All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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ABC agreed and made a change to the text, which now, in non-specific language, reads:

A bugle linked to the famous Beersheba cavalry charge will be heading back to the site of the battle.

It is, however, still odd that the word “Israel” does not appear even once in the entire story. Is ABC so afraid of acknowledging reality?

(full article online)

HonestReporting Wins the Battle of Beersheba | HonestReporting
It is, however, still odd that the word “Israel” does not appear even once in the entire story.
Neither does it appear in the 1949 UN Armistice Agreements.

What is interesting is that you once posted that you do not come to this thread to read the posts.

But here you are !!!!
ABC agreed and made a change to the text, which now, in non-specific language, reads:

A bugle linked to the famous Beersheba cavalry charge will be heading back to the site of the battle.

It is, however, still odd that the word “Israel” does not appear even once in the entire story. Is ABC so afraid of acknowledging reality?

(full article online)

HonestReporting Wins the Battle of Beersheba | HonestReporting
It is, however, still odd that the word “Israel” does not appear even once in the entire story.
Neither does it appear in the 1949 UN Armistice Agreements.

Oh, look what I found. The "State of Palestine, or the Palestinians were not mentioned . What can one do?
The 1949 Armistice Agreements are a set of armistice agreements signed during 1949 between Israel and neighboring Egypt,[1] Lebanon,[2] Jordan,[3] and Syria[4] to formally end the official hostilities of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, and establish armistice lines between Israeli forces and Jordanian-Iraqi forces, also known as the Green Line.

1949 Armistice Agreements - Wikipedia
Anti-Israel Conspiracy Theories

New spins on the blood libel are alive today in other parts of the Middle East as well. In March 1997, Nabil Ramlawi, the PLO representative to the United Nations in Geneva accused Israel of a sinister plot to kill Palestinian children. “The Israeli authorities infected by injection 300 Palestinian children with the HIV virus during the years of the intifada.” Israelis have been similarly accused of spreading mad cow disease to Palestinians through British-made milk chocolates, killing Arab children to get their organs, and sending AIDS-infected Israeli prostitutes to contaminate the West Bank. In December 2004, Iran’s Sahar 1 TV aired a weekly series called Zahra’s Blue Eyes or For You Palestine. The show featured fictional Israeli doctors taking hearts from healthy Palestinian children for transplants, as well as graphic scenes of Palestinian children whose eyes have been surgically removed and stolen by Israel.

(full article online)

Conspiracy Theories and the Jews | My Jewish Learning
I have noticed the anti Israel posters don't like to learn of Israel's endless contributions to a better world for all humanity. Golly gee, why is that?
The Israeli representative responded by pointing out the absurdity of the discussion and the accusations of oppressive regimes like Syria.

In his words:

"t is surreal to hear, year after year, allegations of human rights violations by Israel from some of the world's most infamous human rights abusers... The Syrian delegate's cynical attack on my country today are just another desperate attempt to divert attention from the crimes that they commit against their own people on a daily basis. The population on the Golan are well and alive. This is something which we unfortunately cannot say about hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens killed in Syria during the last year.
To the Syrian distinguished representative, I would ask, perhaps you would inform the committee how dropping barrel bombs on schools, markets and hospitals are compatible with development."

(full article online)

Developments - UN meeting slams Israel for using natural resources to build while its neighbors use them to destroy
[How many of the Hezbollah members are Palestinians? ]

Hezbollah is planning to withdraw its forces from Syria in 2018 in order to bolster its presence along the border with Israel, Lebanese news site Lebanon 24 reported on Tuesday.

According to the report, Hezbollah's high command issued a new order mandating that the last remaining Hezbollah fighters must leave Syria in early 2018.

(full article online)
And that's when I realize what was missing in the Hole in One segment on Hadassah and the Bundt cake: the word "Israel" was not once mentioned.

Which is why it is ironic that the narrator opens the story this way, "The origin of the Bundt cake is drizzled in controversy, so much so that people don't know what to call it."

Apparently, the State of Israel is so "drizzled in controversy" the Cooking Channel doesn't know what to call IT, either.

We're offered a brief history of Hadassah, "Hadassah was founded in 1912, founded by an American woman named Henrietta Szold. Its mission was to improve healthcare for people, and especially women, at home and abroad."


Ahem. You mean "ISRAEL."

(full article online)

Cooking Show Talks About Hadassah for Five Minutes Without Mentioning Israel (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
As has been noted here on numerous occasions in the past, the restrictions placed on the import of dual-use goods (i.e. items which can be used for terrorist purposes) to the Gaza Strip do not apply to medical supplies. The party responsible for medical services in the Gaza Strip is the Palestinian Authority and it is that body which has in recent months exacerbated the chronic crisis affecting the healthcare system in Gaza by severely cutting medical aid and referrals for treatment in Israel. Likewise, it is the Palestinian Authority which is solely responsible for those “severe power shortages” in the Gaza Strip that have affected medical services as well as additional fields.

The BBC knows that full well and yet, rather than telling this straightforward story clearly and accurately, through omission and implication it continues to steer its audiences towards the inaccurate assumption that the dire state of medical services and electricity supply in Gaza is connected to Israel, using ‘reports’ produced by a partisan body as back-up.

(full article online)

BBC News continues to mislead on Gaza medical services
As has been noted here on numerous occasions in the past, the restrictions placed on the import of dual-use goods (i.e. items which can be used for terrorist purposes)
Like chocolate, school books, baby formula,... You have to be a real ass to think the siege is legal.
As has been noted here on numerous occasions in the past, the restrictions placed on the import of dual-use goods (i.e. items which can be used for terrorist purposes)
Like chocolate, school books, baby formula,... You have to be a real ass to think the siege is legal.
It's understandable that you have hurt feelings when Israel takes steps to defend its population from islamic terrorist attacks.

Any chance you could email one of more of the islamic terrorist franchises operating in islamic terrorist'istan and suggest they spend their welfare money on improving the lives of Arabs-Moslems posing as "Pal'istanians"?

Obviously, welfare money for gee-had really does fall off the kuffar tree. However, those infidel supplied welfare fraud dollars spent to fight gee-had means that those welfare dollars can't be spent elsewhere.

Please do cc. us on your email.
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