All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Traditional Jews have maintained much of their culture, whether from the West or the East. And Israel has incorporated parts of Mizrahi culture into its society. The idea of Ashkenizi and Sephardi Jews intermarrying is utterly normal, and has been for decades, which is surprising from such a "racist" society (which has had a Mizrahi president too.)

But Abulhawa's real agenda is clear from this hilarious final paragraph:

" Israel has moved away slightly from early Zionism's contempt for our part of the world. And while it remains a colonial project, bent on erasing the native Palestinian presence, their social efforts are more focused on "indigenising" themselves to the land. The obstinacy of Arab Jews in clinging to their cultural roots has provided a convenient avenue to lay claim to regional indigenous culture. So now, Arab foods (like falafel, hummus, shakshouka), traditional Arab clothing (like tatreez, galabiyas, keffiyehs), and Arab folkloric dances are all being rebranded as "Israeli," yet another phase of colonial renaming, and they use the rebranded Arab Jews to justify their claim.It's always about the falafel."

Abulhawa's ridiculous attempts to smear Israeli Jews of European origin prove only one thing: She's the racist, not the Israelis.

The fact is that Jews from Arab countries were always second class citizens, much more persecuted than they ever were in Israel 60 years ago. And Abulhawa is quite OK with that.

(full article online)

I love when Arabs pretend to love the Mizrahi Jews they persecuted ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The tweet that publicized this event in Arabic threw in said "Zionists dance in the Ibrahimi Mosque yet the rulers of the Arabs wish to normalize with the Zionist entity." Because Jews dancing in their second holiest spot is of course terrible, and it certainly wouldn't be allowed if Muslims were in charge.

As they were for a thousand years before 1967.

(full article and video online)

Jews dancing driving Arabs crazy - like it always does ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The terror group Hamas has reportedly agreed to halt its attempts to carry out attacks against Israelis from the West Bank under the Palestinian reconciliation agreement signed Thursday with its rival faction Fatah, which controls the Palestinian Authority.

In a report Sunday, the London-based Pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat quoted “knowledgeable” Palestinian sources who said the two sides had agreed that major decisions such as signing a peace deal or starting a violent conflict with Israel would be made collectively.

(full article online)

In deal with Fatah, Hamas said to agree to halt attacks from West Bank
The three large reservoirs known as Solomon’s Pools were part of a complex ancient water system, initially built between 100 BCE and 30 CE. At its high point the system was providing water to the city and Jewish Temple of Jerusalem, as well as to the desert fortress and town of Herodium. At that time the pools were fed by two aqueducts, by several springs of the surrounding countryside including one situated underneath the lower pool, as well as by rainwater that descended from the overlooking hills.

There were no “Palestinians” around throughout that period, nor in consequent years until the mid 1960s. It’s fine for the US Consul to try and help the PA’s tourism and economy, but to do so while eroding the Jewish heritage of the pools much the way generations of Arabs have neglected and permitted the erosion of the pools and their distribution system is a slap in the face of the Jewish nation.

(full article online)

US to Spend $750,000 Conserving Ancient Jewish Site as ‘Palestinian Heritage’ | The Jewish Press - | JNi.Media | 25 Tishri 5778 – October 15, 2017 |
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