All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Unlike the freeloaders to their north, Egypt put its buffer zone on its own side of the border.

Why do you think Egypt feels a need to maintain a buffer zone from the Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians?

Could there be a connection to smuggling, tunnelling and attacks attacks aimed at Egyptian soldiers by those Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians?


Do you have a handy conspiracy theory to sidestep and evade a rational response?
Mere speculation on your part. Hamas has consistently courted Egypt's favor. Attacking Egypt would be against their own goal.

Indeed, your conspiracy theory
Not bad considering that the siege is an everyday act of war against the Palestinians.

BTW, after the 2014 attack on Gaza there was supposed to be a negotiated truce. What happened to that?

You mean the effective response to the thousands of rockets launched against Israel prior to 2014?

Um. Still 17 rockets, so far this year? Where is the truce, then? When the rockets stop. Completely. And that condition is maintained for a length of time -- then we can talk about removing the sanctions.
Indeed, they were supposed to negotiate that away. That is why I asked what happened to that?

Indeed, negotiations with islamic terrorists are not formed around their attacking with fewer rockets but a cessation of attacks.
That is what they were to negotiate. End hostilities from both sides.

What happened to that?
Ask Hamas why it is planning the next war. You are so connected to them, you should get a scoop from them :)
Unlike the freeloaders to their north, Egypt put its buffer zone on its own side of the border.

Why do you think Egypt feels a need to maintain a buffer zone from the Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians?

Could there be a connection to smuggling, tunnelling and attacks attacks aimed at Egyptian soldiers by those Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians?


Do you have a handy conspiracy theory to sidestep and evade a rational response?
Mere speculation on your part. Hamas has consistently courted Egypt's favor. Attacking Egypt would be against their own goal.

Indeed, your conspiracy theory
Not bad considering that the siege is an everyday act of war against the Palestinians.

BTW, after the 2014 attack on Gaza there was supposed to be a negotiated truce. What happened to that?

You mean the effective response to the thousands of rockets launched against Israel prior to 2014?

Um. Still 17 rockets, so far this year? Where is the truce, then? When the rockets stop. Completely. And that condition is maintained for a length of time -- then we can talk about removing the sanctions.
Indeed, they were supposed to negotiate that away. That is why I asked what happened to that?

Indeed, negotiations with islamic terrorists are not formed around their attacking with fewer rockets but a cessation of attacks.
That is what they were to negotiate. End hostilities from both sides.

What happened to that?

End hostilities?

Your taqiyya is a failure. Read the Hamas charter and babble on with the usual pablum. There is a futility in negotiating with those holding a religious conviction to destroy you.
Unlike the freeloaders to their north, Egypt put its buffer zone on its own side of the border.

Why do you think Egypt feels a need to maintain a buffer zone from the Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians?

Could there be a connection to smuggling, tunnelling and attacks attacks aimed at Egyptian soldiers by those Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians?


Do you have a handy conspiracy theory to sidestep and evade a rational response?
Mere speculation on your part. Hamas has consistently courted Egypt's favor. Attacking Egypt would be against their own goal.

Indeed, your conspiracy theory
Not bad considering that the siege is an everyday act of war against the Palestinians.

BTW, after the 2014 attack on Gaza there was supposed to be a negotiated truce. What happened to that?

You mean the effective response to the thousands of rockets launched against Israel prior to 2014?

Um. Still 17 rockets, so far this year? Where is the truce, then? When the rockets stop. Completely. And that condition is maintained for a length of time -- then we can talk about removing the sanctions.
Indeed, they were supposed to negotiate that away. That is why I asked what happened to that?

Indeed, negotiations with islamic terrorists are not formed around their attacking with fewer rockets but a cessation of attacks.
That is what they were to negotiate. End hostilities from both sides.

What happened to that?
Ask Hamas why it is planning the next war. You are so connected to them, you should get a scoop from them :)
They are? Who told you that?
Why do you think Egypt feels a need to maintain a buffer zone from the Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians?

Could there be a connection to smuggling, tunnelling and attacks attacks aimed at Egyptian soldiers by those Arabs-Moslems masquerading as Pal'istanians?


Do you have a handy conspiracy theory to sidestep and evade a rational response?
Mere speculation on your part. Hamas has consistently courted Egypt's favor. Attacking Egypt would be against their own goal.

Indeed, your conspiracy theory
You mean the effective response to the thousands of rockets launched against Israel prior to 2014?

Um. Still 17 rockets, so far this year? Where is the truce, then? When the rockets stop. Completely. And that condition is maintained for a length of time -- then we can talk about removing the sanctions.
Indeed, they were supposed to negotiate that away. That is why I asked what happened to that?

Indeed, negotiations with islamic terrorists are not formed around their attacking with fewer rockets but a cessation of attacks.
That is what they were to negotiate. End hostilities from both sides.

What happened to that?
Ask Hamas why it is planning the next war. You are so connected to them, you should get a scoop from them :)
They are? Who told you that?

It’s in their charter.

The Palestinians were attacked a hundred years ago and they are still defending themselves.

The Palestinian Arabs were attacking their Jewish neighbors a 100 years ago, and a 100 before that.
Jews are still defending themselves.

Ever going to deal with that?
Sure. Where is my shovel?

No tinmore, I'm waiting for an adult answer.
Talk to me.

Why are the massacres against Jews by the Arab majority need to be shoved away?
There weren't any problems for generations. Then what happened?

No, no. Don't run away with this Kumbaya nonsense.

1517 Sefad.
1660 Tiberias
1660 Sefad
1834 Sefad
1838 Sefad
1840 Damascus
1850 Aleppo
1860 Damascus

What happened then, before Zionism....why did Arabs attack the Jews in Syria-Palestine?
The secondary headline of the thread.

Do You wanna know how to silence a Palestinian advocate?
Talk about Arabs massacring Palestinian Jews before Zionism.
"It was then decided by a majority of the voters that the human rights situation in the countries of the world would be dealt with under different agenda items. On the other hand, the question of Israel and Palestine is discussed in item 7, created specifically for this purpose. The situation prevailing in all the other countries is examined in points 4 and 10. In practice, point 7 is subject to one to two days of discussions each time, while Council has only granted only a few hours of its time to the situation in the rest of the world. Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel, and 67 concerning all the rest of the world.

Given the real human rights situation in the world, Switzerland, which had actively worked for the establishment of the UN Human Rights Council, would do well more than ten years later to propose that the Council to delete item 7, which specifically refers to Israel. It should be committed to promoting respect for human rights in general, rather than supporting the systematic piling on a single country."

What is insane is that the Western nations have never prioritized this, thereby telling the Arab world that they can do whatever they want without opposition.

19 Swiss MPs submit motion to remove UNHRC Agenda Item against Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[This article exemplifies what Dry Bones above says ]


You can normally tell something about a play by the audience it attracts and last night British Jews leafleting outside the Young Vic’s revival of anti-Israel polemic My Name Is Rachel Corrie (jointly written by Katherine Viner, Editor-in-Chief at the Guardian) received an earful as one British Jewish activist, we are informed, was told to “take off that Star of bloody David”.

We are also informed that the same person asked the activist “Why do you sob about the Holocaust?”

(full article online)

My Name Is Rachel Corrie audience member trivialises the Holocaust.
Students and professors propagate anti-Israel ideology at America’s college campuses, harshly lambasting the Jewish State, Dr. Richard Cravatts explained during an interview on The Alex Nitzberg Show. Dr. Cravatts is the author of Genocidal Liberalism: The University’s Jihad Against Israel & Jews.

The Muslim Brotherhood spawned Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and The Muslim Student Association (MSA) “as beachheads on American campuses” for the purposes of advancing Islam, undermining America and altering people’s views of America and Israel, Dr. Cravatts explained, noting that he does not know if they maintain “a direct line of influence currently” to the Muslim Brotherhood.

According to Dr. Cravatts, people including members of SJP, and another group called Jewish Voice for Peace, and other activists, have chanted: “Intifada, intifada, long live intifada.” As he explained: “An intifada is a uprising in which Jews are murdered randomly, not Jewish soldiers, but Jews in discos and pizza parlors and cafes minding their own business and leading their own lives.”

(full article online)

Academia’s Attack On Israel
Hamas has not been attacking Israel.
All rockets being fired against Israel are the responsibility of Hamas, whether a Hamas fired it or someone from one of the other groups in Gaza. :)
And Hamas has been policing the other groups.

How many rockets have been fired this year?

17 so far.
Not bad considering that the siege is an everyday act of war against the Palestinians.

BTW, after the 2014 attack on Gaza there was supposed to be a negotiated truce. What happened to that?
LOL, how hard you try :)
Nice duck.
[This article exemplifies what Dry Bones above says ]


You can normally tell something about a play by the audience it attracts and last night British Jews leafleting outside the Young Vic’s revival of anti-Israel polemic My Name Is Rachel Corrie (jointly written by Katherine Viner, Editor-in-Chief at the Guardian) received an earful as one British Jewish activist, we are informed, was told to “take off that Star of bloody David”.

We are also informed that the same person asked the activist “Why do you sob about the Holocaust?”

(full article online)

My Name Is Rachel Corrie audience member trivialises the Holocaust.
Have you seen the play?
[This article exemplifies what Dry Bones above says ]


You can normally tell something about a play by the audience it attracts and last night British Jews leafleting outside the Young Vic’s revival of anti-Israel polemic My Name Is Rachel Corrie (jointly written by Katherine Viner, Editor-in-Chief at the Guardian) received an earful as one British Jewish activist, we are informed, was told to “take off that Star of bloody David”.

We are also informed that the same person asked the activist “Why do you sob about the Holocaust?”

(full article online)

My Name Is Rachel Corrie audience member trivialises the Holocaust.
Have you seen the play?

Have you?
Do you know history?
Do you care about history?
Do you care about facts?
Do you care about truth?

You, who says that Israel does not exist !!!
"It was then decided by a majority of the voters that the human rights situation in the countries of the world would be dealt with under different agenda items. On the other hand, the question of Israel and Palestine is discussed in item 7, created specifically for this purpose. The situation prevailing in all the other countries is examined in points 4 and 10. In practice, point 7 is subject to one to two days of discussions each time, while Council has only granted only a few hours of its time to the situation in the rest of the world. Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel, and 67 concerning all the rest of the world.

Given the real human rights situation in the world, Switzerland, which had actively worked for the establishment of the UN Human Rights Council, would do well more than ten years later to propose that the Council to delete item 7, which specifically refers to Israel. It should be committed to promoting respect for human rights in general, rather than supporting the systematic piling on a single country."

What is insane is that the Western nations have never prioritized this, thereby telling the Arab world that they can do whatever they want without opposition.

19 Swiss MPs submit motion to remove UNHRC Agenda Item against Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel,
Were those resolutions incorrect?
"It was then decided by a majority of the voters that the human rights situation in the countries of the world would be dealt with under different agenda items. On the other hand, the question of Israel and Palestine is discussed in item 7, created specifically for this purpose. The situation prevailing in all the other countries is examined in points 4 and 10. In practice, point 7 is subject to one to two days of discussions each time, while Council has only granted only a few hours of its time to the situation in the rest of the world. Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel, and 67 concerning all the rest of the world.

Given the real human rights situation in the world, Switzerland, which had actively worked for the establishment of the UN Human Rights Council, would do well more than ten years later to propose that the Council to delete item 7, which specifically refers to Israel. It should be committed to promoting respect for human rights in general, rather than supporting the systematic piling on a single country."

What is insane is that the Western nations have never prioritized this, thereby telling the Arab world that they can do whatever they want without opposition.

19 Swiss MPs submit motion to remove UNHRC Agenda Item against Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel,
Were those resolutions incorrect?

Yes, they were.
When Jew Haters create endless resolutions against only one country, nearly the same number of resolutions they created against all other countries, there is a problem in Wonderland.

How amazing that the Human rights organization was created in 2006, one year after Israel pulled out of Gaza.

How amazing that article 7 is about Israel and Palestine.

And how great that some people are bothering to try to fix this disgustingly and blatantly anti-semitic article, which singles Israel every day this organization gets together.

Those resolution are BEYOND incorrect.
And that is why NOT ONE of them has ever been enforced.

Enough with the Jew hating circus created by Christians and Muslims.
[This article exemplifies what Dry Bones above says ]


You can normally tell something about a play by the audience it attracts and last night British Jews leafleting outside the Young Vic’s revival of anti-Israel polemic My Name Is Rachel Corrie (jointly written by Katherine Viner, Editor-in-Chief at the Guardian) received an earful as one British Jewish activist, we are informed, was told to “take off that Star of bloody David”.

We are also informed that the same person asked the activist “Why do you sob about the Holocaust?”

(full article online)

My Name Is Rachel Corrie audience member trivialises the Holocaust.
Have you seen the play?

Have you?
Do you know history?
Do you care about history?
Do you care about facts?
Do you care about truth?

You, who says that Israel does not exist !!!
I go by documented history not that Israeli talking point stuff.
[This article exemplifies what Dry Bones above says ]


You can normally tell something about a play by the audience it attracts and last night British Jews leafleting outside the Young Vic’s revival of anti-Israel polemic My Name Is Rachel Corrie (jointly written by Katherine Viner, Editor-in-Chief at the Guardian) received an earful as one British Jewish activist, we are informed, was told to “take off that Star of bloody David”.

We are also informed that the same person asked the activist “Why do you sob about the Holocaust?”

(full article online)

My Name Is Rachel Corrie audience member trivialises the Holocaust.
Have you seen the play?

Have you?
Do you know history?
Do you care about history?
Do you care about facts?
Do you care about truth?

You, who says that Israel does not exist !!!
I go by documented history not that Israeli talking point stuff.
You go by "documented history" written by Jew haters.

And being the Jew hater that you are, you continue to want to believe that "Israel does not exist".

Continue to read your "documented history". It is doing you a lot of good :)
"It was then decided by a majority of the voters that the human rights situation in the countries of the world would be dealt with under different agenda items. On the other hand, the question of Israel and Palestine is discussed in item 7, created specifically for this purpose. The situation prevailing in all the other countries is examined in points 4 and 10. In practice, point 7 is subject to one to two days of discussions each time, while Council has only granted only a few hours of its time to the situation in the rest of the world. Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel, and 67 concerning all the rest of the world.

Given the real human rights situation in the world, Switzerland, which had actively worked for the establishment of the UN Human Rights Council, would do well more than ten years later to propose that the Council to delete item 7, which specifically refers to Israel. It should be committed to promoting respect for human rights in general, rather than supporting the systematic piling on a single country."

What is insane is that the Western nations have never prioritized this, thereby telling the Arab world that they can do whatever they want without opposition.

19 Swiss MPs submit motion to remove UNHRC Agenda Item against Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel,
Were those resolutions incorrect?

Yes, they were.
When Jew Haters create endless resolutions against only one country, nearly the same number of resolutions they created against all other countries, there is a problem in Wonderland.

How amazing that the Human rights organization was created in 2006, one year after Israel pulled out of Gaza.

How amazing that article 7 is about Israel and Palestine.

And how great that some people are bothering to try to fix this disgustingly and blatantly anti-semitic article, which singles Israel every day this organization gets together.

Those resolution are BEYOND incorrect.
And that is why NOT ONE of them has ever been enforced.

Enough with the Jew hating circus created by Christians and Muslims.
Yes, they were.
I need more than your say so.
"It was then decided by a majority of the voters that the human rights situation in the countries of the world would be dealt with under different agenda items. On the other hand, the question of Israel and Palestine is discussed in item 7, created specifically for this purpose. The situation prevailing in all the other countries is examined in points 4 and 10. In practice, point 7 is subject to one to two days of discussions each time, while Council has only granted only a few hours of its time to the situation in the rest of the world. Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel, and 67 concerning all the rest of the world.

Given the real human rights situation in the world, Switzerland, which had actively worked for the establishment of the UN Human Rights Council, would do well more than ten years later to propose that the Council to delete item 7, which specifically refers to Israel. It should be committed to promoting respect for human rights in general, rather than supporting the systematic piling on a single country."

What is insane is that the Western nations have never prioritized this, thereby telling the Arab world that they can do whatever they want without opposition.

19 Swiss MPs submit motion to remove UNHRC Agenda Item against Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel,
Were those resolutions incorrect?

Yes, they were.
When Jew Haters create endless resolutions against only one country, nearly the same number of resolutions they created against all other countries, there is a problem in Wonderland.

How amazing that the Human rights organization was created in 2006, one year after Israel pulled out of Gaza.

How amazing that article 7 is about Israel and Palestine.

And how great that some people are bothering to try to fix this disgustingly and blatantly anti-semitic article, which singles Israel every day this organization gets together.

Those resolution are BEYOND incorrect.
And that is why NOT ONE of them has ever been enforced.

Enough with the Jew hating circus created by Christians and Muslims.
Yes, they were.
I need more than your say so.
Let us go back to what the article is about.
Doing away with article 7 which singles out Israel for most of the organizations meetings.

Should it, or should it not be done away with and why?
"It was then decided by a majority of the voters that the human rights situation in the countries of the world would be dealt with under different agenda items. On the other hand, the question of Israel and Palestine is discussed in item 7, created specifically for this purpose. The situation prevailing in all the other countries is examined in points 4 and 10. In practice, point 7 is subject to one to two days of discussions each time, while Council has only granted only a few hours of its time to the situation in the rest of the world. Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel, and 67 concerning all the rest of the world.

Given the real human rights situation in the world, Switzerland, which had actively worked for the establishment of the UN Human Rights Council, would do well more than ten years later to propose that the Council to delete item 7, which specifically refers to Israel. It should be committed to promoting respect for human rights in general, rather than supporting the systematic piling on a single country."

What is insane is that the Western nations have never prioritized this, thereby telling the Arab world that they can do whatever they want without opposition.

19 Swiss MPs submit motion to remove UNHRC Agenda Item against Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel,
Were those resolutions incorrect?

Yes, they were.
When Jew Haters create endless resolutions against only one country, nearly the same number of resolutions they created against all other countries, there is a problem in Wonderland.

How amazing that the Human rights organization was created in 2006, one year after Israel pulled out of Gaza.

How amazing that article 7 is about Israel and Palestine.

And how great that some people are bothering to try to fix this disgustingly and blatantly anti-semitic article, which singles Israel every day this organization gets together.

Those resolution are BEYOND incorrect.
And that is why NOT ONE of them has ever been enforced.

Enough with the Jew hating circus created by Christians and Muslims.
When Jew Haters create endless resolutions against only one country,
Perhaps that one country has many violations.
"It was then decided by a majority of the voters that the human rights situation in the countries of the world would be dealt with under different agenda items. On the other hand, the question of Israel and Palestine is discussed in item 7, created specifically for this purpose. The situation prevailing in all the other countries is examined in points 4 and 10. In practice, point 7 is subject to one to two days of discussions each time, while Council has only granted only a few hours of its time to the situation in the rest of the world. Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel, and 67 concerning all the rest of the world.

Given the real human rights situation in the world, Switzerland, which had actively worked for the establishment of the UN Human Rights Council, would do well more than ten years later to propose that the Council to delete item 7, which specifically refers to Israel. It should be committed to promoting respect for human rights in general, rather than supporting the systematic piling on a single country."

What is insane is that the Western nations have never prioritized this, thereby telling the Arab world that they can do whatever they want without opposition.

19 Swiss MPs submit motion to remove UNHRC Agenda Item against Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Thus, since June 2006, it adopted 68 resolutions against Israel,
Were those resolutions incorrect?

Yes, they were.
When Jew Haters create endless resolutions against only one country, nearly the same number of resolutions they created against all other countries, there is a problem in Wonderland.

How amazing that the Human rights organization was created in 2006, one year after Israel pulled out of Gaza.

How amazing that article 7 is about Israel and Palestine.

And how great that some people are bothering to try to fix this disgustingly and blatantly anti-semitic article, which singles Israel every day this organization gets together.

Those resolution are BEYOND incorrect.
And that is why NOT ONE of them has ever been enforced.

Enough with the Jew hating circus created by Christians and Muslims.
When Jew Haters create endless resolutions against only one country,
Perhaps that one country has many violations.
Too cowardly to answer the question I posed to you?
What else is new?????
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