All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Only one problem: the Children of Israel never conquered Sidon, or many other Canaanite cities, nor did they destroy the Canaanites - according to the Bible.

God indeed commanded the destruction of the Canaanites (Deuteronomy 20:17) but the beginning of Judges shows that it never happened (NIV translation, easier to understand than JPS)

" 27 But Manasseh did not drive out the people of Beth Shan or Taanach or Dor or Ibleam or Megiddo and their surrounding settlements, for the Canaanites were determined to live in that land. 28 When Israel became strong, they pressed the Canaanites into forced labor but never drove them out completely. 29 Nor did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites living in Gezer, but the Canaanites continued to live there among them. 30Neither did Zebulun drive out the Canaanites living in Kitron or Nahalol, so these Canaanites lived among them, but Zebulun did subject them to forced labor. 31 Nor did Asher drive out those living in Akko or Sidon or Ahlab or Akzib or Helbah or Aphek or Rehob. 32 The Asherites lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land because they did not drive them out. 33 Neither did Naphtali drive out those living in Beth Shemesh or Beth Anath; but the Naphtalites too lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land, and those living in Beth Shemesh and Beth Anath became forced laborers for them. 34 The Amorites confined the Danites to the hill country, not allowing them to come down into the plain. 35 And the Amorites were determined also to hold out in Mount Heres, Aijalon and Shaalbim, but when the power of the tribes of Joseph increased, they too were pressed into forced labor.Indeed, David bought cedar trees from Sidon and Tyre to build the Temple. Queen Jezebel was the daughter of the king of Sidon and swayed her husband Ahab into worshiping false gods."

All the study proved is that Sidon was never destroyed and today's Lebanese descended from ancient Phoenicians, which everyone pretty much knew already.

The DNA tests actually prove the Biblical account that the Israelites never conquered Sidon. These scientists had an agenda beyond science.

(full article online)

Scientists claim to disprove Biblical account of Canaanites - but they end up supporting it ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are you implying that the Palestinians may, indeed, have some Canaanite heritage?
Veteran U.S. diplomat Dennis Ross observed that "the thing that plagues the Palestinian ‎national movement more than anything else has been a historic preoccupation with ‎symbols, ‎not substance. Instead of building a state, the Palestinians would like to get a flag at ‎the U.N. ‎The day after they get a flag at the U.N., nothing changes."‎

Recent Palestinian maneuvers in UNESCO, known for its listing of World Heritage Sites, have followed this very pattern ‎of ‎dogged pursuit of symbolic victories that fail to improve the life of a single Palestinian ‎or ‎build the institutions essential for statehood. ‎

In October 2016, the executive board of UNESCO passed a resolution that disregarded ‎the ‎connection between Judaism and the Temple Mount ‎and sought to deny the Jewish link to ‎the Western Wall.

The move drew swift condemnation from UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, ‎who was ‎at pains to distance herself from the resolution, asserting that "to deny, conceal or ‎erase any of ‎the Jewish, Christian or Muslim traditions undermines the integrity of the site ‎and runs ‎counter to the reasons that justified its inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage ‎list."

(full article online)
Why do you think that 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign?

Who cares what 85% of Arabs-Moslems want? Absent the dictator Abbas, they'll find a way to install another Islamist dictator(s). It's what Arabs-Moslems do. The maintenance of theocratic / dictatorial Islamist totalitarianism and the inability to adopt a human-focused worldview defines Islamic retrogression. When people in the KSA, for example, are convicted for the crime of sorcery and beheaded in publc, it’s a statement that some have simply not been able to drag themselves out of their 7th century worlds of fear and superstition.
You have no clue how Abbas got into power.
Only one problem: the Children of Israel never conquered Sidon, or many other Canaanite cities, nor did they destroy the Canaanites - according to the Bible.

God indeed commanded the destruction of the Canaanites (Deuteronomy 20:17) but the beginning of Judges shows that it never happened (NIV translation, easier to understand than JPS)

" 27 But Manasseh did not drive out the people of Beth Shan or Taanach or Dor or Ibleam or Megiddo and their surrounding settlements, for the Canaanites were determined to live in that land. 28 When Israel became strong, they pressed the Canaanites into forced labor but never drove them out completely. 29 Nor did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites living in Gezer, but the Canaanites continued to live there among them. 30Neither did Zebulun drive out the Canaanites living in Kitron or Nahalol, so these Canaanites lived among them, but Zebulun did subject them to forced labor. 31 Nor did Asher drive out those living in Akko or Sidon or Ahlab or Akzib or Helbah or Aphek or Rehob. 32 The Asherites lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land because they did not drive them out. 33 Neither did Naphtali drive out those living in Beth Shemesh or Beth Anath; but the Naphtalites too lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land, and those living in Beth Shemesh and Beth Anath became forced laborers for them. 34 The Amorites confined the Danites to the hill country, not allowing them to come down into the plain. 35 And the Amorites were determined also to hold out in Mount Heres, Aijalon and Shaalbim, but when the power of the tribes of Joseph increased, they too were pressed into forced labor.Indeed, David bought cedar trees from Sidon and Tyre to build the Temple. Queen Jezebel was the daughter of the king of Sidon and swayed her husband Ahab into worshiping false gods."

All the study proved is that Sidon was never destroyed and today's Lebanese descended from ancient Phoenicians, which everyone pretty much knew already.

The DNA tests actually prove the Biblical account that the Israelites never conquered Sidon. These scientists had an agenda beyond science.

(full article online)

Scientists claim to disprove Biblical account of Canaanites - but they end up supporting it ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Are you implying that the Palestinians may, indeed, have some Canaanite heritage?
Why not?
Joshua did not exterminate them even though God commanded their extermination.
Hebrew University professor: Every 'settler' is a terrorist

'By definition, every settler is a terrorist', says Dr. Amiram Goldblum in Facebook post libeling former Yesha Council leader.

Ofer Cassif, a member of the Hebrew University’s political science department, warned that Israel is “on a slippery slope to fascism”.

"There's not really much to argue about here," added Cassif. “I'm sure that if we were sitting... in the University of Freiburg in 1933, and there would be a professor who would dare to speak like I did, there, too, some of the students would say 'Well, that's your opinion'. Guys, no, it’s not. Just because something is hard for us to hear doesn't make it opinion."

Hebrew University professor: Every 'settler' is a terrorist

Has Dr. Amiram Goldblum been beheaded yet?
Didn't think so.
Veteran U.S. diplomat Dennis Ross observed that "the thing that plagues the Palestinian ‎national movement more than anything else has been a historic preoccupation with ‎symbols, ‎not substance. Instead of building a state, the Palestinians would like to get a flag at ‎the U.N. ‎The day after they get a flag at the U.N., nothing changes."‎

Recent Palestinian maneuvers in UNESCO, known for its listing of World Heritage Sites, have followed this very pattern ‎of ‎dogged pursuit of symbolic victories that fail to improve the life of a single Palestinian ‎or ‎build the institutions essential for statehood. ‎

In October 2016, the executive board of UNESCO passed a resolution that disregarded ‎the ‎connection between Judaism and the Temple Mount ‎and sought to deny the Jewish link to ‎the Western Wall.

The move drew swift condemnation from UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, ‎who was ‎at pains to distance herself from the resolution, asserting that "to deny, conceal or ‎erase any of ‎the Jewish, Christian or Muslim traditions undermines the integrity of the site ‎and runs ‎counter to the reasons that justified its inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage ‎list."

(full article online)
Why do you think that 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign?

Who cares what 85% of Arabs-Moslems want? Absent the dictator Abbas, they'll find a way to install another Islamist dictator(s). It's what Arabs-Moslems do. The maintenance of theocratic / dictatorial Islamist totalitarianism and the inability to adopt a human-focused worldview defines Islamic retrogression. When people in the KSA, for example, are convicted for the crime of sorcery and beheaded in publc, it’s a statement that some have simply not been able to drag themselves out of their 7th century worlds of fear and superstition.
You have no clue how Abbas got into power.

You have no clue that people point and laugh at your goofy conspiracy theories.

A Digital Ambassador is someone who feels passionate about Israel and uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media and online platforms to spread fascinating stories and videos about great things Israelis are doing to make life better and more interesting for people around the world. The goal is to show a bigger picture to Americans and the rest of the world about who Israelis really are! You have to be 18-25, and from North America to take part.

Where do I find the stories and videos?
Check out our website ISRAEL21c. It’s a great site that has thousands of stories and videos (updated daily) that are originally created by ISRAEL21c journalists, and are available for Digital Ambassadors to use for free. The stories are fun and cover lots of topics on cutting edge technologies (like printing a car), medical breakthroughs (like research aimed at helping cure blindness), and fun things to see and eat while visiting Israel.

What’s expected of me?
You’d join a select group of people who receive training and support for free. We ask that you attend a special full-day initial training session and then commit to spend about 2 hours per week (for a number of months agreed upon) reaching out to online communities and key online influencers and sharing stories you find interesting for them to post on their websites. We also ask you keep track of who you’ve contacted and the stories that have been posted.

In addition to doing something good for Israel, what else can I get from being a Digital Ambassador?
You receive training on building a bigger social media network, learn communications best practices, and get new ideas for reaching out to your community. You’ll also be connected with a network of Digital Ambassadors across the US. It looks great on a resume and you get a stipend of $100 a month for participating!

Paid propaganda, I wonder how many post here?

A Digital Ambassador is someone who feels passionate about Israel and uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media and online platforms to spread fascinating stories and videos about great things Israelis are doing to make life better and more interesting for people around the world. The goal is to show a bigger picture to Americans and the rest of the world about who Israelis really are! You have to be 18-25, and from North America to take part.

Where do I find the stories and videos?
Check out our website ISRAEL21c. It’s a great site that has thousands of stories and videos (updated daily) that are originally created by ISRAEL21c journalists, and are available for Digital Ambassadors to use for free. The stories are fun and cover lots of topics on cutting edge technologies (like printing a car), medical breakthroughs (like research aimed at helping cure blindness), and fun things to see and eat while visiting Israel.

What’s expected of me?
You’d join a select group of people who receive training and support for free. We ask that you attend a special full-day initial training session and then commit to spend about 2 hours per week (for a number of months agreed upon) reaching out to online communities and key online influencers and sharing stories you find interesting for them to post on their websites. We also ask you keep track of who you’ve contacted and the stories that have been posted.

In addition to doing something good for Israel, what else can I get from being a Digital Ambassador?
You receive training on building a bigger social media network, learn communications best practices, and get new ideas for reaching out to your community. You’ll also be connected with a network of Digital Ambassadors across the US. It looks great on a resume and you get a stipend of $100 a month for participating!

Paid propaganda, I wonder how many post here?

As you are the one posting the advertisement.....
Learn to read, I'm not recruiting, although certain people will pay you to post propaganda stories, I asked how many posting here get the $100 per month fee, if you were one it would just show the low threshold
Talking about lucrative business...who said Jihad can't support a family?

Palestinian Authority now uses half of all foreign aid to reward terror

Your tax dollars at work: The Palestinian Authority is now using half of its foreign aid to reward terrorism.

The new PA budget boosts support to terrorists in prison by 13 percent and aid for the families of those killed “in the struggle against Zion” 4 percent, reports the Institute for Contemporary Affairs.

The total, $344 million, equals 49.6 percent of all foreign aid to the PA. In other words, cash from Uncle Sam, Europe and even Israel is subsidizing “welfare for terrorists.”

The PA sends a salary to each Palestinian imprisoned for an attack on Israelis, hitting over $3,000 a month after 30 years. Other stipends go to families of “martyrs” killed in the act. That’s $344 million for 2017 that’s not going to build roads or hospitals.
Here is the full text of what they are chanting. Notice how important the honor/shame motif is ("We are the people who are the deciding factor!/Death rather than humiliation!")

Down with the Saud clan!
Down with the Saud clan!
Down with the son of Hussein!
Down with the son of Hussein!
Oh Sisi, you son of a dog!
We are the people who are the deciding factor!
Oh Sisi, you coward!
You agent of the Americans!
Oh son of Hussein, you coward!
You agent of the Americans!
From Jerusalem to Amman!
Our honor will not be trampled upon!
From Jerusalem hear oh Amman!
Our honor will not be trampled upon!
Hear oh Mahmoud Abbas!
Our Al-Aqsa is the foundation!( i.e. the most important thing for us)
Hear hear oh Abbas!
Our Al-Aqsa is the foundation!
Netanyahu you son of a dog!
We are the people who are the deciding factor!
Netanyahu you coward!
The people of Jerusalem will not be humiliated!
Raise your hands and shout loudly!
Death rather than humiliation!

(full article online)

Palestinians were chanting slogans against Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt during protests ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
UAE newspaper Al Khaleej has an op-ed by Hayat al Haweeq Attiya talking about the dangers of a comprehensive peace with Israel.

The author opens with a story where she and a group of students in Lebanon met with an Israeli peacenik in the 1970s. The man, supposedly a rabbi named Marr Berger, was against war. The reasons he was against war is what the author is upset about: she says he was only against war to save Jewish lives, which he claimed were priceless. So his solution was to end war and instead integrate Israel into the region economically and culturally, to benefit everyone.

This is terrible. But the reason isn't quite clear yet.

She goes on to say that Shimon Peres was just as "bad." His vision was for the Arabs and the peoples of the Middle East to act as raw materials and labor for Israeli and multinational corporations to exploit.

"This formula of bondage is much worse than the military occupation," Attiya says.

She concludes, "In the name of combating terrorism we come to a humiliating Judeo-Arabization that actually achieves the process of cultural Judaization that paves the way for the completion of economic Judaization" of the entire Arab Muslim world.

Yes, any economic agreement between Israel and the Arab world is essentially slavery, according to this Arab French intellectual.

She doesn't say it, but obviously the only acceptable Arab peace plan for the region is the elimination of Israel.

Attiya considers herself a human rights activist and an intellectual, who has appeared on TV hundreds of times (including in France) and has written thousands of articles.

UAE op-ed says Arab-Israeli peace would help Arabs be enslaved by the Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Learn to read, I'm not recruiting, although certain people will pay you to post propaganda stories, I asked how many posting here get the $100 per month fee, if you were one it would just show the low threshold

Thank you for your service on behalf of, and in support of The Zionists
Mistake #1 comes with his timeline. In spring/summer 1948 he writes that ‘Zionist forces undertake major ethnic cleansing programme in Palestine’. Not true, see Efraim Karsh. Only a handful of Arabs were attacked by Jewish irregular forces. The vast majority left because their leaders told them to go. They were told to leave for their own safety and that they would be able to return after the fighting. The Mayor of Haifa begged the Arabs to stay.

Mistake #2: Cronin says it’s a myth that Balfour was acting benevolently in issuing the Declaration. No it’s not. Balfour’s appreciation of the history of the Jews was genuine. See for example this quote:

“Here you have a small race, originally inhabiting a small country ….., at no time in its history wielding anything that can be described as material power, crushed between great Oriental monarchies, its inhabitants deported, then scattered, then driven out of the country to every part of the world and yet maintaining continuity of religion and racial tradition of which there is no parallel elsewhere…. We cannot forget how they have been treated during long centuries. Our whole religious organization of Europe has proved itself guilty of great crimes against this race. [Speech to the Lords (1922); Quoted in Lord Turnberg’s book ‘Beyond the Balfour Declaration’]

In fact Balfour and Weizmann became good friends. So much so that in 1930 when Balfour was on his deathbed, Weizmann was the only non-family member allowed to see him.

(full article online)

Balfour’s Shadow
Here is the full text of what they are chanting. Notice how important the honor/shame motif is ("We are the people who are the deciding factor!/Death rather than humiliation!")

Down with the Saud clan!
Down with the Saud clan!
Down with the son of Hussein!
Down with the son of Hussein!
Oh Sisi, you son of a dog!
We are the people who are the deciding factor!
Oh Sisi, you coward!
You agent of the Americans!
Oh son of Hussein, you coward!
You agent of the Americans!
From Jerusalem to Amman!
Our honor will not be trampled upon!
From Jerusalem hear oh Amman!
Our honor will not be trampled upon!
Hear oh Mahmoud Abbas!
Our Al-Aqsa is the foundation!( i.e. the most important thing for us)
Hear hear oh Abbas!
Our Al-Aqsa is the foundation!
Netanyahu you son of a dog!
We are the people who are the deciding factor!
Netanyahu you coward!
The people of Jerusalem will not be humiliated!
Raise your hands and shout loudly!
Death rather than humiliation!

(full article online)

Palestinians were chanting slogans against Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt during protests ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yes. Palestinians are against anything & everything including even Arab countries for peace.
Here is the full text of what they are chanting. Notice how important the honor/shame motif is ("We are the people who are the deciding factor!/Death rather than humiliation!")

Down with the Saud clan!
Down with the Saud clan!
Down with the son of Hussein!
Down with the son of Hussein!
Oh Sisi, you son of a dog!
We are the people who are the deciding factor!
Oh Sisi, you coward!
You agent of the Americans!
Oh son of Hussein, you coward!
You agent of the Americans!
From Jerusalem to Amman!
Our honor will not be trampled upon!
From Jerusalem hear oh Amman!
Our honor will not be trampled upon!
Hear oh Mahmoud Abbas!
Our Al-Aqsa is the foundation!( i.e. the most important thing for us)
Hear hear oh Abbas!
Our Al-Aqsa is the foundation!
Netanyahu you son of a dog!
We are the people who are the deciding factor!
Netanyahu you coward!
The people of Jerusalem will not be humiliated!
Raise your hands and shout loudly!
Death rather than humiliation!

(full article online)

Palestinians were chanting slogans against Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt during protests ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Yes. Palestinians are against anything & everything including even Arab countries for peace.

Gratefully not all. But they are not in power and do not have a militia to make any significant difference. All those can do is educate their children to not believe what they hear, even at school and media and want peace with Israel and the Jews .
Here is the full text of what they are chanting. Notice how important the honor/shame motif is ("We are the people who are the deciding factor!/Death rather than humiliation!")
The Arab version of: "Give me liberty or give me death." a very popular quote in American history when we were seeking freedom from British domination.
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