All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The Palestinians were attacked a hundred years ago and they are still defending themselves.

I call bullshit.

1. The Jewish people were invaded, conquered, ethnically cleansed, genocided and written away three thousand years ago. The restoration of those people to their historical, ancestral and religious homeland is NOT an attack. It absolutely requires sensitivity and respect, but it is not an attack.

2. There is no requirement for this to be a zero sum game where one side wins and the other gets nothing. They both have rights. They both should have self-determination and sovereignty.

3. The retention of a specific geographical designation of land is NOT the definitive factor in self-determination and sovereignty. Its, oddly enough, self-determination and sovereignty.

What happened a hundred years ago is that the Jewish people started to act upon their inherent, inviolable rights to some sort of sovereignty and self-determination over their ancestral and historical lands. The presence of Jewish people on their land is not, of itself, an attack on anyone.
Just curious. Who were the people who stooped so low as to kill all members of a world Olympics team in Germany?

You beetter call these idiots and tell them about the:
14000 rockets into Israel
that you just mentioned above. :oops-28:

You “beetter” read-up on how israel addressed continuing Islamic terrorist attacks back in 2014.

As for Israel and tourism, the picture is bright.

Countries Compared by Economy > International tourism > Receipts > Current US$. International Statistics at
What are You laughing about pfTinmore, is it the "wrong" ethnicity of the targeted community?

The Palestinians were attacked a hundred years ago and they are still defending themselves.

The Palestinian Arabs were attacking their Jewish neighbors a 100 years ago, and a 100 before that.
Jews are still defending themselves.

Ever going to deal with that?
Sure. Where is my shovel?

No tinmore, I'm waiting for an adult answer.
Talk to me.

Why are the massacres against Jews by the Arab majority need to be shoved away?

The Palestinians were attacked a hundred years ago and they are still defending themselves.

The Palestinian Arabs were attacking their Jewish neighbors a 100 years ago, and a 100 before that.
Jews are still defending themselves.

Ever going to deal with that?
Sure. Where is my shovel?

No tinmore, I'm waiting for an adult answer.
Talk to me.

Why are the massacres against Jews by the Arab majority need to be shoved away?
There weren't any problems for generations. Then what happened?

The Palestinians were attacked a hundred years ago and they are still defending themselves.

The Palestinian Arabs were attacking their Jewish neighbors a 100 years ago, and a 100 before that.
Jews are still defending themselves.

Ever going to deal with that?
Sure. Where is my shovel?

No tinmore, I'm waiting for an adult answer.
Talk to me.

Why are the massacres against Jews by the Arab majority need to be shoved away?
There weren't any problems for generations. Then what happened?

For many generations, the invading / colonizing Islamists held most of those embracing a competing religion as dhimmis.

How times have changed.

Dhimmitude and the denigration of the Infidel was (and still is ), the punitive, discriminatory, fascistic infliction of suffering aimed at the non-Islamist population. I can provide you with the writings of islamist jurists to define the conditions of dhimmitude if you are unclear about this dynamic of the islamist social order.

The Palestinians were attacked a hundred years ago and they are still defending themselves.

The Palestinian Arabs were attacking their Jewish neighbors a 100 years ago, and a 100 before that.
Jews are still defending themselves.

Ever going to deal with that?
Sure. Where is my shovel?

No tinmore, I'm waiting for an adult answer.
Talk to me.

Why are the massacres against Jews by the Arab majority need to be shoved away?
There weren't any problems for generations. Then what happened?
Sure there were no problems. The Jews were treated like dogs, and to many Muslims, they were dogs.

So, once the opportunity came for Jews to recreate their sovereign Nation of Israel, Jew hating Muslims could not take it and started riots and murdering as many Jews as they could trying to scare them from having their Nation recreated.

There weren't any problems before WWI?
Just as there were any problems for the Jews in Europe?

There weren't any problems, because the third class citizens would be killed if they started anything.
It is called, not having any rights at all as human beings because Jews were not considered to be Humans by many Muslims.

Apes, pigs, dogs.

That is how the Arabs, Ottomans, etc, Muslims treated the Jews living on their own ancient land, and anywhere else in the Arab conquered lands.

The Palestinians were attacked a hundred years ago and they are still defending themselves.

The Palestinian Arabs were attacking their Jewish neighbors a 100 years ago, and a 100 before that.
Jews are still defending themselves.

Ever going to deal with that?
Sure. Where is my shovel?

No tinmore, I'm waiting for an adult answer.
Talk to me.

Why are the massacres against Jews by the Arab majority need to be shoved away?
There weren't any problems for generations. Then what happened?

No, no. Don't run away with this Kumbaya nonsense.

1517 Sefad.
1660 Tiberias
1660 Sefad
1834 Sefad
1838 Sefad
1840 Damascus
1850 Aleppo
1860 Damascus

What happened then, before Zionism....why did Arabs attack the Jews in Syria-Palestine?
Today some 70% of the 400 truckloads of earth has been scrutinized by a staff of 15 employees and thousands of volunteers from around the globe, one bucket at a time.

Since then, more than 500,000 artifacts – from a 3,000-year-old seal from the time of King David to coins, stone vessels, jewelry and flooring tile fragments from the Second Temple period – have been painstakingly documented for future generations.

Nevertheless, to the outrage and utter befuddlement of millions, last October UNESCO approved a resolution denying Jewish ties to the Temple Mount.

According to Barkay, professor emeritus from Bar-Ilan University and recipient of the 1996 Jerusalem Prize for Archeological Research, “Temple Mount denial” is a political phenomenon that began during the period of the Oslo Accords.

“Temple denial started in the 1990s, even though the Islamic Wakf itself in the 1920s and ’30s issued booklets which were given to visitors of the Temple Mount in which they said the existence of the Temples is beyond any doubt,” said Barkay last month.

“It was accepted and in the Islamic literature through the generations there is a plethora of mentions of Solomon’s Temple and the Temple of the Jews in Jerusalem, so it is very strange that they deny it now.”

(full article online)

Disproving 'Temple Mount denial' one bucket at a time
[France's Loss, Israel's Gain]

But it’s not just the dangers of Paris life that have motivated hundreds of Jewish medical professionals to join thousands of other French Jews in moving to Israel. It’s also a slew of recent rule changes by Israeli authorities that will make the transition easier for people like him and daughter Aurelia, a 33-year-old pediatrician who specializes in pediatric oncology, who are preparing, or considering, aliya, according to Israeli officials in France and Israel.

France is recognized as having among the highest standards of medical care in the world, and there are thousands of Jewish doctors there, including many who have held prominent positions. André Lichwitz was Charles de Gaulle’s personal physician and Prof. Pierre Aboulker performed the French president’s prostate operation.

(full article online)

A French medical brain drain: Why are so many doctors leaving for Israel?

The Palestinians were attacked a hundred years ago and they are still defending themselves.

The Palestinian Arabs were attacking their Jewish neighbors a 100 years ago, and a 100 before that.
Jews are still defending themselves.

Ever going to deal with that?
Sure. Where is my shovel?

No tinmore, I'm waiting for an adult answer.
Talk to me.

Why are the massacres against Jews by the Arab majority need to be shoved away?
There weren't any problems for generations. Then what happened?
Sure there were no problems. The Jews were treated like dogs, and to many Muslims, they were dogs.

So, once the opportunity came for Jews to recreate their sovereign Nation of Israel, Jew hating Muslims could not take it and started riots and murdering as many Jews as they could trying to scare them from having their Nation recreated.

There weren't any problems before WWI?
Just as there were any problems for the Jews in Europe?

There weren't any problems, because the third class citizens would be killed if they started anything.
It is called, not having any rights at all as human beings because Jews were not considered to be Humans by many Muslims.

Apes, pigs, dogs.

That is how the Arabs, Ottomans, etc, Muslims treated the Jews living on their own ancient land, and anywhere else in the Arab conquered lands.
In the 1920s, the British had already acceded to Arab demands and restricted immigration into Palestine, ostensibly on the basis of considerations of the country's economic absorptive capacity. In the 1930s, the British Government fixed a quota for immigration certificates and authorized the Jewish Agency to distribute them at its discretion. The Agency, which was dominated at the time by the socialist parties, tended to distribute the certificates to graduates of the 'hakhsharot' (training kibbutzim), which had been set up in Europe to prepare young people for life in communal agricultural settlements in Eretz Israel. The distribution was based on a key agreed among the various movements affiliated to the Zionist Organization. The Betar youth movement had been affiliated since 1935 to the New Zionist Organization, and therefore did not receive its due share of certificates.

The urgent plight of European Jewry and the restrictions on immigration generated an "illegal" immigration movement, which commenced with the beginning of modern Jewish settlement in Eretz Israel. At first Jews entered Palestine by land, mainly by slipping across the northern border, where they were aided by the inhabitants of the border settlements, the settlers at Kfar Giladi and members of the Betar battalion at Rosh Pina.

In the early thirties, when crossing the northern border became more difficult, illegal immigrants found alternative routes, exploiting loopholes in the Mandatory government's immigration regulations. In addition to the certificate holders, the British permitted the entry of high-school and university students, and many young people enrolled at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and subsequently remained in the country. Young women often entered into fictitious marriages with Palestinian nationals and were thus permitted to enter the country. In addition, increasing numbers arrived as "tourists" and never returned to their countries of origin. In 1935, close to 5,000 Jews entered the country in this way.

Jewish illegal immigrants swarm Palestine

The Palestinians were attacked a hundred years ago and they are still defending themselves.

The Palestinian Arabs were attacking their Jewish neighbors a 100 years ago, and a 100 before that.
Jews are still defending themselves.

Ever going to deal with that?
Sure. Where is my shovel?

No tinmore, I'm waiting for an adult answer.
Talk to me.

Why are the massacres against Jews by the Arab majority need to be shoved away?
There weren't any problems for generations. Then what happened?

For many generations, the invading / colonizing Islamists held most of those embracing a competing religion as dhimmis.

How times have changed.

Dhimmitude and the denigration of the Infidel was (and still is ), the punitive, discriminatory, fascistic infliction of suffering aimed at the non-Islamist population. I can provide you with the writings of islamist jurists to define the conditions of dhimmitude if you are unclear about this dynamic of the islamist social order.
Jabotinsky denounced the Jewish Agency's stand and advocated mass immigration, which would exploit all possible measures, legal and illegal. He also strongly condemned the efforts of the British Government to restrict the immigration of Jews to Palestine on the pretext that immigration must be adapted to the country's economic absorptive capacity. He argued that the solution to the Jewish problem in Europe was mass immigration, and that if the British chose to restrict immigration, then the borders of the country had to be breached illegally. In June, 1936, Jabotinsky exhorted Jews to liquidate the Diaspora through 'evacuation'. Later he coined the phrase "the national sport" and said:

The national sport which I recommend wholeheartedly to Jewish youth, is called free immigration. This is undoubtedly the noblest sport in the helps to win a homeland for homeless masses and transforms these masses into a nation..
I see this sort of thing all the time. Yesterday Arab media reported 22,500 "settlers" visiting the Tomb of the Patriarchs during Sukkot.

When it comes down to it, every Jew - especially the ones who are recognizably Jewish - is a "settler" to the Arab world. Peace agreement or not, "moderate" or not.

No Arab is complaining to Youm7 about their inaccurate reporting.

Just one of those inconvenient facts that starry-eyed peaceniks prefer not to think about as they blame Israel for no peace.

(full article online)

Everyone who visits the Kotel is a "settler" in Arab media ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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