All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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While one might have expected the discussion to turn at that point to relevant topics such as the 2007 violent Hamas take-over of the Gaza Strip, the terror organisation’s subsequent escalation of attacks on Israeli civilians and its Israel erasing agenda or the decade-long rift between Hamas and the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, instead Henley turned (at 36:03) to his other guest, Jane Kinninmont, with a topic much less helpful to audience understanding of the topic of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Henley: “The residents of Gaza have been off the news radar a bit, haven’t they Jane?”

In the eight months between January and August 2017, the BBC itself has produced at least 18 reports about the Gaza Strip on its English language services alone. In addition to its regular reporting, since the end of the summer 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas, the BBC has broadcast a documentary on that topic and produced special ‘anniversary’ coverage both six months and twelve months after the war. How Henley reached the conclusion that Gaza is “off the news radar” is therefore unclear but his guest played along with that notion.

(full article online)

BBC WS ‘big prison’ framing of Gaza Strip misleads audiences – part two
that point to relevant topics such as the 2007 violent Hamas take-over of the Gaza Strip,
More Israeli bullshit, of course. Hamas was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. It was the elected government in office.
While one might have expected the discussion to turn at that point to relevant topics such as the 2007 violent Hamas take-over of the Gaza Strip, the terror organisation’s subsequent escalation of attacks on Israeli civilians and its Israel erasing agenda or the decade-long rift between Hamas and the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, instead Henley turned (at 36:03) to his other guest, Jane Kinninmont, with a topic much less helpful to audience understanding of the topic of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Henley: “The residents of Gaza have been off the news radar a bit, haven’t they Jane?”

In the eight months between January and August 2017, the BBC itself has produced at least 18 reports about the Gaza Strip on its English language services alone. In addition to its regular reporting, since the end of the summer 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas, the BBC has broadcast a documentary on that topic and produced special ‘anniversary’ coverage both six months and twelve months after the war. How Henley reached the conclusion that Gaza is “off the news radar” is therefore unclear but his guest played along with that notion.

(full article online)

BBC WS ‘big prison’ framing of Gaza Strip misleads audiences – part two
that point to relevant topics such as the 2007 violent Hamas take-over of the Gaza Strip,
More Israeli bullshit, of course. Hamas was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. It was the elected government in office.

Mr. Fiction is telling the world that Hamas did not take Gaza in a violent takeover.
Abbas simply chose to move to Ramallah.

La, la, la, la, la, la :)
The Munich massacre – in which which eleven Israeli Olympic team members were taken hostage and then butchered by palestinian terrorists- took place 45 years ago almost to the day.

I thought I’d see how the New York Times covered it at the time, and found this op-ed from the day after.

Calling terrorist terrorists, coming out hard against terrorism, placing the blame at the hands of the Arab nations supporting it, and condemning any nations willing to tolerate or condone such terrorism – you would be hard-pressed to see anything like this in the New York Times of today.

(full NYT article online)

New York Times Op-Ed On Munich Massacre, Sept 6 1972
While one might have expected the discussion to turn at that point to relevant topics such as the 2007 violent Hamas take-over of the Gaza Strip, the terror organisation’s subsequent escalation of attacks on Israeli civilians and its Israel erasing agenda or the decade-long rift between Hamas and the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, instead Henley turned (at 36:03) to his other guest, Jane Kinninmont, with a topic much less helpful to audience understanding of the topic of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Henley: “The residents of Gaza have been off the news radar a bit, haven’t they Jane?”

In the eight months between January and August 2017, the BBC itself has produced at least 18 reports about the Gaza Strip on its English language services alone. In addition to its regular reporting, since the end of the summer 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas, the BBC has broadcast a documentary on that topic and produced special ‘anniversary’ coverage both six months and twelve months after the war. How Henley reached the conclusion that Gaza is “off the news radar” is therefore unclear but his guest played along with that notion.

(full article online)

BBC WS ‘big prison’ framing of Gaza Strip misleads audiences – part two
that point to relevant topics such as the 2007 violent Hamas take-over of the Gaza Strip,
More Israeli bullshit, of course. Hamas was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. It was the elected government in office.

And as one might expect of an Islamic terrorist franchise in control of huge sums of welfare fraud money, Hamas will make no allowance for any future elections. That's a pretty consistent theme for all the Islamic hell holes across the Islamic Middle East run by Islamic dictators / theocrats / terrorist franchises.

Not surprisingly, your Pom Pom flailing for Hamas is done from where you are protected by a Bill of Rights and Constitution that protects you from the abuses you would inflict upon others.
This reminds me:

Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. – John Stuart Mill

Slaughterer of 3 Israelis honored in the PA - PMW Bulletins

Murderer who slaughtered 3 Israelis
honored in the PA

  • PA and PLO officials visited the murderer's family
  • Op-ed in official PA daily praised murderer:
"Your name has been perpetuated in the Palestinian wedding songs"
  • Song performed at wedding glorified murderer:
"He crossed the mountain top with a knife...
he laid the Zionists down to sleep...
[He] avenged the Al-Aqsa Mosque...
He stood before the [Israeli] judge with his head held up high"
The Israelis living in Hebron of course do so according to the terms of the 1997 Protocol Concerning the Redeployment in Hebron which was signed by the representatives of the Palestinians within the framework of the Oslo Accords but the BBC chose to omit that all-important context from its portrayal.

With 25.7% of the word-count of this report promoting Israel-related subjects unrelated to the story it purports to tell and 52.5% devoted to repetition of statements from a political NGO, the BBC can hardly be said to have deviated from its usual policy by taking the opportunity to provide its audiences with meaningful and comprehensive reporting on what the corporation’s Jerusalem bureau chief described as a human rights issue.

(full article online)

BBC News squeezes ‘settlements’ into internal PA affairs story
SJP, in its announcements for the rally, explicitly equated fascism and white supremacism with Zionism, and Jewish and Zionist groups raised concerns that a "smashing fascism" rally implied advocating violence against them.

SJP responded to the criticisms by saying, yes, Zionists should be attacked on campus and everywhere else.

Here is their statement:

We, the collective organizers of the “Smashing Fascism: Radical Resistance to White Supremacy” rally, are disgusted with the preemptive backlash our event has received. This opposition highlights the unholy union of American fascists, white supremacists, and Zionists which seeks to weaken and destroy intersectional movements for mass liberation. While we know these criticisms are destructive or rhetorical, we find it necessary to address them and center our narrative.

(full article online)

SJP literally calls for violence against Zionists on campus ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It's funny because the last time the UN created borders for a Palestinian Arab state, the Arabs rejected them. They want the UN to keep trying until they are happy. (Which incidentally is the entire Palestinian strategy - reject every peace plan by well-meaning Westerners until they get so desperate for "peace" that they offer up all of Israel.)

Abbas plans to ask UN to draw "Palestine"'s borders ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Does anyone know of any Arab Israeli citizens who want to leave Israel?
Why should they leave their homeland?

There many Arabs who do not want to be part of Palestine State, so they are opting for citizenship in Israel. THAT is their country.

The Arab homeland......we all know where it is, just Southeast of Israel.
And so many left it.....and are not allowed to return :(
Including the Hashemites :(:(
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