All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The Umayyads understood that ascribing an Islamic aura to their stronghold would cement their regime in power. “Toward this end (as well as to assert Islam’s presence in its competition with Christianity), the Umayyad caliph built Islam’s first grand structure, the Dome of the Rock, right on the spot of the Jewish Temple, in 688-91. This remarkable building is not just the first monumental sacred building of Islam but also the only one that still stands today in roughly its original form.”

The Dome of the Rock was therefore an act of political supersessionism: built on top of the Jewish Temple in order to assert the dominance of the Umayyads over the city. But they realised that an Islamic aura wasn’t enough. They needed to harness the power of the sacred itself.

In the Qur’an there is a mention of Mohammed’s journey to “the furthest mosque”, a reference understood by some early Muslims as metaphorical or a place in heaven. It was never held to be in Jerusalem or on Temple Mount. Indeed, there is no mention of Jerusalem in the Qur’an.

Cynically – and brilliantly – seizing upon this reference, the Umayyads built a second mosque in Jerusalem, also on Temple Mount, and called this one the “Furthest Mosque”. This was al Aqsa.

Pipes observes: “With this, the Umayyads retroactively gave the city a role in Muhammad’s life. This association of Jerusalem with al-masjid al-aqsa fit into a wider Muslim tendency to identify place names found in the Qur’an: wherever the Qur’an mentions a name of an event, stories were invented to give the impression that somehow, somewhere, someone, knew what they were about.

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Incitement, lies and the strange eclipse of the Dome of the Rock |
  • events on the Temple Mount and the recent terrorist attacks, the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem was very surprised to see a dramatic increase in the number of Israel sympathizers in Iraq.

    Yonatan Gonen, head of Arabic-language digital diplomacy at the Foreign Ministry, who also runs the Foreign Ministry's Facebook and Twitter accounts, said that the ministry has been flooded with pictures and messages of sympathy, support and even a desire to establish relations between the two countries.

    (full article online)

Ynetnews News - In light of terrorism, support for Israel in Iraq rises
Consider for a second the level of depravity here. Not only did they murder 15 civilians (including 7 children and a pregnant woman), wound 130 more, and adversely affect the lives of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of families, but they are now – 16 years later – looking back at it in celebration.

In case anyone wonders why there is no peace.

This is how we need to be spending this day – remembering the victims:

(full article online)

16 Years On: Hamas Celebrates Sbarro Restaurant Massacre
While exceedingly rare, there are fleeting moments when a voice of reason emerges from the great ideological / cultural wilderness that is The islam.

Palestinian “honor killing” of women condemned by Fatah leader - PMW Bulletins

Palestinian "honor killing" of women
condemned by Fatah leader

  • "If we wish to liberate our [Palestinian] society from the octopus grip of this crime (i.e., honor killings), we must purify our outlook, our books, and our heritage from the sanctification of killing for God and honor"
  • "Our [Arab and Islamic] societies consider crimes of violence against women and murder for honor and revenge as legitimate acts"
  • "We need a fundamental change... and above all, we need a revolution in education"
"Palestinian women suffer from discrimination, violence, and honor killings emanating from "the cultural foundations of the Arab and Islamic societies," according to a Fatah leader"

Well..... yeah. I would agree that islam needs a fundamental change. It is truly remarkable to see the fear and loathing of women that grips the Arab-Moslem male. Their attitudes toward women is to control them, silence them, put them in Shame Sacks, cut their genitals and otherwise treat them like chattel.
Terrorists used weapons that were hidden there to kill two Israeli soldiers. During that time the police searched the complex for more weapons, and it found knives, chains, clubs and other materials.

These actions, the Waqf says, "constitutes a flagrant violation of the sanctity of the mosque and the sanctity of its facilities."

Using the mosque as a weapons depot isn't a violation of the sanctity of the mosque. Searching for those weapons - is.

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Waqf condemns Al Aqsa mosque being used as weapons depot. (Just kidding!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Arab newspapers have the story today, and this op-ed explains why it is a big deal: It shows that Qatar is helping Israel and hurting Palestinians by allowing Jews from Arab countries to move to Israel. The writer says that Qatar falsely claims to defend Arabism but in fact is helping Israel at the expense of Yemen and Palestinians.

And, yes, the writer says that by doing this, Qatar has sold its honor.

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Arab world upset that Qatar helped Yemeni Jews escape in 2013 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
However, in accordance with the Palestinian tradition of never failing to miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, she instead pushes antisemitic tropes masked as anti-Zionism.

Google lists more than a few sites of “famous Ashrawi quotes” that illustrate her consistent misrepresentation of fact in aid of the establishment of a Palestinian state. She began her deluded efforts with a breathtaking statement about the some 800,000 Jews who fled persecution from Muslim countries for refuge in the new State of Israel.

In Ashrawi’s historical analysis, these Jews were only “emigrants,” who had left their ancestral homes voluntarily.

Jews lived happily among their Muslim neighbors and were brought to Israel to usurp “ancestral” Palestinian lands as part of a plot by “Zionists.”

This has been the underlying strategy of the Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas, of which Ashrawi has been an integral part: to eliminate any historical grounds for Jewish self-determination and nationhood. Ashrawi has echoed Abbas’s traditional Christmas message: “We celebrate the birth of Jesus, a Palestinian messenger of love, justice and peace, which has guided millions from the moment that his message came out from a small grotto in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago.”

“Jesus as the first Palestinian martyr” is a recurrent theme of standard Palestinian delusions about history and a regular feature of the distorted PA narrative. Its inspiration may have been Yasser Arafat’s assertion to then-US president Bill Clinton that there was never a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, but its current invocation by UNESCO persists in the egregious denial that no Jewish connection to Jerusalem ever existed.

(full article online)

Queen of delusion
Once again this summer, Hamas operates military preparation summer camps for 250,000 teenagers who attend UNRWA schools during the school year.

Working with an Israeli-Palestinian team of journalists over the past few years, I run a news agency that documents and films how UNRWA allocates cash from donor nations to conduct military training for children in the UNRWA classroom along with weapons training camps which Hamas organizes for UNRWA children.

Al-Kutla al-Islamiya, a division of Hamas, runs military activities, which attract UNRWA’s younger students, paving the way for recruitment in al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas.

UNRWA “education” teaches children how to fight, shoot lethal weapons, use hand grenades, and climb through various spaces all in preparation for war.

After exposure to al-Kutla, elementary and middle schoolers join a week long war games program, held in a military campment, where they study “jihad, determination, to trust Allah and other Islamic values” in addition to military tactics.

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Scrutinizing UNRWA terror involvement
Two prominent U.S. senators are raising questions about an American-funded school in Ramallah that is running an extremist summer camp for Palestinian teens from around the world, many of them Americans.

The controversial summer program, called “Go Palestine,” is run by the Ramallah Friends School, a 148-year-old Quaker institution in the Palestinian Authority’s de facto capital. Its stated mission is to provide Palestinian teens from abroad with “introductions to Palestinian culture, cuisine, life and work, and the Arabic language.”

But in addition to traditional summer camp fare, Go Palestine participants are immersed in anti-Israel films and lectures by militants, some with terrorist connections.
The three-week Go Palestine program, which began in the summer of 2011, accepts 40-50 campers each year. It costs $2,150 per camper, plus airfare. Although the camp has not released a complete breakdown of the participants by nationality, the “camper profiles” shown on its website from 2011-2013 indicate Americans were the single-largest contingent. Other campers hailed from the U.K., Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. Several came from what the website calls “Haifa, Palestine.”

Haifa is located within pre-1967 Israel, not in the disputed territories. The camp’s use of “Haifa, Palestine” is one of the many indications that rejection of Israel’s right to exist is an integral part of the camp’s ideology.

(full article online)

Senators concerned about extremist summer camp for Palestinian Americans
Gloating over mass murder, Hamas style - PMW Bulletins

Gloating over mass murder, Hamas style

Hamas celebrates the anniversary of the Sbarro pizza shop bombing in which 15 Israelis, among them 7 children, were murdered:
"The news of the operation made Palestinians joyous everywhere... Masses of people went out to the streets, cheered, and distributed candies out of happiness"

Of course Arabs-Moslems were joyous. Depraved acts in worship of their god Jr., the inventor of Islamism, are always a source of celebration for Death Cultists.

The ideology of Islamism is one that promotes the virulent hatreds which has fueled the 7 centuries of slaughter in the Middle East. It creates and nurtures the conflicts we see today. A culture that demands scared women hide in their homes or under shapeless black Sacks and youth are indoctrinated to believe that mass murder / suicide will result in carnal rewards in islamo-heaven.

No wonder these people are so retrograde.
In 2015, Amnesty International spent who knows how many thousands of dollars to create an online database that purported, very falsely, to document every single death and injury (to Palestinians) from the 2014 Gaza war.

Despite my proving how wrong it was (and Amnesty read my posts), they refused to correct their data, which is still online, and still claiming hundreds more civilians killed than any other source including the UN and B'Tselem.

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Where is @Amnesty's Mosul Platform? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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