All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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  • The truth is that in nearly most Arab and Muslim countries, there is no such thing as a "Foreign Press Association." That is because Arab and Islamic dictatorships do not allow such organizations to operate in their countries.

  • The second question that comes to mind in light of the Foreign Press Association's opposition to Israel's security measures is: What exactly are the foreign journalists demanding from Israel? That Israeli authorities allow them to run around freely while Palestinian rioters are hurling stones and firebombs at police officers? Are the journalists saying that Israelis have no right to safeguard their own lives?

  • Outrageously, the FPA is nearly stone-deaf when it comes to wrongdoing by Palestinians. Where is the outcry of the organization when a Palestinian journalist is arrested or assaulted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank or Hamas in the Gaza Strip? Where is the outcry over PA President Mahmoud Abbas's recent decision to block more than 20 news websites?
(full article online)

The Foreign Press Association's Unlimited Bias
Israel to close Al Jazeera offices, take network off-air - BBC News
It seems you omitted the word "seeks" between "Israel" and "to".
Nothing unusual coming from a bullshit artist such as yourself.
Al Jazeera Slams Israel’s Move to Ban Network: These Are Actions of Only Democracy in Mideast?
WATCH: Al Jazeera slams Israeli ban: Are these the actions of the only democracy in Mideast?
  • The truth is that in nearly most Arab and Muslim countries, there is no such thing as a "Foreign Press Association." That is because Arab and Islamic dictatorships do not allow such organizations to operate in their countries.

  • The second question that comes to mind in light of the Foreign Press Association's opposition to Israel's security measures is: What exactly are the foreign journalists demanding from Israel? That Israeli authorities allow them to run around freely while Palestinian rioters are hurling stones and firebombs at police officers? Are the journalists saying that Israelis have no right to safeguard their own lives?

  • Outrageously, the FPA is nearly stone-deaf when it comes to wrongdoing by Palestinians. Where is the outcry of the organization when a Palestinian journalist is arrested or assaulted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank or Hamas in the Gaza Strip? Where is the outcry over PA President Mahmoud Abbas's recent decision to block more than 20 news websites?
(full article online)

The Foreign Press Association's Unlimited Bias
Israel to close Al Jazeera offices, take network off-air - BBC News
It seems you omitted the word "seeks" between "Israel" and "to".
Nothing unusual coming from a bullshit artist such as yourself.
Al Jazeera Slams Israel’s Move to Ban Network: These Are Actions of Only Democracy in Mideast?
WATCH: Al Jazeera slams Israeli ban: Are these the actions of the only democracy in Mideast?
Reiterate why I care?
The words are in the Link, take it up with the BBC
So you're Linking a source that's lying?
How unusual of you...
You're the one making the claim that the BBC are lying, but bring no proof or a link, How unusual of you...
You seem to be grammar challenged.
No problem...our exchange as is speaks for itself.
What exchange! I post fact with a link to a reputable source and you whine, is it a jewish thing?
I frown upon what I refer to as Drudge worthy captions, regardless of the source.
  • Muslims have killed Jews many times before, and that has not advanced the Islamic cause or religion in the slightest. Not a single death Muslims have suffered has achieved prosperity or peace for the people of Islam. You know the Jews will never leave the land Allah gave to them, as promised by the prophet Musa in Surat al-Ma'ida, aya 21: "O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has prescribed for you, and turn not back in your traces, to turn about losers."

  • Have you not read the sound Hadith: "None of you has faith until you love for your brother what you love for yourself"? Do you not remember the words spoken by the Prophet in his Final Sermon: "Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you"?

  • You may think that killing Jews is a noble thing, that others will praise you and hold you a hero, a brave man, a batal, a true believer. Yet what you did was not brave, but cowardly. People will tell you that the slaughter you performed was heroic and that you took up arms to bring freedom for your fellow Muslims. But today, millions around the world detest what you did and call it by its proper name, a Satanic act. You took the lives of grandparents and parents, ruining the future for their little children. How can anyone be proud of that?

  • Arabs have fought six wars against the Jews and lost each time. You have fought intifadas to dislodge the Jews from the land God gave them, and they have survived and prospered. They have offered you everything you need to grow in peace and prosperity. They have guarded you so you can worship freely, attend your mosques, and preach your sermons, even when you have preached hatred for them. Are these not signs that Allah has protected them, given them the strength to survive, and blessed them?

    (full article online)

    An Open Letter to Omar al-Abed
  • The truth is that in nearly most Arab and Muslim countries, there is no such thing as a "Foreign Press Association." That is because Arab and Islamic dictatorships do not allow such organizations to operate in their countries.

  • The second question that comes to mind in light of the Foreign Press Association's opposition to Israel's security measures is: What exactly are the foreign journalists demanding from Israel? That Israeli authorities allow them to run around freely while Palestinian rioters are hurling stones and firebombs at police officers? Are the journalists saying that Israelis have no right to safeguard their own lives?

  • Outrageously, the FPA is nearly stone-deaf when it comes to wrongdoing by Palestinians. Where is the outcry of the organization when a Palestinian journalist is arrested or assaulted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank or Hamas in the Gaza Strip? Where is the outcry over PA President Mahmoud Abbas's recent decision to block more than 20 news websites?
(full article online)

The Foreign Press Association's Unlimited Bias
Israel to close Al Jazeera offices, take network off-air - BBC News
It seems you omitted the word "seeks" between "Israel" and "to".
Nothing unusual coming from a bullshit artist such as yourself.
Al Jazeera Slams Israel’s Move to Ban Network: These Are Actions of Only Democracy in Mideast?
WATCH: Al Jazeera slams Israeli ban: Are these the actions of the only democracy in Mideast?

[What Habib does not care that others know about Al Jazeera]

Al Jazeera: The Terrorist Propaganda Network
So you're Linking a source that's lying?
How unusual of you...
You're the one making the claim that the BBC are lying, but bring no proof or a link, How unusual of you...
You seem to be grammar challenged.
No problem...our exchange as is speaks for itself.
What exchange! I post fact with a link to a reputable source and you whine, is it a jewish thing?
I frown upon what I refer to as Drudge worthy captions, regardless of the source.
Haaretz is comprised of assimilated Jews who wish they were born any religion but Jewish.
They rarely have an article that is even Israel neutral.
You could use them as source material.
Maybe I’m late, but I recently discovered “American Muslims for Palestine.” It’s not a particularly prominent organization: it was founded in 2006; its Twitter account has some 6,600 followers, while the Facebook page – which describes the outfit as a “Public & Government Service in Falls Church, Virginia” – has some 15K followers. I’d love to know which government is behind this “service”…
In any case, the main “service” offered at the time of this writing on Twitter is a frantic effort to promote the hashtag #HonorRasmea in support of convicted supermarket bomber and US immigration fraudster Rasmea Odeh. I have to confess that it strikes me as not terribly prudent when groups that surely oppose restrictions on Muslim immigration to the US cheer a convicted terrorist like Odeh – though I guess the Trump administration will only be too happy to have this kind of opponents.
Consider this tweet: “If more people were like her, we would live in a more just world #HonorRasmea and come to her farewell.” Yeah, if more people bombed supermarkets full of Jewish shoppers and then sneaked into the US by lying about their terrorist past, it would be really great, wouldn’t it.

(full article online)

Vile propaganda and incitement from American Muslims for Palestine (Petra Marquardt-Bigman) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Back in 2011, Shiri’s father — Tony Pagliuso — wasn’t yet aware of the AJC’s report. But he knew outright propaganda when he saw it.

He contacted his daughter’s teacher, the head of the high school’s history department, the principal, and eventually the superintendents — who all defended the Arab World Studies Notebook as essential for sharpening critical thinking skills. They also praised the book for providing a “balanced perspective” and an “Arab point of view.”

Pagliuso realized that he was being stonewalled, which got him thinking: If he looked at Shiri’s other course materials, what other dreadful stuff would he find?

Determined to expose the extent of the problem, a bitter multi-year battle ensued that pitted Pagliuso — who was soon joined by a group of other parents and Newton residents — against a shockingly hostile school district.

Together, the parents and residents fought to get school officials to acknowledge their legitimate concerns, provide access to all the curriculum materials as required by law, and to pull the Arab World Studies Notebook and other academically

(full article online)

Palestinian Propaganda Is Infiltrating US Public Schools
The End of the Myth?

Tauber’s thorough, well-documented study covers all the bases and aims to set everything straight.

The conclusion from the book is that the battle was conducted in an amateurish manner and there were a lot of blunders—but there was no deliberate massacre. Aside from isolated cases, most of those killed at Deir Yassin, Jews and Arabs alike, were killed in battle.

It’s hard to believe that Tauber’s book will put an end to the use of Deir Yassin for propaganda and political purposes. Myths take on a life of their own and historical facts are but background sets for them. But for those who wish to understand the battle of Deir Yassin from a scholarly and factual perspective, Tauber’s book is a highly important, extensive, and thorough discussion of a retrospectively seminal event in Israeli history.

(full article online)

A New Book Argues That a Massacre Never Happened at Deir Yassin
On June 9, 2006, amidst ongoing rocket attacks against Israel and IDF responses, eight Palestinian civilians (including 3 children) were killed by an explosion on a Gaza beach in disputed circumstances. Though there was no footage of the attack, a widely aired and truly heartbreaking video shown repeatedly at the time, showing a young girl screaming in grief by her dead father, was enough to convict Israel in eyes of many observers.

Palestinians immediately labeled it a “massacre”, a narrative of Israeli culpability accepted without scrutiny by many major media outlets and NGOs. The following photo of the young Palestinian girl, Huda Ali Ghalia, became iconic:

However, an IDF investigation concluded a week later that “that the incident did not result from fire by IDF forces that day.” Their findings were based on an inconsistency between the shrapnel found in the one of the wounded babies and the metal used in IDF artillery, the absence of a crater at the explosion site and the fact that the IDF had stopped firing 15 minutes before the incident.

(full article online)

Independent revives 2006 Gaza Beach libel
In Arabic, the Jews were said to have "stormed" and "broken in" to the site.

According to Palestinians, Jews who want to pray at a holy site are provocative settlers. Their very existence "prompts clashes."

The PA is against freedom of religion to Jews. If it wasn't for the IDF, Jews would be banned from visiting the site altogether.

The way they treat Joseph's Tomb is how they would treat any other important Jewish site that they insist should be under their control, which happens to include every single major Jewish historical and religious site.

Anyone who thinks that there can be peace with the Palestinians needs to explain exactly how these tolerant, peaceful people would treat the Jews who want to pray at Jewish holy sites. And feel free to bring examples from the tolerance of the Muslims when they controlled those sites under Ottoman and Jordanian rule, as well as how the PA treats Joseph's Tomb today.

(full article online)

Another universal human right that Mahmoud Abbas is against ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Jordanian views on the Palestinian-Israeli situation
Jordan says "Fuck you" to the Palestinians.

It's hilarious how this moron Indepeepee uses the Hasbara technique of posting a comment that adheres to the Hasbara propaganda and then provides a link to an article that he purports makes his case. Then you read the article and you find that, as usual, Indepeepee is going the Hasbara clown dance. To wit, his link dtates:

", Jordanian officials stressed to me that Hamas is an important part of the Palestinian body politic and seemed surprisingly open to its inclusion in a workable Palestinian government. "

Isn't that hilarious. LOL
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