All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Hollie, P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

This is just subterfuge and outside the realm of reality. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (Armed Splinter from Fatah) is an umbrella group for smaller independent nationalist and anti-Israeli elements opposed to Occupation. Trying to get these isolated elements to all agree on anything (let alone disarmament) would be like herding cats.

The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, who express loyalty to Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement, confirmed that they will never put down their weapons, no matter what.
OK, so when is Israel going to disarm?

OK, so why should Israelis disarm in the face of Islamic terrorists with a written charter calling for their destruction?

Have you fallen down and knocked yourself senseless again?

To many Arab Palestinians, being a member of any Jihadist, Virulent Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters elements is → to them → just another job. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades would not last long without some sort of a revenue stream. These Martyrs Brigades elements are semi-autonomous and do not appear to be cohesive formed. The goal appears to be to make the West Bank uninhabitable for Jewish-Israelis.

The world is a very dangerous place and this threat is nothing new.

Most Respectfully,
To many Arab Palestinians, being a member of any Jihadist, Virulent Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters elements is → to them → just another job.
Indeed, the Palestinians have the right to resist colonization and foreign domination.
To many Arab Palestinians, being a member of any Jihadist, Virulent Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters elements is → to them → just another job.
Indeed, the Palestinians have the right to resist colonization and foreign domination.
The Jewish Palestinians, the ones and only ones in existence for the Mandate for Palestine, have every right to resist the 1400 years of Arab colonization and domination of its Ancient Homeland.

Thanks for understanding

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  • Two weeks ago PMW exposed and notified the Belgium government that a Palestinian school it had funded was renamed after terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi
In response to PMW’s report the Belgium Foreign Ministry’s spokesman has now announced:
  • “Belgium will put on hold any projects related to the construction or equipment of Palestinian schools”
  • “The Belgian government was unaware of this name change”
  • “Belgium ‘unequivocally condemns the glorification of terrorist attacks,’ and ‘will not allow itself to be associated with the names of terrorists in any way.’” [The Algemeiner, Oct. 7, 2017]

(full article online)

Another PMW success as Belgium freezes funding of PA schools - PMW Bulletins
To many Arab Palestinians, being a member of any Jihadist, Virulent Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters elements is → to them → just another job.
Indeed, the Palestinians have the right to resist colonization and foreign domination.

And THAT is why Israel can't and won't disarm. Because Arabs insist they have a right to murder Jews.
And THAT is why Israel can't and won't disarm. Because Arabs insist they have a right to murder Jews.
Are you saying that as cover for Jews who insist they have a right to murder Palestinians?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Sixties Fan, P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab Palestinians, and associates within the Arab League, threatened and then used force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the State of Israel. In fact the Arab Palestinians, and associates within the Arab League, → did not just once but three times. (Article 2, UN Charter)

The State of Israel, absent air/sea/land protection of allies, addressed the threat and conflicts by Arab Multinational Forces (alla Arab League) the inherent right of self-defense if an armed attack. (Article 51, UN CHARTER) The Israel's right to self-defense against the Arab League is a fundamental Peremptory norm (overriding principles of international law); as is the prohibition on the [URL='']use of force.[/URL]
No matter the scope and nature of the UN → having peaceful intentions of a specified kind in the Charter, every nation has the right; it is not an exclusive right → unique to the Arab Palestinian.

But there is a serious question of post-War Reparations and Restitution (RRA - Making the defeated party pay a war indemnity); paid by the Palestinians to the State of Israel. Because of the extended abhorrent behavior on the part of the pre-1988 non-state actors, and the post-1988 state actors representing the Palestinian State, a value of the various assaults paid to Israel; to included the cost of occupation (loosely based on the WWII 1946 "Paris Agreement on Repatriation from Germany").

Due to the extended period of ⇒ and the unusual duration of ⇒ the necessary presence by Israeli activities, what is referred to a the "territories Occupied since 1967" must be, to some degree, mitigating factor on the cost incurred. There is also the question of the division of RRA liabilities assigned to the Gaza Strip "vs" the West Bank and Jerusalem will be extensve. But if there is no good faith effort

To many Arab Palestinians, being a member of any Jihadist, Virulent Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters elements is → to them → just another job.
Indeed, the Palestinians have the right to resist colonization and foreign domination.
The Jewish Palestinians, the ones and only ones in existence for the Mandate for Palestine, have every right to resist the 1400 years of Arab colonization and domination of its Ancient Homeland.

Without regards to the persistent complaint of "colonization," the settlements are completely authorized by the Oslo II Accord. And to my knowledge: no one from the State of Palestine has activate Article XV - Resolution of Disputes of Oslo I (Declaration of Principles) ⇒ and no one on the Palestinian side has attempted to open proceedings under Article IV - Specific Understandings - "Jurisdiction of the Council will cover West Bank and Gaza Strip territory, except for issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations: Jerusalem, settlements, military locations and Israelis."

In reference to "foreign domination" ⇒ The Jordanians abandon their sovereignty over the West Bank; which allowed the Israeli Force already maintaining Article 43 HR - Public Order and Safety.

Most Respectfully,
Are you saying that as cover for Jews who insist they have a right to murder Palestinians?

Jews do not claim a right to murder Arabs. The only rights Jews claim is the right to defend themselves against those who wish to harm them and the right to live in peace with their neighbors under their own sovereignty and self-determination.

If you believe that the Arab Palestinians should ALSO have sovereignty and self-determination, then I have no quarrel with you, as I believe this as well.

But if you are going to jump on Tinmore's bandwagon that Arab Palestinians have the right to kill Jews (innocent civilians) for being on a particular square of land -- you are on the morally wrong side of this conflict. You are supporting evil.
Since the site prominently declares that Shaykh Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid is its “General Supervisor,” I looked him up. According to Wikipedia, he is “an Islamic scholar known for founding the website, which provides answers to questions in line with the Salafi school of thought.” Even though Salafists are supposedly only a tiny minority of the world’s estimated 1.8 billion Muslims, the entry notes that “ is one of the most popular websites providing the Salafi perspective and is (as of November 2015) according to the world’s most popular website on the topic of Islam generally.” Apparently, the site still holds its number 1 rank, and it seems to be well-funded since it can afford to offer texts in more than a dozen languages. (E.g. the antisemitic post explaining the difference between the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque is available in English, Arabic, Uighur and Spanish).

As noted in the report on the Canadian mosque, Islam QA includes plenty of posts encouraging Jew-hatred and hostility to western values:

(full article online)

Islam Question and Answer: Muslim Jew-hatred 101 (Petra Marquardt-Bigman) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Jews do not claim a right to murder Arabs.
Oh, please, how disingenuous!

The only rights Jews claim is the right to defend themselves against those who wish to harm them and the right to live in peace with their neighbors under their own sovereignty and self-determination.
Not true and this is true of the Palestinians.
U.S. ambassador’s adviser ran 'dark money' nonprofit that donated $1m to right-wing Israeli group
U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman’s senior adviser is a rabbi who previously headed a U.S.-based nonprofit that donated over $1 million to the controversial Israeli right-wing organization Im Tirtzu in 2015.

An embassy spokesperson confirmed to Haaretz that Orthodox Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone is now serving as a senior adviser to Friedman at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv.

Lightstone “has spent the past two decades professionally in the startup, real estate and not for profit worlds,” the spokesperson said, adding, “He is a prolific fundraiser for a myriad of philanthropic, political and issue-based advocacy organizations.”

However, the embassy did not answer Haaretz’s questions about Lightstone’s previous role at Shining City, which donated 3.7 million shekels (about $1 million) to the Im Tirtzu organization during Israel’s last election year, 2015.

Im Tirtzu defines itself as a Zionist movement, but is best known for its media campaign at the end of 2015 when it branded various artists and human rights organizations as foreign agents
Jews do not claim a right to murder Arabs.
Oh, please, how disingenuous!

The only rights Jews claim is the right to defend themselves against those who wish to harm them and the right to live in peace with their neighbors under their own sovereignty and self-determination.
Not true and this is true of the Palestinians.
All talk and no substance.

Now, show us videos where any Jew has said that they have the right to kill any Arabs.

Better still, show us the government of Israel approving of Jews killing Arabs, be it in Israel, Gaza, or Judea and Samaria, unless they are being attacked and in self defense.

To top it off, show us any country which does not allow its citizens to defend themselves when they are being attacked by anyone, from any religion, from anywhere in the world.
All talk and no substance.

Now, show us videos where any Jew has said that they have the right to kill any Arabs.
Check out the video in th OP here: Is this fair?

Better still, show us the government of Israel approving of Jews killing Arabs, be it in Israel, Gaza, or Judea and Samaria, unless they are being attacked and in self defense.
Don't Jews bomb Gaza every year or so?

To top it off, show us any country which does not allow its citizens to defend themselves when they are being attacked by anyone, from any religion, from anywhere in the world.
All talk and no substance.

Now, show us videos where any Jew has said that they have the right to kill any Arabs.
Check out the video in th OP here: Is this fair?

Better still, show us the government of Israel approving of Jews killing Arabs, be it in Israel, Gaza, or Judea and Samaria, unless they are being attacked and in self defense.
Don't Jews bomb Gaza every year or so?

To top it off, show us any country which does not allow its citizens to defend themselves when they are being attacked by anyone, from any religion, from anywhere in the world.
1) Which video would that be exactly, the one with Abby Martin?

2) Gaza has been firing more than14000 rockets into Israel since before even Israel got out of there in 2005.
Sure, any country would stay quiet and hope that they would just stop.

3) I said countries. Palestine was never a country, and to this day it has not become one.
All talk and no substance.

Now, show us videos where any Jew has said that they have the right to kill any Arabs.
Check out the video in th OP here: Is this fair?

Better still, show us the government of Israel approving of Jews killing Arabs, be it in Israel, Gaza, or Judea and Samaria, unless they are being attacked and in self defense.
Don't Jews bomb Gaza every year or so?

To top it off, show us any country which does not allow its citizens to defend themselves when they are being attacked by anyone, from any religion, from anywhere in the world.

1. I don't recall that video showing any Jews saying anything about anything, let alone that it is permissible to murder innocent Arab civilians. Isn't that video the one where Abby Martin just rants for an impressively long time demonizing Jews? And completely ignores Arab culpability?

2. Jews don't bomb anyone. The State of Israel responds appropriately to belligerent attacks on her citizens and sovereignty, defending them against indiscriminate attacks. Self-defense. Surely, you can't possibly be arguing that sovereign States have no obligation to protect their citizens, and worse, no right to do so, can you?

3. Arab Palestinians absolutely have a right to protect themselves. If they are attacked. They are not being attacked. There is nothing to defend themselves from. When Jews visit or pray on the Temple Mount, that is not an attack on Arabs or Palestine. When Israel takes security precautions, after innocents are murdered, that is not an attack on Arabs or Palestine. When Jews live in areas which are, by treaty (aka law) under Israeli jurisdiction, that is not an attack on Arabs or Palestine. When Israel responds to murderous activity like rockets or knife stabbings, that is not an attack on Arabs or Palestine. When Israel breaks up an unruly, dangerous mob, it is not an attack on Arabs or Palestine. Arabs are not being attacked.
Amnesty never, ever questions the narrative of persecuted groups or minorities. It always goes after the big, evil governments. Its entire goal is to protect the rights of the persecuted, not the persecutors.

Except for this one, singular, time. When the persecuted minority are Jews.

Amnesty's tweet reveals its true nature of antisemitism. The idea that Jews are lying about their history of being persecuted by Arabs is too delicious for the famed NGO to let go. The community that was destroyed is populated by criminal liars, and the ethnic cleansers are the innocent victims of Jewish slander.

Amnesty UN has since "unliked" the tweet. But that is because of fear of embarrassment, not because of any moral problems with the tweet. The baseline thinking of the Amnesty tweeter, which is utterly consistent with everything else we've seen from that organization, is a dislike for Jews, usually demonstrated by its focus on Israel beyond nearly every country with serious human right abuses.

(full article online)

I'll say it: Amnesty (at least its UN Tweeter) is antisemitic ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
All talk and no substance.

Now, show us videos where any Jew has said that they have the right to kill any Arabs.
Check out the video in th OP here: Is this fair?

Better still, show us the government of Israel approving of Jews killing Arabs, be it in Israel, Gaza, or Judea and Samaria, unless they are being attacked and in self defense.
Don't Jews bomb Gaza every year or so?

To top it off, show us any country which does not allow its citizens to defend themselves when they are being attacked by anyone, from any religion, from anywhere in the world.

1. I don't recall that video showing any Jews saying anything about anything, let alone that it is permissible to murder innocent Arab civilians. Isn't that video the one where Abby Martin just rants for an impressively long time demonizing Jews? And completely ignores Arab culpability?

2. Jews don't bomb anyone. The State of Israel responds appropriately to belligerent attacks on her citizens and sovereignty, defending them against indiscriminate attacks. Self-defense. Surely, you can't possibly be arguing that sovereign States have no obligation to protect their citizens, and worse, no right to do so, can you?

3. Arab Palestinians absolutely have a right to protect themselves. If they are attacked. They are not being attacked. There is nothing to defend themselves from. When Jews visit or pray on the Temple Mount, that is not an attack on Arabs or Palestine. When Israel takes security precautions, after innocents are murdered, that is not an attack on Arabs or Palestine. When Jews live in areas which are, by treaty (aka law) under Israeli jurisdiction, that is not an attack on Arabs or Palestine. When Israel responds to murderous activity like rockets or knife stabbings, that is not an attack on Arabs or Palestine. When Israel breaks up an unruly, dangerous mob, it is not an attack on Arabs or Palestine. Arabs are not being attacked.
The Hundred Year War in Palestine

The Palestinians were attacked a hundred years ago and they are still defending themselves.
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