All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The quartet :laugh::laugh::laugh: a few self appointed assholes who claim to speak for the world.


No ability to refute a single comment.
Indeed, they speak for themselves.
In other words: No ability to refute a single comment.
It is Hamas's fault. They will not surrender to the crooks.
The quartet :laugh::laugh::laugh: a few self appointed assholes who claim to speak for the world.


No ability to refute a single comment.
Indeed, they speak for themselves.
In other words: No ability to refute a single comment.
It is Hamas's fault. They will not surrender to the crooks.
You mean the same Hamas that stole the UN's infrastructure money and used it build attack tunnels into Egypt and Israel?
Please explain why Hamas wants to murder Egyptians.
The quartet :laugh::laugh::laugh: a few self appointed assholes who claim to speak for the world.


No ability to refute a single comment.
Indeed, they speak for themselves.
In other words: No ability to refute a single comment.
It is Hamas's fault. They will not surrender to the crooks.
You mean the same Hamas that stole the UN's infrastructure money and used it build attack tunnels into Egypt and Israel?
Please explain why Hamas wants to murder Egyptians.
Hamas has never had any intention of attacking Egypt.
No ability to refute a single comment.
Indeed, they speak for themselves.
In other words: No ability to refute a single comment.
It is Hamas's fault. They will not surrender to the crooks.
You mean the same Hamas that stole the UN's infrastructure money and used it build attack tunnels into Egypt and Israel?
Please explain why Hamas wants to murder Egyptians.
Hamas has never had any intention of attacking Egypt.
Last year, before Egypt flooded every tunnel they found, Hamas peace makers emerged from a tunnel firing away and murdered several Egyptians.
Of course you don't know this because you only visit and don't want to know the truth anyway.

It really doesn't matter anymore since Israel will turn Gaza into a parking lot at this time and the rest of the Arab world knows they can't fuck with Israel anymore.
Indeed, they speak for themselves.
In other words: No ability to refute a single comment.
It is Hamas's fault. They will not surrender to the crooks.
You mean the same Hamas that stole the UN's infrastructure money and used it build attack tunnels into Egypt and Israel?
Please explain why Hamas wants to murder Egyptians.
Hamas has never had any intention of attacking Egypt.
Last year, before Egypt flooded every tunnel they found, Hamas peace makers emerged from a tunnel firing away and murdered several Egyptians.
Of course you don't know this because you only visit and don't want to know the truth anyway.

It really doesn't matter anymore since Israel will turn Gaza into a parking lot at this time and the rest of the Arab world knows they can't fuck with Israel anymore.
No ability to refute a single comment.
Indeed, they speak for themselves.
In other words: No ability to refute a single comment.
It is Hamas's fault. They will not surrender to the crooks.
You mean the same Hamas that stole the UN's infrastructure money and used it build attack tunnels into Egypt and Israel?
Please explain why Hamas wants to murder Egyptians.
Hamas has never had any intention of attacking Egypt.

Except for when they attacked Egypt.
No ability to refute a single comment.
Indeed, they speak for themselves.
In other words: No ability to refute a single comment.
It is Hamas's fault. They will not surrender to the crooks.
You mean the same Hamas that stole the UN's infrastructure money and used it build attack tunnels into Egypt and Israel?
Please explain why Hamas wants to murder Egyptians.
Hamas has never had any intention of attacking Egypt.

I suppose it's to be expected that a summer camp run by Islamic terrorists, intended to groom little islamo-bots in the ways of ending their life early, would be named in honor of an islsmic terrorist psychopath.

How nice that Islamic terrorists carry on the tradition of the Hitler Youth.

Fatah summer camp named after terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi - PMW Bulletins

Abbas' Fatah holds summer camp for youth

named after terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi
  • PA Ministry of Culture endorsed camp with visit
  • Dalal Mughrabi led most lethal terror attack in Israel's history, murdering 37 civilians, 12 of them children, and wounding over 70
There were thirty people injured. The vast majority (about 25) male. Five of the injured were children. The male majority providing an indication of what actually happened. A mix of the two accounts. With a casualty figure stripped of the exaggeration of both sides. The Jews attempted a revenge attack for the events of the refinery, they were met with stiffer than expected resistance, they were forced to withdraw. Final fatality count. Nine Arabs, Three Jews.

This is how the Nakba myth is developed and propagated by sloppy historian activists who do not seem to care about the truth at all. An overestimate of twenty-one, became a massacre of sixty plus. In reality the death toll was probably nine. And all the while a file containing the truth was waiting to be uncovered in Kew.

(full article online)

The myth of Balad al-Shaykh. A massacre that never happened
The BDS movement’s successes demonizing “Zionism” and Israel in LGBTQ circles are deeply ironic given Palestinian (as well as broader Arab and Muslim) treatment of gays. The strategy of forcing individuals to chose between connections to the LGBTQ community and Israel is also reminiscent of longstanding socialist and communist practices, with the difference that it preys on the vulnerability of victimized or marginalized Jews.

Finally, in the academic sphere, the celebrations on social media by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters of the recent murder of a Jewish family after the latest Temple Mount disturbances represent an ominous trend. This, along with growing SJP support for the Islamist trope of the “defense of Al-Aqsa,” portends the potential for expanding violence on US campuses.

(full article online)

SPME BDS Monitor: Boycott Marches on, but Double Standards Become Painfully Clear

Palestinian leaders have portrayed the last few weeks of Palestinian riots and protests against Israel's enhanced security measures at the Temple Mount as a "battle for the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem." When Israel ultimately removed its metal detectors and cameras, it was portrayed by Palestinians as a "victory," yet the PA warned it was only one of more "rounds of battle."

Celebrating this "victory," and possibly expecting future "wins" for Palestinians, the PA's Presidential Guards posted this comment, glorifying the sacrifice of "the blood of Palestine's sons" for "freedom":

"A people like the people of Palestine that has watered the freedom with the blood of its sons can only win
[Facebook page of the PA Presidential Guard, July 31, 2017]

(full article online)

Abbas' Presidential Guard: "Water freedom with blood of Palestine`s sons" - PMW Bulletins
Shabak (Israel Security Agency), the IDF, and Israel Police recently discovered a money trail used to transfer funds from Hamas in Turkey and Gaza to Hamas representatives in Hevron.

The money pipeline began functioning at the beginning of 2016, at the initiative of senior Hamas representative Mahmoud Maher Bader, who found two emissaries - Hamas terrorist in Hevron Mutsav Hashlaman, who was sent to Turkey on a "business trip," and Hevron resident Taha Ottaman.

(full article online)

How were terror funds transferred from Turkey to Hevron?
WASHINGTON — The Senate Foreign Relations Committee approves a bill to cut US funding to the Palestinian Authority if it does not stop paying stipends to terrorists and their families.

The Taylor Force Act, named after a former US army officer who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian assailant while visiting Tel Aviv in March 2016, will now advance for a full Senate vote.

Passed by a vote of 16-5, the legislation received bipartisan support. Every Republican member of the committee supported the measure, as well as several Democrats, including Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, the panel’s ranking member, New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez and Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine.

US lawmakers advance bill to defund PA over terror stipends
Human Rights NGO accuses UN of enabling PA to incite children to murder Jews by willfully ignoring incitement and encouragement of terror.

(full article online)

Report: Terror attacks by Arab children on the rise
Compare that hasbara nonsense with what we KNOW about teaching hatred and murder to children.

Jews incite children to murder Muslims and encourage terror.

View attachment 141822

It was the Lebanese-Israeli war of 2016, you poisonous snake !!!!

Timeline of the 2006 Lebanon War - Wikipedia

BUT......let us go behind the photo, shall we? (Of course you don't want to or you would have posted the reason the children did that instead of passing it as "Jews teaching their children to hate and murder Muslims).
For the full story, you must visit her blog, but, in a nutshell, the children are from Kiryat Shmona, a community that is smack on the border with Lebanon. And as Goldman explains it:

“There was not a single person on the streets and all the businesses were closed. The residents who had friends, family or money for alternate housing out of missile range had left, leaving behind the few who had neither the funds nor connections that would allow them to escape the missiles crashing and booming on their town day and night. The noise was terrifying, people were dying outside, the kids were scared out of their minds and they had been told over and over that some man named Nasrallah was responsible for their having to cower underground for days on end.”

They had just spent the last five days underground in a bomb shelter and this was the first time they had come up for some air. A new army unit had arrived in town, attracting a lot of media attention, and the children and their parents gathered around the missiles. It was the parents who wrote a few messages, then, as Goldman relates it, “the photographers gathered around. Twelve of them. Do you know how many that is? It’s a lot. And they were all simultaneously leaning in with their long camera lenses, clicking the shutter over and over. The parents handed the markers to the kids and they drew little Israeli flags on the shells. Photographers look for striking images, and what is more striking than pretty, innocent little girls contrasted with the ugliness of war? The camera shutters clicked away, and I guess those kids must have felt like stars, especially since the diversion came after they’d been alternately bored and terrified as they waited out the shelling in their bomb shelters.”

Goldman writes, “perhaps the parents were not wise when they encouraged their children to doodle on the tank shells. They were letting off a little steam after being cooped up — afraid, angry and isolated — for days. Sometimes people do silly things when they are under emotional stress. Especially when they fail to understand how their childish, empty gesture might be interpreted.”

We give space to this story only because it helps explain the birth of one particular wartime picture that has already had ramifications. Goldman puts it best when she says, “I wonder why it is so difficult to … get it into our heads that television news and photojournalism manipulate our thoughts and emotions.”

We don’t necessarily think that’s a willful manipulation, nor are we suggesting suppressing certain strong images. What we would suggest, however, is that editors think not just about the emotional response certain photographs can elicit, but also about whether in any given case they have supplied readers with the information they need to really understand what it is they are seeing.

About Those Photos of Little Girls and Artillery Shells …
Oh, look what I found.....
And I would not be surprised if Americans and others wrote similar things when delivering missiles to the Nazis during WWII, or the Japanese. (and actually, the article says exactly that, who knew? )

Writing graffiti on bombs has been a tradition in the US military since WW2.
It is unclear the precise location the bombs took off from or were headed.

(full article online)

US troops write message for militants on IS-bound missiles

Slither back to your poisonous hole in the ground and do not come out until all the poison is out :)
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