All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The Zionist shills are an amazing bunch. They do believe their own propaganda.

'They Piled Bodies and Burned Them'
A young fellow tied to a tree and set on fire. A woman and an old man shot in back. Girls lined up against a wall and shot with a submachine gun. The testimonies collected by filmmaker Neta Shoshani about the massacre in Deir Yassin are difficult to process even 70 years after the fact

Last Friday together with Etzel” – the acronym for the National Military Organization, also known as the Irgun, another pre-state underground militia, led by Menachem Begin – “our movement carried out a tremendous operation to occupy the Arab village on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv road – Deir Yassin. I participated in this operation in the most active way,” wrote Yehuda Feder, whose nom de guerre in Lehi (also known as the Stern Gang) was “Giora.”
Further along in the letter, he describes in detail his part in the massacre that took place there. “This was the first time in my life that at my hands and before my eyes Arabs fell. In the village I killed an armed Arab man and two Arab girls of 16 or 17 who were helping the Arab who was shooting. I stood them against a wall and blasted them with two rounds from the Tommy gun,” he wrote, describing how he carried out the execution of the girls with a submachine gun.
Along with that, he tells about looting in the village with his buddies after it was occupied. “We confiscated a lot of money and silver and gold jewelry fell into our hands,” he wrote. He concludes the letter with the words: “This was a really tremendous operation and it is with reason that the left is vilifying us again.”

read more: Testimonies from the censored Deir Yassin massacre: 'They piled bodies and burned them'
The Zionist shills are an amazing bunch. They do believe their own propaganda.

'They Piled Bodies and Burned Them'
A young fellow tied to a tree and set on fire. A woman and an old man shot in back. Girls lined up against a wall and shot with a submachine gun. The testimonies collected by filmmaker Neta Shoshani about the massacre in Deir Yassin are difficult to process even 70 years after the fact

Last Friday together with Etzel” – the acronym for the National Military Organization, also known as the Irgun, another pre-state underground militia, led by Menachem Begin – “our movement carried out a tremendous operation to occupy the Arab village on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv road – Deir Yassin. I participated in this operation in the most active way,” wrote Yehuda Feder, whose nom de guerre in Lehi (also known as the Stern Gang) was “Giora.”
Further along in the letter, he describes in detail his part in the massacre that took place there. “This was the first time in my life that at my hands and before my eyes Arabs fell. In the village I killed an armed Arab man and two Arab girls of 16 or 17 who were helping the Arab who was shooting. I stood them against a wall and blasted them with two rounds from the Tommy gun,” he wrote, describing how he carried out the execution of the girls with a submachine gun.
Along with that, he tells about looting in the village with his buddies after it was occupied. “We confiscated a lot of money and silver and gold jewelry fell into our hands,” he wrote. He concludes the letter with the words: “This was a really tremendous operation and it is with reason that the left is vilifying us again.”

read more: Testimonies from the censored Deir Yassin massacre: 'They piled bodies and burned them'

Leave it to The Monty. A long cut and paste of uncorroborated, second hand hearsay.
Meryana agreed: “You can’t even approach these pro-Palestinian activists.

They just yell and attack you [if you question them]. That’s why I wanted to come.” For this group the story of the founding of Israel has a message for how they think young Iraqi Christians can come together in the future. “I think Israel is an inspiration for a future Assyria.

Jews and Assyrians went through the same things, being here inspires me to build Assyria and build our people and learn about our heritage and I look at Israel and see a future Assyria,” says Mary.

(full article online)

Iraqi Christian youth leaders look to Jewish history for inspiration
India and Israel were reborn around the same time, in comparably nasty neighborhoods. They both faced turmoil inside and outside their boundaries, as they confronted partition on ethno-religious-nationalistic grounds. Yet each is a now a flourishing democracy.

(full article online)

Israel and India: Is the Sky the Limit?
India and Israel were reborn around the same time, in comparably nasty neighborhoods. They both faced turmoil inside and outside their boundaries, as they confronted partition on ethno-religious-nationalistic grounds. Yet each is a now a flourishing democracy.

(full article online)

Israel and India: Is the Sky the Limit?

Israel is no more democratic than Apartheid South Africa.
Your clown dancing is a hoot.

The apartheid Islamic enclaves of Gaza'istan and Fatah'istan have much in common with most every other Islamic-fascist / apartheid state that keeps the Islamist Middle East tied to retrogression and human misery.

Very strange how people like you define Islamic fascists as your heroes.
I always get a chuckle when the spokes-turbans from any of the various Islamic terrorist franchises rattle on with their silly threats of "escalation" of Islamic terrorist attacks. Moslems’ one sided claims to entitlements and demands for special treatment are best responded to with a firm "no" and the suggestion that they remain silent while the relevant first world goes about its business.


Fatah Official Abbas Zaki Warns of Escalation: Jerusalem Shooting Attack Due to Failure of Political Process
I always get a chuckle when the spokes-turbans from any of the various Islamic terrorist franchises rattle on with their silly threats of "escalation" of Islamic terrorist attacks. Moslems’ one sided claims to entitlements and demands for special treatment are best responded to with a firm "no" and the suggestion that they remain silent while the relevant first world goes about its business.
And I always get a chuckle when the spokes-yarmulkes from any of the various jew terrorist franchises rattle on with their silly threats of "escalation" of jew terrorist attacks. Jews’ one sided claims to entitlements and demands for special treatment are best responded to with a firm "no" and the suggestion that they remain silent while the sane people go about their business.
I always get a chuckle when the spokes-turbans from any of the various Islamic terrorist franchises rattle on with their silly threats of "escalation" of Islamic terrorist attacks. Moslems’ one sided claims to entitlements and demands for special treatment are best responded to with a firm "no" and the suggestion that they remain silent while the relevant first world goes about its business.
And I always get a chuckle when the spokes-yarmulkes from any of the various jew terrorist franchises rattle on with their silly threats of "escalation" of jew terrorist attacks. Jews’ one sided claims to entitlements and demands for special treatment are best responded to with a firm "no" and the suggestion that they remain silent while the sane people go about their business.

There's my little plagiarist / stalker. I knew you were in your madrassah waiting patiently for me to post.
[What is happening in Canada. How Muslims are stepping up their efforts to turn
all people answerable to Sharia Law, in non Muslim majority countries. And this has only been happening for the past 10 to 12 years as the West continues to give in to Islamic demands ]

Fatah declared today, Wednesday to be a "Day of Rage."

This is supposed to instill fear in the hearts of the dhimmis, who presumably forgot that the last "Days of Rage" were only a couple of months ago. Almost every Friday in May was a "day of rage" in support of the prisoner hunger strike, an issue that faded so quickly it seems hard to remember how important Palestinians pretended it was.

Just like metal detectors on the Temple Mount.

It is important to realize that "Days of Rage" are not responses to events. To the contrary.

Palestinians are completely defined by honor and shame. They cannot communicate except in those terms. Arabic media is filled with words like "humiliation." They are walking bundles of shame waiting for events to attach these "Days of Rage" to - because they want excuses to turn their shame into honor.

Their sense of self-worth is so pathetically poor that they look for excuses to start riots and to display rage to the world. They believe that by starting riots and causing Israeli security forces to deploy, they have achieved a tiny degree of honor. They are not as irrelevant as they fear - they have caused mighty Israel to notice them. They matter.
While on Sunday there were some Muslims who went through the metal detectors, since then I have not heard of any. Is it because, of the thousands that visit the site every day, not one thinks it is important enough to go to now?

Yet I cannot find any criticism of the Waqf and PA policy to intimidate every Muslim from going to the site.

This is not because 100% of all Israeli and Palestinian Muslims have decided to follow the Waqf instructions. It is because they are afraid of what could happen to them and their families if they even say they don't agree.

(full article online)

Some thoughts about (another) "Day of Rage" and honor/shame ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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In its final season of excavations, the Gezer Excavation Project has arguably found one of its most impressive discoveries to date — material proof of the city’s complete razing, as depicted in the Bible’s Book of Kings, at the hands of the Egyptians 3,200 years ago.

Three torched skeletal remains were discovered this summer at the Tel Gezer archaeological site by a team from the Gezer Excavation Project. The consortium of institutions has dug there since June 2006, headed by Steve Ortiz of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) and Sam Wolff of the Israel Antiquities Authority. Previous dig seasons have uncovered Canaanite treasure troves and a King Solomon-era palace.

(full article online)

Biblical account of Gezer’s destruction gains ground with torched skeleton finds
Notably, the court said that if Palestinians were cooperating with Israel to thwart terror attacks on Israelis, that the PA is also obligated to assist in such efforts under the Oslo Accords. Accordingly, the court said the PA could not treat such Palestinians as criminals, much less torture them.

(full article online)

Israeli courts to let Palestinians sue PA for torture
An important battle just played out in Canada at the intersection of geopolitical territorial disputes and international trade law. The issue was the labeling of Israel products produced in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). On July 6, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) issued a notice that wines produced in this region cannot be labeled “Made in Israel,” as they had long been.

Within a day, the Canadian government reversed the decision, and in doing made an important statement about such labeling controversies, which have been cropping up around the world. Canada’s decision to repeal its short-lived ban on “Made in Israel” labels for such products should give impetus to the United States to reexamine its labeling policy.

(full article online)

Opinion | Canada corrects its ‘Made in Israel’ policy. Now it is time for the U.S. to do the same.

Yay Canada!
Well check this out. The franchise of Islamic Terrorist Intl. Inc., occupying the West Bank is providing for a minimum wage increase from its UN welfare benefits.

The "Dead Islamic Terrorist Walking" welfare fund will be getting even more of the kuffar dollars heaped upon the Death Cult.

Once again, we're left to question why western nations don't immediately stop paying the Death Cult to finance their acts of Islamic terrorism.

Palestinian Authority’s 2017 Budget Shows ‘Huge Increase’ in Funding for Terror Payments

Palestinian Authority’s 2017 Budget Shows ‘Huge Increase’ in Funding for Terror Payments

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Photo: via Wikimedia Commons.

The Palestinian Authority’s 2017 budget shows a “huge increase” in the funding of salaries for imprisoned terrorists and the families of “martyrs,” an Israeli research institute revealed on Wednesday.

According to Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), the amount of money allocated by the PA for payments to terrorists jailed in Israel rose 13% this year to $158 million — compared to $135 million in 2016. During the same time frame, disbursements for family members of dead terrorists increased by 4% — to $197 million from $183 million.

Overall, PMW said, the PA is spending $355 million this year on the direct funding of terrorism.
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