All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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" A great deal is thus left to the discretion of the Parties to the conflict as regards the choice of means. What is essential is that the measures of constraint they adopt should not affect the fundamental rights of the persons concerned. As has been seen, those rights must be respected even when measures of constraint are justified.Note that the mild restrictions enumerated by the Convention are far more severe than requiring people to walk through a metal gate."
There are absolutely no restrictions of any fundamental rights of any persons - except for Jews who are now banned from visiting the Temple Mount because some uttered prayers out of earshot of any Muslims.

As always, the Palestinians and their allies are perverting international law.

And as always, the media's vaunted "fact checkers" don't even bother doing their jobs when the lies don't offend them.

Of course Israel has the right to install metal detectors under international law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
" I have seen young people and older people too, who are good democratic liberals, lovers of peace and gentleness, struck dumb with admiration for individuals threatening or using the most terrible violence for the slightest and tawdriest reasons. They have a sneaking suspicion that they are face to face with men of real commitment, which they themselves lack. And commitment, not truth, is believed to be what counts."
Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind, p. 221
Bloom was writing in the 1980's, basing himself on his experiences on college campuses in the 1960's.

Today, we witness a more nuanced approach, where "activists" under the banner of "human rights" use their halo -- some times as a shield, other times as a hammer -- preaching about commitment to high ideals and human values, while appealing to people's baser instincts.

Linda Sarsour is one such "activist." The deserving cause of the Muslim rights in America apparently cannot be achieved unless Islamophobic and alt-right villians can be revealed and attacked in order to increase her audience and galvanize it into action.

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour and her Media Allies (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
An extensive 2,700-year-old water system was recently discovered at an Israel Antiquities Authority excavation site near Rosh Haayin in central Israel, with the help of students majoring in the Education Ministry’s Land of Israel and Archaeology studies program.

(full article online)

2,700-year old water system discovered in central Israel
Are they going to bulldoze it because it was built without a permit?

You are why your Ayatollah said "there is no fun in islam".
The recent terror attack at the Lions’ Gate in Jerusalem reminded me, as if I needed reminding, of the complexity of the Jewish-Arab conflict in the land of Israel.

There are actually three separate conflicts raging in the same place, involving more or less the same people. They have distinct objectives, but they are intertwined in a complex way, which is detrimental to ending any of them.

The first is the political conflict between the State of Israel and the PLO in its embodiment as the Palestinian Authority (PA). This is a disagreement over borders, settlements, security, and other geopolitical issues.

The second is the national conflict between the Jewish people and those Arabs whose self-defining national narrative is that of “Palestinians.” This is a disagreement that can be characterized as an argument over the historical title to the land between the river and the sea.

The third is the religious conflict between Jews and Muslims. This stems from the Islamic ideas that Muslims are superior to non-Muslims (especially Jews), that they should live under shari’a (which implies Muslim sovereignty), and that land that has once been Muslim must not be allowed to remain in the hands of infidels.

(full article online)

The three Jewish-Arab conflicts (Vic Rosenthal) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“The truth is that life expectancy in Gaza is 74, five years above the world average, above the average in the Arab world, and three years above life expectancy in Egypt,” Frisch told

“Gaza is the second-most-subsidized population in the world, receiving 15 times more aid per capita than an Ethiopia, even though GDP per capita in Ethiopia is one-third that of Gaza’s….At least one-third of the world’s population lives in much more dire straits than in Gaza,” he said.

The view from the disputed territories

At the same time, the humanitarian situation for Palestinians living in the disputed territories is “considerably better” due to closer economic cooperation with Israel, Frisch said.

“The situation in Judea and Samaria and in the West Bank is considerably better due to the fact that 150,000 workers from the West Bank work in Israel,” he said.

(full article online)

A tale of two Palestinian worlds
Dima Tahboub is not the reason peace is impossible in the Middle East. She's a hater, a bigot, an antisemite, a Muslim supremacist and an inciter, but there are lots of those around.

The reason that peace is impossible is because it is impossible to find any Arabs, anywhere in region, who are aghast at these comments and willing to publicly stand up and condemn them.

If one cannot find a a single Arab government, a single Arab "human rights' organization, a single Arab lawmaker or a single Arab pundit or columnist willing to condemn Tahboub for cheering the murder of innocent girls because they are Jewish, then that silence tells us far more about how the Arab world thinks than a thousand statements that they are against violence and don't hate Jews.

I have no doubt that many Arabs do not support the wanton murder of innocent girls, even Jewish ones. But even those Arabs live in a society where they both do not feel strongly enough about it to speak up, and where if they did there would be very unpleasant consequences for them and their families. Such a society is not capable of making real peace, ever.

The full disgusting interview is here.

(full article online)

Why peace is impossible, reason #9729 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In the year 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella decreed that all Jews must convert, leave or die.
Many Jews converted, but secretly maintained Jewish traditions.

Called "Marranos" (pigs) by their Christian counterparts and "Crypto-Jews" or "Anusim" by other Jews,
they passed down Jewish traditions, kept secretly over the past 500 years.

(vide video online)

Spain without Jews? That's how it happened
Coming soon, Infidels!

Rage-Fest 2017™

Brought to you by The Bureau of Angry Islamists with Nothing Better to Do - Islamist terrorist Middle East Hellhole Group, a subsidiary of Islamic Terrorism Intl. inc.,

Fatah threatens more violence: “Rage for the Al-Aqsa Mosque!” - PMW Bulletins

Fatah threatens more violence:
“Rage for the Al-Aqsa Mosque!”

  • Fatah MP: "We are moving towards an escalation... Escalation is answered with escalation, and violence is answered with violence"

Regarding the spokes-creep in the video, Does anyone know when he died?
Coming soon, Infidels!

Rage-Fest 2017™

Brought to you by The Bureau of Angry Islamists with Nothing Better to Do - Islamist terrorist Middle East Hellhole Group, a subsidiary of Islamic Terrorism Intl. inc.,

Fatah threatens more violence: “Rage for the Al-Aqsa Mosque!” - PMW Bulletins

Fatah threatens more violence:
“Rage for the Al-Aqsa Mosque!”

  • Fatah MP: "We are moving towards an escalation... Escalation is answered with escalation, and violence is answered with violence"

Regarding the spokes-creep in the video, Does anyone know when he died?

I am not finding anywhere where this guy has died.

This was the latest, apparently:

Fatah official urges Israeli Arabs to vote for Joint List
Ahmed Shihab-Eldin calls himself "palestinian by blood. american by birth. kuwaiti by nationality. egyptian by upbringing. austrian by adolescence. curious by nature. employed by @AJplus."

He tweeted:

(vide video online)

I keep watching this video, but I cannot find any frisking or pushing. The soldiers are relaxed. At the very end one directs him to leave by lightly touching his elbow.


I think the UN should convene a special session.

The funny part is that he has scores of people tweeting feeling sorry for him because this was as traumatic an experience as one can imagine.

Even funnier is that there were about 10 photographers looking so hard to find a story there. But apparently, when there is no story, certain people will just make one up, knowing full well that even when they have video that contradicts their own story, people will believe them as long as the story is anti-Israel.

And this reporter's buddy who took this video is wildly moving his camera around as if he is being pushed, to create the impression of chaos and wild aggression. But the police aren't near him, nothing it happening.

It is really bad Pallywood.

Al Jazeera reporter claims Israeli police abused him. Spot the abuse in this Pallywood video. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The session will deal with UNRWA's policy of eternally perpetuating the refugee status of the Palestinian Arabs. Palestinian Arabs are the only population in the world whose refugee status is inherited, and are the only refugees who do not fall under the purview of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The session will also deal with the prevalence of incitement against Israel and Jews in the textbooks used in UNRWA schools.

(full article online)

Lobby to reform UNRWA launches in Knesset
The ad says, among other things:

1.We condemn the anti-Jewish “blacklist.”

We have fought too long and too hard to root out
discrimination from our land to sit idly while foreign interests
import bigotry into America. Having suffered so greatly from
such prejudice, we consider most repugnant efforts by Arab
states to use the economic power of their newly acquired oil
wealth to boycott business firms that deal with Israel or that
have Jewish owners, directors or executives and to impose
anti-Jewish preconditions for investments in this country.
Franke is pretending that a civil rights icon would support discrimination against Israeli Jews today.

No, Professor Franke. It is you who Rosa Parks would condemn. The BDS movement is a direct continuation of the Arab League boycotts of Israel before there was an Israel and the Arab boycotts of the 1970s that prominent American blacks so eloquently exposed as pure bigotry..

(full article online)

Anti-Israel professor makes a fool of herself in Boston Globe op-ed ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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