All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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That's just the point, helpless. Those are not live rounds. No professional military would allow children next to live ordinance.

That's the problem with you vacant minded types, thinking is a burdensome task.
You really should have your handlers read your tripe before posting. I mean, you just referred to others as "vacant minded types," directly after demonstrating that you think the issue is whether those were live rounds or not... INSTEAD OF THE TYPES OF PSYCHOPATHS THAT TEACH THEIR CHILDREN HATE, RACISM, TERRORISM AND MURDER. And realize that this is how israeli kids can grow up to treat Palestinians the way that they do.

If you have a moral compass, you should get it checked.

Such, melodrama, Habib. A professional military would not allow civilians to handle live ordinance.

Dont be such a simpleton. Be silent, listen and learn.
It is about THE TYPES OF PSYCHOPATHS THAT TEACH THEIR CHILDREN HATE, RACISM, TERRORISM AND MURDER. That is what these zionist animals teach their children.

Believe me, slowpoke, the world knows that is wrong.

OUTSTANDING POST! How proud of you I am Louie. Absolutely perfect description of Palestinians.

That's just the point, helpless. Those are not live rounds. No professional military would allow children next to live ordinance.

That's the problem with you vacant minded types, thinking is a burdensome task.
You really should have your handlers read your tripe before posting. I mean, you just referred to others as "vacant minded types," directly after demonstrating that you think the issue is whether those were live rounds or not... INSTEAD OF THE TYPES OF PSYCHOPATHS THAT TEACH THEIR CHILDREN HATE, RACISM, TERRORISM AND MURDER. And realize that this is how israeli kids can grow up to treat Palestinians the way that they do.

If you have a moral compass, you should get it checked.

Such, melodrama, Habib. A professional military would not allow civilians to handle live ordinance.

Dont be such a simpleton. Be silent, listen and learn.
It is about THE TYPES OF PSYCHOPATHS THAT TEACH THEIR CHILDREN HATE, RACISM, TERRORISM AND MURDER. That is what these zionist animals teach their children.

Believe me, slowpoke, the world knows that is wrong.

OUTSTANDING POST! How proud of you I am Louie. Absolutely perfect description of Palestinians.

These are 155mm rounds during transport (notice the ring at the top)

Here are rounds with the detonator Fuze fitted

Now do they look like they're fitted with a detonator fuze to you?
"But why do the Jews insist on the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque? "The Jews firmly believe that the Temple of Solomon is located under the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and that this temple was destroyed by the Babylonians. They are determined that the Al-Aqsa Mosque was erected on the ruins of the Temple of Solomon without mentioning one proof of the validity of this claim. They are Jews who love life in the dark tunnels and live in the unknown.
But the slander of the Jews calls for wonder, all that they say is baseless, but they are looking for something other than the structure of Solomon. The religion of the Jews must remain secret. This is what is stated in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Protocol XIV....He goes on to spin a wild theory about a holy fire that the Jews have kept with themselves throughout the millennia in order to kindle the altars of sacrifices in the Third Temple."
If this explicit antisemitism is what is being published in semi-official Jordanian media, then why would anyone be surprised that Jordanians are holding demonstrations to sever relations with Israel?

(full article online)

Jordanian media antisemitism fuels the anti-Israel riots there ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
That's just the point, helpless. Those are not live rounds. No professional military would allow children next to live ordinance.

That's the problem with you vacant minded types, thinking is a burdensome task.
You really should have your handlers read your tripe before posting. I mean, you just referred to others as "vacant minded types," directly after demonstrating that you think the issue is whether those were live rounds or not... INSTEAD OF THE TYPES OF PSYCHOPATHS THAT TEACH THEIR CHILDREN HATE, RACISM, TERRORISM AND MURDER. And realize that this is how israeli kids can grow up to treat Palestinians the way that they do.

If you have a moral compass, you should get it checked.

Such, melodrama, Habib. A professional military would not allow civilians to handle live ordinance.

Dont be such a simpleton. Be silent, listen and learn.
It is about THE TYPES OF PSYCHOPATHS THAT TEACH THEIR CHILDREN HATE, RACISM, TERRORISM AND MURDER. That is what these zionist animals teach their children.

Believe me, slowpoke, the world knows that is wrong.

OUTSTANDING POST! How proud of you I am Louie. Absolutely perfect description of Palestinians.

These are 155mm rounds during transport (notice the ring at the top)
View attachment 142056

Here are rounds with the detonator Fuze fitted
View attachment 142057

Now do they look like they're fitted with a detonator fuze to you?
View attachment 142059
Lovely. You can cut and paste images. How sad for you that you know nothing of how a professional military operates.
There was a military parade in Gaza recently, and all the terror groups got together to show how much they love Al Aqsa.

Look how diverse they are: two different kinds of black bandannas, dark blue, green and red!

(vide photos online)

Gaza celebrates diversity ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

It's always comical to see these Islamic terrorist fashion shows.

Not surprisingly, those same cowards can't seem to find military uniforms when initiating acts of war. But Islamic terrorist fashion shows - the uniforms and ski masks are always handy.

How must they feel participating in that cowards walk of shame?
Over a year after the San Remo Conference (which resolved to incorporate the the Balfour Declaration in Britain’s mandate in Palestine), as well as the Franco-Syrian War (which resulted in Syria being divided into several client states under the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon), a delegation of Syrian and Palestinian Arabs submitted their grievances to the League of Nations (precursor to the UN). And the New York Times covered it.

(vide online or at link above)

Know Your History: ‘Same Arab Race’ in Syria and Palestine (NY Times Sept 1, 1921)
  • The truth is that in nearly most Arab and Muslim countries, there is no such thing as a "Foreign Press Association." That is because Arab and Islamic dictatorships do not allow such organizations to operate in their countries.

  • The second question that comes to mind in light of the Foreign Press Association's opposition to Israel's security measures is: What exactly are the foreign journalists demanding from Israel? That Israeli authorities allow them to run around freely while Palestinian rioters are hurling stones and firebombs at police officers? Are the journalists saying that Israelis have no right to safeguard their own lives?

  • Outrageously, the FPA is nearly stone-deaf when it comes to wrongdoing by Palestinians. Where is the outcry of the organization when a Palestinian journalist is arrested or assaulted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank or Hamas in the Gaza Strip? Where is the outcry over PA President Mahmoud Abbas's recent decision to block more than 20 news websites?
(full article online)

The Foreign Press Association's Unlimited Bias
About 50 soldiers and officers who fought in Operation Defensive Shield and who hold organ donor cards today petitioned the Health Ministry and the National Transplant Center to immediately remove Saeb Erekat from the list of transplants in Israel, due to the fact that Erekat has repeatedly slandered IDF soldiers, called for the boycott of the State of Israel, campaigned for sanctions against it, and led the BDS movement to isolate and harm the State of Israel.

Yesterday the media reported that an application had been filed on behalf of Saeb Erekat, a senior PA official, for a lung transplant in Israel. In the wake of Operation Defensive Shield in 2002, and the reserve soldiers battle in Jenin in which 13 IDF soldiers were killed, a propaganda film by director Muhammad Bakri, entitled Jenin Jenin, was released. The film purports to provide prima facie evidence of war crimes committed by the IDF in Jenin which turned out to be wholly spurious, as was decided by the Central District Court. Erekat took a large part in disseminating the blood libel embodied in the film, as if a massacre took place in Jenin. He appeared at the time in the various media, mainly on foreign television channels, and disseminated the lie of the massacre.

(full article online)

Israel slanderer waits for Israeli transplant
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