All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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In 1994, the governments of Jordan and Israel signed a historic peace treaty. The treaty normalized relations between the two countries and resolved territorial disputes, such as water sharing. Since then, it is safe to say that the Jordanian BDS activists probably owe their lives to Israel’s good will in allowing Jordan to draw 20 million cubic meters a year from Lake Kinneret. Israel also helps Jordan produce additional drinking water using Israel’s desalination technology.

In 1996, Israel assisted in establishing a modern medical center in Amman. So that if the BDS activists get smacked around by state police, they can go there for emergency treatment.

(full article online)

BDS Jordan Celebrates 3 Years of Biting Israeli Hand that Feeds Them | The Jewish Press | David Israel | 8 Elul 5777 – August 30, 2017 |

I truly believe Jordan is the smartest player in all of the Middle East. Peace with Israel has boosted their economy enormously with open borders for tourists to Israel to cross over into Jordan to purchase their goods & services as well.
In 1994, the governments of Jordan and Israel signed a historic peace treaty. The treaty normalized relations between the two countries and resolved territorial disputes, such as water sharing. Since then, it is safe to say that the Jordanian BDS activists probably owe their lives to Israel’s good will in allowing Jordan to draw 20 million cubic meters a year from Lake Kinneret. Israel also helps Jordan produce additional drinking water using Israel’s desalination technology.

In 1996, Israel assisted in establishing a modern medical center in Amman. So that if the BDS activists get smacked around by state police, they can go there for emergency treatment.

(full article online)

BDS Jordan Celebrates 3 Years of Biting Israeli Hand that Feeds Them | The Jewish Press | David Israel | 8 Elul 5777 – August 30, 2017 |

I truly believe Jordan is the smartest player in all of the Middle East. Peace with Israel has boosted their economy enormously with open borders for tourists to Israel to cross over into Jordan to purchase their goods & services as well.

Also, king Abdullah married the most gorgeous Palestinian Rania & yet refuses to grant any right of return to the Palestinians. A lesson in how to be a happy man in Jordan.
“Despite a detailed report that I presented at Parliament in April, identifying 60 more UNRWA employees who preach anti-Semitism and jihadi terrorism, neither the Trudeau government nor UNRWA has informed us of a single UNRWA teacher who has been fired as a result. This calls into question Canada’s claim, when it announced its original $25-million funding in November, that UNRWA has a policy of ‘zero tolerance.’

“The government’s new announcement that UNRWA will be hiring a ‘neutrality co-ordinator’ is of little use so long as UNRWA sends the message that preachers of anti-Semitic hate and terror are welcome to teach before classrooms of vulnerable children.”

(full article online)

Groups want Canada to ensure UNRWA funding doesn't go to Hamas
“Despite a detailed report that I presented at Parliament in April, identifying 60 more UNRWA employees who preach anti-Semitism and jihadi terrorism, neither the Trudeau government nor UNRWA has informed us of a single UNRWA teacher who has been fired as a result. This calls into question Canada’s claim, when it announced its original $25-million funding in November, that UNRWA has a policy of ‘zero tolerance.’

“The government’s new announcement that UNRWA will be hiring a ‘neutrality co-ordinator’ is of little use so long as UNRWA sends the message that preachers of anti-Semitic hate and terror are welcome to teach before classrooms of vulnerable children.”

(full article online)

Groups want Canada to ensure UNRWA funding doesn't go to Hamas
What groups? The same bunch of liars who oppose anything and everything Palestinian.
“Despite a detailed report that I presented at Parliament in April, identifying 60 more UNRWA employees who preach anti-Semitism and jihadi terrorism, neither the Trudeau government nor UNRWA has informed us of a single UNRWA teacher who has been fired as a result. This calls into question Canada’s claim, when it announced its original $25-million funding in November, that UNRWA has a policy of ‘zero tolerance.’

“The government’s new announcement that UNRWA will be hiring a ‘neutrality co-ordinator’ is of little use so long as UNRWA sends the message that preachers of anti-Semitic hate and terror are welcome to teach before classrooms of vulnerable children.”

(full article online)

Groups want Canada to ensure UNRWA funding doesn't go to Hamas
What groups? The same bunch of liars who oppose anything and everything Palestinian.

What groups???? That is all you can come up with ????

Never mind what UNWRA curriculum teaches, etc etc....

There is so much more to unpack in this article. But I'm at 3000 words. Not as long as the Newsweek article, alas. But hopefully long enough to show the duplicity and ugly bias of Newsweek and the author of this piece, Gregg Carlstrom.
Defeating the "Palestinian" dream? More likely Israel, by its continued existence, defeating Newsweek's dream of a Jew-free Middle East. And this apparently really gets their goat.

How else can we understand this dishonest and disreputable excuse for journalism?

(full article online)

Newsweek: Defeating the Arab Dream (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
As such, from now on, UN forces will be required to demonstrate a robust physical presence on the ground, to enter every village and to report, in real time, Hezbollah’s violations of Security Council Resolution 1701, negotiated by then Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to end the Second Lebanon War, and ignored by Hezbollah ever since. In addition, this landmark decision will dissolve Hezbollah's longstanding attempt to be seen as a legitimate organization within the international arena.

(full article online)

Victory for Israel in the Security Council
“Despite a detailed report that I presented at Parliament in April, identifying 60 more UNRWA employees who preach anti-Semitism and jihadi terrorism, neither the Trudeau government nor UNRWA has informed us of a single UNRWA teacher who has been fired as a result. This calls into question Canada’s claim, when it announced its original $25-million funding in November, that UNRWA has a policy of ‘zero tolerance.’

“The government’s new announcement that UNRWA will be hiring a ‘neutrality co-ordinator’ is of little use so long as UNRWA sends the message that preachers of anti-Semitic hate and terror are welcome to teach before classrooms of vulnerable children.”

(full article online)

Groups want Canada to ensure UNRWA funding doesn't go to Hamas
What groups? The same bunch of liars who oppose anything and everything Palestinian.

You sound pretty desperate and dogmatic lately.
Do You want the UNRWA billions to end in Hamas pockets, or the the pockets of the people who're actually in need?
His points are:
- Any Arab intransigence is a result of Israeli actions
- The Palestinian [refugee] issue is the key issue in the entire Middle East, and if that problem would be solved, there would be no other problems
- The Arabs are justified in boycotting and blockading the Jewish state because of Israeli actions
- Certain parties, i.e., Jews, who speak out against this Arab aggression are engaging in propaganda
- Israel is in violation of UN resolutions, and should go back to the 1947 partition lines
- Arabs look at the US as being pro-Israel and not an honest broker, and the US has to pressure Israel to give up land and (West) Jerusalem and admit a million Palestinians in order to get back in the good graces of the Arabs

These arguments are now seen to be bizarre in retrospect - and yet anti-Israel forces are using slightly updated versions of these same arguments, today. Linkage was alive and well in 1960. Justifying boycotts of Israel was perfectly acceptable discourse. Claims that there can be no peace unless the US pressures Israel - we hear it today. Justifying all Arab aggression by pointing to imaginary Israeli crimes - just like today. (The Israeli Embassy in Washington wrote a good response that was published in the July 5, 1960 NYT pointing out the deceptions in this letter. )

Nothing has changed.

But what is really interesting is that this American Friends of the Middle East was not a grassroots pro-Arab organization.

It was created by the CIA!

(full article online)

Before 1967, American anti-Zionists still demanded Israel to give up land ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres met Wednesday with residents of Kibbuz Nahal Oz, a mere 5 miles from the Gaza Strip, on the tail end of a three-day visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Yael Raz, a resident of the kibbutz, told him that "our dream is for terrorism to end. Even though we are ready for terrorism, we hope every day for peace with our neighbors."

Oshrit Sabag, another resident, said, "We see a great number of money go to the Gaza Strip, but Hamas uses it to build terror tunnels and rockets instead of rebuilding Gaza. We believe that the people on the other side suffer from Hamas' terrorism just like we do."

(full article online)

Israel Hayom | UN chief 'touched' by message of peace, reconciliation from Israelis
A handful of tentative conclusions.
  • Lone wolf attacks, it's increasingly clear, often turn out to be anything but.
  • And attacks of the kind which began with massive incitement among Palestinian Arabs - in their schools, in their mosques and in the chambers of their political leaders - against Jews in Israel over the past 3 years more and more appear to be replicated on the streets of Europe. The range of their targets has greatly widened.
  • For Israelis, it's hard not to notice how quick-witted, fast moving security officials on those European streets are being (entirely correctly) praised while the equivalent actions done in Israel by Israeli security officials have come in for withering criticism in previous years... from Europe.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 27-Aug-17: On British and Belgian streets - terrorist attacks, religious declarations, fast responses
More of the wholesome goodness that defines the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

One of the unfortunate consequences that accompanies apologetics for engendering the behaviors that create social misfits of the Islamic kind is that it breeds generations of social misfits. Islamic misfits are accorded an allowance, largely because we in the West are complicit in funding the Welfare fraud system (UNRWA) that provides the financial means allowing this deviant behavior to continue.

PA summer camps teach terror and Martyrdom-death for kids - PMW Bulletins

PA summer camps
teach terror and Martyrdom-death for kids

  • Kids enact terror attacks

  • Terrorist murderers presented as role models
  • Kids' plays show terrorist stabbers being shot by "Israelis" and dying as "Martyrs"
  • Kids taught to see world in which "Palestine" erases all of Israel

  • The National Committee for Summer Camps, which organized some of these camps, received 2,928,000 shekels in 2017 from the PA Budget

  • UNICEF and UNDP listed among "partners and supporters" of the National Committee for Summer Camps
Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
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