All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Sarcastic reductio ad absurdum aside, the question should be asked how it is that responsible European community leaders, people with a tradition that has in the past built and maintained productive civilizations in the face of attackers and foes, could seriously entertain the thought that signs, bracelets, and appeals to humanity will deter a masculine society in advanced stages of the march for world domination.

(full article online)

Israel urged to follow Austria's example
“We’ve managed for many years without security cooperation, we’ll manage now as well,” Liberman told the Ynet news website.

The defense minister stressed, however, that the security ties were in the Palestinians’ best interest.

“It’s their decision,” he added. “It’s not that the security coordination is an Israeli need. Before our needs, it’s a Palestinian need first and foremost, and therefore if they want it, it will continue, if they don’t want it, they won’t. It’s their decision.”

(full article online)

Liberman: Israel can manage without Palestinian security cooperation
The unfathomed gap between Middle East reality and the two-state-solution ‎was demonstrated in 1993 when Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres ‎promoted the two-state-solution and his vision of peace in "The New Middle ‎East." Attempting to rationalize Israel's dramatic ‎concession of its most strategic mountain ridge to the PLO, Peres asserted: ‎‎"[PLO Chairman Yasser] Arafat is a national symbol, a legend in his own time [p. 17]. ... The ‎international political setting is no longer conducive to war [p. 80]. ... We must ‎focus on this new Middle East reality ... wars that will never be fought again [p. ‎‎85]. ... We must strive for fewer weapons and more faith. ... You could almost ‎hear the heavy tread of boots leaving the stage after a hundred years of ‎hostility. You could have listened to the gentle tiptoeing of new steps making ‎a debut in the awaiting world of peace [p. 196]." ‎

In 1994, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to Arafat, Peres and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin ‎‎"for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East." The Nobel Foundation and ‎the political, academic and media establishments chose to ignore Arafat's track ‎record, highlighted by his 1959 and 1964 founding of Fatah and the PLO terror ‎organizations, calling for "the liberation of Palestine" eight years and three ‎years before the 1967 war, respectively. ‎

In other words, the Palestinian focus has been the delegitimization and ‎destruction of pre-1967 Israel, as underlined in the Palestinian ‎Authority school curriculum, ‎Friday sermons in Palestinian mosques and Palestinian media.‎

The "two-state solution" gospel is a miniaturized replica of the 1938 Anglo-‎German "peace-for-our-time" initiative of British Prime Minister Neville ‎Chamberlain, who sacrificed national security clarity on the altar of an elusive peace. He appeased a rogue regime, yielded the most strategic ‎Czechoslovakian land to Germany, reflected feebleness and whetted Hitler's ‎appetite; thus producing a robust tailwind for World War II.‎

Will policymakers avoid -- or repeat -- severe blunders?‎

(full article online)
Reward and repetition are two of the best ways to ensure certain types of behaviors continue. And if such motivations are in place long enough, behavior becomes permanent as rewards harden into entitlements and repetition becomes habit.

We’re seeing something like this play out in the latest iteration of what Ruth Wisse urges us to start calling “The Arab War Against the Jews,” a more descriptive title for what even Israel’s friends keep calling called the “Arab-Israeli” conflict, which presumes an inaccurate “cycle-of-violence” narrative.

This time, the so-called “cycle” consists of Palestinians (urged on by leaders in both official and popular media) using their own holy places as the launch-pad for murder, then using Israeli security measures at those same holy places as a pretext for riots, further murder and demands for global protest.

(full article online)

Breaking the Cycle (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Yeah, yeah, the standard list of assholes who always play the antisemite card whenever anyone criticizes Israel's policies. It is just another bogus claim.

I hear NOISE. Only NOISE. Does anyone care to discuss what is written in the articles instead of totally dismissing them?

How about it?

Sure, for starters, criticizing any government policy is not antisemitism. And virtually everything on campus swirls around Israeli policies. Unfortunately the antisemitism label is thrown around to anyone criticizing Israel or promoting Palestinian rights.

Any student group who invites a speaker or hosts another event should be allowed to do so without external interference. Unfortunately, Palestine advocates have a lot of problems with external interference.

There does not seem to be clear cut rules for speaking events.
  • Outside protests are fine as long as they do not restrict access to the facility.
  • Shouting down a speaker should not be permitted. If somebody wants to get up there and make an ass of himself he should be allowed to do so. The speaker has the right to speak and the people have the right to hear.
  • Messages on clothing, and signs or banners at the back or side of the room should be OK. Anything that does not restrict the view of the presentation.
I don't think you would disagree with me on any of these points.

Please, tell us you are joking with the above.

It has been pro Israel speakers who have been protested against to the point that the events get cancelled.
Jewish Students are constantly harassed and attacked and intimidated.

And never mind that you are gutless to specify WHICH Israeli policies you are against.

Being against ALL Israeli policies to protect the nation and its inhabitants IS antisemitism.

I am hearing a lot of Noise coming from you and no discussion.
Endless bellyaching about Israel's existence (oops, it does not exist for you) and its RIGHT to defend itself from those who have declared war against it and against all Jews since 1920.

Actually, a war against all Jews since about 1900 years ago.
It just does not change, it simply EVOLVES.
You base your opinion on false premise. It was the Palestinians who were at home peacefully minding their own business when the colonists came down from Europe to take over their country.
The Palestinians never had a country. It was Ottoman ruled land for the last seven centuries at least, and then taken over by the British And allies who defeated the Germans and Ottoman Turks after World War One.
Yeah, yeah, the standard list of assholes who always play the antisemite card whenever anyone criticizes Israel's policies. It is just another bogus claim.

I hear NOISE. Only NOISE. Does anyone care to discuss what is written in the articles instead of totally dismissing them?

How about it?

Sure, for starters, criticizing any government policy is not antisemitism. And virtually everything on campus swirls around Israeli policies. Unfortunately the antisemitism label is thrown around to anyone criticizing Israel or promoting Palestinian rights.

Any student group who invites a speaker or hosts another event should be allowed to do so without external interference. Unfortunately, Palestine advocates have a lot of problems with external interference.

There does not seem to be clear cut rules for speaking events.
  • Outside protests are fine as long as they do not restrict access to the facility.
  • Shouting down a speaker should not be permitted. If somebody wants to get up there and make an ass of himself he should be allowed to do so. The speaker has the right to speak and the people have the right to hear.
  • Messages on clothing, and signs or banners at the back or side of the room should be OK. Anything that does not restrict the view of the presentation.
I don't think you would disagree with me on any of these points.
Yeah right, you aren't just "critiquing the Israeli govt polices." If that was the case, since Israel is a democracy with freedom of press, there are plenty of Israelis both left and right that criticize Israel all the time.

You in the other hand are a Hamas terrorist supporter who wants the state of Israel to be totally dismantled and the Jews to leave, to be replaced by the Islamic Caliphate of Palestine. That of course will never happen, but if that isn't blatant antisemtism I don't know what is.
Reward and repetition are two of the best ways to ensure certain types of behaviors continue. And if such motivations are in place long enough, behavior becomes permanent as rewards harden into entitlements and repetition becomes habit.

We’re seeing something like this play out in the latest iteration of what Ruth Wisse urges us to start calling “The Arab War Against the Jews,” a more descriptive title for what even Israel’s friends keep calling called the “Arab-Israeli” conflict, which presumes an inaccurate “cycle-of-violence” narrative.

This time, the so-called “cycle” consists of Palestinians (urged on by leaders in both official and popular media) using their own holy places as the launch-pad for murder, then using Israeli security measures at those same holy places as a pretext for riots, further murder and demands for global protest.

(full article online)

Breaking the Cycle (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Some great observations in the link. All too often, the kuffar has conceded to the one-sided demands of Islamics because of their threats to violence if those demands aren't met.
The Fatah franchise of Angry Muhamnedans Intl. inc., is looking to whip it's minions into a frenzy. It really is just formula for Islamics. The rabal will threaten violence if they don't get what they want, and what they want is capitulation from the infidel.

I can only hope that the Israeli government will be firm with the angry, petulant muhamnedan fascists and not allow them to transform another religious / historical site into an armed Islamic terrorist encampment.

"Allah, liberate our mosque from the occupation`s filth" - "Jerusalem is ours" - PMW Bulletins

Fatah: "O Allah, liberate our mosque
from the occupation's filth"


PMW Bulletins
"Allah, liberate our mosque from the occupation`s filth" - "Jerusalem is ours"


Official PA daily: "Jerusalem is ours"

  • Abbas: The Islamic and Christian holy sites are in need of "defense"
  • Speaker on behalf of Abbas, about Israel's actions on the Temple Mount: They are "a step on the way to establishing the alleged Temple"
  • Editorial in official PA daily: "Holy sites [are being] harmed... undergo Judaization"
This recent post from a young man in Gaza talking about the 2014 war inadvertently shows the huge moral divide between Palestinians and Israelis. he describes what happens after he was woken up by a nearby airstrike in a story that is almost certainly peppered with lies:
I looked around myself in that room to wake my sleeping family up, but I found no one! The door of the room was open, and everyone was out. I rushed to the hall of the home and no one was there. I looked into the kitchen and the other rooms, but I realized I was left alone.
Having no hopes in staying at home alone to wait for my family, I went out and joined the crowds of people who were still running to somewhere seeking shelter! ...
To make sure my family was alright, I went to my father’s uncle’s home, that my dad used to always go to whenever something dangerous happened. I found my family there, and everyone was scared except my dad who was so mad at me! Well, he slapped me on my face asking me why I did not pick up the phone when he called me. I asked him why he did not take me with him when they fled, telling him that my phone’s battery was dead.
“I wanted you to be a man, so I left you alone at home. Well, in this war, I shouldn’t have done this!” Dad said, and then hugged me. I was and am still proud of my dad, who wanted me to be a man even during the bad situations.His father left him at home during bombings that the youth claims left bodies of dozens of women and children on the street (there were no airstrikes of that type in Gaza in 2014) - in order to teach him to be a man? And he's proud of that?

(full article online)

Another darling peace project where only one side wants peace ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
All people have a history – the only real question is how far back it goes and what is in it. The Palestinians would have you believe that they are the predecessors of all. It’s a matter of pride. In their twisted and desperate attempt to create a history of magnificent proportions, they find they are sadly lacking. What can they do? The earth doesn’t lie even if they do and so they…acquire…yes…they acquire an ancient history.

Here is an ancient coin (circa 1927) that “proves” Palestinian history because of the Arabic and the word “Palestine”.


Of course, the coin also has Hebrew and English and was minted by the British recognizing the three languages spoken in the area at the time – Hebrew by the Jews, Arabic by the Arab inhabitants (not necessarily Palestinians since both Jews and Arabs were referred to as Palestinians since they lived in the British Mandated Palestine), and English for the British occupiers. Note that the Hebrew says “Palestine” followed by two Hebrew letters (א”י) which is an abbreviation for Eretz Yisrael – the land of Israel).


And here is an ancient Jewish coin that dates back to the Roman period over 2,000 years ago on which the name of our land, “Judea” is inscribed. One point for the Jews on the coin battle.

(full article online)

The Narrative of Palestine
This recent post from a young man in Gaza talking about the 2014 war inadvertently shows the huge moral divide between Palestinians and Israelis. he describes what happens after he was woken up by a nearby airstrike in a story that is almost certainly peppered with lies:
I looked around myself in that room to wake my sleeping family up, but I found no one! The door of the room was open, and everyone was out. I rushed to the hall of the home and no one was there. I looked into the kitchen and the other rooms, but I realized I was left alone.
Having no hopes in staying at home alone to wait for my family, I went out and joined the crowds of people who were still running to somewhere seeking shelter! ...
To make sure my family was alright, I went to my father’s uncle’s home, that my dad used to always go to whenever something dangerous happened. I found my family there, and everyone was scared except my dad who was so mad at me! Well, he slapped me on my face asking me why I did not pick up the phone when he called me. I asked him why he did not take me with him when they fled, telling him that my phone’s battery was dead.
“I wanted you to be a man, so I left you alone at home. Well, in this war, I shouldn’t have done this!” Dad said, and then hugged me. I was and am still proud of my dad, who wanted me to be a man even during the bad situations.His father left him at home during bombings that the youth claims left bodies of dozens of women and children on the street (there were no airstrikes of that type in Gaza in 2014) - in order to teach him to be a man? And he's proud of that?

(full article online)

Another darling peace project where only one side wants peace ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

WHAT THE....??:eek-52:

I was shouting so much at my uncle when he refused to go to the bomb shelter.
Dragged him in. No question about it - not on my watch.
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