All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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According to the Honenu legal organization, the attack started when one of the victims went outside to throw away the trash.

A number of Arabs approached him and began beating him. When a neighbor heard yelling, he rushed outside to help, only to be attacked.

The two suffered bruises all over their bodies, and one was evacuated to the hospital after suffering a head injury.

Relatives of the injured man said that the incident was reminiscent of the murder of Rabbi Nehemia Lavi not far away. Rabbi Lavi had rushed from his house to aid victims being stabbed by a terrorist, when he was also stabbed and murdered.

The complex of Jewish homes near the Lions’ Gate suffers daily from attacks by Arabs. In recent months, Jewish homes have even been set ablaze by Arab rioters.

(full article online)

Near-lynching of Jews in Jerusalem's Old City
[ Does anyone understand that it is not a issue of Israel and Palestine, but of Islam vs Jews, and that some Jews cannot allow Jews to have sovereignty over their own ancient homeland? What do Iran and Syria have to do with Palestine, except for it wanting to turn the whole Mandate of Palestine into sovereign Muslim land, again? ]

Iran to cooperate with Syria to destroy 'the Zionist enemy'
The official EU position towards Area C is totally at odds with international law. The Oslo process says that Area C remains under Israeli control until there is an agreement over borders, but the EU says that Area C is Palestinian - period.

The EU is not trying to build communities with orderly roads and infrastructure. It is trying to steal as much land in Area C as it can to give to Palestinians.

And now it wants to sue Israel to be compensated for acting illegally?

(full article online)

If you needed more evidence that the EU is anti-Israel.... ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Who was behind the criticism and voting against Israel ?
Muslim countries which have taken over the UN and many other organizations in order to try to destroy Israel. No luck, not now, not ever again ]

The Israeli MKs said they walked out not because of Ghanim, but rather because the gathering approved a range of anti-Israel resolutions including a call for the release of convicted terrorists Marwan Barghouti and Ahmed Saadat.

Other motions passed also rebuked Israel for holding Hamas members of the Palestinian National Council in administrative detention.

Before they exited, Shai addressed the summit and criticized it for asking Israel to release Barghouti and Saadat.

“I innocently thought that the organization, like the entire world, is united in the struggle against terror, since terror endangers every country in every place at every moment in the world. You want to release convicted murderers from prison? I though you want to fight terror and not help it, but the reality is different.”

Shai told the gathering that Israel is committed to peace with its neighbors, including the Palestinians, “but it will not come at the expense of the uncompromising struggle against the spread of terror.”

Representatives of several countries condemned Israel, including Syria, Pakistan, Jordan and Kuwait. A Palestinian Authority representative also condemned Israel.

Haskel told the parliamentarians that some of those present had no right to be telling Israel how to behave democratically, given their own track records.

(full article online)

Israeli lawmakers walk out of summit amid anti-Israel onslaught
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