All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are all engaged in international operations in order to raise money to continue the battle to eliminate Israel from the region.
Zionism is the problem. That is why israel is now one of the most hated countries on earth.
Not to mention how much we were loved by the Roman Catholic Church.
The regime you defend here for your your few bucks a week, is the same regime that has brought all the hatred towards israel.
Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are all engaged in international operations in order to raise money to continue the battle to eliminate Israel from the region.
Zionism is the problem. That is why israel is now one of the most hated countries on earth.
Not to mention how much we were loved by the Roman Catholic Church.
The regime you defend here for your your few bucks a week, is the same regime that has brought all the hatred towards israel.
Because Jews have always been loved by the rest of humanity.
Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are all engaged in international operations in order to raise money to continue the battle to eliminate Israel from the region.
Zionism is the problem. That is why israel is now one of the most hated countries on earth.
Not to mention how much we were loved by the Roman Catholic Church.
The regime you defend here for your your few bucks a week, is the same regime that has brought all the hatred towards israel.
Because Jews have always been loved by the rest of humanity.
We have been expelled from everywhere throughout our history. Israel's behavior takes these centuries of hatred to the next level.
Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are all engaged in international operations in order to raise money to continue the battle to eliminate Israel from the region.
Zionism is the problem. That is why israel is now one of the most hated countries on earth.
Not to mention how much we were loved by the Roman Catholic Church.
The regime you defend here for your your few bucks a week, is the same regime that has brought all the hatred towards israel.
Because Jews have always been loved by the rest of humanity.
We have been expelled from everywhere throughout our history. Israel's behavior takes these centuries of hatred to the next level.
Ah! Now you're using your brain.
Now tell which elements of those societies were always calling for the Jews to be expelled.
They then threw him near his house, telling him, “This is what you get for cursing Al-Qassam Brigades.” ‘Abed al-Rahman’s relatives saw that and attempted to approach him, but al-Qassam Members opened fire in the air and withdrew from the area. ‘Abed al-Rahman was then taken via an ambulance belonging to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) to al-Aqsa Hospital, and he underwent medical tests which showed that ‘Abed al-Rahman sustained bruises and fractures to his hands.

Of course, the "moderate" Palestinian Authority does the same with those it deems enemies.

But the "pro-Palestinian" groups somehow never manage to utter a word about these sorts of incidents. I wonder why?

(full article online)

Hamas' "military wing" beating up people who insult them ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Of course many countries restrict the import of foodstuffs by travellers for reasons of pest and disease control but in other locations such rules do not usually prompt half-baked politicised articles.

The writer does not bother to inform readers of the Hamas terrorism that brought about not only counter-terrorism measures in the form of border restrictions but also the “three devastating wars” she mentions. The piece goes on to give an equally context-free portrayal of the Gaza electricity crisis caused by internal Palestinian feuding.

(full article online)

BBC Travel yet again dishes up political narrative in a food item
It is not hamas, fatah, hezbollah or any other BS that is our problem more than zionism.
The piece goes on to give an equally context-free portrayal of the Gaza electricity crisis caused by internal Palestinian feuding.
Israel cuts their power off whenever they feel like it. That alone is sickening and another reason the world hates israel so much.
It is not hamas, fatah, hezbollah or any other BS that is our problem more than zionism.
Now that's funny. It was Hamas and Fatah who fought a civil war replete with kidnapping, torture and street murders. How is that connected to Zionism™? It's not. It's connected to Islamist tribalism.

It was hizbullocks which initiated a war with Israel. That is a matter connected to Islamism you need to address.

Now you're feeling stupid, right.
The piece goes on to give an equally context-free portrayal of the Gaza electricity crisis caused by internal Palestinian feuding.
Israel cuts their power off whenever they feel like it. That alone is sickening and another reason the world hates israel so much.

Maybe if you paid attention, so much of the world wouldn't call you a buffoon.

Gaza power cuts: 'This is the worst it's ever been'

Power cuts have been an ongoing problem in the besieged Gaza Strip for the past decade, but this week the situation has reached a new low.

Last Sunday, Israel agreed to the Palestinian Authority's (PA) request to further reduce Gaza's electricity by 40 percent, in accordance with the PA President Mahmoud Abbas' decision to reduce the amount of money the PA pays for Gaza's electricity supply.

Now, you're feeling really, really stupid, right?
Every day, Gaza hospitals run out of more medicines and medical supplies.

Yet Doctors Without Borders, which has blamed Israel for Gaza medicine shortages in the past, is silent.

The World Health Organization issued a statement last month about how the medicine and electricity shortage is affecting Gaza hospitals, but the only party it blamed was Israel. This is even though the Palestinian Authority has publicly bragged about reducing electricity to Gaza!

A couple of reporters mentioned the medicine crisis a month or two ago, and then promptly dropped the story.

Other "Palestine activists" are also suddenly silent about this human rights violation by the "moderate man of peace" Mahmoud Abbas, who has promised to further cut off supplies to Gaza.

The hypocrisy is stunning, but normal and expected.

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Mahmoud Abbas continues to withhold medicines from Gaza patients; world yawns ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Palestinian Authority (PA) is putting pressure on Jordan to allow the Israeli embassy staff to return forthwith, Israel Hayom newspaper reported today (Monday).

Jordan's media outlets report that it is the PA's leaders who are exerting pressure, including at the meeting between King Abdullah and Abbas today, in order to bring about the return of the embassy staff. This is due to the fact that without the Israeli ambassador, it is not possible to issue residence permits for Palestinians Arabs currently in Jordan.

(full article online)

PA requests Jordan return Israeli ambassador
So…what’s Palestine?

After the Romans conquered the Land of Israel in 70 CE, they felt the need to impress upon the the conquered Jewish people that they had been…well, conquered.

To this end, the Romans re-named the Land of Israel (now merely a small region within the Roman Empire) after the Jewish people’s ancient nemesis: the Philistines. The name “Philistine” is derived from the Hebrew word for “migrant” also translated as “invader.” In the accent of ancient Latin, Philistine came to be pronounced, “Palestina.”

Think about the enormity of this change: it would be like the United States conquering India, turning all its citizens into slaves, and changing its name to “South-Pakistan,” just to be extra hurtful.

The Land of Israel (under its new name) was conquered and re-conquered numerous times, including: by the ancient Greeks, by an Arab caliphate, by European Crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire, and when the Ottoman Empire fell as a result of World War I, the League of Nations entrusted management of the region to the British Empire.

Finally, in 1948, a year that was 1,878 years after the destruction of the Second Temple, the Land of Israel saw the re-establishment of the Jewish state.

(full article online)

Tisha B'Av: Yes, Jews Were Here First | HonestReporting
Similarly, while it’s painful to see Israel harangued at yet another BDS conference or rally, what has more impact on the world: those shrieks and scolds, or the fact that Israel has just become a de-facto ally of the world’s second most populous nation (India), and is making diplomatic inroads into areas of the world that have been hostile to it for decades such as Asia, Africa, and even the Middle East?

At the center of these genuine victories has been an Israeli government which, whatever its shortcomings, has set priorities where they belong: growing the economy, expanding diplomacy, doing what is necessary to keep the flames engulfing the entire Middle East outside, rather than inside, the walls.
Similarly, friends of Israel in the US who have built strategic relationships with both political parties, not to mention strategic alliances within academia, business and mission-focused organizations, understand that we too can play a long game. And one key to victory in such a game is to never mimic our enemies by mistaking fleeting (never mind trivial or false) “wins” as the measurement for genuine success.

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Winning and losing (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Only 12% of West Bank residents and 25% of Gazans said their priority was to "establish a Palestinian ‎state," while 49% and 40% respectively said their priority was "a good family life." (Jerusalem results are not included here.) ‎

Only 12% and 25% respectively considered relocating the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem very important. On the subject of special financial benefits paid by the PA for "martyrs," 66% and 67% respectively said the PA "should give prisoners' ‎families normal benefits, like everybody else." ‎

The Palestinians questioned in the poll appeared to be significantly more pragmatic than political in their attitudes toward Israel, with 63% and 70% respectively favoring employment opportunities within Israel, close to half seeking more employment by Israeli companies, 55% and 57% respectively approving increased direct personal contacts with Israelis, and 58% and 55% respectively liking the idea of Arab states offering both Israelis and Palestinians incentives "to take more moderate positions."

They also realized that 1948 cannot be undone, with 60% and 48% respectively agreeing with the statement ‎"Most Israeli settlers will probably stay where they are, and most Palestinian refugees will not ‎return to the 1948 lands" and 41% and 51% respectively saying they would accept extra aid "to resettle Palestinian ‎refugees in the West Bank or Gaza but not inside Israel."‎

(full article online)
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