All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Jordanian views on the Palestinian-Israeli situation
Jordan says "Fuck you" to the Palestinians.

It's hilarious how this moron Indepeepee uses the Hasbara technique of posting a comment that adheres to the Hasbara propaganda and then provides a link to an article that he purports makes his case. Then you read the article and you find that, as usual, Indepeepee is going the Hasbara clown dance. To wit, his link dtates:

", Jordanian officials stressed to me that Hamas is an important part of the Palestinian body politic and seemed surprisingly open to its inclusion in a workable Palestinian government. "

Isn't that hilarious. LOL

Isn't it hilarious that The Monty gets befuddled over his own cut and paste snippets. last I heard, the Islamic terrorists of Hamas already were an "important part" of a typical Arab-Moslem government important in that they demonstrate why Islamic terrorists are failures at managing the affairs of a responsible government.

I get a chuckle when an Arab Moslem suggests that Arab Moslem terrorists in the invented country of Pal'Istan are either willing or able to manage the civil affairs of government. They are, obviously, equipped to manage yet another failed Islamist mini caliphate that survives at the hand of a kuffar funded welfare fraud.
Jordanian views on the Palestinian-Israeli situation
Jordan says "Fuck you" to the Palestinians.

It's hilarious how this moron Indepeepee uses the Hasbara technique of posting a comment that adheres to the Hasbara propaganda and then provides a link to an article that he purports makes his case. Then you read the article and you find that, as usual, Indepeepee is going the Hasbara clown dance. To wit, his link dtates:

", Jordanian officials stressed to me that Hamas is an important part of the Palestinian body politic and seemed surprisingly open to its inclusion in a workable Palestinian government. "

Isn't that hilarious. LOL
Isn't it hilarious that every article I read has "No more Palestinians need apply" at Jordan's border?
" .. O Laith, the most beautiful story I have ever heard in my life, the legend that will shine in our veins and will remain on the banks of our pains, the flower of Jasmine will still embrace the strings of the warm sun, and will not forget your gift on the teeth of a child like lion, The sky of the camp, its crescent overlooking its land, its walls painted with pain, everything in existence will miss you. The sun, and the color of your skin, was painted in a color of freedom."

If this is not encouragement for young Palestinians to become "martyrs," I don't know what is.

Yet Ma'an keeps getting funded by European NGOs and governments.

(full article online)

Western funded Ma'an News glorifies a teen who declared he wanted to burn all Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
On this, Tobin, drawing on experiences as "a journalist who has covered dialogue programs for decades", says that

what has always been clear - though usually not to the organizers - is the lack of symmetry between the two sides. Few if any Palestinian participants ever express doubt about the justice of their cause or feel obligated to temper their anger at what they consider to be the sins of Zionism. But even supporters of Israel who engage in these programs generally feel compelled to express criticisms of Israel or to show respect if not sympathy for the Palestinian Nakba narrative.

And there's a clear take-away:
That isn’t the sort of dialogue that can help bridge the divide between the two peoples, let alone promote peace. True dialogue involves airing disagreement and promoting respect for differing narratives, not one side affirming the stance of the other... [T]he problem is that there is no comparable force in Palestinian politics to Peace Now, or J Street.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 08-Aug-17: Symmetry, dialogue, loss and bridging the divides
For 19 years, Jews and Christians residing in Israel (and even Israeli Muslims) were barred from their holy places, despite Jordan's pledge to allow free access. Jews, for example, were unable to pray at the Western Wall;

Christian Arabs living in Israel were denied access to churches and other religious sites in the Old City and nearby Bethlehem, also under Jordanian control.

During Jordan's reign over eastern Jerusalem, its restrictive laws on Christian institutions led to a dramatic decline in the holy city's Christian population by more than half - from 25,000 to 11,000 - a pattern that characterized Christian Arabs in other Arab countries throughout the Middle East where religious freedom is not honored.

It is worth noting that after Jordan annexed the West Bank in the 1950s, it too failed to make Jerusalem - a city that Arabs now claim as 'the third most holy site of Islam' - its capital.

(full article online)

Jordan's shameful record
In a statement, the Tourism Ministry said the issue "concerns 0.5% of tour guides in Israel, who guide only groups that set out from the Palestinian territories, and within the framework of the arrangement in place since 1967 and anchored in the Paris Protocol framework. The Tourism Ministry performs reviews, and in instances where a tour guide is caught committing ethical crimes and demonization, the ministry has contacted the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories to revoke their license."

(full article online)
Jordanian views on the Palestinian-Israeli situation
Jordan says "Fuck you" to the Palestinians.

It's hilarious how this moron Indepeepee uses the Hasbara technique of posting a comment that adheres to the Hasbara propaganda and then provides a link to an article that he purports makes his case. Then you read the article and you find that, as usual, Indepeepee is going the Hasbara clown dance. To wit, his link dtates:

", Jordanian officials stressed to me that Hamas is an important part of the Palestinian body politic and seemed surprisingly open to its inclusion in a workable Palestinian government. "

Isn't that hilarious. LOL
Isn't it hilarious that every article I read has "No more Palestinians need apply" at Jordan's border?
It was once so in America
A short while later we arrive at our first destination, the al-Am’ari refugee camp. Our group, a study tour of American academics, descends from the bus into the June heat. Just east of Ramallah, Am’ari is one of 19 refugee camps in the West Bank and is located in Area ‘A,’ under the control of the Palestinian Authority. In reality, the Palestinian government refuses to take responsibility or provide basic services for the camp’s 7,000 residents. As a result, it has become a hotbed of resentment toward Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

(full article online)

A day in Area ‘A’
For far too long, the physical dimensions of the conflict have been prioritized over the content of people’s hearts. With good intentions, politicians have tried to resolve geographical problems without demanding ideological reformation.

There were no Jewish communities established beyond the Green Line between 1948-1967, nor did Israel exercise any sovereignty over the Temple Mount during that period; and yet, the conflict persisted.

The history of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute shows that houses and people can be moved. In the Sinai and Gaza, Israel did just that in the pursuit of peace. Yet what cannot be changed with the stroke of a pen are matters of the Palestinian heart and mind. How do you cure a society that rewards — instead of penalizes — terrorists and their families with financial compensation? Or adorns community centers and streets with terrorists’ names? These questions are at the root of the conflict– and they must be the first ones to be answered.

(full article online)

It’s Not the Settlements, Stupid
There were no Jewish communities established beyond the Green Line between 1948-1967, nor did Israel exercise any sovereignty over the Temple Mount during that period; and yet, the conflict persisted.
Indeed, they were opposing the 1948 occupation.
With good intentions, politicians have tried to resolve geographical problems without demanding ideological reformation.
It is not a geographical or ideological problem. It is a settler colonial problem.
No problem as Israel is back in the hands of the pre-Roman conquerors.

Oh it's a problem alright. For the Jews. A minority, however militarily powerful, eventually loses. Better make a good deal while you can. The Boers were smart that way.
With good intentions, politicians have tried to resolve geographical problems without demanding ideological reformation.
It is not a geographical or ideological problem. It is a settler colonial problem.
No problem as Israel is back in the hands of the pre-Roman conquerors.

Oh it's a problem alright. For the Jews. A minority, however militarily powerful, eventually loses. Better make a good deal while you can. The Boers were smart that way.
So when the Jews took Palestine in 1948 your current logic dissipated into..?
With good intentions, politicians have tried to resolve geographical problems without demanding ideological reformation.
It is not a geographical or ideological problem. It is a settler colonial problem.
No problem as Israel is back in the hands of the pre-Roman conquerors.

Oh it's a problem alright. For the Jews. A minority, however militarily powerful, eventually loses. Better make a good deal while you can. The Boers were smart that way.

There is no deal making with Islamic terrorists. Nothing in the Hamas charter allows for compromise.

Islamic fascism is an all or nothing ideology. The Israelis understand that. You Islamic fascists failed to negotiate and your time is now past.
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