All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Because classes have not started, yet. Except in your mind.

Why do you not write to COGAT to expedite his exit from Gaza as the INDY asks? There is a link there.
OK, but if he is allowed to travel what is the stink?
Chill, man, chill :)
The presence of the IDF east of the 1949 armistice line is not a belligerent occupation in the traditional sense, because there is no state that is occupied.
What was Jordan occupying from 49 to 67?

There are only two possibilities. It was either Israel. Or it was terra nullius. There were no other governments and thus no other States in existence in the territory at the time.
She added, “Instead, because the letter had already been signed by many other friends and collaborators I know to be thoughtful and honorable people, I agreed to add my name. While I respect the passion and integrity of others who signed this letter, for me to put my name to something outside of my personal realm of knowledge or experience was a mistake — my mistake — and I am sorry for any confusion or hurt I may have caused.”
Now known as the Dalal Mughrabi Elementary Mixed School, it was renamed by the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) Ministry of Education in honor of the Palestinian terrorist who took part in the 1978 Coastal Road massacre. Thirty-eight people — including 13 children — were killed and over 70 were wounded in the attack, which turned Mughrabi into a venerated hero among Palestinians.

The school’s logo also features a map of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, all depicted as a single territory. Its Facebook page has posted pictures glorifying Palestinian attackers, including Adi Hashem al Masalmeh, who was fatally shot after stabbing an Israeli soldier in October 2015.

(full article online)

Outcry After Palestinian School Built With Belgian Aid Renamed for Mass-Murdering Terrorist
[Why UN Resolutions against Israel are not worth the paper and ink which is wasted on them ]

Articles - UN Allows Iran, the Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism, to Open UN's Annual Debate to "Eliminate" Terrorism

Well, they would know, then, wouldn't they?

Give me every thing I ask for, no matter how vile and unreasonable and I will stop terrorizing you!
United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 - Wikipedia

Your point being? That 242 means terrorism is morally permissible?
[Muslims demand all of Palestine. Muslims are working hard on taking back Andalusia. What is next ? And it is all connected. ]
  • "Evicted five centuries ago by crusading Christians, the Arabs are back in Spain, using their oil dollars to buy land that was seized from their ancestors by the sword". — James M. Markham, The New York Times, 1981.

  • The Madrid daily ABC wrote that 800 mosques in Spain are out of control. The Spanish daily La Razon charged that Gulf donors, such as Qatar, were a source of Spain's Islamization. The Saudis also launched a new Spanish television channel, Córdoba TV, as did Iran.

  • They dream of, and work to, regain the "lost Caliphate" of Spain. Some Islamists do it with bombs and car-ramming attacks. Others, more surreptitiously, do it with money and dawa, Islamic propaganda. The second way may be even more effective than the first.

    (full article online)

    The Quiet Islamic Conquest of Spain
All of those names above, died as victims of hate. All had stories to tell, and were never given a chance to fulfill their promise. None of them did anything that contributed to their death. Each and every one, was an innocent victim, slaughtered by ideologies of hate. One ‘Rachel’, who is not listed above, has been used to impose a false narrative on a gullible audience. Today, if you google ‘Israel, Rachel and Terrorism’, then ‘Rachel Corrie’ will probably return as the first result.

Rachel Corrie’s death was tragic, but it was an accident created by terrorists who rely on anti-Israel propagandists to distort the minds of vulnerable young Western minds. Lies are spun, hatred is fueled, and in the end, young fools line up to protect terrorists against liberal democracies in the middle of a conflict zone. One of those people was Rachel Corrie.

I do not need to go over again, the true events of Rachel Corrie’s death in detail. Others, such as Melanie Phillips, have recently posted blogs detailing the level of distortion involved.

(full article online)

My name is Rachel 'X'
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