All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The worst punishment Israel could ever inflict upon the Palestinians would be to demand they have self determination with out Israel to provide for them any longer.

I agree. Give the two, competing Arab-Moslem tribes statehood tomorrow and the day after tomorrow it will be an Islamic terrorist free-for-all with these fine stateworthy folks kidnapping, torturing and killing each other in running street battles.
Even after all security upgrades were removed from around the Temple Mount, Arabs continued with wild rioting for several days more, until Abbas was told bluntly by Jordan’s King Abdullah II that it was time to put an end to the violence. Up until this weekend, most journalists and politicians believed the riots were simply driven by the massive incitement by Arab and Muslim leaders pouring in from all quarters domestically and abroad. But clearly, there was much more to it than that:

Jerusalem Arabs were promised monetary stipends of $1,000 per month for up to three months. They were also given discounts and exemptions from payments to the Jerusalem District Electric Company, which supplies power to the Arab-majority neighborhoods in the area.

Arab college students in the Old City of Jerusalem who participated in anti-Israel clashes were promised free tuition by the Palestinian Authority, according to the report.

All the employees of the Islamic Waqf Authority – which manages the holy sites on the Temple Mount but which falls under the auspices of the Government of Jordan – were also promised cash payments, according to the report, as were Arab merchants in the Old City of Jerusalem.

In addition, the Palestinian Authority apparently shelled out more than $15 million to cover renovations, repairs for damage and other expenses at local homes in the Arab sector following the rioting near the Temple Mount. At least $750,000 went to two hospitals in the area to prepare for the flood of injured expected after clashes with Israeli security personnel. Another $40,000 went to Arab emergency and related medical services in the local area. There were at least 100 injured during clashes with Israeli forces between last Thursday and Friday.

Awards and special citations were promised to the agitators and rioters who were most active, according to the report.

Since the Palestinian Authority is not exactly rolling in cash, one might wonder where all this financial beneficence is coming from …

Funny, so do we.

(full article online)
It's happened again.

Ma'an reports today that Mossad Agent Eagle S99 has been shot down and killed from over the skies of Idlib, near the Turkish border, by the Free Syrian Army.

The independent, supposedly professional newspaper says that the bird was carrying "Israeli spy equipment."

Too bad they don't do the slightest amount of fact checking. Because this story was already debunked in Arab media days ago.

The bird was shot down in Daraa province near Israel, not in Idlib. The email address that was attached to the bird belonged to an Israeli research center in the Golan. A local fisherman, Mohammed Merad, was concerned when the bird was perched on his roof. He shot it down with a rifle and saw the email address, and sent an email where he found out that it was a research project.

There were conflicting reports about what happened to the bird but apparently it was buried in Syria, not handed over to Israel as some articles say.

"Israeli spy eagle" shot down over Syria ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In April, Hamas released a music video - in Hebrew - implying that the two Israeli soldiers whose bodies they are holding are still alive and that Israel's claims to the contrary are lies.

The video ghoulishly appeals to the families of Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul and Lt. Hadar Goldin to pressure Israel to do a prisoner swap by showing pictures of the dead soldiers juxtaposed with their parents.

Lyrics of the song include "“Mother, Mother I’m here. Why are they saying that I’m dead?”, “Mother, Mother, the state is responsible for the lost ones. A day will come when those responsible will be judged,” and “Mom, Dad, I’m in the prison of the Qassam Brigades. Do all you can so the truth will come out.”

Now Hamas' Felesteen newspaper has added a cartoon depicting Hadar Goldin and his mother:

The cartoon shows the IDF ("Occupation Army") about to destroy the dreams of Goldin's mother that he can be returned home.

Tomorrow is the third anniversary of Goldin's death.

(vide video online)

Hamas continues to taunt family of Hadar Goldin on anniversary of his death ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • The Palestinian “Balfour Apology Campaign” to demand the annulment of the Balfour Declaration is part of a consistent policy of denying the rights of the Jews to their national homeland as a people indigenous to the area.
  • Yet the Jewish People for more than two millennia has consistently maintained the strongest claim to be the aboriginal people in its ancestral homeland, and their existence and roots are widely documented, acknowledged, and recognized.
  • Christianity grew out of Judaism, and the early Christian existence and settlement in the Holy Land were part and parcel of the Jewish existence and settlement there.
  • Arab and Palestinian leaders are attempting to establish a mythical, new narrative according to which the “Palestinian People” have existed as a distinct people indigenous to the area for thousands of years, predating the Jewish People.
  • Saeb Erekat, the Secretary-General of the PLO, claimed in 2014 that he is a direct descendant of the Canaanite tribes who lived in Israel some 9,000 years ago. Yet according to Erekat’s own Facebook entry, the Erekat clan is from the northwestern Arabian Peninsula and settled in the Palestine area around 1860.
(full article online)

The Jews: One of the World’s Oldest Indigenous Peoples
his is not however the first time that Johnston has done just that. Exactly two years ago when Palestinians rioted on Temple Mount, Johnston ‘explained’ to BBC audiences that Israel was to blame:

“…it’s more than just religious feeling that gives rise to scenes like this. Decades of Israeli occupation fuels an endless, simmering frustration among Palestinians and that always feeds into this kind of violence in Jerusalem.”

While reporting that promotes the notion of ‘frustrated’, ‘angered’ Palestinians devoid of any agency or responsibility for their actions while avoiding uncomfortable facts such as the racist hatred, incitement and glorification of terror regularly promoted by Palestinian leaders may be conducive to being lauded as a “friend of the Palestinian people”, it certainly does not serve the interests of the BBC’s funding public or meet the BBC’s obligations.

(full article online)

BBC WS ME editor gives a partial portrayal of the Temple Mount story
Israel police and Border Police are being deployed in large numbers in the Old City of Jerusalem to protect worshippers at the Western Wall when the fast of Tisha B'Av begins tonight (Monday).

The fast, which takes place annually on the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av, commemorates the destruction of the two Holy Temples by the Babylonian and Roman empires in 586 BCE and 70 CE, respectively. Religious Jews refrain from eating and drinking for a 25 hour period out of mourning. They also refrain from wearing leather shoes and do not sit on anything higher than a 1-foot high stool until midday.

(full article online)

Jerusalem prepares for Tisha B'Av
[The Hashemites, descendants of Mohammad, want to punish the Jews, still.....and always...... (you did not convert to Islam, as Mohammad commanded you) The Peace Treaty is much?
How many Jewish lives? ]

The family of the Israeli security guard who killed two Jordanian nationals at the Israeli Embassy compound in Amman last week have reportedly fled their home after publication of his name on Sunday.

Ziv Moyal’s family left their home in the south of Israel and moved in with relatives out of fear for their safety, after Jordanian media published a photo of Moyal’s diplomatic ID card, with his picture and name, according to Channel 10.

(full article online)

Family of Amman embassy guard said fearing for safety after name leaks
Amnesty International releases an “urgent action” call to its supporters urging them to pressure Hamas leaders to return two Israeli civilians being held by the terror group in Gaza.

“Avera Mangistu and Hisham al-Sayed have been missing respectively since 7 September 2014 and 20 April 2015 in the Gaza Strip,” the Amnesty statement reads. “The two Israeli civilians suffer from serious mental health conditions. Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip have refused to disclose any information about them. Their fate and whereabouts remain unknown.”

Amnesty spoke with their families, the statement explains.

“Avera Mangistu’s family told Amnesty International that he has been suffering from a serious mental health condition since his brother’s death on 11 November 2012. Amnesty International reviewed hospital documents issued by the Israeli Ministry of Health’s mental health services stating that Avera Mangistu was admitted to psychiatric hospitals on two separate occasions in January 2013. According to Hisham al-Sayed’s medical records, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and personality disorder, was hospitalized for these, and needs regular medication.”

According to the call to action, “Amnesty International fears that the two men are being held as hostages by Hamas’ military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, for a potential prisoner exchange.”

It urges Amnesty’s supporters to “write immediately in Arabic, English or your own language urging Hamas authorities to: Ascertain and disclose the fate and whereabouts of Avera Mangistu and Hisham al Sayed immediately; Secure their safe release without delay; Ensure their humane treatment and access to adequate medical care pending their release.”

And it offers fax numbers for the offices of Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Mahmoud a-Zahar.

Amnesty International issues call to action over Israelis held by Hamas
PM Justin Tudeau forced to respond on Canada's funding of UNRWA after UN Watch exposed UNRWA teachers inciting terrorism. On April 9, 2017, UN Watch released a report at the Canadian Parliament entitled “Enhanced Due Diligence? An Examination of Canada’s pledge to stop UNRWA teachers from inciting Jihadist terrorism and anti-Semitism.” The report sparked a firestorm in the Canadian parliament. Numerous opposition MPs quoted from UN Watch’s report, sharply criticizing the government for reinstating funding to UNRWA. “Why are we funding teachers, principals, UNRWA workers who support antisemitism?” asked Conservative MP Dean Allison, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs. Equally outspoken on the UN Watch report was Conservative MP Peter Kent. The questions caused the government to pledge accountability. International Development Minister Marie Claude Bibeau insisted that Canada was “closely monitoring the activities of UNRWA.” On further questioning by Kent, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself was forced to respond. He spoke of "Canadian pressure" and promised that Canada would ensure that “the help is going to where it is needed.”

Amnesty International releases an “urgent action” call to its supporters urging them to pressure Hamas leaders to return two Israeli civilians being held by the terror group in Gaza.

“Avera Mangistu and Hisham al-Sayed have been missing respectively since 7 September 2014 and 20 April 2015 in the Gaza Strip,” the Amnesty statement reads. “The two Israeli civilians suffer from serious mental health conditions. Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip have refused to disclose any information about them. Their fate and whereabouts remain unknown.”

Amnesty spoke with their families, the statement explains.

“Avera Mangistu’s family told Amnesty International that he has been suffering from a serious mental health condition since his brother’s death on 11 November 2012. Amnesty International reviewed hospital documents issued by the Israeli Ministry of Health’s mental health services stating that Avera Mangistu was admitted to psychiatric hospitals on two separate occasions in January 2013. According to Hisham al-Sayed’s medical records, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and personality disorder, was hospitalized for these, and needs regular medication.”

According to the call to action, “Amnesty International fears that the two men are being held as hostages by Hamas’ military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, for a potential prisoner exchange.”

It urges Amnesty’s supporters to “write immediately in Arabic, English or your own language urging Hamas authorities to: Ascertain and disclose the fate and whereabouts of Avera Mangistu and Hisham al Sayed immediately; Secure their safe release without delay; Ensure their humane treatment and access to adequate medical care pending their release.”

And it offers fax numbers for the offices of Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Mahmoud a-Zahar.

Amnesty International issues call to action over Israelis held by Hamas
What did they say about the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli prisons?
PM Justin Tudeau forced to respond on Canada's funding of UNRWA after UN Watch exposed UNRWA teachers inciting terrorism. On April 9, 2017, UN Watch released a report at the Canadian Parliament entitled “Enhanced Due Diligence? An Examination of Canada’s pledge to stop UNRWA teachers from inciting Jihadist terrorism and anti-Semitism.” The report sparked a firestorm in the Canadian parliament. Numerous opposition MPs quoted from UN Watch’s report, sharply criticizing the government for reinstating funding to UNRWA. “Why are we funding teachers, principals, UNRWA workers who support antisemitism?” asked Conservative MP Dean Allison, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs. Equally outspoken on the UN Watch report was Conservative MP Peter Kent. The questions caused the government to pledge accountability. International Development Minister Marie Claude Bibeau insisted that Canada was “closely monitoring the activities of UNRWA.” On further questioning by Kent, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself was forced to respond. He spoke of "Canadian pressure" and promised that Canada would ensure that “the help is going to where it is needed.”

UN Watch is an Israeli propaganda organization.
PM Justin Tudeau forced to respond on Canada's funding of UNRWA after UN Watch exposed UNRWA teachers inciting terrorism. On April 9, 2017, UN Watch released a report at the Canadian Parliament entitled “Enhanced Due Diligence? An Examination of Canada’s pledge to stop UNRWA teachers from inciting Jihadist terrorism and anti-Semitism.” The report sparked a firestorm in the Canadian parliament. Numerous opposition MPs quoted from UN Watch’s report, sharply criticizing the government for reinstating funding to UNRWA. “Why are we funding teachers, principals, UNRWA workers who support antisemitism?” asked Conservative MP Dean Allison, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs. Equally outspoken on the UN Watch report was Conservative MP Peter Kent. The questions caused the government to pledge accountability. International Development Minister Marie Claude Bibeau insisted that Canada was “closely monitoring the activities of UNRWA.” On further questioning by Kent, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself was forced to respond. He spoke of "Canadian pressure" and promised that Canada would ensure that “the help is going to where it is needed.”

UN Watch is an Israeli propaganda organization.

Simply admit that anyone who disagrees with your historical revisionism is spouting Israeli propaganda.
PM Justin Tudeau forced to respond on Canada's funding of UNRWA after UN Watch exposed UNRWA teachers inciting terrorism. On April 9, 2017, UN Watch released a report at the Canadian Parliament entitled “Enhanced Due Diligence? An Examination of Canada’s pledge to stop UNRWA teachers from inciting Jihadist terrorism and anti-Semitism.” The report sparked a firestorm in the Canadian parliament. Numerous opposition MPs quoted from UN Watch’s report, sharply criticizing the government for reinstating funding to UNRWA. “Why are we funding teachers, principals, UNRWA workers who support antisemitism?” asked Conservative MP Dean Allison, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs. Equally outspoken on the UN Watch report was Conservative MP Peter Kent. The questions caused the government to pledge accountability. International Development Minister Marie Claude Bibeau insisted that Canada was “closely monitoring the activities of UNRWA.” On further questioning by Kent, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself was forced to respond. He spoke of "Canadian pressure" and promised that Canada would ensure that “the help is going to where it is needed.”

UN Watch is an Israeli propaganda organization.

Simply admit that anyone who disagrees with your historical revisionism is spouting Israeli propaganda.

It's true. Look it up.
PM Justin Tudeau forced to respond on Canada's funding of UNRWA after UN Watch exposed UNRWA teachers inciting terrorism. On April 9, 2017, UN Watch released a report at the Canadian Parliament entitled “Enhanced Due Diligence? An Examination of Canada’s pledge to stop UNRWA teachers from inciting Jihadist terrorism and anti-Semitism.” The report sparked a firestorm in the Canadian parliament. Numerous opposition MPs quoted from UN Watch’s report, sharply criticizing the government for reinstating funding to UNRWA. “Why are we funding teachers, principals, UNRWA workers who support antisemitism?” asked Conservative MP Dean Allison, Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs. Equally outspoken on the UN Watch report was Conservative MP Peter Kent. The questions caused the government to pledge accountability. International Development Minister Marie Claude Bibeau insisted that Canada was “closely monitoring the activities of UNRWA.” On further questioning by Kent, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself was forced to respond. He spoke of "Canadian pressure" and promised that Canada would ensure that “the help is going to where it is needed.”

UN Watch is an Israeli propaganda organization.

Simply admit that anyone who disagrees with your historical revisionism is spouting Israeli propaganda.

It's true. Look it up.

I believe you 100% that Jew haters always publish anti-Israel studies and reports.
The worst punishment Israel could ever inflict upon the Palestinians would be to demand they have self determination with out Israel to provide for them any longer.

I agree. Give the two, competing Arab-Moslem tribes statehood tomorrow and the day after tomorrow it will be an Islamic terrorist free-for-all with these fine stateworthy folks kidnapping, torturing and killing each other in running street battles.

So true. Just look at what their leaders beginning with Arafat & now Hamas & the PA have done to the Palestinians. Hard to forgive. All those ignorant, starving & dead Palestinians. But then, who are the people that approved &/or elected their Palestinian leaders?
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