All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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This move represents the culmination of a 70-year process of official acquisition, reported the Jerusalem Post. The area remains an important part of the Jewish people’s history as it is home to the original Kfar Etzion Kibbutz, which the Arab Legion decimated in Israel’s War of Independence.

The area is also the location at which the Arab Legion butchered 157 Jewish residents of Kfar Etzion, in spite of the fact that the population had already surrendered. After the Six Day War in 1967, the modern Kfar Etzion was created as the first settlement in the region.

(full article online)

IDF Paves Way for New Construction on Jewish Land in Judea
More of the wholesome goodness that defines the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

One of the unfortunate consequences that accompanies apologetics for engendering the behaviors that create social misfits of the Islamic kind is that it breeds generations of social misfits. Islamic misfits are accorded an allowance, largely because we in the West are complicit in funding the Welfare fraud system (UNRWA) that provides the financial means allowing this deviant behavior to continue.

PA summer camps teach terror and Martyrdom-death for kids - PMW Bulletins

PA summer camps
teach terror and Martyrdom-death for kids

  • Kids enact terror attacks

  • Terrorist murderers presented as role models
  • Kids' plays show terrorist stabbers being shot by "Israelis" and dying as "Martyrs"
  • Kids taught to see world in which "Palestine" erases all of Israel

  • The National Committee for Summer Camps, which organized some of these camps, received 2,928,000 shekels in 2017 from the PA Budget

  • UNICEF and UNDP listed among "partners and supporters" of the National Committee for Summer Camps
Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

What next from Palestinians?

Palestinians slam UN chief's remarks on Jewish ties to Temple Mount
On its Facebook page, the Project announced that all donations received “will only be used to organize in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.” In other words, not one cent of this money will be donated to people who have lost their cars, possessions, and even their entire homes. Instead it’ll be poured straight into the pockets of activists such as Sarsour as they continue their political posturing, dividing the country over race and “inequality” in the wake of Harvey’s devastation rather than focusing on the nonpartisan goal of helping Texans restore their community.

This week, Sarsour has also actively discouraged people from donating to the Red Cross, suggesting instead that they contribute to sundry political-activist organizations. Sarsour has already shown her willingness to use disunity to turn a profit. Now we know she’s willing to exploit disaster in the same way.

So how does Sarsour react when someone calls her on it?

(full article and tweet online)

Sarsour: If you have a problem with my stealing hurricane relief money, you are a racist! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
On August 25, 2017, Amnesty International posted an article on their website, accompanied by a social media campaign, to mark “50 years since Israel issued Military Order 101,” claiming that the law “punishes Palestinians for peaceful political expression.” Amnesty’s analysis of “four facts” grossly manipulates and misrepresents the law; the flawed analysis and biased approach are typical of the NGO’s disproportionate singling out of Israel for condemnation, concentrating solely on the conflict with the Palestinians and erasing the context of terrorism.

The following demonstrates Amnesty’s four distortions and falsehoods in its analysis of Military Order 101 (which was formulated during the 1967 war):

(full article online)

Amnesty’s 50 Years Publication: Four Outrageous Distortions
We also think it is more effective in fighting BDS for Israeli politicians to educate and, where necessary, confront European counterparts about absurd NGO funding policies. Education has proven highly successful in exposing BDS and has led to positive legislation and court rulings in Switzerland, Spain, Germany and France. In the U.S., a majority of states have passed laws countering BDS, with many more bills pending at both the state and federal level.

On the other hand, the breast-beating and condemnations regarding the legislation, particularly from Europe, are also overwrought and hypocritical. It is hard to think of any other country, including every democracy, that would countenance such active campaigning to deliberately harm the state. Nor would any country — again every democracy included — tolerate a mass influx of foreign protesters to engage its military and police forces in an active conflict zone.

(full article online)

Objections to Israel’s BDS law are overwrought and hypocritical
We also think it is more effective in fighting BDS for Israeli politicians to educate and, where necessary, confront European counterparts about absurd NGO funding policies. Education has proven highly successful in exposing BDS and has led to positive legislation and court rulings in Switzerland, Spain, Germany and France. In the U.S., a majority of states have passed laws countering BDS, with many more bills pending at both the state and federal level.

On the other hand, the breast-beating and condemnations regarding the legislation, particularly from Europe, are also overwrought and hypocritical. It is hard to think of any other country, including every democracy, that would countenance such active campaigning to deliberately harm the state. Nor would any country — again every democracy included — tolerate a mass influx of foreign protesters to engage its military and police forces in an active conflict zone.

(full article online)

Objections to Israel’s BDS law are overwrought and hypocritical
Israel is getting increasingly desperate.

A visible change

Israel Hayom has already covered three changes taking place on the Mount. The first: the collapse of the sweeping rabbinical ban from 1967 against entering the Temple Mount compound. Hundreds of rabbis, mostly from mainstream religious Zionism, now allow Jews to visit the Temple Mount. As a result, we have the second change, a significant rise in the number of Jews who want to visit. It took the police years to adjust, but they have adapted to the new rulings and the more heterogeneous Jewish population that wants to visit.

A surprising result of the new police policy is an informal understanding between the police and many Temple Mount activists: the visitors agree de facto, although not explicitly, to forgo public prayer there, and the police allow many more Jews in.

(full article online)

Israel Hayom | Mounting evidence of change
The former grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al Hussaini is infamous for his actions while in office during the 1930s and 1940s and it seems that Sabri, another former Mufti of Jerusalem, is following closely in his footsteps.

Personally I hope the Imam isn’t excluded from the UK. I want to see just which British politicians he is coming here to address, I want to see who welcomes him to Parliament and who attends his meetings. I want them to stand by meeting this man and I want to hear them say that famous non-sequitur; It’s not antisemitic to criticise Israel.

(full article online)
The UCI sanctions now under review stated that any further violations of university policy by SJP could "result in suspension or a revocation of the organization's status." SJP would have to hold six meetings a year with the Dean of Students to discuss free speech issues.

SJP would also be required to "consult with a representative of the dean's office before hosting or co-hosting any campus event."

Ilan Sinelnikov, founder of the national SSI organization, told the Washington Free Beacon, "The times in which SJP could do whatever they want are behind us. SJP is finally being held accountable for their actions."

(full article online)

UC-Irvine Places Students for Justice in Palestine on Two-Year Probation for Protest
The video, with its glaring omission, serves as a good opening act for the lengthy article that follows, which also conceals essential facts. Entitled "How Israel Won the War and Defeated the Palestinian Dream," Carlstrom's essay purports to explore the roots of Palestinian statelessness. His survey of the conflict's history, though, begins only with the 1967 Six-Day War, omitting the previous two decades during which a Palestinian state was not created even though the West Bank and Gaza Strip were under Arab control. The Arab world and Palestinian leadership during this era was less concerned with statehood than with eliminating Israel.

(full article online)

CAMERA: Newsweek Guilty of the "Big Omission": Concealing Palestinian Rejection of Statehood Offers
The idea of Jews as “settler-colonialists” is easily disproved. A wealth of evidence demonstrates that Jews are the indigenous population of the Southern Levant; historical and now genetic documentation places Jews there over 2,000 years ago, and there is indisputable evidence of continual residence of Jews in the region. Data showing the cultural and genetic continuity of local and global Jewish communities is equally ample. The evidence was so copious and so incontrovertible, even to historians of antiquity and writers of religious texts, some of whom were Judeophobes, that disconnecting Jews from the Southern Levant was simply not conceived of. Jews are the indigenous population.

As for imperial support, the Zionist movement began during the Ottoman Empire, which was at best diffident towards Jews and uncomfortable with the idea of Jewish sovereignty. For its part, the British Empire initially offered support in the form of the Balfour Declaration, but during its Mandatory rule (1920-48) support for Zionism vacillated. The construction of infrastructure aided the Yishuv immensely, but political support for Jewish immigration and development, as stipulated by the League of Nations mandate, waxed and waned until, as is well known, it was withdrawn on the eve of World War II. This is hardly “settler-colonialism.”

(full article online)

Palestinian Settler-Colonialism
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