All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Fake Christians United for Israel. These clowns support Israel's ethnic cleansing and the killing of Christians in the holy land.

Not to mention playing a few decks of terrorist cards.
The US is being targeted for slavery, just as the West is accused by the Arab world of imperialism, while the long history of Muslim invasions, conquests, and occupation is forgotten.

Ignoring the US role in the abolition of the slavery in the same way as disregarding the numerous benefits Palestinian Arabs get from Israel, reveals the one-sidedness of this "report" as well as its dishonesty. Will the report take into account the reparations owed by Hamas for the rockets fired and the wars it started? Will it take into account the incitement by Abbas againsts Israel?

UN Agency Getting Ready To Make Israel Foot The Bill (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The chutzpah of Sayeeda Warsi. I mean that in the Yiddish sense of despicable insolence, but likening the Israel Defence Force to the Islamic State is much worse, it is dangerously irresponsible. Warsi excuses IS and Muslims who leave Britain to murder and rape for them yet condemns the IDF and British Jews who serve in their honourable ranks.

The chutzpah of Sayeeda Warsi

That's Baroness Warsi to you, peasant! And written by "pay me enough and I'll say and write whatever you tell me to" Kemp...meh, next?
The United States District Court for the District of Columbia has rejected efforts by the American Studies Association (ASA) to suppress a lawsuit filed against the Association by its own members challenging its boycott of all Israeli academic institutions. The judge ruled in favor of the ASA professors in four out of six claims, and authorized the case to go forward.
The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), an initiative launched by Saudi Arabia and based in the United Arab Emirates, has listed three Israeli universities in its inaugural subject rankings.

The rankings showcase the top global universities in 227 different subjects, covering academic fields in science and social science. CWUR lists Haifa’s Technion – Israel Institute of Technology as the world’s top school for aerospace engineering, and among the top 10 in the “computer science – theory and methods” (No. 4) and “computer science – information systems” (No. 8) categories.

Arab Center Lists 3 Israeli Universities Among World’s Top 10 in Different Subjects
"Yes, this was a terrorist arson", he says. "There is not any dilemma and there's no doubt. All the towns that were burned were Jewish, all those arrested or had charges against were Arab, and of a thorough survey we have conducted [looking for similar events] anywhere else in the Middle East, including among the Palestinians, none have experienced a wave of fires of the magnitude we have experienced."

"90% of the major wildfires were set by Arabs" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Columbia University President Lee Bollinger has explicitly stated his opposition. “I want to state clearly that I will not lend any support to this proposal,” he said in 2002 regarding a similar call for divestment. “The petition alleges human rights abuses and compares Israel to South Africa at the time of apartheid, an analogy I believe is both grotesque and offensive.”

Another BDS Failure at Columbia University
Columbia University President Lee Bollinger has explicitly stated his opposition. “I want to state clearly that I will not lend any support to this proposal,” he said in 2002 regarding a similar call for divestment. “The petition alleges human rights abuses and compares Israel to South Africa at the time of apartheid, an analogy I believe is both grotesque and offensive.”

Another BDS Failure at Columbia University

Hmmm, I wonder how much Jewish money Columbia gets. LOL

Israel treats the non-Jews it rules over far worse than the whites treated the non-whites in South Africa.
Columbia University President Lee Bollinger has explicitly stated his opposition. “I want to state clearly that I will not lend any support to this proposal,” he said in 2002 regarding a similar call for divestment. “The petition alleges human rights abuses and compares Israel to South Africa at the time of apartheid, an analogy I believe is both grotesque and offensive.”

Another BDS Failure at Columbia University
So? College presidents have always opposed BDS. There is nothing new here.

Win or lose, the discussion takes place and Palestinians win support. Remember, not long ago Palestinians did not exist. Now they have growing support all over the world. It is BDS and other activities that make this possible.
Columbia University President Lee Bollinger has explicitly stated his opposition. “I want to state clearly that I will not lend any support to this proposal,” he said in 2002 regarding a similar call for divestment. “The petition alleges human rights abuses and compares Israel to South Africa at the time of apartheid, an analogy I believe is both grotesque and offensive.”

Another BDS Failure at Columbia University

Hmmm, I wonder how much Jewish money Columbia gets. LOL

Israel treats the non-Jews it rules over far worse than the whites treated the non-whites in South Africa.

Maybe you should pay attention?

Israel treats the non-Jews it rules over (Jewish and non-Jewish citizens) with equal rights. Did you know that non-Jews in Israel have the same voting rights as Jews? You know that now so don't forget.

Do non-Islamists in either of the Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza'istan or the West Bank have voting rights? For that matter, do Islamics in Gaza'istan or the West Bank have voting rights? When were the last elections held in either of those two Islamic terrorist enclaves?

Islamics treat the Islamics they rule over just as badly as Sunni Islamic terrorists and Shia Islamic terrorists treat each other.
Columbia University President Lee Bollinger has explicitly stated his opposition. “I want to state clearly that I will not lend any support to this proposal,” he said in 2002 regarding a similar call for divestment. “The petition alleges human rights abuses and compares Israel to South Africa at the time of apartheid, an analogy I believe is both grotesque and offensive.”

Another BDS Failure at Columbia University
So? College presidents have always opposed BDS. There is nothing new here.

Win or lose, the discussion takes place and Palestinians win support. Remember, not long ago Palestinians did not exist. Now they have growing support all over the world. It is BDS and other activities that make this possible.

"Remember, not long ago Palestinians did not exist."

Correct. It was in the late 1960's when Yassir "I'm Egyptian" Arafat, invented the Pal'istanians, assigning a phony national identity to an invented people.
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