All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Sarsour is saying that race is a choice. You can identify as whatever race you want - and Arabs should never be considered white because that way they lose out on the benefits of being a minority!

So much for "white privilege." Sarsour is arguing that Arabs should do everything they can to avoid being called "white."

Sarsour, who admits that she was "white" until she put on a hijab, would probably not be thrilled if Israelis in the US - or even Jews altogether - would identify as coming from the Middle East. Because along with her "Palestinian" identity comes the narrative that Jews never lived in the Middle East and are only latecomers.

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour: "If I want to say 'I'm Black,' then I'm Black!" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Waters wrote an op-ed that is so absurd and filled with lies and half-truths that it brings up, yet again, the late Senator Patrick Moynihan's dictum, " Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."

Waters claims that the Israel Anti-Boycott Act violates free speech:

Members of Congress are currently considering a bill that threatens to silence the growing support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for Palestinian freedom and human rights, known as B.D.S. This draconian bill, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, threatens individuals and businesses who actively participate in boycott campaigns in support of Palestinian rights conducted by international governmental organizations with up to 20 years in prison and a $1,000,000 fine.

By endorsing this McCarthyite bill, senators would take away Americans’ First Amendment rights in order to protect Israel from nonviolent pressure to end its 50-year-old occupation of Palestinian territory and other abuses of Palestinian rights.

It doesn't. The act is a mere extension of existing US law against adhering to the Arab League call to boycott Israel to include the calls by the UN to boycott a "blacklist" of companies that do business in Israel. The existing law has withstood challenges on free speech grounds.

(full article online)

Roger Waters isn't like Rosa Parks. He's like the KKK. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Foreign investment in Israel amounted to $12.6 billion in 2016, a 7-percent increase from the previous year, according to the Foreign Investments Authority at the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry.

Some 320 international companies have operations in the Jewish state, and the rate at which multinational companies are doing business in Israel has tripled during the last decade. Overseas companies account for 50 percent of research and development spending within Israel and have approximately 50,000 Israeli employees, the Foreign Investments Authority said.

(full article online)

New Data: Foreign Investment in Israel Rose 7 Percent in 2016
Last month, we posted about an Independent article focusing on the aftermath of the 2006 Gaza beach incident, in which eight Palestinian civilians were killed by an explosion under highly disputed circumstances.

The Indy story highlighted the girl (Huda Ali Ghalia) who lost her family in the blast, focusing on the fact that she recently graduated from college. We complained to editors about two egregiously misleading claims.

(full article online)

UK Paper Corrects Story on 2006 Gaza Beach Incident After Watchdog Intervention
Those terror supporting Israelis opening up schools for terrorist Syrian kids intending to educated them and one day come to Israeli universities! How depraved!

The real story was in Maariv. Moti Kahane, an Israeli-American businessman and philanthropist, founded the Amaliah organization that deals extensively (but not exclusively) with Syria civilians caught in the war. Kahane has spent over $2 million out of his own pocket to help Syrian victims of Assad and of ISIS.

Yes, Amaliah is opening a school. And, yes, Kahane said that "This is not the curriculum of the Syrian regime which taught whole generations to hate Israel. Neither is it a religious school of Daesh or Al Nusra. Here we are trying to ensure a different future for children, one that is more sane."

(full story online)

Iran upset new school in Syria won't teach kids to hate Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Members of Congress and Jewish leaders are urging the U.S. to follow in Norway’s footsteps, after Oslo secured the return of funds it gave to a Palestinian women’s center that was named in honor of a terrorist.

Earlier this year, Palestinian Media Watch and NGO Monitor revealed that the Norwegian government helped finance a Palestinian Authority (PA)-affiliated women’s center in the town of Burqa, which had been named after Dalal Mughrabi, the leader of a notorious terrorist attack in 1978.

In response, Norwegian officials said they would demand the return of the funds and the removal of the Norwegian flag from the banner in front of the center. The Norwegian Foreign Ministry this week for the first time confirmed it has received the refund. Spokesperson Gur Solberg told, “The logo was removed immediately and the Norwegian support of $10,000 has been returned to the Norwegian Representative Office (NRO).” The NRO is Norway’s liaison to the PA.

(full article online)

Norway gets refund in Palestinian terror episode, US lawmakers hail action as precedent
The Islamic attitude toward non-Islamics and non-Islamist cultures is essentially medieval. Islamist doctrine drives the resultant tribalism that precludes Islamism from accepting advanced ideals and concepts. This makes Islamics exceptionally vulnerable to the depravities imposed by Cult-like Islamist authority figures.

Slaughterer of 3 Israelis honored in the PA - PMW Bulletins

Murderer who slaughtered 3 Israelis
honored in the PA

  • PA and PLO officials visited the murderer's family
  • Op-ed in official PA daily praised murderer:
"Your name has been perpetuated in the Palestinian wedding songs"
  • Song performed at wedding glorified murderer:
"He crossed the mountain top with a knife...
he laid the Zionists down to sleep...
[He] avenged the Al-Aqsa Mosque...
He stood before the [Israeli] judge with his head held up high"
The Islamic attitude toward non-Islamics and non-Islamist cultures is essentially medieval. Islamist doctrine drives the resultant tribalism that precludes Islamism from accepting advanced ideals and concepts. This makes Islamics exceptionally vulnerable to the depravities imposed by Cult-like Islamist authority figures.

Slaughterer of 3 Israelis honored in the PA - PMW Bulletins

Murderer who slaughtered 3 Israelis
honored in the PA

  • PA and PLO officials visited the murderer's family
  • Op-ed in official PA daily praised murderer:
"Your name has been perpetuated in the Palestinian wedding songs"
  • Song performed at wedding glorified murderer:
"He crossed the mountain top with a knife...
he laid the Zionists down to sleep...
[He] avenged the Al-Aqsa Mosque...
He stood before the [Israeli] judge with his head held up high"
The Islamic attitude toward non-Islamics and non-Islamist cultures is essentially medieval. Islamist doctrine drives the resultant tribalism that precludes Islamism from accepting advanced ideals and concepts. This makes Islamics exceptionally vulnerable to the depravities imposed by Cult-like Islamist authority figures.

Slaughterer of 3 Israelis honored in the PA - PMW Bulletins

Murderer who slaughtered 3 Israelis
honored in the PA

  • PA and PLO officials visited the murderer's family
  • Op-ed in official PA daily praised murderer:
"Your name has been perpetuated in the Palestinian wedding songs"
  • Song performed at wedding glorified murderer:
"He crossed the mountain top with a knife...
he laid the Zionists down to sleep...
[He] avenged the Al-Aqsa Mosque...
He stood before the [Israeli] judge with his head held up high"


Abbas hosts family of terrorist who murdered Israeli, praises ‘hero’
The Islamic attitude toward non-Islamics and non-Islamist cultures is essentially medieval. Islamist doctrine drives the resultant tribalism that precludes Islamism from accepting advanced ideals and concepts. This makes Islamics exceptionally vulnerable to the depravities imposed by Cult-like Islamist authority figures.

Slaughterer of 3 Israelis honored in the PA - PMW Bulletins

Murderer who slaughtered 3 Israelis
honored in the PA

  • PA and PLO officials visited the murderer's family
  • Op-ed in official PA daily praised murderer:
"Your name has been perpetuated in the Palestinian wedding songs"
  • Song performed at wedding glorified murderer:
"He crossed the mountain top with a knife...
he laid the Zionists down to sleep...
[He] avenged the Al-Aqsa Mosque...
He stood before the [Israeli] judge with his head held up high"


Abbas hosts family of terrorist who murdered Israeli, praises ‘hero’

In case one may not know, one may edit one's own post and add anything to it as long as the edit button is still there on the left side. :)
For some odd reason, the edit button is already gone on the post above, when it usually takes longer than that.

The Jordanians are the kangaroos. They have been hopping and hopping, playing at being peaceful. The Kangaroo King keeps hoping that he will not be ousted by the majority Palestinians = all the other Arab tribes from Arabia who have power, and are not allowed to become citizens of the country, and are treated like crap.

Kangaroo, Kangaroo. How they leap.

First they leaped out of Arabia into TranJordan.
Then tried to leap into Judea and Samaria.
Now, they are trying to help the leap into Israel. Again.

Kangaroo never learns to stay in its own continent. :(
But while the agency could not be dismantled, the Foreign Ministry team recommended leveraging pro-Israel American legislators to change the status of the “Palestinian refugees.” The Palestinians are the only children of refugees—going down several generations—who have “inherited” their refugee status. As a result, they are the only group of 20th century refugees who have not been rehabilitated, but continue their lives as a non-productive, dependant population in UNRWA’s refugee camps.

“The time has come to cancel the status of Palestinian refugees,” Hotovely said in a statement. “It is inconceivable that seventy years after the establishment of the state of Israel, a child born in a refugee camp receives a refugee card. UNRWA educates the young Palestinian generation to think that their problem has to do with the 1948 borders. It teaches them that they should return to Jaffa, Ramleh and Haifa, and nothing perpetuates the conflict more than this.”

(full article online)

Jerusalem, Washington, Working to Abolish ‘Eternal’ Palestinian Refugees’ Status | The Jewish Press | JNi.Media | 19 Elul 5777 – September 9, 2017 |
But while the agency could not be dismantled, the Foreign Ministry team recommended leveraging pro-Israel American legislators to change the status of the “Palestinian refugees.” The Palestinians are the only children of refugees—going down several generations—who have “inherited” their refugee status. As a result, they are the only group of 20th century refugees who have not been rehabilitated, but continue their lives as a non-productive, dependant population in UNRWA’s refugee camps.

“The time has come to cancel the status of Palestinian refugees,” Hotovely said in a statement. “It is inconceivable that seventy years after the establishment of the state of Israel, a child born in a refugee camp receives a refugee card. UNRWA educates the young Palestinian generation to think that their problem has to do with the 1948 borders. It teaches them that they should return to Jaffa, Ramleh and Haifa, and nothing perpetuates the conflict more than this.”

(full article online)

Jerusalem, Washington, Working to Abolish ‘Eternal’ Palestinian Refugees’ Status | The Jewish Press | JNi.Media | 19 Elul 5777 – September 9, 2017 |
Israel trying to duck its responsibility for the refugees.
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