All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Iranian Nada Amin, a journalist whom the Islamic Republic is persecuting for her views, has been granted asylum in Israel, Minister of Interior Aryeh Deri confirmed Sunday.

Amin, who has been seeking refuge in Turkey for the past three years, was to be extradited to Iran, where she could face the death penalty.

(full article online)

Israel grants asylum to persecuted Iranian journalist
The ruling by Judge Gila Kanfi-Steinitz, deputy head of the Jerusalem District Court, capped a 13-year legal struggle over the purchase by Jewish investors of two Arab-run hotels and an unidentified third property, all owned by the Greek Orthodox Church and located in the area of the Old City known as the Christian Quarter.

The transaction was arranged by Ateret Cohanim, an Israeli organization that facilitates the repopulation of parts of the Old City from which Jews were expelled by Arab attackers in the 1920s and 1930s. Kanfi-Steinitz ordered the church to pay Ateret Cohanim $8,420 for its legal expenses.

(full article online)

Court Ruling Deals Blow to Palestinian Efforts to Restrict Jewish Population in Jerusalem
He called on the media to shed light on this issue because of its importance and to use public opinion to exert pressure to accomplish this project.
He said that President Mahmoud Abbas had issued a presidential decree allocating 100 dunums of land west of the city of Khan Younis to establish an alternative power plant to operate the desalination plant in the light of the worsening electricity crisis, while the Hamas land authority in the Gaza Strip refuses to implement the decree.
He explained the importance of working to remove the obstacles that prevent the allocation of this land to establish the project to establish the station without delay.
He added that what prevents the start of work is the position of the Land Authority in Gaza on the grounds that the financiers see in the project all integrated and they refuse to start before overcoming all obstacles.
Abu Samhadana said the project would cost $ 600 million, and the national consensus government headed by Rami Hamdallah is continuing to communicate with financiers to keep this project a priority.

Notice what word is missing from this story? Israel. No one thinks for even a minute that Israel would block such an important project.

(full article online)

Guess who is blocking building a desalinization plant in Gaza? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This is the Death Cult:

WATCH: Hamas Summer Camp Teaches Children to Storm Temple Mount and Murder ‘Zionist Pigs’

WATCH: Hamas Summer Camp Teaches Children to Storm Temple Mount and Murder 'Zionist Pigs'

This is your brain on the Death Cult:

Sure looks like there will still be no peace throughout the next generation.

Not a chance. The entire societal focus of the Arabs-Moslems in Gaza and the West Bank appears to be that of maintaining the UNRWA welfare fraud as a means to produce more generations of social misfits / psychopaths. It's a tactic that has worked for several generations already.

We in the West have avoided accepting some responsibility for allowing this travesty to continue by not demanding that these people adhere to some pretty basic standards of behavior.
There have been plenty of articles on this site about how many NGOs use their halo of supporting human rights as a chakram to bash Israel to the point of appearing antisemitic.

But sometimes one can find an NGO that actually tries to help people - and to create peace.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

Growing up in Syria, Shadi Martini was taught to stay away from Israelis: they were evil enemies seeking to kill him and his people.

Today, he works with them to help Syrians survive the devastating conflict in his country.

(full article online)

An NGO that actually cares about helping people - and bringing peace ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The patterns and understandings they extracted include:
  • The current crop of attackers are on the whole not religiously devout and for the most part have no history of involvement in any terrorist group.
  • Far from being "desperate" and "deprived", most belonged to the center of the socioeconomic spectrum. Only a few came from the shanty-towns and dusty villages that reporters love to call refugee camps.
  • Most were identified as "relative outsiders" in their own society, and many had identifiable personal problems: abused at home (especially true of the girls) and impacted by family crises.
  • Many belonged to a personality type that the Central Command intelligence team called “the Revenge of the Rejects”.
  • Egged on by round-the-clock incitement from multiple parts of Palestinian Arab society, the mere picking up a knife transformed these troubled young Arabs into what Harel calls "Palestinian Supermen and Superwomen". Carrying out an attack on Israelis connected the assailant "to a narrative larger than himself or herself, one that imbued the attacker with bravery, with no need for any kind of organizational umbrella".
  • The role of the social media - Facebook, Twitter, the new generation Palestinian Arab on-line "news sites" among others - was and is especially impactful.
  • Being declared a martyr, even if no Israeli was injured in the process, conferred high status on the attacker post-mortem.
  • Attacking Israelis, dying as a martyr, becoming the subject of acclaim and perhaps an admiring speech from highly-placed Palestinian Arab personages - all these are an escape from the problems at home or in the town or village.
(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 04-Aug-17: The unmaking of Palestinian Arab losers
"Israeli citizens cannot be allowed to harm the lives and the dignity of other Israeli citizens. Whoever decides to carry out such acts of terrorism removes himself from among the citizenry. Ziyad took advantage of this freedom of movement to undermine the security of the state and the peace of its residents and sought to terrorize others and take human lives."

(full article online)

Court approves revoking terrorist's citizenship
[Attacked in Jerusalem while being a Jew ]

While walking through the Old City, the victim was attacked by a young Arab man, who struck the 50-year old man in the head repeatedly, injuring him.

Police officers passing by spotted the assailant beating the man and ordered him to halt. When the attacker fled, the officers pursued and caught him. The assailant was taken into police custody and brought in for interrogation.

Jewish man beaten in Old City of Jerusalem
I thought you wanted to discuss teaching hate, terror and murder to children?

Human Rights NGO accuses UN of enabling PA to incite children to murder Jews by willfully ignoring incitement and encouragement of terror.

(full article online)

Report: Terror attacks by Arab children on the rise
Compare that hasbara nonsense with what we KNOW about teaching hatred and murder to children.

Jews incite children to murder Muslims and encourage terror.
I thought you wanted to discuss teaching hate, terror and murder to children?

Human Rights NGO accuses UN of enabling PA to incite children to murder Jews by willfully ignoring incitement and encouragement of terror.

(full article online)

Report: Terror attacks by Arab children on the rise
Compare that hasbara nonsense with what we KNOW about teaching hatred and murder to children.

Jews incite children to murder Muslims and encourage terror.
View attachment 142315

OMG! Look at that you Zionists. Israel fired those missiles at the Palestinians. Go tell your neighbors.
I thought you wanted to discuss teaching hate, terror and murder to children?

Human Rights NGO accuses UN of enabling PA to incite children to murder Jews by willfully ignorinent of terror.

(full article online)

Report: Terror attacks by Arab children on the rise
Compare that hasbara nonsense with what we KNOW about teaching hatred and murder to children.

Jews incite children to murder Muslims and encourage terror.
View attachment 142315

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I thought you wanted to discuss teaching hate, terror and murder to children?

Human Rights NGO accuses UN of enabling PA to incite children to murder Jews by willfully ignoring incitement and encouragement of terror.

(full article online)

Report: Terror attacks by Arab children on the rise
Compare that hasbara nonsense with what we KNOW about teaching hatred and murder to children.

Jews incite children to murder Muslims and encourage terror.
View attachment 142315

OMG! Look at that you Zionists. Israel fired those missiles at the Palestinians. Go tell your neighbors.

Oh Louie. We love you man for all the laughs. Please post more often.
  • The truth is that in nearly most Arab and Muslim countries, there is no such thing as a "Foreign Press Association." That is because Arab and Islamic dictatorships do not allow such organizations to operate in their countries.

  • The second question that comes to mind in light of the Foreign Press Association's opposition to Israel's security measures is: What exactly are the foreign journalists demanding from Israel? That Israeli authorities allow them to run around freely while Palestinian rioters are hurling stones and firebombs at police officers? Are the journalists saying that Israelis have no right to safeguard their own lives?

  • Outrageously, the FPA is nearly stone-deaf when it comes to wrongdoing by Palestinians. Where is the outcry of the organization when a Palestinian journalist is arrested or assaulted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank or Hamas in the Gaza Strip? Where is the outcry over PA President Mahmoud Abbas's recent decision to block more than 20 news websites?
(full article online)

The Foreign Press Association's Unlimited Bias
Israel to close Al Jazeera offices, take network off-air - BBC News
  • The truth is that in nearly most Arab and Muslim countries, there is no such thing as a "Foreign Press Association." That is because Arab and Islamic dictatorships do not allow such organizations to operate in their countries.

  • The second question that comes to mind in light of the Foreign Press Association's opposition to Israel's security measures is: What exactly are the foreign journalists demanding from Israel? That Israeli authorities allow them to run around freely while Palestinian rioters are hurling stones and firebombs at police officers? Are the journalists saying that Israelis have no right to safeguard their own lives?

  • Outrageously, the FPA is nearly stone-deaf when it comes to wrongdoing by Palestinians. Where is the outcry of the organization when a Palestinian journalist is arrested or assaulted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank or Hamas in the Gaza Strip? Where is the outcry over PA President Mahmoud Abbas's recent decision to block more than 20 news websites?
(full article online)

The Foreign Press Association's Unlimited Bias
Israel to close Al Jazeera offices, take network off-air - BBC News
It seems you omitted the word "seeks" between "Israel" and "to".
Nothing unusual coming from a bullshit artist such as yourself.
  • The truth is that in nearly most Arab and Muslim countries, there is no such thing as a "Foreign Press Association." That is because Arab and Islamic dictatorships do not allow such organizations to operate in their countries.

  • The second question that comes to mind in light of the Foreign Press Association's opposition to Israel's security measures is: What exactly are the foreign journalists demanding from Israel? That Israeli authorities allow them to run around freely while Palestinian rioters are hurling stones and firebombs at police officers? Are the journalists saying that Israelis have no right to safeguard their own lives?

  • Outrageously, the FPA is nearly stone-deaf when it comes to wrongdoing by Palestinians. Where is the outcry of the organization when a Palestinian journalist is arrested or assaulted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank or Hamas in the Gaza Strip? Where is the outcry over PA President Mahmoud Abbas's recent decision to block more than 20 news websites?
(full article online)

The Foreign Press Association's Unlimited Bias
Israel to close Al Jazeera offices, take network off-air - BBC News
It seems you omitted the word "seeks" between "Israel" and "to".
Nothing unusual coming from a bullshit artist such as yourself.
The words are in the Link, take it up with the BBC
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