All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Kogan is not the first to complain. A year ago, an Israeli tourist posted in the travel website Trip Advisor that Israelis were marked with purple bracelets given only to them.

"This is dangerous for security," he wrote.

Kogan later complained to the Foreign Ministry, which responded: "It is bizarre that Israelis are marked with a purple bracelet, very reminiscent of the Star of David on the clothing of Jews during the Second World War. ... The Tourism Ministry is that which should be involved."

Kogan tried to obtain a response from the hotel, which he said pointed a finger at the tourism company Kanfei Meshek, the provider that organizes the vacation in the hotel. The company issued a statement in response saying, "We have nothing to do with this matter of internal arrangements within the hotel, and we certainly did not ask the hotel to mark the fact that the guests are Israeli."

The Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying the practice is "despicable and shocking. The Israeli Embassy will work to cancel the marking immediately."

(full article online)

Israel Hayom | Israelis outraged at being 'marked' at Romanian resort
On Friday July 21st pre-planned rioting took place in Jerusalem as well as at additional locations after yet another ‘Day of Rage’ had been called by Palestinian leaders. The BBC News website covered the day’s events in two reports – one written and one filmed.

The filmed report by Yolande Knell is titled “Clashes in Bethlehem over holy site” and its synopsis links to the written report, telling viewers that “t follows tension over the place known to Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif, and to Jews as the Temple Mount”.

In the first part of that report Knell describes the Israeli security forces’ response to what she terms “protests”.

Knell: “Now those unusual prayers are turned into protests very quickly. Already there’s been skunk water fired – a very stinky liquid – by the soldiers. They’re using stun grenades and tear gas as well.”

After the caption “How did we get here?” appears on screen, the report then goes on to show footage apparently filmed some time earlier, with Knell telling BBC audiences that:

Knell: “Palestinian worshippers across the West Bank aren’t praying inside their mosques today but they’ve come outside. Here in Bethlehem they’re on the streets, under the hot sun with their prayer mats. And this is a very symbolically important location because just along there, that’s the road to Jerusalem and it’s now blocked by Israel’s separation wall. You can see the Israeli military watchtower that’s just over there.”

Knell refrains from informing viewers that the anti-terrorist fence (which of course has nothing at all to do with the story she is supposedly reporting) had to be constructed because of Palestinian terrorism. Her claim that the road to Jerusalem is “blocked” is misleading: the checkpoint there is open 24 hours a day. She then goes on to uncritically parrot Palestinian messaging.

(full article online)

BBC reporting on Jerusalem violence low on background, high on messaging
Yeah, yeah, the standard list of assholes who always play the antisemite card whenever anyone criticizes Israel's policies. It is just another bogus claim.

I hear NOISE. Only NOISE. Does anyone care to discuss what is written in the articles instead of totally dismissing them?

How about it?

Sure, for starters, criticizing any government policy is not antisemitism. And virtually everything on campus swirls around Israeli policies. Unfortunately the antisemitism label is thrown around to anyone criticizing Israel or promoting Palestinian rights.

Any student group who invites a speaker or hosts another event should be allowed to do so without external interference. Unfortunately, Palestine advocates have a lot of problems with external interference.

There does not seem to be clear cut rules for speaking events.
  • Outside protests are fine as long as they do not restrict access to the facility.
  • Shouting down a speaker should not be permitted. If somebody wants to get up there and make an ass of himself he should be allowed to do so. The speaker has the right to speak and the people have the right to hear.
  • Messages on clothing, and signs or banners at the back or side of the room should be OK. Anything that does not restrict the view of the presentation.
I don't think you would disagree with me on any of these points.

Please, tell us you are joking with the above.

It has been pro Israel speakers who have been protested against to the point that the events get cancelled.
Jewish Students are constantly harassed and attacked and intimidated.

And never mind that you are gutless to specify WHICH Israeli policies you are against.

Being against ALL Israeli policies to protect the nation and its inhabitants IS antisemitism.

I am hearing a lot of Noise coming from you and no discussion.
Endless bellyaching about Israel's existence (oops, it does not exist for you) and its RIGHT to defend itself from those who have declared war against it and against all Jews since 1920.

Actually, a war against all Jews since about 1900 years ago.
It just does not change, it simply EVOLVES.
You base your opinion on false premise. It was the Palestinians who were at home peacefully minding their own business when the colonists came down from Europe to take over their country.
The Palestinians never had a country. It was Ottoman ruled land for the last seven centuries at least, and then taken over by the British And allies who defeated the Germans and Ottoman Turks after World War One.
Not true. The territory was ceded to the state of Palestine and the Palestinians became its citizens.
Yeah, yeah, the standard list of assholes who always play the antisemite card whenever anyone criticizes Israel's policies. It is just another bogus claim.

I hear NOISE. Only NOISE. Does anyone care to discuss what is written in the articles instead of totally dismissing them?

How about it?

Sure, for starters, criticizing any government policy is not antisemitism. And virtually everything on campus swirls around Israeli policies. Unfortunately the antisemitism label is thrown around to anyone criticizing Israel or promoting Palestinian rights.

Any student group who invites a speaker or hosts another event should be allowed to do so without external interference. Unfortunately, Palestine advocates have a lot of problems with external interference.

There does not seem to be clear cut rules for speaking events.
  • Outside protests are fine as long as they do not restrict access to the facility.
  • Shouting down a speaker should not be permitted. If somebody wants to get up there and make an ass of himself he should be allowed to do so. The speaker has the right to speak and the people have the right to hear.
  • Messages on clothing, and signs or banners at the back or side of the room should be OK. Anything that does not restrict the view of the presentation.
I don't think you would disagree with me on any of these points.
Yeah right, you aren't just "critiquing the Israeli govt polices." If that was the case, since Israel is a democracy with freedom of press, there are plenty of Israelis both left and right that criticize Israel all the time.

You in the other hand are a Hamas terrorist supporter who wants the state of Israel to be totally dismantled and the Jews to leave, to be replaced by the Islamic Caliphate of Palestine. That of course will never happen, but if that isn't blatant antisemtism I don't know what is.
Except that your basic premise is not true.
I hear NOISE. Only NOISE. Does anyone care to discuss what is written in the articles instead of totally dismissing them?

How about it?

Sure, for starters, criticizing any government policy is not antisemitism. And virtually everything on campus swirls around Israeli policies. Unfortunately the antisemitism label is thrown around to anyone criticizing Israel or promoting Palestinian rights.

Any student group who invites a speaker or hosts another event should be allowed to do so without external interference. Unfortunately, Palestine advocates have a lot of problems with external interference.

There does not seem to be clear cut rules for speaking events.
  • Outside protests are fine as long as they do not restrict access to the facility.
  • Shouting down a speaker should not be permitted. If somebody wants to get up there and make an ass of himself he should be allowed to do so. The speaker has the right to speak and the people have the right to hear.
  • Messages on clothing, and signs or banners at the back or side of the room should be OK. Anything that does not restrict the view of the presentation.
I don't think you would disagree with me on any of these points.

Please, tell us you are joking with the above.

It has been pro Israel speakers who have been protested against to the point that the events get cancelled.
Jewish Students are constantly harassed and attacked and intimidated.

And never mind that you are gutless to specify WHICH Israeli policies you are against.

Being against ALL Israeli policies to protect the nation and its inhabitants IS antisemitism.

I am hearing a lot of Noise coming from you and no discussion.
Endless bellyaching about Israel's existence (oops, it does not exist for you) and its RIGHT to defend itself from those who have declared war against it and against all Jews since 1920.

Actually, a war against all Jews since about 1900 years ago.
It just does not change, it simply EVOLVES.
You base your opinion on false premise. It was the Palestinians who were at home peacefully minding their own business when the colonists came down from Europe to take over their country.
The Palestinians never had a country. It was Ottoman ruled land for the last seven centuries at least, and then taken over by the British And allies who defeated the Germans and Ottoman Turks after World War One.
Not true. The territory was ceded to the state of Palestine and the Palestinians became its citizens.

Tinmore's Magical Kingdom of Disney Pally'land.
I really don't understand the reasoning for referring to Islamic nut bars as "radical"

If the "radical" vitriol uttered by the Death Cults' mufti’s, Sheiks, Imams, Ayatollahs, Emirs, etc. announcing gee-had against the infidels were nothing more than just an occassional lone voice in the great Islamic ideological wilderness that would be one thing. But let’s be honest, Bali, Madrid, Spain, New York, London, Darfur, etc., etc., are not just isolated incidents™ and neither is the muhammedans gee-had.

How is it that non-muhammedans don't understand that the continued infidel killing / Jew hating / kuffar vilifying hatred that is so much a part of Islam is.... you know... so much a part of Islam.

Islamic leaders like the good sheik 'al-" are just pious muhammud worshippers following the doctrinal elements of their beliefs. Any reasonable person can listen to their rantings and come to conclusions about the ideology.

Radical cleric calls for 'Islamic war' for Jerusalem

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi says the confrontation with Israel on the Temple Mount should be defined as a religious campaign.

Radical cleric calls for 'Islamic war' for Jerusalem

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, head of the Association of Muslim Scholars and a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood, said on Sunday that the confrontation with Israel on the Temple Mount should be defined as a religious campaign
Meanwhile, there is another Zionist plot to deal with:

" A Times of Israel correspondent outside the compound said worshipers were remaining outside and police and Palestinian protesters were gearing up for another tense round of afternoon prayers in Jerusalem’s Old City.
Some 100 worshipers gathered next to the Lions Gate, outside of where the metal detectors had stood, in preparation for the prayers which they said would again not take place on the Temple Mount in protest of security measures.
Salah Abu Agrafa, who came for prayers with his two young sons, told The Times of Israel that the new security arrangements “defiled the holy site,” and he would only go on the Mount once the Waqf decided it was okay.
“This is not a victory for us,” he said. “They took away the metal detectors, but they replaced them with X-ray cameras that can look at our women naked.”Those salacious Jews, always coming up with new ways to humiliate virtuous Muslim women."


You don't need X-ray cameras, Salah! You can see through your women's clothes today! And I bet that lots of the types of Muslims who grope their covered women in crowds in Egypt and elsewhere already have these cameras and eagerly peer behind the burqa.

(full article online)

The Waqf power play and the Zionist desire to see naked Muslim women ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[Since 1948, some people have nothing else to do but "know" history.]

Indy legitimises bizarre claim that Jerusalem was NOT the ancient Jewish capital
Sounds like a good article. From your own link...

King Solomon’s gold mines, which the Bible says helped him store wealth amounting to more than £2.3 trillion, are a complete myth, historians believe. The biblical ruler is said to have accumulated 500 tons of pure gold from the mines, but experts now say the pot of wealth is unlikely to have ever existed. Historians claim the Old Testament King’s story has been misinterpreted and King Solomon was in fact an Egyptian Pharaoh.

Ralph Ellis, a British historian and author, said finding his lost mines is “about as likely as taking a dip in the Fountain of Youth”. The expert spent 20 years researching the leader in a bid to uncover his hidden wealth, which he now believes never existed.

“According to the Bible, King Solomon was staggeringly wealthy,” he said.

“Yet successive generations of theologians and archaeologists have scoured the Holy Land looking for his capital city, palace, temple and wealth without any success.

All of that is TRUE!
[Since 1948, some people have nothing else to do but "know" history.]

Indy legitimises bizarre claim that Jerusalem was NOT the ancient Jewish capital
Sounds like a good article. From your own link...

King Solomon’s gold mines, which the Bible says helped him store wealth amounting to more than £2.3 trillion, are a complete myth, historians believe. The biblical ruler is said to have accumulated 500 tons of pure gold from the mines, but experts now say the pot of wealth is unlikely to have ever existed. Historians claim the Old Testament King’s story has been misinterpreted and King Solomon was in fact an Egyptian Pharaoh.

Ralph Ellis, a British historian and author, said finding his lost mines is “about as likely as taking a dip in the Fountain of Youth”. The expert spent 20 years researching the leader in a bid to uncover his hidden wealth, which he now believes never existed.

“According to the Bible, King Solomon was staggeringly wealthy,” he said.

“Yet successive generations of theologians and archaeologists have scoured the Holy Land looking for his capital city, palace, temple and wealth without any success.

All of that is TRUE!

In Louie's Nazi World everything which contradicts Judaism, Jews and Israel is "True".

Ralph Ellis showed no proof of one word he said. He simply revised history.

But it is all Louie the Nazi needs.

Whichever world Louie comes from, if his ancestors myths were to be revised out of hatred, and the need to destroy that people, their culture and their history.....what would Louie do?
[Since 1948, some people have nothing else to do but "know" history.]

Indy legitimises bizarre claim that Jerusalem was NOT the ancient Jewish capital
Sounds like a good article. From your own link...

King Solomon’s gold mines, which the Bible says helped him store wealth amounting to more than £2.3 trillion, are a complete myth, historians believe. The biblical ruler is said to have accumulated 500 tons of pure gold from the mines, but experts now say the pot of wealth is unlikely to have ever existed. Historians claim the Old Testament King’s story has been misinterpreted and King Solomon was in fact an Egyptian Pharaoh.

Ralph Ellis, a British historian and author, said finding his lost mines is “about as likely as taking a dip in the Fountain of Youth”. The expert spent 20 years researching the leader in a bid to uncover his hidden wealth, which he now believes never existed.

“According to the Bible, King Solomon was staggeringly wealthy,” he said.

“Yet successive generations of theologians and archaeologists have scoured the Holy Land looking for his capital city, palace, temple and wealth without any success.

All of that is TRUE!

In Louie's Nazi World everything which contradicts Judaism, Jews and Israel is "True".

Ralph Ellis showed no proof of one word he said. He simply revised history.

But it is all Louie the Nazi needs.

Whichever world Louie comes from, if his ancestors myths were to be revised out of hatred, and the need to destroy that people, their culture and their history.....what would Louie do?
Read your own link. None of the claims were the least bit outrageous. You are just butthurt because you posted it, LOL.
[Since 1948, some people have nothing else to do but "know" history.]

Indy legitimises bizarre claim that Jerusalem was NOT the ancient Jewish capital
Sounds like a good article. From your own link...

King Solomon’s gold mines, which the Bible says helped him store wealth amounting to more than £2.3 trillion, are a complete myth, historians believe. The biblical ruler is said to have accumulated 500 tons of pure gold from the mines, but experts now say the pot of wealth is unlikely to have ever existed. Historians claim the Old Testament King’s story has been misinterpreted and King Solomon was in fact an Egyptian Pharaoh.

Ralph Ellis, a British historian and author, said finding his lost mines is “about as likely as taking a dip in the Fountain of Youth”. The expert spent 20 years researching the leader in a bid to uncover his hidden wealth, which he now believes never existed.

“According to the Bible, King Solomon was staggeringly wealthy,” he said.

“Yet successive generations of theologians and archaeologists have scoured the Holy Land looking for his capital city, palace, temple and wealth without any success.

All of that is TRUE!

In Louie's Nazi World everything which contradicts Judaism, Jews and Israel is "True".

Ralph Ellis showed no proof of one word he said. He simply revised history.

But it is all Louie the Nazi needs.

Whichever world Louie comes from, if his ancestors myths were to be revised out of hatred, and the need to destroy that people, their culture and their history.....what would Louie do?
Read your own link. None of the claims were the least bit outrageous. You are just butthurt because you posted it, LOL.

YOU did not read the link, at least not all of it.

Here is the part you did not care for:

"However, as the article eventually indicates, there’s only one “expert” who makes these claims. His name is Ralph Ellis, a fringe revisionist religious historian. Ellis once wrote a book claiming Jesus Christ was actually King of Edessa, a theory mocked by a respected biblical scholar as “wacky” and “completely beyond the realms of scholarly debate”."

Let us analyze :

One expert only: Ralph Ellis
Same Ralph Ellis who once wrote a book claiming Jesus Christ was actually King of Edessa, a theory mocked by a respectable biblical scholar as wacky.........

Proof of anything he says about King Solomon?
Non existant.

Proof of anything he says about Jesus Christ, or anything else he says about anything?
Non existant.

Theories are a dime a Zillion.

They are not worth even one dime if no proof is provided, as Ellis and you have not, about anything you say.

Claims, theories do not any fact make.

But you will hold on to anything for dear life to delegitimize anything and everything about Judaism, Jews and Israel.

[Since 1948, some people have nothing else to do but "know" history.]

Indy legitimises bizarre claim that Jerusalem was NOT the ancient Jewish capital
Sounds like a good article. From your own link...

King Solomon’s gold mines, which the Bible says helped him store wealth amounting to more than £2.3 trillion, are a complete myth, historians believe. The biblical ruler is said to have accumulated 500 tons of pure gold from the mines, but experts now say the pot of wealth is unlikely to have ever existed. Historians claim the Old Testament King’s story has been misinterpreted and King Solomon was in fact an Egyptian Pharaoh.

Ralph Ellis, a British historian and author, said finding his lost mines is “about as likely as taking a dip in the Fountain of Youth”. The expert spent 20 years researching the leader in a bid to uncover his hidden wealth, which he now believes never existed.

“According to the Bible, King Solomon was staggeringly wealthy,” he said.

“Yet successive generations of theologians and archaeologists have scoured the Holy Land looking for his capital city, palace, temple and wealth without any success.

All of that is TRUE!

In Louie's Nazi World everything which contradicts Judaism, Jews and Israel is "True".

Ralph Ellis showed no proof of one word he said. He simply revised history.

But it is all Louie the Nazi needs.

Whichever world Louie comes from, if his ancestors myths were to be revised out of hatred, and the need to destroy that people, their culture and their history.....what would Louie do?
Read your own link. None of the claims were the least bit outrageous. You are just butthurt because you posted it, LOL.

I like the last part of the article even better. The part you really want to bury 60 feet under:

"Ellis’s claim in The Independent that “archaeologists have scoured the Holy Land” yet failed to find evidence of Solomon’s mines ignores widely reported archaeological discoveries in 2013 and 2017 demonstrating that the mines in question did indeed originate during the reign of King Solomon.

His even more bizarre assertion that Jerusalem was never the ancient Jewish capital contradicts all theknown historical and archaeological evidence that it was the capital for roughly 400 years, beginningaround 1000 BCE when King David conquered the city, and of course ignores the First and Second Temples. The Indy journalist also uncritically cites Ellis’s claim that “King Solomon was in fact an Egyptian Pharaoh”.

We’ve fisked a lot of false claims about Israel at the Indy, but the decision by editors to publish an article based entirely on the ahistorical, revisionist views of a one discredited, fringe “scholar” is truly baffling."

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