All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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  • There are 40 or more ongoing conflict and occupation situations throughout the world, including in Iraq, Afghanistan, Western Sahara, East Timor, East Congo, Nagorno-Karabakh, Northern Cyprus, and the Crimea.
  • Curiously, these situations, which involve extensive transfer of people in order to settle in the occupied territory, are rarely seen by the international community as “occupations.” Nor are the respective parties involved described as “belligerent occupants,” “occupying powers,” or “settlers.”
  • From the extent and volume of international attention directed toward Israel and the excessive number of UN resolutions, one might be led to assume that Israel is considered within the international community to be the only “occupying power.”
  • The accepted rules of occupation are overly general and do not take into consideration the often unique political, legal, and historical status of the territory in dispute, as is the case regarding Israel.
  • The language of occupation law has been politicized, and partisan political expressions such as “Occupied Palestinian Territories” have become common language by the UN and by such humanitarian organizations as the International Red Cross.
  • This terminology has no legal basis and prejudges ongoing, agreed-upon, and internationally-endorsed negotiation issues between Israel and the Palestinians. Their use by humanitarian organizations such as the International Red Cross is incompatible with its own constitutional principles of neutrality and impartiality.

(full article online)

Hijacking the Laws of Occupation
Like the Jews in the Pale of Settlement, most Arabs are politically oppressed, economically impoverished, and socially robbed of the opportunity to get ahead.

Muammar Gaddafi has been lynched, but his Green Book’s dictum that “a parliament is a misrepresentation of the people” lives on. Everyone else, from Brazil to China through Vietnam and Mozambique is creating jobs, making money and getting a life; everyone but the Arabs. Their future has been hijacked.

Underlying this is a culture of self-pity and accusation fed by two prophets: Islamism’s Sayyid Qutb, whose Milestones (1964) blamed Arab stagnation on Western infidelity, and Arabism’s Edward Said, whose Orientalism blamed the same scourge on Western imperialism – first the military and political, then the intellectual.

Yes, the Arab culture of blame was the inversion of the Jewish culture of guilt, echoed in the liturgy as “because of our sins we have been exiled from our land.”

Yet like Qutb and Said, the Jewish sages understood their nation’s political disaster as someone else’s doing: What they portrayed as divine will, Arab thinkers painted as a Western plot.

(full article online)

Zionism, national aspirations and the Arab Herzl
The Fatah Facebook page shows this:

It describes this to its Arabic-speaking audience:

Photo: "77 year old Historical document " Entry Visa from the British Consulate on 28/8/1940. The text of the document:
I want you to know that I am authorized to give you a visa to enter the land of Palestine.
Valid until October 5, 1940

This document is a demonstration of the recognition by the British colonial office at the time of historic Palestine and there was no such thing as Israel.I love how Arabs and other Israel haters feel vindicated when they find out that British documents said "Palestine" for the area of British Mandate Palestine before the founding of the modern state of Israel. They somehow think that Zionists don't admit that there was a mandate for Palestine. Indeed, what they don't want to remember is that the Palestine of the British Mandate was the precursor to Israel, and has nothing in common with today's Palestinian Arab nationalism. The Arabs of Palestine were against the Mandate and its institutions - currency, postage stamps, offices, sports teams, culture. All of that was Jewish.

Although this document was fairly exceptional, it does prove something that Fatah would rather you not notice: At least one British official understood that a Jewish refugee in Lithuania belongs in the Land of Israel.

(full article online)

British travel document to Palestine doesn't prove what Fatah thinks it does ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
A recent article by the Guardian’s Jerusalem correspondent, Peter Beaumont, again shows how what media outlets ignore in their coverage of the conflict is as misleading to news consumers than the errors in the stories they do cover. The piece (“Trump’s ambassador refers to ‘alleged occupation’, Sept. 1) is critical of the US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, for his characterisation, during a Jerusalem Post interview, of the situation in the Palestinian territories as an “alleged occupation”

(full article online)

Guardian’s Peter Beaumont provides a perfect example of media double standards on Israel.
  • There are 40 or more ongoing conflict and occupation situations throughout the world, including in Iraq, Afghanistan, Western Sahara, East Timor, East Congo, Nagorno-Karabakh, Northern Cyprus, and the Crimea.
  • Curiously, these situations, which involve extensive transfer of people in order to settle in the occupied territory, are rarely seen by the international community as “occupations.” Nor are the respective parties involved described as “belligerent occupants,” “occupying powers,” or “settlers.”
  • From the extent and volume of international attention directed toward Israel and the excessive number of UN resolutions, one might be led to assume that Israel is considered within the international community to be the only “occupying power.”
  • The accepted rules of occupation are overly general and do not take into consideration the often unique political, legal, and historical status of the territory in dispute, as is the case regarding Israel.
  • The language of occupation law has been politicized, and partisan political expressions such as “Occupied Palestinian Territories” have become common language by the UN and by such humanitarian organizations as the International Red Cross.
  • This terminology has no legal basis and prejudges ongoing, agreed-upon, and internationally-endorsed negotiation issues between Israel and the Palestinians. Their use by humanitarian organizations such as the International Red Cross is incompatible with its own constitutional principles of neutrality and impartiality.
(full article online)

Hijacking the Laws of Occupation

I don't understand how Israel is "occupying" or "stealing" Palestinian land when the indigenous Palestinians WERE JEWS.
Syrian poet Adonis said that under the present circumstances, there can be no democratic regimes in the Arab world. Asking how come there are no important scientific institutes and universities in the Arab world and why the Islamic nation does not have a single intellectual who interprets Islam innovatively, Adonis said the Muslims have an internal problem with their heritage and that Israel is “a fundamental part of the picture.” A people becomes extinct “when it no longer has a creative presence that contributes to the building of the world,” he said in the interview, which aired on Al-Arabiya on August 11.

There Can Be No Democracy in the Arab World under Present Circumstances
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