All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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What is missing from this press release?

The word "Hezbollah," for one. These tunnels just magically appeared on their own.

In fact, the UNIFIL website has not mentioned the word "Hezbollah" or "Hizbollah" since the 2006 war!

UN Security Council Resolution 1701 mentions Hizbollah a number of times. But somehow UNIFIL, whose mandate partially comes from that resolution and which is tasked to keep all non-government armed groups out of southern Lebanon, cannot stomach mentioning the only such group's name.

For twelve years.

(full article online)

UNIFIL is allergic to the word "Hezbollah" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Are You really trying to convince me I give up Israel, for some utopia of equality and democracy in an Arab majority state??:lmao:

Been there, done that. No such animal exists.
Hence Israel.

Almost every time I read his posts I laugh. Who will be in control of the Govt, Political leaders, etc? What he is really proposing is the destruction of Israel :auiqs.jpg:
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Anyone, even a child of the First Grade of School knows and understands that to attack and assault (intended to harm the Occupying Power) those with Article 43 (HR) responsibilities, is wrong.
Is it? Well, lets just see. Is shooting a 13 year old boy (twice) wrong?

"13-year-old Gaza Artist Shot by Israeli Soldiers While “Calling for Our Basic Right to Live a Decent Life”
Majd al-Madhoun, a young, 13-year old Palestinian artist, was shot for the second time by an Israeli soldier while protesting peacefully in the Great March of Return protest near the fence which separates Gaza from Israel. Majd’s first shot was in his leg. The second was a rubber bullet in his head.

“I posed no threat to Israeli forces,” Majd said. “I was only standing, looking at our occupied homeland and imagining that I was painting the trees over there.”

If you're going to defend the Israeli sniper, then don't be telling Arabs what is right or wrong.
This is where You've got it all wrong.

Israel didn't need 181 as a legal basis for sovereignty, since it was already established in international law 2 decades prior to that. It is actually the Arabs who use this straw man to confuse everyone, because they're themselves detached, it was the first time they were suggested sovereignty west of Jordan by the international community.

That's called Palestinian mentality - bring up documents that suppose to give You title, brag about how they're non binding, walk proudly away as if it made any sense or helped the argument, then get angry and blame the other after You've spat in Your own well.
No, you bring up documents that give you title. I don't have to prove there were people living in the area for generations, because that is an historical fact.
Yes this definition supports what I say,
Palestinians should provide freedom to all Palestinians who want to be subjects of Arab Palestine, and Israel to all subjects of Jewish Palestine. Neither of the groups can ever have total freedom from interference from any of the side or their other neighbors. This is given, yet only one side demand a removal of a minority as a function to "freedom of interference", it's not Israel with it's 3rd largest Arab party.

What Palestinians have is a problem with the results of their choices, and the presence of a non-Arab nation among them. Their choices have consequence, and no one else has that responsibility to carry the consequence but them.
Listen fucker, Palestinian's can't fish or farm without getting shot at. Gazans can't leave without Israeli permission. The blockade denies them their right to self determination and that is your fucking fault!
Isn't this the Arab argument of being the victims of their own pogroms?

These anecdotes of the Menson family victim-hood are sure a nice twist.
You forgot to put the sad kitten face.

Fact remains - no Zionist ever shot a billet before the Arab pogroms, so let's not pretend they didn't ruin their life by trying to murder the local Jews.
Tell that to the people of Deir Yassen.
Then I refer You back to post #6165 where You claimed that partition of the land for an Arab Palestine was not binding, therefore leaving that territory for the initial title of Jewish sovereignty as written in international law.

Titled owners can't be occupiers.
Nothing was left for Jewish sovereignty. There were existing land owners that were stripped of their land by Zionist terrorists.
Only as long as nations don't subjugate Israel too much.
And the three oaths are not Jewish law as some would like You to believe, they're an allegoric story.
While Jewish law does list as obligatory to dwell and inherit the land for next generations, no law says Jews can't have a state.
And no law says they can.
You are definitely reading the Christian New Testament.
Which has nothing to do with Judaism and the Jewish Messiah.

In Judaism, the Messiah is a human being, like any other, who will be born and free Israel from whoever has conquered it at the time.

You know.....just as it happened with the Maccabees freeing Israel from the Greeks and the Persians.

You know.....Channukah

And there is absolutely nothing, and there has never been, about Jews being allowed to return to their homeland and live in it, whether they have sovereignty over it or not.
I agree.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Billo_Really, et al,

I cannot speak for the Israeli Government, nor the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). They speak for themselves.
And I'm not sure that we, or anyone, needs to answer or defend this.

If you're going to defend the Israeli sniper, then don't be telling Arabs what is right or wrong.

What I can do is speak to the very obvious.


You're right. This could have been avoided. HAMAS, in the case of the Border demonstrations, could have been avoided simply by following International Humanitarian Law.
HAMAS went to a huge amount of bother to violate this particular mandate.
Iran is funding Hamas’s violent campaign at Gaza border said:
Iran has used that money to make trouble in several places, including allowing Hezb'allah to assist President Assad in Syria, funding Houthi rebels in Yemen, and giving some extra cash to Hamas in their war of extermination against Israel.

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The use of human shields is prohibited.
Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court,
“utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to
render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations”
constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.
ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii)

Iran and HAMAS both have their hands in this. It could not have happened is Iran hadn't funded it. It would not have happened if HAMAS (state-supported terrorist) had not herded the people to the border. And it would not have happened if the puppet-like Arab Palestinians had acted more appropriately.

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Billo_Really, et al,

I cannot speak for the Israeli Government, nor the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). They speak for themselves.
And I'm not sure that we, or anyone, needs to answer or defend this.

If you're going to defend the Israeli sniper, then don't be telling Arabs what is right or wrong.

What I can do is speak to the very obvious.


You're right. This could have been avoided. HAMAS, in the case of the Border demonstrations, could have been avoided simply by following International Humanitarian Law.
HAMAS went to a huge amount of bother to violate this particular mandate.
Iran is funding Hamas’s violent campaign at Gaza border said:
Iran has used that money to make trouble in several places, including allowing Hezb'allah to assist President Assad in Syria, funding Houthi rebels in Yemen, and giving some extra cash to Hamas in their war of extermination against Israel.

Read more:
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
The use of human shields is prohibited.
Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court,
“utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to
render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations”
constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.
ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii)

Iran and HAMAS both have their hands in this. It could not have happened is Iran hadn't funded it. It would not have happened if HAMAS (state-supported terrorist) had not herded the people to the border. And it would not have happened if the puppet-like Arab Palestinians had acted more appropriately.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, where does the 13 year old quote come from?

"was shot for the second time by an Israeli soldier while protesting peacefully in the Great March of Return protest near the fence which separates Gaza from Israel."


You're right. This could have been avoided. HAMAS, in the case of the Border demonstrations, could have been avoided simply by following International Humanitarian Law.


There is no link, there is no way to check that this child was shot twice by the IDF, and what the circumstances were.

What we do know, from articles on the other thread, is that Hamas uses children of all ages to go near the fence and put explosives there. And if they attempt to put explosives near the fence, they do become military targets.

As you said, it is up to Hamas to stop putting children under 18 in danger in protests on the border which since March 30th, have been anything but peaceful.
Have actually been another way for the Arabs to make war against Israel.

Incendiary ballons.
Explosive balloons.

Yes, as Billo knows very well, those are very much the instruments of any peaceful demonstration anywhere in the world.

And Billow knows very well what happens to anyone in the world who throws grenades, puts explosives or attempts to cut a country's fence/border, so on and so forth in order to enter that country to kill or kidnap its population.

Billo, the ultimate hypocrite.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Billo_Really, et al,

I cannot speak for the Israeli Government, nor the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). They speak for themselves.
And I'm not sure that we, or anyone, needs to answer or defend this.

If you're going to defend the Israeli sniper, then don't be telling Arabs what is right or wrong.

What I can do is speak to the very obvious.


You're right. This could have been avoided. HAMAS, in the case of the Border demonstrations, could have been avoided simply by following International Humanitarian Law.
HAMAS went to a huge amount of bother to violate this particular mandate.
Iran is funding Hamas’s violent campaign at Gaza border said:
Iran has used that money to make trouble in several places, including allowing Hezb'allah to assist President Assad in Syria, funding Houthi rebels in Yemen, and giving some extra cash to Hamas in their war of extermination against Israel.

Read more:
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
The use of human shields is prohibited.
Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court,
“utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to
render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations”
constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.
ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii)

Iran and HAMAS both have their hands in this. It could not have happened is Iran hadn't funded it. It would not have happened if HAMAS (state-supported terrorist) had not herded the people to the border. And it would not have happened if the puppet-like Arab Palestinians had acted more appropriately.

Most Respectfully,
Who pulled the trigger on the 13 year old boy? Who decided to pull the trigger on the 13 year old boy?

Stop blaming others for the shit you do!

BTW, on the subject of human shields, do you know what a "Johnnie" is?

And finally, its not Hamas who's had worldwide condemnation for the shooting of unarmed, peaceful protesters.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ "Billo_Really, et al,

I cannot speak for the Israeli Government, nor the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). They speak for themselves.
And I'm not sure that we, or anyone, needs to answer or defend this.

If you're going to defend the Israeli sniper, then don't be telling Arabs what is right or wrong.

What I can do is speak to the very obvious.


You're right. This could have been avoided. HAMAS, in the case of the Border demonstrations, could have been avoided simply by following International Humanitarian Law.
HAMAS went to a huge amount of bother to violate this particular mandate.
Iran is funding Hamas’s violent campaign at Gaza border said:
Iran has used that money to make trouble in several places, including allowing Hezb'allah to assist President Assad in Syria, funding Houthi rebels in Yemen, and giving some extra cash to Hamas in their war of extermination against Israel.

Read more:
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
The use of human shields is prohibited.
Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court,
“utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to
render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations”
constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.
ICC Statute, Article 8(2)(b)(xxiii)

Iran and HAMAS both have their hands in this. It could not have happened is Iran hadn't funded it. It would not have happened if HAMAS (state-supported terrorist) had not herded the people to the border. And it would not have happened if the puppet-like Arab Palestinians had acted more appropriately.

Most Respectfully,
Who pulled the trigger on the 13 year old boy? Who decided to pull the trigger on the 13 year old boy?

Stop blaming others for the shit you do!

BTW, on the subject of human shields, do you know what a "Johnnie" is?

And finally, its not Hamas who's had worldwide condemnation for the shooting of unarmed, peaceful protesters.
Show me one picture of the protesters, since March 30th, being peaceful.

No weapons, no rocks, to explosive balloons, no incendiary balloons, no attempts to cut the fence, no machetes in hand and saying that they were going into Israel to kill Jews.

Go ahead, I would love to see any and all of those pictures, videos and articles of those in Gaza peacefully demonstrating instead of doing the bidding of their leaders, putting children under 18 in harms way in order to cut the fence or put explosives to destroy the fence.

If you do not have ANY photos or videos, as they do exist in every other peaceful demonstration, I have lots of them in the other thread "Palestinians Massing at the Border " for you to read and stop your endless hypocrisy .
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