All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The following aired on Israel’s Channel 2 a few days ago. It is quite extraordinary, but also mandatory viewing for anyone wanting to know the truth about this conflict.

Meet Sheikh Muhammad Jaber, an ex Hamas terrorist who saw the light and now preaches peace, even though it endangers his life. Note in particular what he says about the kindness of IDF soldiers he encountered, the incitement palestinian children are subjected to, their antisemitism, and what the palestinian man at the end says.

Note: this is edited from the full report shown here, solely because I did not have time to translate the entire report. Ensure captions are enabled to see the English subtitles.

MUST WATCH: The Ex-Hamas Radical Who Now Preaches Peace
It has long been obvious that left-wing anti-Semitism is a problem and that an overwhelming abhorrence of Israel often blurs into a generalized anger toward Jews. Organizers of both the Dyke March and the SlutWalk have not discovered the praxis of intersectionality; they have merely dressed up their bigotry in updated argot. Their anti-Semitism is not academic or novel but almost depressingly familiar, and we do not need to overhaul the progressive worldview to address it. We need only remind ourselves that anyone who would hold Jews to a different, higher standard is anti-Semitic, full stop. Whether it happens at a far-left march or an alt-right convention, the creation of special rules for Jews is irrational and wrong. By creating a stringent litmus test for openly Jewish demonstrators, the Dyke March and SlutWalk did not protect the oppressed. They became the oppressors.

(full article online)

Progressive Groups’ Banning of Star of David Flags Isn’t Anti-Zionism. It’s Anti-Semitism.

And that has what to do with anything? Just another reason to bash Islam?

Islam does not need to be bashed.
Islam is Islam. It is self explanatory. Always has been.

What connects the three, basically England, Hitler's Germany and Islam, is what they all did against the Jews and against the possible creation of the State of Israel.

Churchil could see what Hitler and Islam were about. But unfortunately he may not have been able to do anything about what England decided to make of the Mandate for Palestine, which helped Hitler and Islam to kill as many Jews as they could between 1920 and 1945.

Or what the Nazi Arab sympathizers finally did, in Iraq in 1941, or in 1951. Need I repeat what happened in those years? Because of some Muslims hatred of Jews, and their attempt to destroy Israel?

I don't know how best to describe what that article basically says, at least to me.
"State Department finds Israel a ‘driver of violence’ – Israel partisans furious, demand Tillerson resign

“Continued drivers of violence included a lack of hope in achieving Palestinian statehood, Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank, settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, the perception that the Israeli government was changing the status quo on the Haram Al Sharif/Temple Mount, and IDF tactics that the Palestinians considered overly aggressive.

“The PA has taken significant steps during President Abbas’ tenure (2005 to date) to ensure that official institutions in the West Bank under its control do not create or disseminate content that incites violence.”

State Department finds Israel a ‘driver of violence’ – Israel partisans furious, demand Tillerson resign
Arabs resumed violence in the Old City of Jerusalem on Friday as soon as midday Islamic prayers ended at the Al Aqsa Mosque in the Temple Mount compound. According to the Islamic Waqf Authority, 10,000 Muslims were present in the mosque for prayers.

Demonstrators were hurling rocks at Israeli security personnel in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Wadi Joz. Police responded with stun grenades. Four of the rioters were injured.

(full article online)
Only one problem: the Children of Israel never conquered Sidon, or many other Canaanite cities, nor did they destroy the Canaanites - according to the Bible.

God indeed commanded the destruction of the Canaanites (Deuteronomy 20:17) but the beginning of Judges shows that it never happened (NIV translation, easier to understand than JPS)

" 27 But Manasseh did not drive out the people of Beth Shan or Taanach or Dor or Ibleam or Megiddo and their surrounding settlements, for the Canaanites were determined to live in that land. 28 When Israel became strong, they pressed the Canaanites into forced labor but never drove them out completely. 29 Nor did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites living in Gezer, but the Canaanites continued to live there among them. 30Neither did Zebulun drive out the Canaanites living in Kitron or Nahalol, so these Canaanites lived among them, but Zebulun did subject them to forced labor. 31 Nor did Asher drive out those living in Akko or Sidon or Ahlab or Akzib or Helbah or Aphek or Rehob. 32 The Asherites lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land because they did not drive them out. 33 Neither did Naphtali drive out those living in Beth Shemesh or Beth Anath; but the Naphtalites too lived among the Canaanite inhabitants of the land, and those living in Beth Shemesh and Beth Anath became forced laborers for them. 34 The Amorites confined the Danites to the hill country, not allowing them to come down into the plain. 35 And the Amorites were determined also to hold out in Mount Heres, Aijalon and Shaalbim, but when the power of the tribes of Joseph increased, they too were pressed into forced labor.Indeed, David bought cedar trees from Sidon and Tyre to build the Temple. Queen Jezebel was the daughter of the king of Sidon and swayed her husband Ahab into worshiping false gods."

All the study proved is that Sidon was never destroyed and today's Lebanese descended from ancient Phoenicians, which everyone pretty much knew already.

The DNA tests actually prove the Biblical account that the Israelites never conquered Sidon. These scientists had an agenda beyond science.

(full article online)

Scientists claim to disprove Biblical account of Canaanites - but they end up supporting it ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[Jordan, which does not care about the non Hashemite Arabs, aka, the Palestinians, and is keeping a Peace Treaty out of self interest, does not have an issue with taking away Jordanian citizenship from Palestinian Arabs and helping with the incitement against any Jewish rights to the Temple Mount, Israel, or any other part where Jews are sovereign of their own land. Yes, the Hashemites who got 77% of the Jewish Homeland in 1925 because the British government was so anti Jews, it chose to give most of the Mandate for Palestine to others who also hate Jews. Same Hashemites who attacked newly created Israel in 1948, took more Jewish land, and then tried again in 1967, only to lose the 1948 land to Israel. (There is justice there) Go figure. Notice how well educated for Peace with Israel so many Jordanians are. Just as prepared as the Saudis, the PA Arabs, those who live in Gaza, in Egypt, in Lebanon, in Syria, well.......their words and actions say it all. ]

Hundreds of Jordanians held a protest near the Israeli embassy in Amman on Friday, calling on the government to shut it down and cancel the 1994 peace treaty with Israel.

Emerging from a nearby mosque following prayers, the protesters chanted “Death to Israel” and “No Zionist embassy on Jordanian soil,” an AFP correspondent said.

The protesters were also demanding justice for two Jordanian nationals killed by an Israeli embassy worker this week, including a 17-year-old who authorities said attacked the guard with a screwdriver.

(full article online)

Hundreds protest against Israel in Jordan, call to end peace treaty
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This week’s stabbing and shooting incident at Israel’s embassy compound in Amman, the manner in which it was resolved, and the reactions on the street in Jordan say much about Israel’s current situation in the Mideast.

The neighboring governments – or at least some of them – need Israel, want its security and intelligence cooperation, and even appreciate what the country has to offer in the fight against their greater threats in the region: Iran and fanatical Islamic terrorism.

(full article online)

Needed by the rulers, hated by the people
Mahmoud Abbas' media is praising him for his "victory" over Israel, others are claiming that they are the ones who were instrumental in Israel's decision to take down the metal detectors outside the Temple Mount.

One of them is King Salman of Saudi Arabia, who took credit for the decision in a press release:

PROTESTS and pressure from world leaders, led by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman, forced Israel to remove all security measures at Al-Aqsa Mosque. The move felicitates the return of Palestinian worshipers to the mosque, in what may be a turning point in the two-week standoff.

King Salman had a telephonic conversation with several world leaders in order to resolve the Al-Aqsa Mosque impasse after Israel’s security measures last week.

During the calls, King Salman asserted the rights of Palestinian Muslims to access Al-Aqsa Mosque.According to a Royal Court statement issued on Thursday, King Salman’s communications with world leaders succeeded in resolving the Al-Aqsa confrontations.

The Saudi government contacted the US administration and urged it to facilitate the opening of Al-Aqsa Mosque to Muslims, and for allowing them the right to worship after restrictions on access to the mosque were imposed by Israeli forces, the Royal Court statement said.

The statement added that King Salman’s efforts have been successful in a way that contributed to restoring stability and provided reassurance to the worshipers. It helped safeguard their dignity and security.

There are two messages here. One is the normal attempt by any national leader to make themselves look more important than they are by taking far more credit for world events than they deserve.

But the other is to downplay the political importance of Mahmoud Abbas.

A real ally would be sensitive to how a statement like this would play in the territories. King Salman doesn't really care.

Saudi king takes credit for Israel backing down on Temple Mount ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hebrew University professor: Every 'settler' is a terrorist

'By definition, every settler is a terrorist', says Dr. Amiram Goldblum in Facebook post libeling former Yesha Council leader.

Ofer Cassif, a member of the Hebrew University’s political science department, warned that Israel is “on a slippery slope to fascism”.

"There's not really much to argue about here," added Cassif. “I'm sure that if we were sitting... in the University of Freiburg in 1933, and there would be a professor who would dare to speak like I did, there, too, some of the students would say 'Well, that's your opinion'. Guys, no, it’s not. Just because something is hard for us to hear doesn't make it opinion."

Hebrew University professor: Every 'settler' is a terrorist
It really does appear that the fatah franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., is getting desperate for enrollees to its murder / suicide for pay - early retirement for vacant minded Islamic terrorists program. They're apparently offering bonuses and incentives. How nice.

The fatah Islamic terrorists are paying their minions to committ murder / suicide.

I hope the Western nations financing this Islamic Death Cult madness will take notice.

Palestinian Who Slaughtered Israeli Family to Receive $3,120/Month Reward From PA

Palestinian Who Slaughtered Israeli Family to Receive $3,120/Month Reward From PA

The family of Omar al-Abed, the knife-wielding Palestinian terrorist who brutally murdered three members of the Salomon family at Shabbat dinner on Friday, will enjoy a generous payment from the Palestinian Authority (PA) for the killing of Jews.

As a result of the PA’s program to pay Palestinians who commit terror attacks—sometimes termed the “Pay-for-Slay-Program”—the al-Abed family is expected to receive a monthly lifetime salary of $3,120, Liel Leibovitz reported Sunday for Tablet Magazine. This sum is typically given to terrorists who serve 30 years or more in prison.
This week’s stabbing and shooting incident at Israel’s embassy compound in Amman, the manner in which it was resolved, and the reactions on the street in Jordan say much about Israel’s current situation in the Mideast.

The neighboring governments – or at least some of them – need Israel, want its security and intelligence cooperation, and even appreciate what the country has to offer in the fight against their greater threats in the region: Iran and fanatical Islamic terrorism.

(full article online)

Needed by the rulers, hated by the people
Needed by the rulers, hated by the people
Israel has always been supported by the criminal class.
Veteran U.S. diplomat Dennis Ross observed that "the thing that plagues the Palestinian ‎national movement more than anything else has been a historic preoccupation with ‎symbols, ‎not substance. Instead of building a state, the Palestinians would like to get a flag at ‎the U.N. ‎The day after they get a flag at the U.N., nothing changes."‎

Recent Palestinian maneuvers in UNESCO, known for its listing of World Heritage Sites, have followed this very pattern ‎of ‎dogged pursuit of symbolic victories that fail to improve the life of a single Palestinian ‎or ‎build the institutions essential for statehood. ‎

In October 2016, the executive board of UNESCO passed a resolution that disregarded ‎the ‎connection between Judaism and the Temple Mount ‎and sought to deny the Jewish link to ‎the Western Wall.

The move drew swift condemnation from UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, ‎who was ‎at pains to distance herself from the resolution, asserting that "to deny, conceal or ‎erase any of ‎the Jewish, Christian or Muslim traditions undermines the integrity of the site ‎and runs ‎counter to the reasons that justified its inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage ‎list."

(full article online)
Veteran U.S. diplomat Dennis Ross observed that "the thing that plagues the Palestinian ‎national movement more than anything else has been a historic preoccupation with ‎symbols, ‎not substance. Instead of building a state, the Palestinians would like to get a flag at ‎the U.N. ‎The day after they get a flag at the U.N., nothing changes."‎

Recent Palestinian maneuvers in UNESCO, known for its listing of World Heritage Sites, have followed this very pattern ‎of ‎dogged pursuit of symbolic victories that fail to improve the life of a single Palestinian ‎or ‎build the institutions essential for statehood. ‎

In October 2016, the executive board of UNESCO passed a resolution that disregarded ‎the ‎connection between Judaism and the Temple Mount ‎and sought to deny the Jewish link to ‎the Western Wall.

The move drew swift condemnation from UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, ‎who was ‎at pains to distance herself from the resolution, asserting that "to deny, conceal or ‎erase any of ‎the Jewish, Christian or Muslim traditions undermines the integrity of the site ‎and runs ‎counter to the reasons that justified its inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage ‎list."

(full article online)
Why do you think that 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign?
Veteran U.S. diplomat Dennis Ross observed that "the thing that plagues the Palestinian ‎national movement more than anything else has been a historic preoccupation with ‎symbols, ‎not substance. Instead of building a state, the Palestinians would like to get a flag at ‎the U.N. ‎The day after they get a flag at the U.N., nothing changes."‎

Recent Palestinian maneuvers in UNESCO, known for its listing of World Heritage Sites, have followed this very pattern ‎of ‎dogged pursuit of symbolic victories that fail to improve the life of a single Palestinian ‎or ‎build the institutions essential for statehood. ‎

In October 2016, the executive board of UNESCO passed a resolution that disregarded ‎the ‎connection between Judaism and the Temple Mount ‎and sought to deny the Jewish link to ‎the Western Wall.

The move drew swift condemnation from UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova, ‎who was ‎at pains to distance herself from the resolution, asserting that "to deny, conceal or ‎erase any of ‎the Jewish, Christian or Muslim traditions undermines the integrity of the site ‎and runs ‎counter to the reasons that justified its inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage ‎list."

(full article online)
Why do you think that 85% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign?

Who cares what 85% of Arabs-Moslems want? Absent the dictator Abbas, they'll find a way to install another Islamist dictator(s). It's what Arabs-Moslems do. The maintenance of theocratic / dictatorial Islamist totalitarianism and the inability to adopt a human-focused worldview defines Islamic retrogression. When people in the KSA, for example, are convicted for the crime of sorcery and beheaded in publc, it’s a statement that some have simply not been able to drag themselves out of their 7th century worlds of fear and superstition.
This week’s stabbing and shooting incident at Israel’s embassy compound in Amman, the manner in which it was resolved, and the reactions on the street in Jordan say much about Israel’s current situation in the Mideast.

The neighboring governments – or at least some of them – need Israel, want its security and intelligence cooperation, and even appreciate what the country has to offer in the fight against their greater threats in the region: Iran and fanatical Islamic terrorism.

(full article online)

Needed by the rulers, hated by the people
Needed by the rulers, hated by the people
Israel has always been supported by the criminal class.


Otherwise, let's look at the support for your heroes, Hamas (the bastard child of the Muslim brotherhood), heaped upon them by Arabs-moslems masquerading as "Pal'istanians".

For some examples of the ideology espoused by the Muslim Brotherhood, here are some relevant examples, In Their Own Words:

THE DEATH CULT: “Degradation and dishonour are the results of the love
of this world. Therefore, prepare for jihad and be the lovers of death. . . .
Death is an art, and the most exquisite of arts when practiced by the skillful artist.”
———Brotherhood Founder Hassan al-Banna (c. 1940)

VIOLENCE: “History does not write its lines except with blood. Glory does not build its lofty edifice except with skulls. Honor and respect cannot be
established except on a foundation of cripples and corpses.”
———Brotherhood Leader and Osama bin Laden’s Teacher,
Abdullah Azzam (2003)

DEMOCRACY: “Democracy contradicts and wages war on Islam. Whoever calls for democracy means they are raising banners contradicting God’s plan and fighting Islam.”
———Brotherhood Supreme Spiritual Leader, Mustapha Mashour (1981)

It's a freakin' party, no?
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