities better for their own good.
They said that?

Amnesty International releases an “urgent action” call to its supporters urging them to pressure Hamas leaders to return two Israeli civilians being held by the terror group in Gaza.

“Avera Mangistu and Hisham al-Sayed have been missing respectively since 7 September 2014 and 20 April 2015 in the Gaza Strip,” the Amnesty statement reads. “The two Israeli civilians suffer from serious mental health conditions. Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip have refused to disclose any information about them. Their fate and whereabouts remain unknown.”

Amnesty spoke with their families, the statement explains.

“Avera Mangistu’s family told Amnesty International that he has been suffering from a serious mental health condition since his brother’s death on 11 November 2012. Amnesty International reviewed hospital documents issued by the Israeli Ministry of Health’s mental health services stating that Avera Mangistu was admitted to psychiatric hospitals on two separate occasions in January 2013. According to Hisham al-Sayed’s medical records, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and personality disorder, was hospitalized for these, and needs regular medication.”

According to the call to action, “Amnesty International fears that the two men are being held as hostages by Hamas’ military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, for a potential prisoner exchange.”

It urges Amnesty’s supporters to “write immediately in Arabic, English or your own language urging Hamas authorities to: Ascertain and disclose the fate and whereabouts of Avera Mangistu and Hisham al Sayed immediately; Secure their safe release without delay; Ensure their humane treatment and access to adequate medical care pending their release.”

And it offers fax numbers for the offices of Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Mahmoud a-Zahar.

Amnesty International issues call to action over Israelis held by Hamas
What did they say about the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli prisons?

Rewarding terrorists & their families financially for killing Israeli's while their masses remain ignorant & living in poverty. I think the Palestinians need to get their priorities better for their own good.

Yassir "it's not AIDS" Arafat stole ruthlessly from the playbook of Arab-Moslem dictators. He maintained his hold on power as most Arab-Moslem dictators do: rewarding an inner circle of corrupt theocrats / enforcers who make the rabal disappear in the night if they get out of line.

A common theme among Arab-Moslem dictators is to create an external enemy which shares all the blame for the hapless masses, as you noted "..,remain ignorant & living in poverty". Those at the top of the pyramid get rich.
Today, August 2, is the anniversary of the Palestine Currency Law, which in 1926 established the Palestine pound as the legal tender for the area of British Mandate Palestine.

What I didn't realize is that the Palestine pound was the only legal currency in Transjordan as well until 1949!

So Transjordan used Palestinian currency until Israel was founded, and possibly for a year afterwards (when the Palestine pound was issued by the Anglo-Palestine Bank, owned by the Jewish Agency!)

(full article online)

Jordan is Palestine, currency edition ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In 2016, the PA paid $135 million to terrorists jailed in Israel, and $183 million to families of terrorists. That adds up to more than $300 million to reward and incentivize acts of murder — in one year alone.

This issue has brought us — members of the United States and Israeli legislatures — together, since Palestinian terror impacts both of our countries. It matters to Israelbecause the Palestinian funding invites constant attacks against Israelis. It matters to the United States not just because innocent Americans and Israelis are being murdered, but also because in the last 25 years the United States has sent more than $5 billion in foreign aid to the Palestinians. This aid is meant to foster stability and promote peace in the region. Yet the Palestinian Authority is using our aid for the exact opposite purpose.

(full article online)
[Palestinian Arabs - The only group in the world with the "right" to collect money over killing others ]

A number of European governments have joined the US and others in demanding that the Palestinian Authority (PA) end its policy of paying salaries to, and hence incentivizing, Palestinian prisoners convicted of terror crimes. The UK froze some of its aid to the PA over this issue; Germany launched an investigation; Norwaydemanded that the PA stop using its funds — which include donations by foreign countries — to support convicted terrorists and their families”; a Parliamentary motion in the Netherlands noted that “this funding can have a negative effect, in which criminality and terrorism are rewarded”; and the EU emphasized that “allowances…for Palestinian prisoners, their families and ex-detainees” have “never been financed by the EU.”

This opposition ought to be self-evident, recognizing the fundamental contradiction between human rights and such policies.

Yet, in sharp contrast, a number of Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) receiving European government funding under the banner of human rights assert that terrorists have a “right” to receive salaries and that suspending these payments is a violation of international law. NGO officials have also not questioned the legitimacy of violent responses by the Palestinian street, and some of their statements can be interpreted as veiled threats of violence meant to prevent an end to payments.

(full article online)

Terrorist Salaries: European-funded NGOs Promote “Right” to Be Paid for Terror
In the closing chapters of their book, Messrs. Rumley and Tibon portray Mr. Abbas as a tragic and corrupt strongman who has overstayed his welcome. By 2009, this much was obvious. The ascendant economist-turned-reformer Salam Fayyad, who had been friends with, and a deputy to, Mr. Abbas, recognized the need to end corruption in the Palestinian Authority. In the authors’ telling, the two began to feud.

According to Messrs. Rumley and Tibon, Mr. Abbas “would become so obsessed with [Mr. Fayyad’s] challenging his rule that he would attack anyone associated with Fayyad’s reform movement. At one point, Abbas ordered Fatah subordinates to protest against Fayyad’s economic policies outside his offices.” The problem for Mr. Abbas, and for those whom he represents, becomes one of succession. If he is unwilling to cede power to his deputies, or to reform the “corruption and nepotism—which [are] rampant and deeply ingrained in Ramallah”—he may very well be the last Palestinian leader. Whatever his flaws, the authors suggest, it is hard to imagine a leader with equal historical and domestic legitimacy arising from the fractured politics and rival claims of Palestinian nationalism today.

Messrs. Rumley and Tibon offer a strong analysis of Mr. Abbas’s cult-of-personality leadership style and its problematic turn after his disastrous loss to Hamas in the Palestinian legislative elections of 2006. After that loss, they say, Mr. Abbas “was able to focus on the West Bank, and indeed consolidate his grip on politics there. . . . Survival was now the sole goal of his rule—much more than peace and statehood.” The public had shown greater support for Hamas than for Mr. Abbas, and he needed to win them back. His response, to internationalize his conflict with Israel and to capitalize on his diplomatic relationships abroad, boosted his standing at home and pushed peace further away. Mr. Abbas’s leadership style, in these, the waning years of his reign, is “a poor match to address the Palestinian public’s demands,” write the authors.

The success of this book rests in its ability to analyze Mr. Abbas not only as a diplomatic figure but also as a politician with his own domestic concerns. Too often, writing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its key players denies readers insight into domestic Palestinian affairs. Not here. Messrs. Rumley and Tibon treat readers to their combined expertise and understanding of internal Palestinian politics.

Mr. Abbas’s story, as they argue, is a tragic one. He appeared to be the man with the greatest political potential on the Palestinian side to make peace with his neighbors. Instead, he has turned into a power-consolidating silencer of dissent who eulogizes some of the more contemptible impulses of Palestinian nationalism.

Mahmoud Abbas: Negotiator Turned Autocrat
[Palestinian Arabs - The only group in the world with the "right" to collect money over killing others ]

A number of European governments have joined the US and others in demanding that the Palestinian Authority (PA) end its policy of paying salaries to, and hence incentivizing, Palestinian prisoners convicted of terror crimes. The UK froze some of its aid to the PA over this issue; Germany launched an investigation; Norwaydemanded that the PA stop using its funds — which include donations by foreign countries — to support convicted terrorists and their families”; a Parliamentary motion in the Netherlands noted that “this funding can have a negative effect, in which criminality and terrorism are rewarded”; and the EU emphasized that “allowances…for Palestinian prisoners, their families and ex-detainees” have “never been financed by the EU.”

This opposition ought to be self-evident, recognizing the fundamental contradiction between human rights and such policies.

Yet, in sharp contrast, a number of Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) receiving European government funding under the banner of human rights assert that terrorists have a “right” to receive salaries and that suspending these payments is a violation of international law. NGO officials have also not questioned the legitimacy of violent responses by the Palestinian street, and some of their statements can be interpreted as veiled threats of violence meant to prevent an end to payments.

(full article online)

Terrorist Salaries: European-funded NGOs Promote “Right” to Be Paid for Terror

Collecting money for killing others. It's a Palestinian tradition.
[Would they feel the same if it was Nazis, or Communists, or Fascists, or North Korean, Russians, etc being paid to kill people and die for the cause? When are European countries going to stop funding these NGOs ?]

Leading Palestinian NGOs — many of them backed with generous funding from European governments and agencies — have launched a new campaign in defense of the Palestinian Authority’s widely condemned policy of paying monthly salaries and other benefits to terrorists and their families.

A new report published on Wednesday by the Israeli research institute NGO Monitor observed that the campaign adopts the language of human rights and international law in making its case — a tactic similarly used by Palestinian NGOs in other areas, such as the promotion of the discriminatory BDS campaign against Israel and inciting violent protests against Israeli control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Among the NGOs speaking out is Al Haq, a legal institute that received more than $1 million in donations from government-funded agencies in Norway, Denmark and Ireland between 2014-16. Al Haq’s director, Shawan Jabarin, declared that if the “rights” of the terrorist prisoners “are eroded we are heading for a real crisis in Palestinian society and in due course toward an explosion.”

(full article online)

European-Funded Palestinian NGOs Launch Fierce Defense of PA’s Terror Payments Policy
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