All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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During a Twitter exchange yesterday, Sarah Leah Whitson of Human Rights Watch responded to Ron Kampeas of JTA defending why HRW never condemns incitement by Palestinian leaders:

Can you imagine HRW ever suggesting that stabbing people to death while eating dinner might be a reasonable result of feeling rage at their government?

Can you imagine HRW ever suggesting that anyone but Palestinians are motivated to murder because of they've been treated "brutally."?

Can Sarah Leah Whitson point to a single moment in the murderer's life that would justify his murdering a family, or is the very idea of "occupation" by Israel so obviously a reason to murder that one doesn't need anything more specific?

This is HRW bias in a nutshell.

Human Rights Watch suggests that maybe Jews are murdered because of their brutality ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Speaking of TWITTER, LOL:

There is no doubt about it, this became a political PR nightmare the moment the hashtag became known to many people. Below, some of the questions, before the site was closed down very rapidly. Please enjoy some of the love put forth to Mr. Satanyahu.

Speaking of TWITTER, LOL:

There is no doubt about it, this became a political PR nightmare the moment the hashtag became known to many people. Below, some of the questions, before the site was closed down very rapidly. Please enjoy some of the love put forth to Mr. Satanyahu.

Other than spam another thread, why cut and paste all that nonsense across multiple threads?
Fatah: "With our blood we will thwart the Zionists' plans" - PMW Bulletins

"With our blood we will thwart the Zionists' plans

Even though Israel today is removing the metal detectors from the entrances to the Temple Mount, which were placed following a terror attack there on July 14, 2017, in which 2 Israelis were murdered, Abbas' Fatah Movement is still protesting against Israel's security measures and vowing to "thwart the Zionists' plans" with "our blood":

What the fatah franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., really means is:

"With our blood the blood of the vacant minded islamo-bots we can convince to die for our self-gratification we will thwart the Zionists' plans

Oh no. Not "The Cameras".

It really is remarkable how Islamic terrorists can whip a population of uneducated retrogrades into such a froth.

The Islam - legions of wannabe "Islamic rage boys"

  • So, who is taking Abbas's threats to suspend security cooperation with Israel seriously? Not Israel, not the Americans, and certainly not many Palestinians. Abbas is caught between two bad places -- both of his very own making. On the one hand, he knows that security cooperation with Israel is his only insurance policy to remain in power and alive. On the other hand, Abbas is acutely aware of his status among many Palestinians, who would be more than happy to replace him with someone more... to their taste.

  • Palestinian intelligence chief Majed Faraj's message was directed to the Israeli public with the goal of pressuring the Israeli government and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to cave in to Palestinian threats and remove the metal detectors. This is why Faraj chose an Israeli journalist who is known to be sympathetic to Abbas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership. Faraj and his boss -- Abbas -- wanted to scare the Israeli public and turn them against Netanyahu by telling them that Palestinians will stop security coordination with Israel unless the metal detectors were removed.

  • Abbas is still playing his old game. Out of one side of his mouth he claimed a desire for a peaceful solution to the metal detectors crisis, and out of the other side, he egged his people on to murder more and more Israelis. As it turns out, whether security coordination is "sacred" or "suspended," Abbas is in it for one person only: himself.

    (full article online)

Palestinians: Abbas's Security Doubletalk
Here's more of the wholesome goodness that defines the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

There's a shared pathology that afflicts worshippers of an arab warlord and his partner, "Allah".

Palestinians, Mother of Terrorist, Celebrate Slaughter Of Jewish Family

A Palestinian mother extolled her 19-year old son’s “accomplishment” in the name of Allah. She exclaimed: “Praise Allah. I am proud of my son. May Allah be pleased with him.” The mother was not celebrating her son’s graduation, new job, marriage, fatherhood or some other life-affirming event. Rather, she was celebrating the deaths that her terrorist offspring, Omar al-Abed, brought to a Jewish family on July 21st. The family was about to sit down for a Sabbath dinner and to celebrate the birth of a grandson that same day when the Palestinian terrorist prodigy invaded the family’s home. Wielding a knife, he proceeded to kill a grandfather, his daughter and his son, and to seriously wound the grandmother. The massacre ended only after a neighbor, who belongs to an elite IDF unit and was home on leave, heard cries for help from the house and shot the terrorist. Al-Abed was eventually handcuffed and taken to a hospital for treatment of his wounds.
The word pogrom comes from a Russian word meaning “to destroy, to wreak havoc, to demolish violently.” The term was first used to refer to outbreaks of anti-Jewish violence by non-Jewish street mobs in the Russian Empire from 1881–1884. Pogroms continued to occur in the early 20th century and during and immediately after World War II in Eastern Europe, Germany and beyond. Historian John Klier notes that “By the twentieth century, the word ‘pogrom’ had become a generic term in English for all forms of collective violence directed against Jews,” including incidents that predated the term, and later was also applied to similar violence against other ethnic minorities.

(full article online)

What Were Pogroms? | My Jewish Learning
Which came first? Solomon's Temple or the Al Aqsa Mosque? Golly gee, is it actually possible the Muslim Palestinians stole this land from the native Jews?
Arab-Moslem Death Cult "Mother of the year" nominee.

Mother of Palestinian murderer of three arrested for incitement

The mother of the Palestinian terrorist who killed three Israelis as they sat at their Shabbat table was arrested for incitement.

Israeli troops arrested Ibtisam al-Abed on Monday night, the Israel Defence Forces said. She is accused of “aggravated incitement” against Jews.

Following the attack Friday night by her son Omar, 19, in the West Bank settlement of Halamish, al-Abed said in a statement captured on video and widely distributed on social media, “Praise Allah, I am proud of my son. May Allah be pleased with him.”

On Monday, the al-Abed family hosted guests and al-Abed handed out sweets. The IDF said she “called for attacks on Jews.”

Omar al-Abed, 19, from the nearby Palestinian village of Kobar, was shot and injured during the attack, in which he stabbed to death three members of one family who were together to celebrate the birth of a grandson.

Lovely, lovely people those islamic Death Cultists.
On the one hand, he knows that security cooperation with Israel is his only insurance policy to remain in power and alive. On the other hand, Abbas is acutely aware of his status among many Palestinians, who would be more than happy to replace him with someone more... to their taste.
Indeed, Abbas works for Israel. If he stops, he is out of a job.

Not to mention getting busted for treason when he gets out from under the US wing.
On the one hand, he knows that security cooperation with Israel is his only insurance policy to remain in power and alive. On the other hand, Abbas is acutely aware of his status among many Palestinians, who would be more than happy to replace him with someone more... to their taste.
Indeed, Abbas works for Israel. If he stops, he is out of a job.

Not to mention getting busted for treason when he gets out from under the US wing.
Indeed, conspiracy theories do indeed make convenient, albeit laughable excuses for the typical Arab-Moslem totalitarian dystopia.

One of the key elements in the maintenance of totalitarianism is the construction of an external enemy. The inventor of Islamism knew this and used non-islamics as the "enemies of islam".

Revulsion for Jews and Christians (and those of any competing faiths, even the "wrong king" of Islamics), is a core component of Islamic ideology and that ideology of hate burns today as it did when Islamism was first invented.

Abbas encourages Palestinians
to keep rioting in Jerusalem:

Abbas encourages Palestinians to keep rioting in Jerusalem - PMW Bulletins

"We are with you in all that you have done
and are still doing... you are causing us pride"
Shlomi Eldar disagrees, writing on July 20 that Abbas really wanted to avoid all of these riots and that Fatah militant leaders have been acting independently and forced Abbas' hand.

If that is true, then since July 19 Abbas is not a leader but a puppet - and an enthusiastic one at that, as he is the one who has been inflaming tensions with his statements. Abbas is the one who decided to end security cooperation with Israel, not Fatah. Yet Abbas is still the head of Fatah and these groups nominally report to him, and based on the stories this week they seek his permission to riot.

At best Abbas has no control over anything and goes along with his most extreme, violent factions in order to remain in power. which means that anyone relying on Abbas to help bring peace is being dangerously naive.

At worst, Abbas is acting like Arafat, using these terror groups that report to him as a means to foment violence while maintaining the fiction of his own antipathy towards violence.

The media might not be noticing this yet, but you can be sure that Western intelligence agencies are quite aware of Abbas' double game in pretending to be peaceful while directing or allowing terror groups to act violently, a game has already seen deadly results.

(full article online)

Abbas gave direct orders to his own terror group to foment violence ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“The government is under pressure by deputies because it allowed the Israeli killer to leave,” he said, stressing that the decision had to be taken in this way out of Jordan’s commitments to international conventions.

["Jordan sees Israeli reactions to embassy case ‘absurd’", Jordan Times, July 26, 2017]Interesting ideas, and some striking expressions that we highlighted. Now we have some questions for Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi.

Does he, and do any of his advisers, consider that the statements bolded in the quoted piece ought to be taken seriously? Or are we to assume this article, along with its self-justifying expressions of utter devotion to treaties, justice, international practices and high standards of morality, is for domestic Jordanian consumption only?

These are deliberately pointed questions given what we know about the brazenly unlawful way the Jordan government has dealt with the case of a confessed murderer and FBI Most Wanted Terrorist by the name of Ahlam Tamimi.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 26-Jul-17: We listened carefully to Jordan's minister and we have 10 questions
There were many seminal moments in the founding of the State of Israel, but perhaps none was as well-known — or misconstrued — as the sending back of the immigrant ship Exodus 1947.

Now, 70 years later, efforts are being made to learn and understand the historical episode — the courage and determination of the 4,515 Holocaust survivors, including 655 children, who reached the Promised Land in an unarmed ship only to be forced back to Germany by the British army before they could disembark. The events turned the tide of public opinion in favor of the creation of a Jewish state.

Ironically, what gave the ship its lasting fame — the Leon Uris bestseller “Exodus” and the Paul Newman film based on it — also served to grossly distort the facts. In reality, the British didn’t capitulate as they did on the big screen, but chose to make an example of the passengers of the Exodus.

(full article online)

In pictures, the 70th anniversary of the SS Exodus in Haifa
Palestine News Network, which is funded by the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation among others, has an article - by a lawyer -about how any security measures Israel takes in Jerusalem are against international law.

The author, Samir Dweikat, has three points, each one more ridiculous than the last.

The first is that international law guarantees freedom of religion. Muslims have always been so willing to allow other religions to practice under benevolent Muslim rule. The Jews, however (and he always says Jews and not "Zionists") "did not respect this and kept Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque locked up with false arguments about their false history."

We all know how tolerant the Jordanians were towards the Jews and synagogues and cemeteries in Jerusalem when they controlled it.

The second point is that metal detectors, like the ones at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, prove that Jews do not respect themselves and human rules. "Jews are like stray animals." Yes, that's what he says.

His third point is that Jews will never give Palestinians a state. Only violent actions got the Jews to remove the metal detectors, and that type of "resistance" is what is necessary until the "liberation of Palestine."

I can't quite find the citations of international law here, but I'm sure it is there somewhere.

Palestinian media: "Jews are stray animals" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Jordan has decided not to allow the return to Jordan of the Israeli Ambassador to Amman and her staff until the security official who shot and killed an attacking terrorist at the Embassy compound is tried in Israeli court, according to the Jordanian paper al-Rad.

Israel has not responded to the report.

On Monday night, the Israeli Ambassador to Amman returned to Israel with the rest of her staff, including the security official in question, within the framework of agreements between the King of Jordan and Prime Minister Netanyahu.

On Wednesday, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely told Arutz Sheva that there was “no doubt” that the security official would be returned to his position at the Embassy.

“We want the entire staff to return to their positions. He did excellent work. Defending life sometimes entails killing a terrorist.”

“What I see at this point as our goal is that the whole staff returns to full functioning as soon as possible. That’s our approach,” she emphasized.

Jordan sets conditions for return of Israeli Embassy staff
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