All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Just a reminder of what a Hamas news conference looks like

For those who like to consider Hamas to be a sort of moderate, progressive group, here's a reminder of what a Hamas news conference looks like:

You will see more articles in coming weeks about how Hamas has turned moderate with their upcoming new manifesto that is not quite as explicitly antisemitic as their (still extant) Charter. It all goes to show that anti-Israel Western "academics" are dumber than the average Arab in the street, who knows very well that Hamas is a terror group.

And it is partly because they see pictures like this in their media, while Westerners don't.

People who choose to cover their faces when speaking in public are pretty much guaranteed to not be the most upstanding citizens.

Just a reminder of what a Hamas news conference looks like ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
For most participants, this was their first seder meal, during which they got to taste matzah, charoset, and karpas, and search for the afikoman.

Among the diplomats attending were the ambassadors of Bulgaria, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey and Uruguay, and senior representatives from the United States, Germany, the United Nations and the European Union.

Read more at 80 Foreign Diplomats Make Exodus From Egypt With Tel Aviv ‘Seder’
To substantiate the claim, the report cites three examples, including two arithmetic questions in which martyrdom takes center stage.

“The number of martyrs of the First Intifada during 1987–93 totaled 2,026 martyrs, and the number of martyrs of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Intifada in the year 2000 totaled 5,050 martyrs while the number of the wounded reached 49,760. How many martyrs died in the two Intifadas?” one fourth-grade textbook asks.

Palestinians generally use the term “martyr” to refer to any Palestinian killed by an Israeli, no matter the context of the death.

Another example cited by the report is an image from a fourth-grade National Education and Socialization textbook, in which children look at their classmate’s empty desk at school, bearing a placard that reads, “Martyr.”

New Palestinian textbooks ‘teach students to be martyrs’
The student union at Ryerson University in Toronto has voted to adopt a broad definition of anti-Semitism.

The definition adopted last week includes the denial of the Jewish right to self-determination, the application of double standards to the State of Israel, the comparison of contemporary Israeli policies to that of the Nazis, and the use of symbols or imagery associated with classic anti-Semitic tropes, according to Bnai Brith Canada.

The definition is in line with the one used by the governments of Canada and Ontario.

“After all of the shameful incidents to occur on campus this year, it was especially important for the RSU to adopt a robust definition of anti-Semitism,” said Tamar Jaclyn Lyons, vice president of communications for Students Supporting Israel at Ryerson. “This definition will prove critical in holding bigots accountable for their actions and preventing these hateful acts from continuing in the future.”

Students at Toronto university adopt definition of anti-Semitism
The student union at Ryerson University in Toronto has voted to adopt a broad definition of anti-Semitism.

The definition adopted last week includes the denial of the Jewish right to self-determination, the application of double standards to the State of Israel, the comparison of contemporary Israeli policies to that of the Nazis, and the use of symbols or imagery associated with classic anti-Semitic tropes, according to Bnai Brith Canada.

The definition is in line with the one used by the governments of Canada and Ontario.

“After all of the shameful incidents to occur on campus this year, it was especially important for the RSU to adopt a robust definition of anti-Semitism,” said Tamar Jaclyn Lyons, vice president of communications for Students Supporting Israel at Ryerson. “This definition will prove critical in holding bigots accountable for their actions and preventing these hateful acts from continuing in the future.”

Students at Toronto university adopt definition of anti-Semitism
Does this change anything for BDS?
The student union at Ryerson University in Toronto has voted to adopt a broad definition of anti-Semitism.

The definition adopted last week includes the denial of the Jewish right to self-determination, the application of double standards to the State of Israel, the comparison of contemporary Israeli policies to that of the Nazis, and the use of symbols or imagery associated with classic anti-Semitic tropes, according to Bnai Brith Canada.

The definition is in line with the one used by the governments of Canada and Ontario.

“After all of the shameful incidents to occur on campus this year, it was especially important for the RSU to adopt a robust definition of anti-Semitism,” said Tamar Jaclyn Lyons, vice president of communications for Students Supporting Israel at Ryerson. “This definition will prove critical in holding bigots accountable for their actions and preventing these hateful acts from continuing in the future.”

Students at Toronto university adopt definition of anti-Semitism
Does this change anything for BDS?

Yes. It exposes much of the core element driving BDS'ers as simply a Jew hating cabal with an obvious agenda.

You and the Jew hating cabal who spend their lives scouring the web for cut and paste articles to dump in theses threads are little more than stereotypes.
The student union at Ryerson University in Toronto has voted to adopt a broad definition of anti-Semitism.

The definition adopted last week includes the denial of the Jewish right to self-determination, the application of double standards to the State of Israel, the comparison of contemporary Israeli policies to that of the Nazis, and the use of symbols or imagery associated with classic anti-Semitic tropes, according to Bnai Brith Canada.

The definition is in line with the one used by the governments of Canada and Ontario.

“After all of the shameful incidents to occur on campus this year, it was especially important for the RSU to adopt a robust definition of anti-Semitism,” said Tamar Jaclyn Lyons, vice president of communications for Students Supporting Israel at Ryerson. “This definition will prove critical in holding bigots accountable for their actions and preventing these hateful acts from continuing in the future.”

Students at Toronto university adopt definition of anti-Semitism
Does this change anything for BDS?

Yes. It exposes much of the core element driving BDS'ers as simply a Jew hating cabal with an obvious agenda.

You and the Jew hating cabal who spend their lives scouring the web for cut and paste articles to dump in theses threads are little more than stereotypes.

Of course not. You are just ranting.
A series of questions made by a curious human which deserves our close consideration.

For those who are so sure that "Palestine", the country, goes back through "most of recorded history", I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of Palestine, and its respective citizens who demand so many rights and privileges...

When was it founded and by whom?

What were its borders?

What was its capital?

What were its major cities?

What constituted the basis of its economy?

What was its form of government?

Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat or the Grand Mufti?

Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?

What was the language of the country of Palestine?

What was the name of its currency?

Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date?

And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
You forgot to link to the propaganda site where you copied that crap.

That's an old canard, long ago debunked, but "stuck in the sixties" here is too busy regurgitating Zionist Hasbara and general BS to have bothered to check. Next?
Ham Ass's
The chutzpah of Sayeeda Warsi. I mean that in the Yiddish sense of despicable insolence, but likening the Israel Defence Force to the Islamic State is much worse, it is dangerously irresponsible. Warsi excuses IS and Muslims who leave Britain to murder and rape for them yet condemns the IDF and British Jews who serve in their honourable ranks.

The chutzpah of Sayeeda Warsi
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Hamas continues to recruit children to be terrorists

From a graduation ceremony of the "Futawwa" paramilitary youth group in Gaza:

Hey, its only a violation of international law. No biggie.

Hamas continues to recruit children to be terrorists ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News


British Army recruiting children? No they are Cadets

Two wrongs don't make a right.
Plenty of Military schools in the US too where young people are taught drill and weapon handling
The chutzpah of Sayeeda Warsi. I mean that in the Yiddish sense of despicable insolence, but likening the Israel Defence Force to the Islamic State is much worse, it is dangerously irresponsible. Warsi excuses IS and Muslims who leave Britain to murder and rape for them yet condemns the IDF and British Jews who serve in their honourable ranks.

The chutzpah of Sayeeda Warsi
Like Israel going into other countries and killing people?
This isn’t the first time Hirsi Ali has effectively been hounded out of even tolerant nations, made to feel unwelcome in the West because of her strong, critical take on Islam and its treatment of women. She had to leave her adopted home of Holland after receiving death threats for her involvement in the 2004 Islam-critical film Submission (the film’s director, Theo van Gogh, was stabbed to death by an Islamist).

The short path from censorship to violence | Coffee House
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