All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The official EU position towards Area C is totally at odds with international law. The Oslo process says that Area C remains under Israeli control until there is an agreement over borders, but the EU says that Area C is Palestinian - period.

The EU is not trying to build communities with orderly roads and infrastructure. It is trying to steal as much land in Area C as it can to give to Palestinians.

And now it wants to sue Israel to be compensated for acting illegally?

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If you needed more evidence that the EU is anti-Israel.... ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

FFS. So let me get this straight. Belgium illegally builds a house in, say, Canada. The Canadian government tears it down, can't build houses in foreign countries period and because you can't build houses without a building permit. And then Belgium demands its money back? The world has gone mad.
NSJP will be hawking official merchandise at the conference. The group sold t-shirts celebrating Palestinian terrorists at its 2016 event, held at Virginia's George Mason University.

Also at last year's program, NSJP denounced the United States as "the world's greatest imperial power" and used the Israeli flag as a doormat.

The first NSJP chapter was created by Hatem Bazian, a University of California-Berkeley lecturer in the department of ethnic studies.

The presence of a chapter of NSJP on campus has been correlated with increased anti-Semitism at that campus, according to at least threestudies.

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Anti-Israel Student Org's National Conference to Focus on U.S., Israel's 'Legacy of Displacement'
I’m very annoyed that the caption below my picture on the Stuff website suggests that I objected to the agreement because of being “a deal with Israel whose military is in violent conflict with Palestine“. Those words are Fairfax’s, not mine. Similarly, where the article states: “Williams said many taxpayers would have an issue with New Zealand signing an agreement with a Middle Eastern country whose military continued to engage in violent conflict” – again not my words.

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Fairfax “Journalist” Caught Making Stuff Up To Demonize Israel
I'm not defending anyone rioting or causing damage. But following Haaretz's lead, the same Al Rai newspaper that said that the Holocaust is questionable now says that what happened in Jerusalem was - yes, you guessed it - Kristallnacht.

In the two days of Kristallnacht, over 250 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, 91 Jews were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by.

Comparing the disturbances in Jerusalem two weeks ago with Kristallnacht is as obscene as comparing Israel responding to rockets to the Holocaust.

But for Israel haters, the Holocaust only exists as a prop to say that the Jews are worse than Nazis.

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Arabs consider the Holocaust a myth - until it becomes convenient for them to say Jews are worse than Nazis ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
On 12 September Fathom hosted a briefing with Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat. Below is an edited transcript of the event. Barkat spoke candidly about running a city that is under the microscope like no other and contested like no other. He also discussed his vision for Jerusalem to be a model for peace and coexistence around the world and his policies to close the gaps between its different communities.

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The most complicated city in the world: Talking to Mayor Nir Barkat about running Jerusalem - BICOM
"An examination of these NGOs, however, reveals that both by design and gross negligence on the part of U.N. member states, the NGOs' ranks include bigots, anti-Semites, and terrorist advocates who are now spreading hatred and inciting violence from the world stage," she added.

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Report: UN promotes anti-Semitic, pro-terror groups
For a look into the gaping maw of an ideology that glorifies death, destruction and mass murder as the highest achievements of that society - I present to you the Arabs-Moslems masquerading as “Pal’istanians”.

This is an especially dysfunctional enclave (especially in relation to the rest of the Islamist Middle East), that engenders virulent hatreds and glorifies mass murderers. It serves to fuel the continuing dysfunction that defines so much of the Islamist Middle East. These pathologies arose from and are the product of an ideology that creates and nurtures the conflicts we see today. Marginalized women treated as chattel, hiding in their homes and forced into shapeless black sacks, gun battles and car bombings as conflict resolution, and a socio-political structure that elevates sociopaths to models of behavior.

Sleep tight, infidels.

Mass murderers honored at Palestinian University - PMW Bulletins

Mass murderers honored at Palestinian University

New students at Al-Quds University
taught that terrorist murderers are heroes


[Official Fatah Facebook page, Oct. 15, 2017]
  • Main banner at reception for new students featured photos of terror leaders responsible for the deaths of many hundreds of Israeli civilians
(From left to right on banner)
  • Abu Ali Mustafa, head of PLFP
  • Fathi Shaqaqi, founder of Islamic Jihad
  • Ahmad Yassin, founder of Hamas
  • Yasser Arafat, former PLO, Fatah and PA Chairman
  • Salah Khalaf, head of Black September
  • Abu Jihad, head of the PLO terror organization's military wing
In this example, by not using the scare quotes, The New York Times is explaining the meaning of a "Palestinian intifada" as being the liberation of Palestine.

But in 2010, referring to Hamas, the newspaper did put the word "liberating" in quotes, noting accurately that it meant destroying Israel, an explanation that was not made clear in this latest case.

Newspapers, especially prominent papers like The New York Times, have style sheets and guides on consistent use of phrases. It seems unlikely that this phrase has been mistakenly kept in its reporting without an editor having made a clear decision to allow it is be used without the scare quotes.

By using the term "liberating Palestine" as a matter of fact phrase and not a quote by Israel's enemies, the NYT is telling the world that a nation that never existed is in need of being "liberated" from Israel, meaning the destruction of Israel.

That is about as anti-Israel as it gets.

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NYT doesn't put scare quotes around Hamas' aim to "liberate Palestine" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The official EU position towards Area C is totally at odds with international law. The Oslo process says that Area C remains under Israeli control until there is an agreement over borders, but the EU says that Area C is Palestinian - period.

The EU is not trying to build communities with orderly roads and infrastructure. It is trying to steal as much land in Area C as it can to give to Palestinians.

And now it wants to sue Israel to be compensated for acting illegally?

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If you needed more evidence that the EU is anti-Israel.... ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

FFS. So let me get this straight. Belgium illegally builds a house in, say, Canada. The Canadian government tears it down, can't build houses in foreign countries period and because you can't build houses without a building permit. And then Belgium demands its money back? The world has gone mad.
OK, but what if Mexico tears it down?
For thirteen centuries the Jews of the Middle East suffered under the heal of Arab-Muslim imperial rule, along with the Christian population, within the system of dhimmitude as we call it in the West.

Although dhimmitude varied from century to century, and within the various areas of Arab-Muslim dominance, it was never better than Jim Crow at its worst.

Jewish people were not allowed to repair synagogues. They were not allowed to hold a position of authority over any Arabs. They were generally not allowed to ride horses or defend themselves in the streets. They were not allowed to possess homes that overlooked the homes of the dominant majority Arab population. Speaking ill of the prophet Muhammad was punishable by death, as was Jewish sexual relations with Muslim women. In some places Jews were not even allowed outside during a rainstorm lest their Jewish filth run into the streets, thereby contaminating the dominant majority population.

And we had to pay the jizya, otherwise known as "protection money." The formal process of that payment was designed to be a humiliating experience for the purpose of reinforcing our lowly place within Arab-Muslim culture.

{See, Martin Gilbert, In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands, Yale University Press, 2010.}

Furthermore, the Palestinian-Arabs have turned down every single offer for statehood from the Peel Commission of 1937 until this moment and the greater Arab nation, which outnumbers the Jews of the Middle East by a factor of 60 or 70 to 1, have never ceased trying to destroy Israel and thereby reduce the Jews who survive back to the second and third-class non-citizenship.
And, yet, intersectionality in the mouths of western-leftists blames the Jewish people for the never-ending Arab-Muslim, Koranically-based hostility toward us.

(full article online)

I am Free from Reem's Racist Stupidity! (Michael Lumish) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
For thirteen centuries the Jews of the Middle East suffered under the heal of Arab-Muslim imperial rule, along with the Christian population, within the system of dhimmitude as we call it in the West.

Although dhimmitude varied from century to century, and within the various areas of Arab-Muslim dominance, it was never better than Jim Crow at its worst.

Jewish people were not allowed to repair synagogues. They were not allowed to hold a position of authority over any Arabs. They were generally not allowed to ride horses or defend themselves in the streets. They were not allowed to possess homes that overlooked the homes of the dominant majority Arab population. Speaking ill of the prophet Muhammad was punishable by death, as was Jewish sexual relations with Muslim women. In some places Jews were not even allowed outside during a rainstorm lest their Jewish filth run into the streets, thereby contaminating the dominant majority population.

And we had to pay the jizya, otherwise known as "protection money." The formal process of that payment was designed to be a humiliating experience for the purpose of reinforcing our lowly place within Arab-Muslim culture.

{See, Martin Gilbert, In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands, Yale University Press, 2010.}

Furthermore, the Palestinian-Arabs have turned down every single offer for statehood from the Peel Commission of 1937 until this moment and the greater Arab nation, which outnumbers the Jews of the Middle East by a factor of 60 or 70 to 1, have never ceased trying to destroy Israel and thereby reduce the Jews who survive back to the second and third-class non-citizenship.
And, yet, intersectionality in the mouths of western-leftists blames the Jewish people for the never-ending Arab-Muslim, Koranically-based hostility toward us.

(full article online)

I am Free from Reem's Racist Stupidity! (Michael Lumish) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
For thirteen centuries the Jews of the Middle East suffered under the heal of Arab-Muslim imperial rule, along with the Christian population, within the system of dhimmitude as we call it in the West.

Although dhimmitude varied from century to century, and within the various areas of Arab-Muslim dominance, it was never better than Jim Crow at its worst.

Jewish people were not allowed to repair synagogues. They were not allowed to hold a position of authority over any Arabs. They were generally not allowed to ride horses or defend themselves in the streets. They were not allowed to possess homes that overlooked the homes of the dominant majority Arab population. Speaking ill of the prophet Muhammad was punishable by death, as was Jewish sexual relations with Muslim women. In some places Jews were not even allowed outside during a rainstorm lest their Jewish filth run into the streets, thereby contaminating the dominant majority population.

And we had to pay the jizya, otherwise known as "protection money." The formal process of that payment was designed to be a humiliating experience for the purpose of reinforcing our lowly place within Arab-Muslim culture.

{See, Martin Gilbert, In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands, Yale University Press, 2010.}

Furthermore, the Palestinian-Arabs have turned down every single offer for statehood from the Peel Commission of 1937 until this moment and the greater Arab nation, which outnumbers the Jews of the Middle East by a factor of 60 or 70 to 1, have never ceased trying to destroy Israel and thereby reduce the Jews who survive back to the second and third-class non-citizenship.
And, yet, intersectionality in the mouths of western-leftists blames the Jewish people for the never-ending Arab-Muslim, Koranically-based hostility toward us.

(full article online)

I am Free from Reem's Racist Stupidity! (Michael Lumish) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

This is what the article is about:
I am Free from Reem's Racist Stupidity! (Michael Lumish) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

It should also be noted that on the mural of Rasmea Odeh at Reem's bakery-cafe is a button or badge reading "Oscar Grant."
Oscar Grant was the young black man shot dead by Oakland police on New Year's Eve 2009 on the platform of the Fruitvale BART Station within spitting distance of Reem's joint. The shooting sparked riots in Oakland and Reem Assil is trying to associate Rasmea Odeh with Oscar Grant for the purpose of associating Palestinian-Arab antisemitic anti-Zionism with the movement for "social justice" in the United States.

She is exploiting that movement and, in the process, is suggesting a sort-of ideological kinship between Grant, who was a victim, and Odeh, who is a murderer of innocent people. It seems to me that the Black community should be unhappy at the implied comparison."
Tin foil always misses what an article is all about :(
I find it ironic how the Pali's & their supporters bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israel's in this endless conflict. Bottom line: Don't want dead Palestinians, stop attacking & killing any Israelis.
Ordinary Egyptians refused to accept a huge honor on behalf of their relatives - because, you know, Israel, hand waving, Israel, mumble, Palestinians, 1948, Nakba, Israel.

In other words, by traveling to Israel to accept the award, the relatives would be guilty of the crime of "normalization with the Zionist enemy" that has been at formal peace with Egypt for 40 years, longer than the two countries were at war. (Arab media accurately noted the reason was "normalization," not the four absurd reasons listed in the article.

This is how relatives of a hero behave today in a country with a peace treaty with Israel, a country that has no interest in real peace but only in the benefits it receives from the peace agreement.

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Why peace is impossible, reason #8210 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
ABC agreed and made a change to the text, which now, in non-specific language, reads:

A bugle linked to the famous Beersheba cavalry charge will be heading back to the site of the battle.

It is, however, still odd that the word “Israel” does not appear even once in the entire story. Is ABC so afraid of acknowledging reality?

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HonestReporting Wins the Battle of Beersheba | HonestReporting
ABC agreed and made a change to the text, which now, in non-specific language, reads:

A bugle linked to the famous Beersheba cavalry charge will be heading back to the site of the battle.

It is, however, still odd that the word “Israel” does not appear even once in the entire story. Is ABC so afraid of acknowledging reality?

(full article online)

HonestReporting Wins the Battle of Beersheba | HonestReporting
It is, however, still odd that the word “Israel” does not appear even once in the entire story.
Neither does it appear in the 1949 UN Armistice Agreements.

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